An elite team of British soldiers beat Special Forces from around the world to win a grueling competition in the driest place on Earth, repots Daily The eight-man unit from the Highlanders (4 Scots) picked up the gold medal in the Chilean Patrol Competition before their recent deployment to the Falkland Islands.
A team of British soldiers has helped castrate sheep on the Falkland Islands after tragedy hit two farm workers, reports the Belfast Telegraph.
Paraguay’s GDP in the third quarter contracted 0.3% compared a year ago confirming the country’s recession, according to the latest report from the Central Bank. However the performance was an improvement compared to the drop of previous quarters, which “could be anticipating the recovery of the economy for the coming year”.
A third credit ratings agency has downgraded Greek government bonds over concerns about the country's ability to reduce its high levels of debt. Moody's is the third of the three major international agencies to downgrade Greece, following similar moves by Fitch and Standard & Poor's.
China's GDP per capita is expected to climb to 4,000 US dollars by the end of next year, according to the 2010 social blue book issued Monday, reports Global Times.
China and Taiwan have signed the latest in a series of economic deals, amid some disquiet on the island at their ever-closer relationship. Chen Yunlin, China's top Taiwan envoy, agreed the deals with his Taiwanese counterpart on the second day of his four-day visit to the island.