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Clarin says it’s time for Argentina to disclose Malvinas war documents

Tuesday, October 4th 2011 - 06:49 UTC
Full article 28 comments
Next April will be the thirtieth anniversary of the Argentine invasion of the Falklands Next April will be the thirtieth anniversary of the Argentine invasion of the Falklands

Buenos Aires daily Clarin in an editorial asks for the Argentine government to release and disclose documents to public scrutiny, referred to the Argentine landing in the Falklands/Malvinas conflict in 1982 since next 2 April 2012, thirty years would have elapsed.

“It is time to again debate the frustration which opened the path for the restoration of democracy in Argentina and the motives and responsibilities of that decision” says Clarin which defines Malvinas as a ‘national cause’ which runs across society, ‘an emotion with no ages’.

But it was also an excuse or a reason, a resource to which the then dictatorship of General Galtieri and the rest of the military brass appealed “to distract us from grave domestic issues”.

The lost war of 1982 has not been assumed although its consequences are evident: whatever conclusion of those tragic days from that dramatic autumn can only admit that the Argentine position regarding the Malvinas has back stepped and what was advanced through negotiations, no longer exits.

“Further more self determination of the Islands is in the agenda in spite of the diplomatic efforts to confront it”.

Clarin insists that it must be officially established what really happened, because the Argentine Armed Forces, rabidly anticommunist and which collaborated secretly with the CIA in Honduras and Nicaragua against the Sandinistas with reactionary and extremist messianic inspiration ended as allies of Kadaffi, Fidel Castro and the Non Aligned movement.

This schizophrenia was clearly verified during the war with Britain when the anticommunist crusaders finished surrounded by western powers in whose name they said to be fighting to extermination the domestic dissidence in Argentina.

However in spite of the delay and feet dragging of the Argentine government in opening the documents from the time, investigative journalism has contributed amply to help surface true history points out Clarin.

Thirty years from that lost war, “secret documents of that time as well as other papers remain protected, and are of impossible access for history research”. What has been revealed to far, which is a lot, has been possible because some public and private sources opened their personal archives. But in spite of the current preaching “the Argentine State continues to resist public scrutiny”.

The opinion piece concludes saying it would be a great contribution if by law all locks are removed and access is available to all that crucial information from true history.

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  • Redhoyt

    “Further more self determination of the Islands is in the agenda in spite of the diplomatic efforts to confront it”.

    A hint of reality creeping in ??

    Oct 04th, 2011 - 07:42 am 0
  • JustinKuntz

    “to distract us from grave domestic issues”

    And still is.

    Oct 04th, 2011 - 07:55 am 0
  • Argie

    I do not agree with Clarin. I can't see why should we declassify anything that would help the other side to know better where our flaws were and possibly still are.

    May I quote here Mr Churchill? 'An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile - hoping it will eat him last' and also 'We are masters of the unsaid words, but slaves of those we let slip out'.

    The crocodile fed on us, but the large chunk it spat constitutes what our country is today with its goods and bads.

    Please Mrs. Kirchner, despite all the ideas or hatred you may hold about our military I'd ask from you, with due respect, to block any move that would end in declassifying any Secrets of War, no matter where they come from.

    Oct 04th, 2011 - 02:18 pm 0
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