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Argentina planning a Malvinas war museum for the 30th anniversary

Monday, December 12th 2011 - 05:02 UTC
Full article 94 comments
The museum would be located at the former Navy Mechanical School The museum would be located at the former Navy Mechanical School

Under the banner of “Malvinas Year, memory justice and truth” the administration of President Cristina Fernandez is working for a major rally and demonstration of ‘rank and file” Malvinas veterans in Buenos Aires next 2 April, 30th anniversary of the Falklands/Malvinas invasion.

However the occasion will not be organized as an exaltation of the military landing in 1982 and will have the least military symbols presence possible, and not a single mention of the former General Galtieri or any other of the officers.

On the contrary it will be geared to underline the experiences of the Malvinas veterans and their sufferings visualized in the framework of the Kirchner administrations human rights policy, according to Buenos Aires press reports.

Apparently the idea is to mount a war museum most probably located next to the existing one dedicated to human rights at the Navy’s Mechanic School where a notorious torture and disappearance centre of the last Argentine Military Junta (1976/1983) was operational.

If possible the museum would be inaugurated by President Cristina Fernandez precisely on April 2.

The museum will not emphasize on the military side or aspects of the war but rather on the personal experiences from soldiers (mostly conscripts) such as some groups of veterans that are involved in a major judicial demand and court case because of alleged abuse and torture committed by Argentine officers against rank and file, the famous strapping to the ground, as was common among South American indigenous.

Another issue groups of Malvinas veterans are demanding from the Argentine government is that a formal request be presented to the UK for the DNA identification of a significant number of the Argentine soldiers buried at the Darwin Argentine Memorial who remain “only known to God”.

The Cristina Fernandez administration is also considering extending an additional benefit to the Malvinas war veterans but only limited to those who effectively were involved in the battle theatre in the Falklands and not the thousands called into ranks but whom never left Patagonia.

According to those same reports during the new four years of CFK, the Argentine president will continue tightening with the hard line of maritime blockade to hamper the fisheries and oil industries.

Furthermore it is almost certain that Argentina will finally have an ambassador in London. Since Federico Mirré left in 2008, the post has been vacant.

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  • Redhoyt

    No military aspect / no Galtieri !

    A typical Argentine museum then - no facts !

    Dec 12th, 2011 - 05:14 am 0
  • fermin

    @1: Well, this museums are not typical if you compare them with the Argentina of the 80s or 90s.

    Nowadays yes, they are starting to be typical, thanks god, as typical as the UK living on colonies and other land's workers and resources.

    And what do you mean with “No Galtieri?” What story do you think we are told in here? Do you think Galtieri is not appearing in this stories argentinians tell?

    You can build a whole irracional story also with facts. The whole world knows what Colonialism is and under what “facts” and philosophies it legalizes its atrocities.

    Dec 12th, 2011 - 05:53 am 0
  • Redhoyt

    Vermin - you're out of date. The UK doesn't have any colonies any more. We do have a modern relationship with our Overseas Territories, all of whom are self-determining.

    Official ! :-)

    Dec 12th, 2011 - 06:12 am 0
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