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PM Cameron: Argentina’s behaviour on the Falklands and trade remains “unacceptable”

Monday, June 25th 2012 - 19:59 UTC
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The UK PM recalled that several G20 leaders had arguments with Cristina Fernandez on trade protectionism The UK PM recalled that several G20 leaders had arguments with Cristina Fernandez on trade protectionism

During a speech at the House of Commons in London on Monday, United Kingdom’s Prime Minister David Cameron blasted Argentina for its “unacceptable behaviour” regarding the Falkland Islands sovereignty claim.

”(Argentina's) behaviour remains aggressive to the islanders. The actions displayed by the Argentine government are not those of a responsible power on the world stage with threats and military rhetoric“ said Cameron who revealed some of the discussions at the recent G20 summit in Mexico.

Cameron told the British parliament that, during the G20, ”the president of Argentina had a number of arguments during this summit, not just with me, and it was made very clear to her that recent behaviour by Argentina on both investment and trade protectionism was not acceptable.”

According to British newspaper The Telegraph, the Prime Minister said the Islanders must be allowed to determine their future and claimed a referendum on their political status would end the debate over ownership once and for all.

Cameron also warned Argentina against making a fresh claim for the Falklands in the future. ''The islanders have had to put up with endless attempts at endless summits to put a question mark over their future. They want to determine that future themselves,” he stressed.

''No one should be in any doubt that as far as the British Government is concerned, it is Falkland Islanders who will determine the sovereignty of the islands. I believe their view will be respected by this House, this country and by the world,'' he stated.

The Falklands government announced it will be holding a referendum on the Islands political status in the first half of 2013, which hopefully would send a strong message to Argentina.

Gavin Short, spokesperson for the Falklands Legislative Assembly, said: ''We are holding this referendum not because we have any doubts about who we are and what future we want, but to show the world just how certain we are about it.

''I have no doubt that the people of the Falklands wish for the Islands to remain a self-governing overseas territory of the United Kingdom.

“We certainly have no desire to be ruled by the government in Buenos Aires, a fact that is immediately obvious to anyone who has visited the Islands and heard our views” said MLA Short.

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  • Self Determination

    I hope the results of the referendum are published in the worlds newspapers.
    Play them at their own game.

    Jun 25th, 2012 - 08:20 pm 0
  • ElaineB

    Interesting that CFKC was involved in a number of arguments. I guess the world is getting tired of Madam Tantrum.

    Jun 25th, 2012 - 08:30 pm 0
  • Conqueror

    How could anyone deny this? Argieland has tried to steal the Falkland Islands for 192 years. As the world has progressed, they have changed their story time and again. They admitted they had no valid claim in 1850 and again in 1866. They can't even comply with the UN Charter or a UN Security Council resolution.

    “The actions displayed by the Argentine government are not those of a responsible power on the world stage with threats and military rhetoric”

    They aren't “responsible” and they shouldn't be on the “world stage”. They don't have enough “responsibility” to be admitted to the “theatre”. They lie. They cheat. They try to steal. They whine. They whinge.

    Argieland should be expelled from the United Nations. Then, if the UN had the guts, the UN should go in and clean the place up. For a start, execution for every government and public “official” shown to have lied. That will get rid of the whole of the Federal government and, probably, most of the provincial governments. Then, seizure of the “fortunes” of all those executed. That should start to put the country back on its economic feet. Then, governments should be selected from the few remaining indigenous people. Territorial disputes with other S. Am. countries should be settled on the basis that argieland has probably been lying. Deviants must be “dissuaded”. Argieland must be controlled by UN police and armed forces. “Abnormal” behaviour must be discouraged. Groups of political activists must be stamped out.

    Jun 25th, 2012 - 08:45 pm 0
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