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Brazilian president ‘votes’ for Cristina Fernandez and anticipates re-election

Thursday, June 23rd 2011 - 21:31 UTC
Full article 8 comments
President Dilma Rousseff is convinced of Cristina’s re-election President Dilma Rousseff is convinced of Cristina’s re-election

Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff said she is convinced of her Argentine peer Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner re-election victory next October 23. Argentina is Brazil’s main associate in Mercosur and third trade partner.

Ms Rousseff made the statements during a meeting with members of one of the several groups that make up the Brazilian ruling coalition.

“Dilma is convinced that Cristina will be successful with her re-election; she said she was certain of her victory and made a review of Argentina’s social inclusion programs. Dilma praised Argentina’s social programs” said Senator Ana Amelia from the state of Rio Grande do Sul.

During the meeting the Brazilian president told members of the coalition that her administration would continue with the free floating of the Real and that the Brazilian currency would not be devalued but a package of incentives for exporters is under elaboration to address the demands “from those who complain about the value of the US dollar in Brazil”.

“Dilma reviewed trade prospects with South American countries and growth potential of regional economies particularly Mercosur, Chile, Venezuela, Peru and Colombia”, pointed out Senator Ana Amelia.

Argentina is Brazil’s third trade partner behind China and the US with an overall exchange of over 33 billion US dollars in 2010 and a favourable balance for Brazil. Last May the Mercosur partners clashed over barriers to exports from both sides, which ended with an understanding regarding the implementation of the so called non automatic import licences.

For president Rousseff a Mrs Kirchner victory is crucial for the consolidation of Mercosur. Last year Ms Rousseff defeated presidential candidate Jose Serra from the opposition PSDB, who attacked the customs union for limiting Brazil’s possibilities of reaching trade agreements with third parties.

Former president Lula da Silva who is considered the architect of President Rousseff’s victory and the ruling coalition last week met in Brasilia with political and union leaders belonging to a group organized by the deceased former Argentine president Nestor Kirchner.

“Lula said that Cristina is a guarantee for the Latinamerican integration process”, said people who participated of the meeting. That same week Lula da Silva received in Sao Paulo Peruvian president-elect Ollanta Humala.

“Latin America after ten years is ever so more progressive, while Europe travels in the opposite directions with the advance of conservative governments”, said the former president.

Following the election of Hugo Chavez in Venezuela, Lula da Silva won in Brazil in 2002; then came Nestor Kirchner in Argentina; Tabare Vazquez in Uruguay, Fernando Lugo in Paraguay and Evo Morales in Bolivia.

A spokesperson from the Planalto Palace asked about re-election prospects said that one of the main gestures from President Rousseff towards Cristina Fernandez was to make Argentina, her first overseas trip.

The spokesperson also recalled that when candidate Rousseff won in the first round 31 October 2010, Cristina Fernandez sent a message to celebrate victory.

Categories: Politics, Argentina, Brazil, Mercosur.

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  • briton

    Two women in the kitchen won’t work,
    One of them will be bitchy,
    that’s what felines do [don’t they ?? ]

    Jun 23rd, 2011 - 10:22 pm 0
  • British-Argentine

    Wow, welcome to 21st Century Briton.

    Do women have a place in our Big Society? Or should they be behind the sink?

    Read above...“discriminative comments...based on...gender...spamming or any other offensive or inappropriate behaviour will not be tolerated.”

    Not that I'd report. It just shows you to be the ignoramus you are...

    Jun 24th, 2011 - 06:18 am 0
  • mjprando

    Two bomb throwers who go hand in hand, a real disgrace to our countries.

    Jun 24th, 2011 - 11:44 am 0
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