Former Presidents of Argentina Cristina Fernández de Kirchner and Uruguay José Pepe Mujica met Friday at the latter's estate outside Montevideo in an encounter that made headlines for two reasons: First, because of what two progressive leaders getting together represents, with Mujica's wife and former Uruguayan Vice President Lucía Topolansky taking part. It was CFK's first visit to Mujica's farm.
1 commentFormer Argentine President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner (CFK) Thursday filed an appeal to have her six-year prison sentence and lifelong disenfranchisement overturned. On the other side, the prosecution requested her sentence be upped to 12 years, citing illicit association in the Vialidad scandal regarding road works in the province of Santa Cruz.
Argentina's Lower House approved this week by 162 votes in favor, 55 against, and 28 abstentions, the elimination of the so-called Mandatory, Simultaneous, and Open Primary (PASO) Elections whereby the country's constituencies chose each party's candidates. The measure proposed by the ruling La Libertad Avanza (LLA) of President Javier Milei now needs to be passed by the Senate before it can be implemented in this year's mid-terms.
Argentine President Javier Milei said that Special Prosecutor Alberto Nisman was murdered at the hands of the darkest powers in the country. Nisman was found dead on Jan. 18, 2015, in his apartment with a bullet in his head just hours before appearing before a Congressional committee to explain his findings regarding the so-called Memorandum of Understanding with Iran.
Argentine President Javier Milei Friday signed the decree summoning Congress to extraordinary sessions between Jan. 20 and Feb. 21 to debate the suppression of the Mandatory, Open, and Simultaneous Primary (PASO) elections, the clean record requirement for candidates, and other initiatives that, according to the Executive, cannot wait until the new Legislature starting on March 1.
Argentina's Supreme Court (CSJN) ruled Thursday that former President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner (CFK) and others should stand trial for signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Iran, thus upholding a previous decision by a Federal Court of Appeals.
The Justicialist (Peronist) Party's (PJ) Electoral Board Tuesday confirmed former two-time President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner (CFK) as the new party chairwoman after no other contender challenged her Primero La Patria list following the dismissal of La Rioja Governor Ricardo Quintela's bid for allegedly lacking the necessary endorsements. CFK won by 13 votes to 1.
After former President Alberto Fernández was forced to resign as chairman of the Peronist Party given the domestic violence and corruption scandals in which he is involved, the vacancy opened up a new front that may well decide the future of Argentine politics in the years to come. While former President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner intends to fill the void, La Rioja Governor Ricardo Quintela came forward as a new option.
Former Argentine President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner (2007-2015 / CFK) said during an interview on the internet streaming channel Gelatina outside mainstream media that the Liberal administration's fiscal surplus is increasingly trumped up.
According to a human rights report released Monday by the US State Department, corruption was substantial in Argentina under former President Alberto Fernandez. The document highlighted the conviction of then-Vice President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner (CFK) in the so-called Vialidad case. The study was released Monday during a press conference held by Secretary of State Antony Blinken.