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Boudou ‘symbolic’ president while hard core of ‘Cristinistas’ run Argentina

Wednesday, January 4th 2012 - 23:07 UTC
Full article 12 comments
Not even the Granaderos at Casa Rosada knew the acting president was coming Not even the Granaderos at Casa Rosada knew the acting president was coming

Acting President Amado Boudou arrived at Government House (Casa Rosada) in Buenos Aires at mid morning Wednesday to begin his duties as replacement of President Cristina Fernández for the next 20 days while she recovers from the thyroid operation.

However his first day in office was rather uncoordinated. Since the acting president failed to warn the Government House officials that he was heading there in the morning, he missed the traditional presidential salute by the acting officer who wishes the President a good morning and lets him know there are no news to be communicated.

According to Article 88 of the Argentine Constitution, whenever the Vice-President becomes acting President, he has the same responsibilities and attributions in office as a sitting President.

Boudou is expected to keep a low profile during Cristina Fernández recovery and will meet with Government officials whenever he is needed to make important decisions, as long as the Head of State is in no condition to make the decision herself.

Cabinet Chief Juan Abal Medina and Interior Minister Florencio Randazzo will also be present in the Government House during the convalescence period.

Boudou left the Government House 40 minutes after his arrival and headed across Plaza de Mayo towards a temporary office in Banco Nacion from where he will be working since the official desk in Casa Rosada in undergoing renovation.

In spite of signing resolutions and daily decrees, Boudou’s substitution is more symbolic if anything, official sources from CFK’s inner circle have said.

Political decisions will be made by Carlos Zannini, the Presidency Legal and Technical secretary, and Máximo Kirchner, the President’s son. Planning Minister Julio De Vido and Domestic Trade secretary Guillermo Moreno will handle key economic matters.

Boudou will be consulting this “Cristina” inner circle and following their advice before making any move, added the sources.

The acting president first action was to meet with Economy Minister Hernán Lorenzino and follow markets’ reaction to the surgery episode, on strict orders from the convalescent President.

Categories: Politics, Argentina.

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  • Pirat-Hunter

    If things go right for the CIA and MI6 we might be lookiing at the next Argentine president, I wish Christina gets well soon and I am wrong about the CIA and MI6, Fidel Castro's world isn't all that fake anymore, if Libya can be used as a window into the mentality of the terrorists we can already see how the terrorist cells george bush promised us operate. this events remind me of the song “civil war” by gund and roses where the sing to this lyrics states “We practice selective annihilation of mayors and
    Government officials for example to create a vacuum
    Then we fill that vacuum as popular war advantage
    Peace is closer” I think there are 2 members of the Argentine government who got killed this month alone, not including Christina.

    Jan 05th, 2012 - 12:01 am 0
  • briton

    Another fake swinger ffrom the yardarm .

    Jan 05th, 2012 - 01:35 am 0
  • Teaboy2

    “Political decisions will be made by Carlos Zannini, the Presidency Legal and Technical secretary, and Máximo Kirchner, the President’s son”

    Wow thats truely democracy at work their, too unelected people making the decisions while the president is recovering from surgery, instead of the democratically elected vice president. What makes it worse is the unelected Maximo son of the president is one of those making the decisions, a true sign of CFK imposing her authoritarian regime. Good lck with your new ruling dictatorship argentina, we won't feel sorry for you, so don't come crying to us for help. After all you voted her back in.

    Jan 05th, 2012 - 03:49 am 0
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