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Argentina continental shelf presentation includes Falklands

Wednesday, April 22nd 2009 - 03:14 UTC
Full article 36 comments

Argentina officially presented this week before United Nations its continental shelf claims which if approved will extend the country’s sovereign limit on the sea bed from 200 to 350 miles. The request includes all those areas claimed by Argentina: Falklands/Malvinas, South Atlantic islands and the so called Argentine Antarctic Territory. Read full article


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  • nitrojuan

    thanks UN & peaceful way, we will recover the Malvinas. “Principle of territorial integrity”.

    Apr 22nd, 2009 - 07:39 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • juan

    Apr 22nd, 2009 - 07:41 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Andrew

    Yet another back-door juvenile tactic from the Argentine Government. Precisely what do they hope to achieve, besides discord? This application is quite obvioulsy going to be denied.
    By the way, the map (from Telam, an official source) grossly misinforms the reader as to the projected territory. The distance between South Geogria and the Falklands is 720 miles, between SG and the Antarctic peninsula is 750 miles. So how precisely is Argentina planning on stealing those 20 and 50 additional miles?
    Further evidence of the unjustified and totally illegal enthusiasm for Argentine expansionism.

    Thankfully, it's going nowhere.

    Apr 22nd, 2009 - 08:04 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • jorge

    — Comment Deleted (aggressive and foul language) —

    Apr 23rd, 2009 - 04:00 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Luis

    Didnt i writed a comment on this subject and dissapeared? was that agressive too?.

    Apr 23rd, 2009 - 10:01 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Expat Kelper


    There seems to be some inconsistency in the deletion of comments here. You and I have both been deleted.

    You don't follow the party line obviously and nor do I.

    Apr 23rd, 2009 - 03:11 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • levene

    Andrew: Argentina as coastal state use as baselines the Cormoran and Negra islands between the Malvinas and Georgias and its distance is less than 700 nautical miles. Its very bizarre that a english people says that Argentina is expansionist.Do you read history boocks?

    Apr 24th, 2009 - 06:44 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Gus

    I'm no hard-liner, but come onnnn... anybody can twist history to suit their desires. All that matters is now and the future, not the past... and there is no room for Argentine dictatorship in the Falkland Islands. Sort your own country out if you want to win some followers. The Falkland Islands are British, and so are the people, but we are also Falkland Islanders.
    From what I gather, you have a beautiful country of your own, and from those of you I have met, the people aren't too bad either... but it would be a better end of the atlantic if Argentina tried the friendly approach with their neighbours; lets face it, it's not just the Falkland Islands that you have been trying to muscle in on... perhaps this has something to do with the number of war criminals of the two world wars that sort shelter in Argentina and perhaps that is where the attitude comes from in their descendents that now speak up for their new-found motherland... well, it's time to move on with the rest of the world; you might find a holiday here is more gratifying than trying to invade the place or otherwise putting a false claim to it!

    Apr 28th, 2009 - 07:57 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Luis

    Gus, you contradict yourself. First you admit that anybody can twist history to suit their desires, then you say the falklands islands are british, you mean that british twisted history but now that the islands are in possetion of them so the own them?.
    About dictatorship i will say hell no, we live in democracy and i dont want dictatorship to nobody even malvinas. But if you define democracy to a colony style government im not sure which is better.
    If you live in malvinas Gus you should know that you are not living in democracy, your governor is apointed from the uk, he is not even from malvinas, your legislative assembly consist of 8 members, 5 of them were born in the uk and only two were born in malvinas. What kind of democracy is that?.
    Every governor in every province of Argentina by law have to be born in the province he want to be elected to represent the interests of the population living there. If you have the government of the islands runed by english or scotish, what interests will they protect? the interests of inhabitants of malvinas or the interests of english and scotish????.

    Apr 29th, 2009 - 06:04 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Justin

    Oh Luis. Hombre, has metido la pata hasta el hombro, you know, shot yourself in the foot!

    You have just used possibly the worst example to back up your claims of democracy in Argentina.

    Democracy is about free choice, right? About being free to choose the representative you want.

    So how can you say that a system which restricts your choice is a good example of democracy. How can a system which demands the representative be born in a certain region be a good example of democracy? Where a person is born should make absolutely no difference to their ability to represent you, and you should have the right to choose whoever YOU want. That's saying someone born in Trelew can be elected to the Legislatura Provincial, but that man's father, who has lived all his life in Argentina but just happened to be born in Wales cannot. Argentina is a country of immigrants, so that rule must prevent many people from being elected. I would not call that good example of democracy.

    The Falklands Islanders have that choice, and so what if their representatives are born somewhere other than the Falklands and what's more, they freely choose to be in association with the UK.

    Apr 29th, 2009 - 03:20 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Luis

    Not quite so Justin, in fact what i said is part of the law to be elected, if you had so interest in our democracy you shoulded investigate the issue. To be governor of any province in Argentina acording to law is that the candidate must be born in that province or have at least 3 years of residence.
    Justin, democracy is a government by the people; a form of government in which the supreme power is retained and directly exercised by the people.
    About born or not born, in the case of Argentina, it does not matter if they are born somewhere else, but in the case of malvinas what stop that the man in the uk who claim for selfdetermination to malvinas is the one who travel to malvinas is elected member of legislative council and vote to remain british.
    I dont know if i was clear enough. selfdetermination is the right to determine if you want to be british, spanish , or whatever but if your government in the uk is the one represented in malvinas, not your “falklanders” lads, why bother writing a constitution???.
    Justin with all due respect i just want you to tell me why do you think malvinas as a democracy and not as a colony??? and what difference exist between a colony and malvinas???. Can anyone answear me that?

    Apr 29th, 2009 - 09:11 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Gus

    I think the fact that your first comments were ommitted tells more about yourself than your country.
    Tell me something: if Argentina was to invade (or in your brainwashed mind, liberate) these islands again, what would that make us? A colony of Argentina, or a part of a Democratic Replublic? Who would be the Governor? I presume a Falkland Islander (who was born here, and has 6 generations of Falkland Island - born predecessors... unlike the majority of the Argentinian population, including your President).
    You obviously have a bit of a hang-up about Colonies (I think Overseas Territory is the phrase these days)... could it be that Argentina is still regarded as a Spanish Colony, bearing in mind that you only got your independence in 1816 (which is a bit sketchy as your first constitution was not made until 1853, long after the Falkland islands were in British control and I bet your president at either of these events was not born in Argentina)?
    It kind of makes a mockery of all these claims doesn't it!!
    Our Governor does not necessarilly represent the views of the Falkland Islanders; that is the job of our ELECTED (by Falkland Islanders) Legislative Assembly (whatever nationality they might be). The Governor is appointed by the UK FCO to represent the UK in the Falkland Islands.
    We would not need to have a Governor if we could trust our neighbours across the water enough to allow us to become an independent country, without the threat of invasion, economic sanction, or aggression of some kind.
    I am not sure how old you are, whether you were involved in the conflict of 1982, or whether you have family/friends who were... but I think if you ask the majority of the surviving veterans what they think about the war, I'm sure they still have a big question mark above it all.
    The majority didn't even know where the Falkland Islands (or Islas Malvinas, if you wish to to have the upper hand) were until they were sat here in the middle of winter, up to their knees in cold wet peat, trying to communicate in Spanish to an English-speaking community (now there's an example of the sort of oversight your government was/is capable of; what type of maniac wages war in the middle of winter with soldiers used to warmer climates, to “liberate” a group of islands that don't want to be “liberated”?).
    I rest my case with regard to the WWII influence in Argentina. Louis, you have no idea about democracy. I'm sure the Nazis thought they were democrats also, but we all know how they won the hearts and minds of their people don't we... strongly influenced by looking through the wrong end of a gun barrel! Does that ring any bells in your country?
    I am beginning to enjoy this debate.
    Justin, thank you for adding some level-headed reasoning to this debate.
    We seem to have wandered away from the title of this forum, but I guess the underlying message from the over-zealous cartography is what we are discussing in a round-about way.

    Apr 30th, 2009 - 01:23 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • jorge

    gus! how many british know where the malvinas are? Just do me a favour, DON'T be so fool!!! One day you'll have to accept the fact you have to agree with argentina. Face it! I don't see the british flag for many decades there. Your children or your grandchildren will do what you're refusing to do. I don't like kirchner but economic sanctions is the best this president could have done. I like that. If the argentine government could make life more difficult for you, I would agree and I'm not talking about war. We'll never be friends untill the British sit down to talk about sovereignty, if they didn't do that you can be sure that economic sanctions will be harder and other south american countries will be on our side. You'll have to buy food directly from UK and has no future. YOU'LL SEE IT!!!. bye

    Apr 30th, 2009 - 03:24 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Justin

    Hi Luis

    You asked why I consider the Falkland Islands a democracy and not a colony. Thanks for your link to a definition of “democracy” by the way.

    I'll start with why the Falkland Islands are no longer a colony. This is because the former colonial power (UK) no longer exercises executive control over the the Falkland Islands. The Falkland Islanders choose who governs them by freely electing members to a legislative council. The Falkland Islanders, through their elected representatives, have chosen to remain a British Overseas Territory, with all the implications that status brings, and is why they bother writing a constitution - to define and regulate this relationship. One thing you should be aware of: People from the UK cannot simply travel to the Falklands and settle there and vote in elections if they want to. They have to get a residence permit, and this is not guaranteed. A man from the UK cannot simply travel to the Falklands and then “vote for self determination” as you suggest. This is impossible. The Falkland Islanders control their own immigration policy.

    Now for why I consider the Falklands a democracy. Falkland Islanders have the right to freely elect their representatives, so “government by the people”. The Falkland Islanders are certainly able to exercise “supreme power” over their destiny and this power is “retained and directly exercised by the people”, I.e. the Falkland Islanders (not any old person flying in from the UK).

    By the way, having a Governor does not make the Falkland Islands a colony. The Governor represents the Queen, who is Head of State cannot be in more than one place at a time. The Governor also represents the British Government, so a bit like an ambassador. As well as being head of state to the UK and British Overseas Territories, Queen Elizabeth II is head of state to 15 other independent countries. She is represented in all of these territories and countries by Governors, Governors-General, Lieutenants-Governor etc.

    Having the British Queen as head of state does mean a country is a colony. Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Jamaica, Barbados, the Bahamas, Grenada, Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Belize, Antigua and Barbuda, and Saint Kitts and Nevis are not colonies, nor are the British Overseas Territories, which include the Falkland Islands.

    I hope you can see there is a massive difference between the situation in the Falkland Islands and that which might exist in a colony.

    Apr 30th, 2009 - 04:07 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Gus

    Thankfully I have taken so long to write my comments that I have lost 2 in the time that it has taken for others to come in, and Justin... I can't compete with you on the content and accuracy of your defence of our islands situation.
    Luis, I hope this is an education to you, although I feel you might have right-wing tendencies that would not matter what we said, you would have an answer to suit your propaganda.
    Jorge, you are either too young to have such a strong opinion, or you are old enough to have been educated in a government school with Islas Malvinas propaganda as a history lesson. I think you will find that the British are the only ones that can claim decades of rule over the Falkland Islands. 1982 was probably your longest rule, before that, somebody came, stuck a flag up while nobody was looking and scarpered when somebody else took interest. The French were here for longer. I believe the Italians were also here. there was a British flag flying over the western isles long before Argentina was Argentina. You were still under Spanish rule; If anybody has a claim from your decendents it should be Spain... but I don't hear them squeeling.
    I hope you are right about my children and grandchildren... but I think they will pulling the strings, not the UK government, or yours.

    Apr 30th, 2009 - 04:53 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Luis

    Gus, my comments about the law to be elected governor were true and yes, it was incomplete but it was enough to proof my point. You think i have bad intentions for that? compare us with nazis and dictatorships, or compare malvinas with the killings of natives its the way you respect others opinion. Not very level-headed reasoning from you.
    Instead of fulling your mouth with words of prejudice or despecting you should start checking.
    when you say “in the case Argentina liberate malvinas” you are confusing the war with iraq. Argentina never used the word liberate becouse there was no people to liberate. Instead the word used was recovered. Its interesting how the word liberate comes from you. Anyway you should not worry Malvinas will have democracy, not a colony there.
    Gus when you said “”“””You obviously have a bit of a hang-up about Colonies (I think Overseas Territory is the phrase these days)... “”“””
    are you recognizing the islands as a colony?????.
    Gus, compare us with the nazis????? how old are you?.
    Anyway my point is: how the british government claim that malvinas are a selfgoverning territory with a democratic government, while they have total control over the government of the islands.
    Imaging Mr Gordon Brown telling the argentines that malvinas inhabitants decide their own future, then travel to malvinas, apointed himself as governor and say we falklanders wish to remain british. Hahaha its ridiculous. Just proof me im wrong.

    Apr 30th, 2009 - 05:05 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • nitrojuan

    Jorge/Luis, dont spend time with kelpers... they havent got education acording XXI century... they have a colony mind & repeat the robotic phrase of “self-determination” dictated by the UK without knowing where are they living and the essence of the meaning of the same one in the international law.

    Apr 30th, 2009 - 06:07 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Gus

    Hello Nitrojuan (very original (?), an obvious XXI century student), Education has certainly taken a dive since my century.
    Unfortunately this is exactly the attitude that got you people in trouble 27 years ago and has been getting you in trouble ever since you became independent. It's a type of cocky arrogance that sets you aside from all the other SA nations. Did I mention the Nazis... oh yeh, they had it too... what a coincidence. They also failed to take over the world with their very similar fanatical ideas. It is also a coincidence (thankfully) that not all Argentines think like you, I bet your family tree traces back to an interesting point in Argentina's history, but not much beyond the early 20th century I bet... or are you a descendent of the Spanish Conquestador, either way that graphical splodge at the top of the page that has caused so much controversy is nothing more than a graphical splodge.
    I think you need to come and visit the Falkland Islands. We are actually quite a friendly bunch, and allow such things to happen, despite your current president (with obvious strings attached to her predecessor) trying to stop that also. See for yourself how the country is run; don't be fooled by the media.
    Luis, I think our conversation is over. You too could benefit from a visit.
    What do you guys want with this place anyway?

    Apr 30th, 2009 - 06:54 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Luis

    Dont worry Gus i dont see the point of trying to explaining to you what is a colony and what is not. Obviously for someone like you who compare us with nazis and dictators is not capacitated to see beyond your noise nor to be interested seriously in the matter. For you there is no dispute and no colony. Got it. The United Nations and more nations every year are thinking otherwise.
    I know Gus you are very friendly and treated Argentines veterans with respect like we welcomed islanders in Argentina mainland, but ideologically you are wrong and im not against you, im against your policy of perpetuade a colony in this century taking our lands. And even the fact that you denie your colonial status, the government of the UK included malvinas as a colony in the UN for decolonization purpose and besides that, the decolonization committe is urging both Argentina and the UK to negotiate sovereignty to finally decolonize malvinas.
    About how the economy is working there im not interested, justice is justice. Beside is not of great example compared to Tierra Del Fuego or any other province of Patagonia, which has bye far more developed economy, with much less corruption than malvinas.

    Apr 30th, 2009 - 07:41 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • nitrojuan

    Gus, I live in Ushuaia closely together of Malvinas, the capital of Southern Atlantic Islands. I am grateful enormously to have the possibility of living in this side of the sea, in an island that was a penal colony, like we´ve tried in Malvinas (originally, before the brit invation) and nowadays my province is a developed place, with much tourism, universities and problems as in any city that grows in the world. We arent anybody to want to change the kelpers “ideas of liberty” but we dont wash the brain either as like it UK does (to its interests). Be little more realistic and admit that British are the invaders since 1833. We could grow together but not with the spiteful behavior that the kelpers have that isolate of the world.

    Apr 30th, 2009 - 07:42 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Justin

    “Anyway my point is: how the british government claim that malvinas are a selfgoverning territory with a democratic government, while they have total control over the government of the islands.
    Imaging Mr Gordon Brown telling the argentines that malvinas inhabitants decide their own future, then travel to malvinas, apointed himself as governor and say we falklanders wish to remain british. Hahaha its ridiculous. Just proof me im wrong.”

    Luis, you obviously did not read anything I wrote...

    1. The UK government do not have “total control” of the Falkland Islands. They have zero control.

    2. “Gordon to malvinas, apointed himself as governor and say we falklanders wish to remain british...” As I mentioned. This would be impossible - even for Gordon Brown. The Governor is appointed on the the advice of the Falkland Island Legislative Assembly. In other words the Falkland Islanders CHOOSE the governor, and anyway, as I mentioned, Gordon Brown would need a residence permit, and there is no guarantee that the Falkland Islanders will give it to him.

    A few other things:

    “UK included malvinas as a colony in the UN for decolonization purpose...” This is true, the UK included every one of their colonies - and there were many of them. The only reason the Falkland Islands remain on the list is because of Argentina's claim. Not because the Falkland Islands are still a colony.

    “...decolonization committe is urging both Argentina and the UK to negotiate sovereignty to finally decolonize malvinas...” The Committee of 24 has NEVER said that the only outcome is Argentine sovereignty over the Falkland Islands. Remaining a British Overseas Territory, integration with the UK and complete independence are also options. Obviously Despite a very weak claim, Argentina has blocked anything which does not mean Argentine sovereignty over the islands - and so the islands remain on the Committee of 24 list.

    Nitrojuan: You need to get out more, travel a bit, see the world. Despite how grateful you are to live there, Ushuaia is not the be all and end all. So what if it is developed, that does not make your claim on the Falkland Islands any stronger. If anything, you should be a little more realistic and brush up on a few facts. The only spiteful behaviour in the whole Falkand Island equation has been on Argentina's part. Like a small child who cannot get what it wants.

    Apr 30th, 2009 - 03:21 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Gus

    Ushuaia... that explains a few things! A Town full of monuments to a lost cause. You guys must live under a never-ending cloud!! Justin is right (as he has been throughout this discussion), you need to get out more. A penal colony? What century are you in? It was never that... or have I misunderstood you... and you are explaining Ushuaia's background?
    The fact that I am writing on this forum from the Falkland Islands would indicate that Ushuaia is not so far ahead in development don’t you think?!! We have industry also didn’t you know? Or do you just come onto these forums blinded by hatred?
    You may not remember, but in 1999 there was an agreement made between Argentina, the British Government, and the Falkland Islands Government, to try to improve our relationship. We have upheld the agreement to this day... but your country has over the years pulled it apart to the point where there is only one area remaining; the weekly Lan Chile flight. Now you might think “let’s get rid of that also”... but this is also the monthly access for Argentine families of the fallen soldiers in the Falkland Islands to visit their lost and loved ones (also been in place since 1999), it also allows those of you with a closed mind to come and open it a bit. I doubt if any of the families that have visited the islands in the last 10 years think like you.
    It’s your choice really; you can live under the gloom of defeat for the rest of your years... or take a holiday, make some friends, and find out what the rest of the world really thinks.
    Justin, I can see that you don’t suffer fools kindly. Your tone has changed slightly... but you are still offering some well-informed education... do you think we need to convince the rest of the 40 million, or is Luis and our little man from Ushuaia a minority view?
    Anyway, I will say goodbye, as I think we have flogged this dead horse to no avail. I have only been on here because I am at home nursing a cold (probably blown across from Ushuaia!!) with nothing much else to do. It has been very interesting to hear your views. Ciao.

    Apr 30th, 2009 - 09:55 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Justin

    Hey Gus.

    I sincerely hope there's not need to convince the 40-odd million, but unfortunately the propaganda machine in schools etc, is very effective. It's part of being an Argentine, you know, “Malvinas Argentinas” (echo of Gibraltar Español) and all that. I should know, all my primary education was in Argentina (and I now live in Spain). Although it is early days, at least the Spanish have finally seen the value in more or less parking the sovereignty thing to one side and discussing matters of mutual interest. It's the sensible thing to do.

    This IS like flogging a dead horse, I agree, and I did get a bit tetchy, but flogging a dead horse is hard work. Probably time to put things to bed as you suggest.

    May 01st, 2009 - 12:55 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Luis

    Gus, Justin let the horse alone will you?, and set you arrogance aside. You are not our teachers, we are not your 40 millions students, we have nothing to do with nazis, we dont want to implement a dictatorship in malvinas, you are not liberating iraq, definitely it is you who eat propaganda.Propaganda of axis of evil, liberation , democracy and justice while doing the oposite.
    And for your information torture and murder is used by your democracies long after we've got democracy.

    May 01st, 2009 - 05:42 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Marcos

    Justin: Tus suposiciones sobre ser Argentino no es mas que eso, pero bueno ya estamos acostumbrados a toda esa fantasía de presunciones y aciertos.

    May 01st, 2009 - 05:51 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Justin

    Marcos: I'm not making assumptions. I personally experienced the “malvinas argentinas” propaganda in the Argentine public school system for 5 years. What I have realised since then is that this propaganda was based on carefully selected facts, and not the whole picture. And I don't think I am incorrect in my analysis that “malvinas argentinas” forms a large part of the average Argentine psyche. I'm not the first person to say that. This is no fantasy on my part, I can assure you.

    Luis: I used the word “convince”, not “teach”. Your own government does enough “teaching”. To convince someone reasoned argument based on facts is necessary, but it's obvious from your previous posts that you are not interested in that kind of game. Come on, convince me that Argentina should be in control of the Falkland Islands!

    May 01st, 2009 - 04:20 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Luis

    Justin, the last Paragraph you wrote is exactly the oposite to what happends here, it is me whos comment are based on historic facts, and it is you and your body Gus who respond with stupidity like we are nazis or that we want a dictatorship in malvinas. read all my comments , i gave links of sources and you dont even bother in reading.
    About malvinas, like i told you:
    1*** They are implanted people.
    2*** Not even falf the population on malvinas were born there. They control inmigrations to maintain  of the population of british origines.
    3***Those who were born there have no control over the legislative assembly nor the governor becouse of 8 members of the legislative assembly only two were born in the islands and the governor of course is named by the government of the north.
    4**** and more importand of all, becouse they belongs to us, isnt that enough to want it back?.

    May 01st, 2009 - 05:51 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Justin

    Hi Luis. I never said anything about Nazis, and I resent you calling me stupid. I have done my best not to make this personal, and I hope you will try your best likewise.

    In reply to your four points:

    1. I can't think of any reason, legally or morally, why the Falkland Islanders' origin is relevant with respect to the Argentine claim - perhaps you cab explain to me why you think this makes a difference.

    2. As per above, place of birth has no relevance, and I would question your assertion that 50% of Falkland Islanders where not born there. Falkland Island immigration policy does not exclude anyone without British origins. If I am incorrect regarding Falkland Island immigration policy then perhaps you can show me evidence of this.

    3. This is simply untrue. The FI Legislative Assembly is freely elected by everyone ordinarily resident in the Falkland Islands. Electors place of birth is irrelevant and so is that of assembly members. You are also incorrect regarding the governor. Please read my earlier post. The governor is appointed on advice of the FI legislative assembly, represents the Crown and has no executive function.

    4. This we can debate till the cows come home but the FI don't belong to you at the moment and it's VERY debatable that they ever did. The best you can do for the time being is include them on your map of Argentina and pretend they form part of the Prov. de Tierra del Fuego etc.

    May 01st, 2009 - 06:28 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Luis

    Justin, i didnt mean to insult you, i meant that your replys to my comments were stupid, sometimes to write in another language is more complicated.
    In reply to yours:
    1- The United Kingdom refuses to talk about sovereinty with Argentina arguin that is up to the inhabitants of malvinas to decide their own future assuming they are a separated entity. In real life inhabitants of malvinas are represented by people who came from the uk. which means that is up to the uk to talk with Argentina, see the paradox?, people who born in the uk with ten years can deside the future of the “selfdetermination” of inhabitants of malvinas.

    2-As per above, place of birth has relevance becouse i born in Argentina and no matter if i change my nationality i always will be Argentine, same as you.
    From the falklands official census, of 2913 inhabitants of the year 2001, 1325 were born in malvinas.

    3- Malvinas Legislative Assembly:
    Mr John Birmingham (born in Salford, Lancashire)
    Dr Andrea Clausen (born in Guisborough, UK )
    Mr Richard Cockwell (born in England)
    Mr Mike Rendell (born in Devon )
    Mr Richard Stevens (born in Plymouth, England)
    Ms Janet Robertson(was born in Argentina)
    Mr Ian Hansen (born in malvinas)
    Mr Mike Summers (born in malvinas)
    those are the representants of malvinas (represent only to the uk not to the world). And i should add that for what i see it looks more representative for Argentina than for people who born in the islands.
    And about the governor of malvinas,he is apointed by the foreign office.

    4- You are right malvinas dont belong to us at the moment for the simple fact that diplomacy from your side is closed and your military diplomacy open.

    May 02nd, 2009 - 03:59 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • levene

    Please, imagine a pirat, yes its a english people.Its very simple, you robe the malvinas to the argentine people, the distance between the islands and the Argentina is less than 800 km and more than 10,000 than the UK.
    Las Malvinas are argentines and was ocuppied by the english people in 1833, nothing sign a threat, only send a frigate with a pirats and take the argentine people and send them to the continent.
    English people say about democracy? jajajaaja
    God save the queen and his pirats

    May 02nd, 2009 - 05:16 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Byron

    My question is ... What are you going to do about it Argentina? I suggest all of you Argies grow up, act like men, and STOP CRYING!!! If you wand the Falklands back you will have to fight us for them (again) and we will embarrass you (again). We will send you to the fourth world. Comprende?????

    May 02nd, 2009 - 05:57 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • levene

    What do we do? we claim the continental shelf as coastal state, dear pirats, we have the all time of the world, sometime we will recover the Malvinas.
    Volveremos volveremos
    volveremos otra vez
    volveremos a las islas
    como en el 82

    God save the queen and her pirats jajajajaa

    May 03rd, 2009 - 05:39 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • levene

    The british experts will study this case, they will learn from the argentine experts. The argentine oceanographic vessel PUERTO DESEADO had made a navigation at the Malvinas plateau.
    Argentina is the coastal state
    God save the queen and her pirats

    May 03rd, 2009 - 06:12 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • jorge

    ”If you wand the Falklands back you will have to fight us for them (again) and we will embarrass you (again). We will send you to the fourth world”
    What kind of narrow-minded could write this??????
    Anyway, Britain was the main superpower a time ago and that's no more, other global actors are showing the growing decadence of some anciest countries like UK. UK is not a peaceful country and that has a cost, see vietnam for US or Irak now. There will be some day that UK go to war with some global actor and that day UK will get a bloody nose making me laugh and laugh and when UK has no more capability in terms of force we''l just go to the islands to recover them without a shout.

    May 05th, 2009 - 07:11 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Justin

    Hi Luis,

    1. I can understand how you think there is a paradox because people born in the FI have a form of British nationality, but the Islanders do have their own identity - just like Canadians, Australians, New Zealanders (many of whom were and are British). The only way you can get to live in the Falklands is to have a connection with the Falklands or to be offered a job there. So, in real life there are people born in countries all over the world, including Argentina, who have the right to vote in elections there, including on issues related to self determination. The British passport issued to Falkland Islanders is different to the British passport issued to UK citizens, and Falkland Islanders with no UK connection (ie, not born in the FI, with no grandparents born in the UK) and there are many people that, have no rights in the EU - as if they were born in a different country.

    2. Once again, as per above, the place of birth has no relevance. So you are Argentine, but where did you ancestors come from? Spain? Germany? Syria? Genoa? Not many generations ago the majority of Argentines were born somewhere else, but they had the right to self determination, and decided for independence from Spain. This is exactly the same right Falkland Islanders are asking for. Where the Legislative Assembly members were born is equally irrelevant. I am sure there are many Diputados in the Argentine Congress who were born somewhere other than Argentina...
    Yes, the Governor of the FI is appointed by the Foreign Office, he is after all the representative of the UK Government (via the Foreign Office), representative of the Crown (via the Foreign Office), but the important thing is, he is appointed on advice of the FI Legislative Assembly. They will make the final decision. If they do not like who the Foreign Office has proposed, they can turn down the appointment.

    4- You are right malvinas dont belong to us at the moment for the simple fact that diplomacy from your side is closed and your military diplomacy open.
    4. Perhaps you forgot about the Falklands War. Argentina invaded, did they not? Is that not “military diplomacy”. That changed everything, how can the Falkland Islanders trust Argentina not to invade again? That is why there is a British military presence in the Islands - because the Falkland Islanders have asked for it. Before the war, Argentina was making slow but steady progress to get the Islands, but now the chances are more remote than ever. The best thing Argentina can do is engage with the Falkland Islanders, co-operate, and win their trust. Perhaps then in a few decades things might be different. Unfortunately (for Argentina), you do exactly the opposite. I'm not sure if it is a different Luis, but comments on other threads about Mercopress being disrespectful because it includes stories about the Falkland Islands, are exactly the sort of attitude I am talking about. MercoPress is a “South Atlantic New Agency”, the Falklands are in the South Atlantic. Why should anyone be frightened of stories about the Falkland Islands? There is even a section for “United States”, and they are not in Mercosur - and they also invaded Iraq! I have not seen any complaints about that from you...

    May 05th, 2009 - 03:16 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • levene

    — Comment Deleted (aggressive and offensive language) —

    May 05th, 2009 - 10:04 pm - Link - Report abuse 0

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