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Argentine opposition takes over control of the Lower House

Saturday, December 5th 2009 - 11:44 UTC
Full article 15 comments

An unexpected alliance of all opposition forces in the Argentine Lower House (144 out of 257) defeated this week President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner’s congressional block on the crucial vote of authorities and committees for the incoming congress which officially begins December 10. Read full article


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  • Bubba


    Dec 06th, 2009 - 01:08 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • jorge

    Well, If some ignorant still have doubts about democracy in Argentina, it has to red above.
    Argentine democracy is enjoying good health!

    Dec 06th, 2009 - 03:53 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Nicholas

    laugh, really jorge? are you sure about that or is it just a show as usual?
    God knows it's written and published by a biased argie. So how sure are you about your “Argentine democracy”?

    Dec 07th, 2009 - 07:12 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Bubba

    Argentine Democracy is still slightly oxymoronic, but at least the K's can't spin their way out of the fact they lost the lower house..

    Dec 07th, 2009 - 10:24 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • jorge

    Nicholas, you don't live here so shut the f*ck up!!!!
    Is it USA a better democracy? Where you have to pay for talking with a senator when they are clearly people's employs. Is that a true democracy? A country where big corporations take all the desicions. A country where if you don't have a paid medical assurance you simply died! That is not very much a democracy. The goverment of your country are FOX, TEXACO, CNN, WALLMART, LOOCKEAD MARTIN, Mc DONNALDS, COKE, GM, FORD and all the sh*t in wall street.
    You don't protest of course, you are so busy watching the junk american tv and driving your big and expensive cars consuming all that oil you steal from irak. You (USA) are a country with many men believing themselves to have a larger penis by driving big cars Lol. It is hilarous.
    Nicholas, get educated at least just a bit!

    Dec 08th, 2009 - 12:38 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • axel arg

    Bubba, nicholas and jorge, i dont know if you are ignorant or you are just omiting important aspects, why do nicholas and bubba have doubts about our democracy?, i recognize that we have many problems, our goverment is not the best, they made many mistakes, but the most important is that most us defend strongly the democratic sistem, beside you have no idea about our politic for the human rights, i know that democracy is so much more tham that, and i hunderstand that surelly you feel hate because the goverment doesnt recognize the self determination right for the islanders, but in spite of the problems that we have, our democracy is really a good example, thousands of people desapared and died to recover the democracy.
    From nicholas arrogant and pathetic comentarys doesnt sorprise, he knows what i think about him, about bubba, i dont know you, anyway it's evident that you lack of objetivity.
    To my compatriot jorge, i must tell you that our country is also in the hands of a few corporations, specially since the ninetys, like clarin, grupo vila, macris corporations, fortabats interprises, perez companc etc.
    About the new congress, i dont have much hopes in them, because most them are not much better tham the k, they are just speculators, i only believe in a few politic partys.
    About the k, i recognize they made many mistakes, but i must recognize too that we had great achievements since 2003, i am not an obsequent of the goverments eather nor a total oponent, i just want to recognize what they do right and wrong.

    Dec 08th, 2009 - 06:38 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Juan

    Let's improve our english mates!

    the others mistakes hope they were just misstyping

    Nicholas must be chilean, do you really believe that an us citizen would post here? not in a million years hahaha lol plz

    think we do have to show a little bit more of our “wisdom” :P


    P.S: still is nice to read this fights!

    Dec 12th, 2009 - 05:49 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Nicholas

    Oh okay, I'm chilean..laugh. What ever argies. Just face're country is a joke..“it's the land what it never will be”..and yes jorge, we americans are better than you clowns there. at least I am not blind that Obama is just as crazy like that bimbo Cristina Kirchner , your mother. And if typing the truth here about Argentina, makes me an ignorant or be it..because we all know..Argentina is a failure, because of it's own arrogance. I know it's hard to hear or read it from a gringo. Oh by the way Jorge, My country is not a Democracy, it's a Republic and yes, we americans are better than you. didn't you know that? Laugh.

    I also like those silly fights..bring it on

    Dec 12th, 2009 - 12:35 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Bubba

    First off, the USA and Argentina are both federal republics, not a democracy. They vote democratically for their representatives. Second, Argentines vote with their melancholy wants of days gone by. They want to live in the 40's when the Perons were giving out candy and shoes while stealing the country blind. I love Argentina but when you ask an Argentine where they come from, like what province or city, they usually reply with some place in Europe or the Med or wherever their great great grandparents came from. The national identity is one of convienience, depending on how they are faring in the World Cup, and the state of the current economy. The people are easily swayed with smoke and mirrors from the politicos, using the K's as an example, and seem to approve of corruption defacto. The first K got elected because Menem diluted the oppostion vote and pulled out of the election defaulting the job to Nestor. Then Cristina ran, and witout ever deabating or even discussing her views or the oppositions, she wins..

    Dec 12th, 2009 - 04:27 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Bubba

    It is hard to call a country a democracy when a very few vocal and violent people can have such and effect on the day to day operation of the country, holding the capital and provinces hostage by blocking roads and services.. The true definition of democracy is one person one vote and majority rules over the minority....

    Dec 12th, 2009 - 04:31 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • axel arg

    BUBBA, i agree on some aspects of your opinion, but i think diferent in many others.
    Many people suffers often when some roads or services are taken, because the manifestators are not respecting the right of the others, every one have right to protest, but they cant ignore the right of the rest of the people, there are many ways to protest with out prejudicing the right of the people.
    Those peole who dont respect the laws ans protest where ever they want, dont represent the true thought of most us.
    on the other hand you are ignoring important facts, most us dont approve dont approve k's corruption, dont you wonder why they were rejected in the last elections?.
    Beside we have many bad aspect as a society like in any other nation, but we have also very good aspects, and i will always hold that in spite of all the problems that we have, our democracy is a good example.
    To finish my comentary, i dont think you love argentina, you think because you spoke surelly with some people, they represent the thought of most us, every one are diferent in every province, it seems you only could see the bad aspects , i ask you, is there unless a perfect society?, or all of them have good and bad aspects.

    Dec 12th, 2009 - 10:10 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Bubba

    Axel, do not presume too know me or what I love, that is both foolish and rude. I lived in BsAs for 6 years, my wife and son are Argentine, i have permanent residency and I will retire there. I have seen more Argetnina than 95% of the Argentines that I know. I have driven by road from BsAs to Tierra del Fuego seeing Puerto Madryn and Trelew and Comodoro, and to the West along the Andes to San Carlos de Bariloche and San Martin, from Mendoza to Neuquen and through the La Pampa. I know Salta and Tartagal, Entre Rios, Iguazu, etc.. I made una vuelta por coche... I do love Argentina and in only 5 more years I can vote for President and become politically active!!

    Dec 13th, 2009 - 05:07 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Juan

    I don't know about you people, but nicholas sounds childish, hope he is a child, if not then i don't really know how could THE world power could ever raise & educate such a thing like that. I don't wanna sound insulting, but it's all I come up with your posts, please let's cool down the talks and be more civilized, that's also for the “Argies”.

    Dec 14th, 2009 - 03:04 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • axel arg

    BUBBA i respect your opinion, i wish to know the whole country in the same way you did, it's one of my projects, i know almost all the cost and i love it.
    What really molests me is when people see only the bad aspects of the country, with out recognizing the good aspects that we have.
    There are no perfect societys, they all have problematics, good and bad aspects.
    Beside we dont approve any corruption, that's why menem, de la rua, and kirchner are so rejected, two years ego kirchner had the 87% of popularity, now he is one of the most rejected, dont you wonder why?.
    About the k, there are many aspects of them that i dont like in absolut, but there are many others decitions that they took that i will always support, i never wanted to be an obsequent of the goverments eather nor a total oponent, i am objetive, i critice what is wrong, and i recognize what was made correctly.

    Dec 15th, 2009 - 02:50 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • lola

    kristina 2011!!

    bubba, go to hell with valenzuela.

    Dec 19th, 2009 - 05:05 am - Link - Report abuse 0

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