Brazil’s leading private banking institution Itaú-Unibanco denied London press reports it was interested in block-buying into UK banks that were saved from collapse in 2008 by the British government, as well as banks in other countries including United States, but admitted an interest in shares
Argentine car manufacturers are looking ahead with great optimism to what they consider an “excellent” 2010 when they expect to break several records, according to Cesar Luis Ramirez Rojas, president of the Argentine car manufacturers association
Brazil trade surplus in 2009 was 24.615 billion US dollars the lowest since 2002 (13.13 billion USD) and the worst since President Lula da Silva has been in office, according to the latest release from the Development, Trade and Industry ministry.
The Concertación’s leaders don’t understand the country they helped create.
By Andrés Allamand
Canada's Industry Minister, Tony Clement, has given PetroChina the go-ahead for a 1.7 billion US dollars acquisition of two oil sand projects.
Argentina is a nation that prides itself on having more cattle than people but because of erred policies may soon be forced to import beef to keep its meat-loving citizens happy at the dinner table.
Venezuelans have received 2010 with the announcement of an extremely severe power-saving program forcing all shopping malls, bars, restaurants, discos and cinemas to close business several hours a day.
”Argentina is free of all type of mines, with the exception of those planted in the Malvinas Islands which motivated Argentina to request and obtain a ten year de-mining extension, because Argentina currently does not have access to the Islands illegitimately occupied by the United Kingdom”.
Hundreds of illegal immigrants have been working for the British Government in some of the country's most sensitive offices. Some 349 illegal foreign staff have been given jobs with Whitehall departments, councils and NHS Trusts over the past four years.