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Falklands receives first cruise ship of the season, “Sea Spirit” with 94 passengers

Tuesday, November 1st 2011 - 05:52 UTC
Full article 83 comments

“Sea Spirit” with 94 passengers and heading for South Georgia was the first cruise ship of the 2011/2012 to call in the Falkland Islands, reports the Penguin News. Read full article


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  • M_of_FI

    Typical Argie: “Those damn British pirates stealing our penguin resources for their own financial gain! Blah blah, typical racist slur, Argentina world power, Britain will go bankrupt, blah blah blah, only a matter of time, blah blah, forget about 1982 not our fault and so long ago, blah blah, 1833 something happened which i am deeply misinformed about but yet it matters, blah blah, racist slur, you are not a people, blah blah, another nail in the coffin.”

    Does that sound about right?

    Nov 01st, 2011 - 11:47 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Alejomartinez

    But I cant see any comment from any Argentine but me in this thread and no reference to those comments! Poor paranoid... Good job Argentina once again (enjoy the flight fr the time being!)

    Nov 01st, 2011 - 12:43 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • M_of_FI

    It was a prediction of the usual comments made by Argentines. You cant deny that I have summed the Argentine comments quite well.

    You can take away the LAN, the Falklands is working on alternatives at the benefit of others...LAN's and Argentina's loss, not ours.

    Nov 01st, 2011 - 02:59 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Marcos Alejandro

    Only 94 visitors? There were more visitors to my grandma birthday party :-)

    Nov 01st, 2011 - 03:29 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Islas Malvinas


    “Those damn British pirates stealing our penguin resources for their own financial gain!”

    You got the message right. I would prefer not to use that language, though.
    That´s what happens when you usurp a territory. You seize and hold in possession by force and without right the territory itself, its resources and everything on it. Pinguins are part of the usurpation.

    About the 1833 misinformation... well... who´s missinforming? Mmm...

    Who said you´re not a people? You are a people, but not an autonomus one. You are part of the BRITSH people. That´s why negotiation should be held by the two parties: the government of Argentina and the government of the country imposing an illegal administration by force.

    Nov 01st, 2011 - 03:57 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • M_of_FI

    We are the people who make the Falklands what it is. We were born here. We work here. We live here. I find it insulting to be lectured by Argentines on my home when they have no intention ever to visit or live here and only have an interest due to patriotism.

    We, as the people, as in any other nation or state, choose our economic, political and cultural future, as part of self-determination provided to all people by the UN (no exceptions). The Falklands people are no different.

    Even if your version of events in 1833 were true (which it isn’t) it is no different from how Argentina conquered its territory from the Indians.

    We are Falkland Islanders, we govern ourselves, we make our own laws and we use our own resources how we wish. No one dictates to us how we dispose of our resources, not even Britain.

    I am a 7th generation Falkland Islander, how many generations does your family go back in Argentina Islas Malvinas?

    Nov 01st, 2011 - 04:18 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Britishbulldog

    4 Marcos Alejandro------ Dont be silly we all know you did not have a gran :0)

    Nov 01st, 2011 - 05:23 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Beef

    Marcos - does your granny remember 1833?

    The drill bit keeps turning!

    Nov 01st, 2011 - 05:23 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • briton

    and the argentina navy has been warned to stay well clear,
    and HMS Montrose will be alone side to make sure,

    Nov 01st, 2011 - 05:37 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • so_far

    6 M_of_FI (#)

    “We are the people who make the Falklands what it is......””

    I lost you people realize what Malvinas it is today after 178 years ?? are you on drugs ??

    In the international opinion eyes is a big problem that need resolved by 2 parts Argentina and UK (like UN resolution calls, like decolonization committee C-24 calls, likes OAS calls, like MERCOSUR calls, like UNSASUR calls, etc.etc.)

    .........exactly because mentallity of p0eople like you ans your 7th generation the problem still persist you belive that if your gran gran gran father theft seomthing 100 years ago, today is legally yours ??? come on boy....wake up. Law exist, and soon or later justice will arrive.

    Nov 01st, 2011 - 05:41 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ed

    Amigos, you all know i'm Economy ignorance..don't you ?
    No ? the just learned.
    I don't know,I want to learn what Could you reply to me my below Q.

    What are parity values of Falkland $ against other money value ?

    1 Falkland $ = ........ £
    1 Falkland $ = ........ $US
    1 Falkland $ = ........ Euro
    1 Falkland $ = ........ Peso Arg
    1 Falkland $ = ........ Real Bra
    1 Falkland $ = ........ Dong V

    Nov 01st, 2011 - 06:04 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • briton

    perhaps argentinas obsesion can be, that she secretly wants to be part of -
    or be a BOT,
    but we have the falklands, and dont want you, try brazil lololol

    Nov 01st, 2011 - 06:06 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ed

    I have never heard the Money Name as BOT .

    Nov 01st, 2011 - 06:27 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • stick up your junta

    100 years ago, today is legally yours ??? come on boy....wake up. Law exist, and soon or later justice will arrive.

    See you at ICJ then

    Nov 01st, 2011 - 06:37 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ed

    (#) 14 Amigo
    Do you know the parity value of Falkland $ against Singapore $ ?

    Nov 01st, 2011 - 07:05 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Islas Malvinas

    @M_of_FI: I meant no offense to anyone.

    You were born there. You work there and you live there. No one states the contrary. The question is by what means and with what rights you ended up living there.

    If the UK rights over the islands were so clear and undeniable, why is an important part of the international community asking the UK to sit and negociate with Argentina? Is it perhaps that the world it being convinced by the argentine evil way? Or is the world doubting about the rights of the UK?

    I think the population of Malvinas is indeed different from other peoples when it comes to self determination. This principle was meant to be applied to those populations colonized by foreing powers. Malvinas case is different since it was populated by the colonizing power, expelling argentines.

    What occured in 1833 is indeed different from the relationship between argentines and the aboriginal peoples. Argentina and the UK were two modern states with international recognition whose relationship was ruled by international law.

    The reason the UK is interested in the islands is because of its resources and location, given the sovereignty claims over Antactica. They don´t care much how you make your own rules as long as you remain British. The Forign Affairs is in hands of the UK.

    “How many generations does your family go back in Argentina Islas Malvinas?” That´s not fair :( What chances did I have?
    By the way, I would like to visit the islands, would you invite me over?

    Nov 01st, 2011 - 07:16 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • M_of_FI

    Proof of why everyone in South America dislikes Argentines because of their unjustified arrogance is perfectly summerised in post 10.

    You stole the land from the orignal inhabitants in South America, specifically Patagonia....Also, there werent any original inhabitants in the Falklands, until my ancestors moved to there and populated the islands.

    The people of the Falklands decide its future, not Argentina and not Britain. The Argentine people have the same rights, over land they stole from Indians, and you give me and Islanders lectures about stolen land? Thanks for discrediting yourself So_Far. Youre making my job on this side of the debate far easier.

    Nov 01st, 2011 - 07:19 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • briton

    If the UK rights over the islands were so clear and undeniable, why is an important part of the international community asking the UK to sit and negociate with Argentina///////////////////////////////////////////
    perhaps if you too listend to argentina lies, and brain washing, you to might start to belive,, or its anti british,
    the falklands are british untill the islanders choose otherwise .

    Nov 01st, 2011 - 07:30 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ed

    (#) 17 Amigo
    You,Do you know the parity value of Falkland $ against India Rupy ?

    Nov 01st, 2011 - 07:31 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • so_far

    #17 Mr M_of_FI

    Currently there is not a single claim to the Republic of Argentina and its territory.

    instead ...... Argentina is calling for a solution to the Malvinas question 178 years ago, and the last 50 year by the United Nations and its Committee on decolonization (C-24).

    Whatever you try to do , distract, talk or distort .......It is impossible to hide the truth and is the main reason why Argentina has huge support of the international community. Still don´t realize that ? every day is stronger.

    I think all of you know very well all this ........ unwillingness to find a solution is simply a mystery.

    Nov 01st, 2011 - 07:45 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • zethe

    “This principle was meant to be applied to those populations colonized by foreing powers”

    Not really. It's the right in which all humans have a right to choose and participate in which governmet leads them.

    All nations have it(or should do).

    Nov 01st, 2011 - 07:49 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • xbarilox

    @ 17 what does the passport of the islanders say? British passport or what? The islanders have British passports, which means the the islands are not a country, a country give his citizens a passport, the islanders have British passports not Falklanders passports. You have an English governor that receives orders from London, and all of the people working in the islands for the government in London receives the orders from London. If you want to be respected as independet people at least take a moment, think about it and tell the truth, you're not a country. The same goes for Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, etc etc, all of those “countries” can't give their citizens passports but only British passports, simply because those “countries” are not countries. There is not a Scottish passport, there is not Falklands passport, there is not even an English passport, not even England is a country.
    For all those who have no clue what Scotland is, its not part of “England” its part of “United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland” so is “England” part of the same Kingdom.

    Scotland is NOT A COUNTRY (its a Constituent part of United Kingdom), read below to what is a country.
    For all those emotionally imbalanced Scots and Falklanders who are constantly trying to declare Scotland and the Falklands as country, can see the list of independant States of the world here, Search for Scotland and search for the Falklands if u can find them. (Some rule applies to other Constituent parts, England, Wales & Northern Ireland)

    Scotland doesnt even exist in un-recognised states, the Falklands doesn't even exist.

    But you can fool yourselves, after all it's you living in denial.

    Nov 01st, 2011 - 07:53 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Islas Malvinas


    I´m just curious... why is the world standing by argentinian “lies” instead of believing the UK “truth”?
    Just wondering...

    Nov 01st, 2011 - 07:58 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ed

    Obvious that there are no any persons who know Falklands here.

    Anyone even foreigner can easily comment on Falklands by compiling
    inside of from media news here.

    Nov 01st, 2011 - 08:02 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • xbarilox

    @ 23 simply because Argentina is a country but the Islands are not.

    Nov 01st, 2011 - 08:02 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Islas Malvinas

    @ xbarilox

    I said “UK truth”. Never mentioned the islanders.
    I think the UK is a country.
    So again... why is the world standing by argentinian “lies” instead of believing the UK “truth”?

    Nov 01st, 2011 - 08:04 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Conqueror

    @4 Which should tell you lots about how popular you and your grandma are. As a matter of interest, how much did you pay them to turn up?

    @5 Haven't usurped anything. But, to give you credit, you tried three times. And failed each time.

    @10 No. In the world's eye, Argentina is a big problem with its propensity for starting wars, its belligerency, its inability to accept the truth, its failure to repay its debts, its lies. But the international community is forgiving (for now). It knows that Argentina is the butthole of the world.

    @11 And where did you leave that thing you mistakenly thought was your brain?

    @16 They aren't, dimwit. That's why Britain pays no attention to your psychotic rantings. Personally, I'd invite you to the Falklands and put a bullet through your head the moment you set foot on BRITISH territory.

    @20 There is no malvinas question, dickbrain. Except for psychotic Argentines.

    Nov 01st, 2011 - 08:10 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • so_far

    Like i said in #20....I think all islanders and even in UK know very well the truth ........ but unwillingness to find a solution is simply a mystery for not mention another word or concept.

    Nov 01st, 2011 - 08:10 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • xbarilox

    @ 26 because Argentina is a country and the falklands are not a country, so what the islanders say is not important. The islanders are British citizens, and they are the matter of discussion.You can't talk about the UK without talking about the islanders, because all the fuss is about the islands and the islanders, not about the UK. Got it now? islas malvinas? or your brain is made of polypropene?

    Nov 01st, 2011 - 08:11 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • JustinKuntz

    Scotland is a country numbnuts.

    The world is not standing by Argentine lies, some countries support Argentina for reasons of narrow self-interest. Example Brazil, where the trade with Argentina is considerably greater than with the UK. Others are simply anti-British, it has nothing whatsoever to do with Argentine lies vs the truth. Not a British truth, the truth.

    Argentina claims the British expelled Vernet's settlement in 1833. This is a lie.

    We have the diary of Thomas Helsby, Vernet's clerk, which documents the period.

    We have the log of the ARA Sarandi, which flatly contradicts that claim.

    And we have the account of Charles Darwin and Captain Fitzroy, documenting their meeting with members of Vernet's settlement in mid-1833 and again in 1834.

    Not to mention Vernet's own papers in the Argentine national archive.

    But hey, like #1, let me make a prediction for the future, I forsee a certain Argentine editor refusing to consider any evidence which contradicts Argentine lies.

    Who'll give me odds?

    Nov 01st, 2011 - 08:21 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • so_far

    # 30

    ..complete LatAm supports Argentina, as well China, Rusia and other European countries (Spain and Portugal ).

    All of them have huge trade and interest with UK....bigger than with your response and analysis are very basic and superficial Mr Justin(his head) usual a liar guy.

    The question of Mr Islas Malvinas is interesting....

    ”..why is the world standing by argentinian “lies” instead of believing the UK “truth”?

    lets hear more opinions......please

    Nov 01st, 2011 - 08:33 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • stick up your junta

    Currently there is not a single claim to the Republic of Argentina and its territory.

    IPS) - The legal battle waged by an indigenous community in northern Argentina against the government over a project that flooded half of their territory highlights the fact that legal title to their land is not enough to overcome the marginalisation they have faced for centuries.

    Nov 01st, 2011 - 08:37 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Islas Malvinas


    I said I meant no offense to anyone and I´m refraiming from using improper language. I was expecting to have a nice conversation with English Gentleman here... I still belive I can.

    I do totaly agree with the British citizenship of the islanders. That´s exactly the point. And I don´t think they opinion is not important. They government (UK) should speak on their representation, so it´s all about the UK. Or are you planning to declare the independence?

    I find it a little confusing to defend the british citizenship and at the same time try to maintain the UK out of this matter.

    So... whose brain is made of... whatever?

    Nov 01st, 2011 - 08:43 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Marcos Alejandro

    30 Kuntz, Do you have this letter?

    Prime Minister Wellington, UK.

    ” It is not clear to me that we have ever possessed the sovereignty of all these islands. The convention certainly goes no farther than to restore to us Port [Egmont], which we abandoned nearly sixty years ago. If our right to the Falkland Islands had been undisputed at that time and indisputable, I confess that I should doubt the expediency of now taking possession of them. We have possession of nearly every valuable post and colony in the world and I confess that I am anxious to avoid to excite the attention and jealousy of other powers by extending our possessions and setting the example of the gratification of a desire to seize upon new territories”

    Nov 01st, 2011 - 09:16 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Monty69

    33 Islas Malvinas
    The problem is, for you that is, that the UK do represent us. They ask us if we want to be Argentine, and we say no, and they respect our wishes. Because it is unthinkable in this day and age to subjugate a population against its wishes. You Argentines get round this by saying we are not a 'population'. Sadly for you, saying it doesn't make it true.

    34 Marcos Alejandro

    WTF is ''Prime Minister Wellington, UK''? The Prime Minister of the UK was David Cameron last I heard, you know, the one who keeps saying 'We will not negotiate sovereignty unless the Islanders wish it'. Do keep up.

    Nov 01st, 2011 - 09:27 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • xbarilox

    @ 30 it's not the first time that you say something and then you say that other people said what YOU said. Be careful Islas Malvinas, and if alcohol makes you feel so confused, stop drinking.

    “I find it a little confusing to defend the british citizenship and at the same time try to maintain the UK out of this matter. ” it's you who want to talk about the UK without talking about the islanders, not me. Because the matter of discussion are the islanders, not the UK. Got it now? Floopy head?

    Nov 01st, 2011 - 09:29 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • expat

    you may have noted that only the underdeveloped countries support argentinas claim,the european union supports GB and the Falklanders,
    they even included the islands in the European Union ,and sent subsidies.
    USA also supports GB .There is a tacit agreement in Europe that if Argentina stops the Lan flights ,Europe will ban the aerolineas flights to Europe and probably USA will do the same

    Nov 01st, 2011 - 11:49 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Islander1

    Ed- 1 FI £ = 1 GB £ Sterling . Xbox - what civil servants here receive orders from UK? Please name them?
    The only persaon appointed here from UK is the Governor - he is appointed by the Queen as her representative as Head of State - his ONLY role that he takes order from Uk for is in matters of Defence and Foreign Policy. In all others he is the same in reality as say the Governor general of Australia - a figurehead.
    Here in the Executive(Cabinet) he has NO VOTE - only our elected Assembly memebers have a vote.
    Every other civil servant position here is recruited and appointed by our own Govt - not UK, And all Govt employees from Chief Executive to the 16yr old apprentice receive their orders ultimatley from our elected assembly.
    We run our own Country (except for defence and Foreign Affairs) - thats why the Commonwealth recognises us as a country. Thats why the EU(including Spain,Italy and Portugal) also recognise us as country or territory- as an associate state.
    Countries like Chile,Uruguay and Brazil also recognise us as a country/territory within our own right. Sorry but YES - they do!

    Nov 02nd, 2011 - 02:38 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Marcos Alejandro

    35 Monty69 So you don't know about the Duke of Wellington, the British general who defeated Napoleon and was twice British prime minister?
    I'm not surprised after all you don't know yet that you live in Malvinas Argentinas, South America.

    Nov 02nd, 2011 - 03:21 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Redhoyt

    Still pedalling your poor interpretation MoreCrap - at least this time you included the 'all'.

    Wellington is effectively saying that while British rights to West Falkland are assurred, he is not so certain about East Falkland. It was a reflecftion of his thoughts, but he goes on to give the order for an objection to be made with Buenos Aires which indicates that he was pursuaded.

    The important point is that while there was a doubt in the Spanish/British dispute, Argentina was not a party to that. Uti possidetis juris is a political agreement hardly observed by its creators in South American and does not apply to the Falklands.

    While Spain may have had an argument with Britain over East Falkland, Argentina had no rights at all.

    Spain didn't give up its claim until 1836 when it changed its Constitution, but it didn't object either in 1833.

    With no inheritance, Argentina only has Jewett ( who didn't do enough) and Vernett (who did it too late).

    Nov 02nd, 2011 - 03:37 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • xbarilox

    @ 40 Hey Redhoyt, how are you man? Once I was pedalling in the water, and then there was a girl staring at me, so I invited her to join me, but after a while of kissing her I got bored, so I took her head in my hands and put it under water, and she started moving her arms desperately, like she was trying to escape, but that lasted until the moving arms stopped moving :(

    Nov 02nd, 2011 - 06:45 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ed

    (#) 38 Amigo
    1 F.I £ = 1 GB £ ( does it mean you have no econ freedom yet ?)

    1 Aussie $ = ....?.... £

    Nov 02nd, 2011 - 09:43 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • M_of_FI


    You havent answered by question. How many generations does your family go back in Argentina? And when I said “Islas Malvinas” I was referring to your log in name, I think you believed I was using that vile word in reference to my home.

    You may not intend any offense, but your opinion does offend me. Argentines were not expelled from the Falklands in 1833, the military garrison was. The people you believe were expelled remained, and this is proven in many sources including the diaries of Fitzroy and Darwin. We have proof of what you call the “British Truth”, while I have never ever seen evidence to back the Argentine “evil lies”.

    To deny our rights because of what you believe happened hundreds of years ago is a dangerous precedent (even if it is based on lies), if you are successful then the entire European population of the Americas is illegal. This includes Argentina, Chile, USA etc etc. You just can’t see your own hypocrisy...I assume your family originated from Europe? Am I right? Well if so, your ancestors took that territory from the Indians that originally lived there. Talk about double standards. And every time I have mentioned this topic on this article, every Argentine has ignored it.

    The UK does not benefit from the Falklands resources. You are simply wrong. The Falklands and its people benefit from the islands resources. This is a fact. I know this as I live in the islands and I work for the Falklands Government, I know this, I have seen it with my eyes. You believe what you are told (lies) and I see the truth with my own eyes...

    I encourage you to visit the Falklands so you can see the people you want to subjugate and kick out of their own country. You will see the Falklands is completely different from what you are told.

    Nov 02nd, 2011 - 11:26 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Alejomartinez

    @ 1 and 3. Poor you guy, COMPLETELY PARANOID. Let the islands “WORK” OPTIONS, you simply won't get them. Colonialism is still condemn in the world, you know? Maybe you can travel on the Montrose, direct trip btw. Go on conspyring. Good job Argentina again. NO LOSS FOR US!

    Nov 02nd, 2011 - 01:07 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • M_of_FI

    @44, your post could not be any more incoherent.

    Nov 02nd, 2011 - 01:19 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • so_far

    #45 Mr M_of_FI

    Actually the one with ridiculous and so superficial coments in all your responses are you boy....

    If you still believe that you and others are over the international law and can make anything you want with your 7th generation.......honestly...........i can understand Emma and why dislike your job and your mentality.

    Nov 02nd, 2011 - 01:38 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Redhoyt

    They have international law on their side !

    Which is why, for all the shouting, Argentina is no closer to getting its thieving hands on the British Falklands than they were in 1820!

    Nov 02nd, 2011 - 02:19 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • so_far


    Dear RedHole.....keep wrinting your funny blog Lord Dumb Ton full of lies and continues wasting islander´s money....i start to believe that they deserve a guru like write exactly what they want.

    Keep going Titanic....keep going, everthing is fine


    Nov 02nd, 2011 - 02:30 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • M_of_FI

    @so_far (46) that was your most patronising comment ever and you have many of those!

    The reason I state that I am 7th generation is to show how far my heritage goes back into the Falklands and that comments from European Argentines who are 3rd/4th generation regarding my home are ironic and hypocritical. Stating that I am 7th generation is not to get whatever I want it is to show that I am not implanted and that international law does apply to people from the Falklands. If 4th generation Europe descendent Argentines are able to exercise self-determination when they have stolen land from the Patagonian Indians, why can’t 7th generation Falkland Islanders have the same human rights, even though we haven’t stolen the land off of anyone.

    Emma possibly disliking me doesn’t offend me in any way, shape or form. I completely disagreed with her Election manifesto, her speeches and her general political philosophy, plus I didn’t vote for her in the General Election. And I am not alone. I find it extremely humorous that you are on Emma’s side, especially when you haven’t got a clue what has been going on politically in the Falklands, even more so when Argentines deny the fact that we have a democracy here! So by acknowledging Emma’s possible dislike for me and my FIG work, therefore you are in fact acknowledging that the Falklands is a self-governing democracy! Thanks for your support in our self-governance so_far!

    Nov 02nd, 2011 - 02:55 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Redhoyt

    Lies? Prove it !

    But you can't can you? I only tell the truth.

    But Argies can't see the truth.

    Only the lies that they spin to blind themselves.

    And the Truth is free SoFa - no islander's money here !

    You are of course correct about one thing - all is fine :-)

    Nov 02nd, 2011 - 02:58 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • malen

    always repeating the same old stuff and you dont get it
    spanish colonizators mixed with indians and then that majority mixed people got independence and fought against the spaniards
    the inmigrants that came later came to a country independent to be argentines
    nothing of these applyies to the isles
    so dont bother
    you instead are a colony: only descendants of colonizators, that still want to be of the nationality of your colonizators, and governned by colonizators.

    Nov 02nd, 2011 - 03:07 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Marcos Alejandro

    M_of_FI ”How many generations does your family go back in Argentina?

    Brit, many Argentineans can trace their roots back in this land long before Europeans had a clue about the existence of the Americas.

    Nov 02nd, 2011 - 03:17 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Islas Malvinas

    @43 M_of_FI

    How many generations does your family go back in Argentina? (I did misundestand the question, sorry!) The answer would be not as many as yours.

    If you guys have so many clear proves that the UK claims are so justified and undeniable, why don´t you share them with the UK government? I mean, instead of listening to Mr Cameron say “The islands will remain British because the islanders want to remain British, full stop”... wouldn´t it be a better strategy to tell the world: Hello! “Argentina Lies and these are our proves”... Given the fact that these proves are so very much convining... the world will stand on your side and tell Argentina: “C´mon! you claims are ridiculous, have a look at their proves!”. The world will stand by your unquestionable proves and that will be a real full stop to this matter.

    I haven´t ignore the European population of the Americas issue. And I said it´s a different situation. On one side you have countries invading populations considered barbarians non-civilized peoples (if I can use that word). The Malvinas mater is a conflict of interests between two moden sovereign states, with institutions, recognized by the international comunity, ruled by the international law... its not the same.

    I´m sorry but I find it hard to believe that the UK populated these islands on the other side of the world not to get benefits. Malvinas = resources + Antarctica. What are the UK claims over Antarctica are based on? Mmm...

    Like I said... I would like to visit the islands, would you invite me over?

    Nov 02nd, 2011 - 03:21 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Monty69

    53 Islas Malvinas

    You're still misunderstanding what this is about.

    It's not about the UK having a 'claim'. The UK would give the FI to Argentina tomorrow if the islanders wished it.

    It's also not about proving that Argentina is 'lying'. I don't care much whether Argentina is lying or not. The issue is how you deal with a long established settled population in an age when wading in and subjugating them against their will is completely unacceptable.

    And that is the sad reality of your situation. It's up to you to come up with a solution if you want one, because we already have what we want, which is the government of our choice and the freedom to live as we wish without foreign interference.

    In all the time I have been reading this site I have never read a 'solution' of any kind from an Argentine poster. If you have one, why don't you share it with us.

    Nov 02nd, 2011 - 04:17 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • M_of_FI

    @53 – thanks for your polite and non-patronising response. A good natured debate is beneficial for all.

    You are more than welcome to visit the islands. It is a good education for all. I wouldn’t say that is a personal invite on my behalf, but everyone is welcome to visit.

    Britain may base their Antarctic claim via the Falklands, but so do Argentina. All resources, fish, sheep, oil etc. are to the benefit to the Falklands, Britain do not receive a penny from it.

    You only mentioned two parties; Argentina and Britain. I see it (as do many Islanders) that it should be three parties that negotiate, and the Islanders demands are paramount (Self-Determination for all peoples according to the UN). And we are free to determine our political, economic, cultural and social future, and unfortunately for Argentina, our choice is to be an Overseas British Territory.

    The Falklands are trying to become more vocal and will do in the near future.

    @52 – Nice avoidance of the question Marcos! A great Argentine tactic.

    Nov 02nd, 2011 - 04:19 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Marcos Alejandro

    55 M_of_FI Not really, that's a fact and the answer.

    Nov 02nd, 2011 - 04:34 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Islas Malvinas

    @54 Monty69

    “It's not about the UK having a 'claim'. The UK would give the FI to Argentina tomorrow if the islanders wished it.” HA HA HA HA Do you really meant that? HA HA HA HA I´d pay to see you requesting the UK that to happen... and the Queen saying “are these guys insane?” . (Sorry, I tried but coulnd´t contain my laughter).

    “The issue is how you deal with a long established settled population”. This is your stronger point to defend your position, and I´m actually with you on this one. You are there and no one can deny your existance. If I was an islander... or if a think of a boy living on the islands who didn´t give a dime for intenational politics... and didn´t care about what happened before he was borned... I would like to continue with my life as it´s been for decades... So, I mean... I´m putting myself on your shoes and I understand... And Argentina does, and takes this into account...

    But I don´t think this can erase the past events from history or delete argentines rights to claim sovereignty.

    Finding a solution of course is not easy... Two parts reach a solution when they both find an agreement. A conflict between two parts is not solved by only one by denying the other... You already have what you want, and you surely will have it as long as you can. There´s no solution to this, simply ´cos you deny the conflict and are not willing to solve anything. This situiation will stand like this as long as you CAN. My question is for how long will you be able to hold it? Who knows...

    Nov 02nd, 2011 - 04:58 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    (54) Monty96

    You say:
    ”…....…The issue is how you deal with a long established settled population in an age when wading in and subjugating them against their will is completely unacceptable………..
    ……….In all the time I have been reading this site I have never read a 'solution' of any kind from an Argentine poster. If you have one, why don't you share it with us……….”

    I say:
    Well……………............ That’s not true………………..
    I have repeatedly stated on this pages that the best solution would be for the British government to expropriate you homes and land, compensate you fittingly and take you all back home to the Anglo Saxon World, where you all belong.
    Please remember to leave the keys on the lock.
    Thanks for your visit.

    Nice, eas, no sweat solution.
    Don't you “Think”?

    Nov 02nd, 2011 - 05:23 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Kelper San

    as Think points out Our Homes Our Lands, once more a Argi admits it's Our Home and Land, thank you Think, and please remember Think you said it.

    Nov 02nd, 2011 - 06:05 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Monty69

    57 Islas Malvinas

    The Queen doesn't have anything to do with it.
    You appear to suggesting that the Prime Minister repeatedly and deliberately lies to Parliament when he says 'there will be no discussions about sovereignty unless the islanders wish it'.
    Are you saying he doesn't mean it?

    58 Think

    You're missing out the part where you explain what you 'think' a fitting compensation for ethnic cleansing might be.

    Nov 02nd, 2011 - 06:17 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • M_of_FI

    I think I will reframe from posting for some time. I have tried to make sense of the convoluted Argentine claim, I have tried to put it into context for them, but they simply ignore what they don’t particularly like (e.g. Argentina extermination of the original inhabitants of Patagonia). They believe all the lies their government spreads (e.g. Britain exploiting Falklands resources) even though in reality this is simply not the case (and their anecdotal evidence seems to trump what I have seen with my own eyes) and they seem to believe that Britain are holding onto the Falklands even when they have provided independence for other countries with more resources and more economic benefits than the Falklands...e.g. India, South Africa, Australia, Canada, etc. Britain, so I am told by Argentines, are holding onto their Empire, however all evidence and Britain’s actions in the last five decades show the contrary, but that is Argentines for you! Whatever makes them sleep better at night.

    Their arguments are illogical and based on an absurd fantasy. There is absolutely no talking to them, their arrogance is only trumped by their ignorance. They believe their patriotism trumps our human rights. I guess that’s an immature and third-world country's view for you. Unfortunately for them, its people like me standing in their way of their imperialist/colonial ambitions, and this won’t change. As I have stated many, many times (as well as many others) the UN clearly states that self-determination is applicable to everyone, no exceptions. Argentines seem to claim the Falklands people are excluded by the UN of this right, but yet again no Argentine has ever provided evidence of this. All in all, Argentines seem to love anecdotal evidence!

    This same old argument will be fought for years to come on Mercopress, long after myself, Think, Marcos etc. are long gone, even though they claim it’s only a matter of time. It is only been a matter of a time for 180 years plus!


    Nov 02nd, 2011 - 06:35 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • briton

    61 M_of_FI
    You are of course correct, you just can’t flog a dead donkey,
    the argie bloggers are so indoctrinated that they will except nothing less than all that they want, even if it is illegal, they steal what they cant get by stealth, its perfectly ok for them to do what they want, as Argentina thinks they are above international law, but are so ready to condemn others, they will lie and use others to do their dirty work for them, we have bloggers that deliberately change the subject, and use slander and threatening insults to get what they want, sadly they have learnt nothing from the past, their obsession with the Falklands may well drag us to conflict, then and only then , it will finally dawn on Argentina, that its to late, to stop it, and the world will never forgive them,
    But will she learn in time, sadly no, just a thought.

    Nov 02nd, 2011 - 06:52 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Marcos Alejandro

    61 M_of_FI Are you joinning Emma and others?
    Have a safe trip home and thank you for your service.

    Nov 02nd, 2011 - 07:10 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Islas Malvinas

    @ 60 Monty69

    I don´t mean he lies or that he doesn´t mean it, I mean he does not expect that to happen, ever. And if for some reason it does happen, I´d bet he would respond: “This is british territory,if you want to be argetine, migrate to Argentina. Full Stop”.


    Nov 02nd, 2011 - 07:52 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • so_far

    #61 M_of_FI

    “I think I will reframe from posting for some time...”

    That the most consistent and wise words you have ever written all this time ...... if I say I will miss your desire to find a solution, .... I would be lying

    paraphrasing Mr Think.,

    “Please remember to leave the keys on the lock.”
    Thanks for your visit. (and your 7th generations of pirates and squatters.)

    Nov 02nd, 2011 - 08:26 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • stick up your junta

    and take you all back home to the Anglo Saxon World, where you all belong.

    How very deliciously racist

    Nov 02nd, 2011 - 09:08 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Redhoyt

    Argentina doesn't have any rights .... historically, legally or even politically.

    And Think is living in cloud cuckoo land if he thinks that Britain will remove the islanders.

    You Argies are just too stupid to get it.

    The islands belong to the islanders.

    Nothing Aregentina can do.

    Nov 02nd, 2011 - 11:19 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Marcos Alejandro

    Redhoyt had a mind that ticked like a clock and, like a clock, it regularly went cuckoo.
    Terry Pratchett

    Nov 02nd, 2011 - 11:32 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • so_far


    Relax just enjoy Thailand's beaches with islanders money but hey!! Continue writing that BS that islanders love in your liar Blog Lord Dumb Ton 1955,... Seem you're the hero !!

    Blind that guide another blind...

    But relax keep going Titanic, not Icebergs at all !!! Nothing that Argentina can do !! Everything is fine!!


    Nov 02nd, 2011 - 11:59 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Redhoyt

    Nice quote MoreCrap. But then I can prove my facts. Argentins has no 'facts' to prove :-)

    I see Arguello continues to tango on his own !

    Pity the Chinese press pointed out that, in effect, Honk Kong is a Cinese colony :-)))

    Nov 03rd, 2011 - 01:08 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Marcos Alejandro

    “In addition to China, this series of conferences has already toured universities in Italy, Mexico, South Africa, Panama, Thailand, India, Cuba, Berlin”
    You missed him Hoyt!

    Nov 03rd, 2011 - 03:54 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Redhoyt

    I doubt anyone understood a word he was saying!

    Nov 03rd, 2011 - 06:38 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • SamSalzman

    #70 Redhoyt.

    This is the latest in the lng line of Senor Arguello's ill-researched comments. HK was, of course, leased to the United Kingdom for 99 years by Qing China. When the lease ran out, HK was handed back to China quite amicably as per the agreement. And on the subject of Colonialism in the Far East, we must have a look at the subjugation under which the people of Tibet are held under occupation by China.

    Nov 03rd, 2011 - 09:23 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • M_of_FI

    I find it quite amusing that Argentines seem to believe my goodbye on Mercopress was a statement of intent to leave the Falklands...? Wishful thinking on their part! I am just leaving Mercopress, my time is too valuable to be wasted certain cretin bloggers. And their belief that I was leaving the Falklands proves their intellectual prowess has a lot to be desired, but I don’t blame them, it is not their fault, I blame the Argentine education system.

    I am leaving Mercopress, not the Falklands. Why would I? This is my home and always will be, and I have to thank the UN for that! Good Night Buenos Aries. And remember it is only a matter of time!!! LOL

    Nov 03rd, 2011 - 11:18 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • so_far


    still writing at Mercopress ? maybe you took a notebook from Gilbert´s House ?

    do not worry ! the proverb says “thief who robs a thief has 100 years of forgiveness”..... so enjoy the notebook!


    Nov 03rd, 2011 - 03:13 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Anti-Fascist

    Latest hit video in the UK about Argentina -

    Nov 03rd, 2011 - 04:52 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • UKOwnsArgentina

    How Argentina Saved Fleeing Nazi's No 1 Video on YouTube -

    Nov 03rd, 2011 - 04:55 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Anti-Fascist

    Falklands tribute to British Victory No 1 hit music video on youtube -

    Nov 03rd, 2011 - 04:59 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Islas Malvinas

    @ My frineds on the islands and the UK.

    I´m reading repeatedly “Argentina did this... Argentina did that...”
    Is the UK an example of respecting Human Rights perhaps? We can talk about the UK´s adventures around the world...

    Shouldn´t we be focusing on what´s in question?

    Nov 03rd, 2011 - 09:14 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • briton

    We certainly can old boy.

    Falklands receives first cruise ship of the season, “Sea Spirit” with 94 passengers
    Yes very nice ?
    We hope they enjoy the trip and the hospitality of the islanders.

    Nov 03rd, 2011 - 09:43 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Monty69

    79 Islas Malvinas
    ''Shouldn´t we be focusing on what´s in question?''

    Absolutely, I couldn't agree more. And the Falkland Islands are what's in question.
    Anything that the UK or anyone else did elsewhere has absolutely no bearing on our human rights.

    Nov 03rd, 2011 - 09:49 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • lsolde

    So as you can see, malvinistas, you have no rights here & no “legitimate” claims & we don't want you.
    M_of_FI in post #61 summed it up perfectly.
    Go away & have a good cry, now.

    Nov 06th, 2011 - 10:13 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Artillero601


    “Falklands tribute to British Victory No 1 hit music video on youtube.....”

    with 86,166 hits? you are kidding right? :-)))

    Nov 07th, 2011 - 05:16 pm - Link - Report abuse 0

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