A large cluster of astronomers have been present in Paris this week at the official launch of the International Year of Astronomy, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) said.
The Ecuadorian government has decided to suspend oil production by Italy's Agip and France's Perenco, both of which operate in the Amazon region, to comply with new OPEC cuts.
A study has revealed genetic links between people who inhabited northern Peru more than 1,000 years ago and the Japanese, according to reports from El Comercio from Lima, one of the country leading newspapers.
Brazilian farm exports totalled a record 71.9 billion US dollars in 2008, up 23% over 2007, according to the latest reports from the Ministry of Agriculture. Farm exports also reported a surplus of 60 billion US dollars last year while agro-business represented 36.3% of all of the country's shipments.
China's exports and imports have suffered their biggest decline in a decade. Exports in December were down 2.8% from the same time last year, a bigger decline than November's 2.2% drop, while imports were down 21.3% (17.9% in November), the China Daily said.
Barack Obama, who takes over as US President on January 20 promised a new chapter in relations with Latinamerica and stronger US-Mexico links, following a meeting on Monday with President Felipe Calderón in Washington. It was Obama's first meeting with a foreign leader since his November election.
Major General (retired) Nigel St. George Gribbon OBE, the founding Chairman of the United Kingdom Falkland Islands Trust (UKFIT) was Managing Director of British PR Company, Sallingbury Limited, before and during the South Atlantic conflict (1982) and provided PR expertise for the political lobbying group the Falkland Islands Association.
Bolivia declared this week a state of sanitary emergency in four of the country's provinces following a bout of 250 reported cases of dengue, a disease transmitted by the Aedes Aegypti and which can be deadly in its haemorrhagic strain.
Italian banks were saved from the US subprime mortgage originated crisis that has become global because they barely speak or understand English confessed the Italian Minister of Economy Giulio Tremonti during an interview published this week in the French newspaper Les Echos and picked up by global news agencies
Brazil will temporarily shut down power plants fired by natural gas from Bolivia and will reduce imports of the Bolivian fuel through the end of April, announced Mines and Energy mister Edison Lobao.