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Hague expresses deep concern over the YPF case and promises support for Spain

Wednesday, April 18th 2012 - 08:10 UTC
Full article 13 comments
  The Foreign Secretary says Argentina is undermining its economy The Foreign Secretary says Argentina is undermining its economy

British Foreign Secretary William Hague said he was “very concerned” at President Cristina Fernández announcement to expropriate YPF, a decision he believes “goes against all the commitments Argentina has made in the G20 to promote transparency and reduce protectionism.”

“I am very concerned at the announcement of Argentina’s intention to nationalise a large part of energy company YPF,” Hague said in a written statement.

“This is the latest in a series of trade and investment related actions taken by Argentina which are damaging to business interests and will undermine Argentina’s economy by reducing its attractiveness to international investors,” he added.

Hague was referring to one of the Government’s recent decision to boycott British goods as part of her strategy in the Falklands/Malvinas Islands sovereignty dispute.

“The Argentine Government has made no secret of the fact that it wishes to reduce imports and boost its domestic trade surplus through a variety of restrictive trade measures,” he added.

The statement concludes by warning that Britain “will work with Spain and our EU partners to ensure the Argentine authorities uphold their international commitments and obligations.”

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  • falklandlad

    Commitments from Arg Govt - not worth a jit! Not now, not in the future.

    Apr 18th, 2012 - 09:15 am 0
  • GreekYoghurt

    It's only right to support our friends and allies. I just hope they'd remember the 3000 people of british-heritage trying to make a living in peace the South Atlantic.

    Apr 18th, 2012 - 09:56 am 0
  • toooldtodieyoung

    You see? this is what REAL diplomacy can achieve, not shouting out loudly to anyone who you think might listen and generally re-write history to suit your claims/ own ends.

    Argentina should learn a lesson or two about international relations from this little episode

    Apr 18th, 2012 - 11:20 am 0
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