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CFK announces pay rise for the military and plays the nationalistic tune

Wednesday, July 11th 2012 - 06:28 UTC
Full article 95 comments

Argentine President Cristina Fernández, CFK, announced Tuesday evening a pay rise for all military personnel, effective July first during the Armed Forces annual dinner at the Libertador Building, in the Ministry of Defence. Read full article


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  • LEPRecon

    CFK trying to woo the military?

    Well in about 30 years time, when Argentina has got around to upgrading its military I might get worried.

    Of course she might be trying to persuade them to commit suicide by invading the Falklands now, hopefully the leaders of Argentinas armed forces aren't that stupid.

    Jul 11th, 2012 - 07:36 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • brit abroad

    “the people and the motherland”.

    followed by the sound of goose stepping!

    and the Military budgets gone up by 2 dollars

    Jul 11th, 2012 - 07:51 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Frank

    'OK Chaps, an extra 2/6d a week... now will you agree to do the government's bidding??'

    Jul 11th, 2012 - 08:01 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • damian

    The president also called on all Argentines, with or without uniform, to be prepared for the “severe difficulties and restrictions which the outside world is imposing on Argentina”.

    Anyone would think she's attempting to keep the military sweet so they'll be able to clear the streets of the protesters when inflation hits triple figures

    Jul 11th, 2012 - 08:55 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Alexei

    KFC's sucking up to her military, hmmm... Perhaps she has a little job she wants them to do? Hugo Chavez was recently pampering and promoting his military too. At this time lots of RG talk of The Falkland Islands being a “regional issue”. Maybe we'll see a joint operation by Argentina involving Venezuela's newly appointed affirmative action appointed generals and admirals. I do hope so :)

    Jul 11th, 2012 - 08:56 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • British_Kirchnerist

    Good to see Cristina's Churchillian and true analysis of the international attacks on her country, hope and expect the people will respond unitedly with struggle against the real enemy of the financial elite. And nice to see Cristina's army doing development work in the slums rather than repressing the people =) We will overcome

    Jul 11th, 2012 - 09:01 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • KretinaK

    Argentina used to have the best beef in the world, but since Nestor and Cristina Kirchner have been in power, the beef industry has been completely destroyed. Nobody should eat the poor quality and polluted beef, it's not fit for human consumption. Argentine beef loaded with hormones, drugs and chemicals that have been outlawed in the USA and Europe and they have been known to ship rotten beef for export after it's been washed with bleach and ammonia, injected with formaldehyde and red food coloring.
    Lemons from Argentina are sprayed with toxic and dangerous chemicals that cause cancer and nerve damage and injected with artificial yellow coloring because the soil in Argentina is so depleted of minerals in that the lemons grow white on the trees and have no flavor.
    Industrial products such as tools, automobiles, machinery and appliances from Argentina are the worst and poorest quality in the world. Even the chinese won't buy them. There is no industrial standard, they use the lowest quality raw materials and no testing is done before they are shipped. This has caused people to be injured by unsafe products, many people have been electrocuted by Argentine washing machines and hot water heaters that leave the factory with short circuits.
    All countries should completely avoid ALL Argentine products permanently.

    Jul 11th, 2012 - 09:42 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Idlehands

    She's probably fantasising about the reduction in the wage bill that could be achieved by sending them off to invade the Falklands.

    A cruise ship stuffed with thousands of soldiers sinking to the bottom of the atlantic would be both a wage saver and a diplomatic coup all wrapped up in one befuddled mind.

    Jul 11th, 2012 - 09:45 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Dr Carrizal

    How timely - nothing like a bit of unity to make those ingrates both stand and shut up, as well as keeping los milicos on the “right” side, and happy at the prospect of some much needed practice...
    Exterminacion Macht Frei!

    Jul 11th, 2012 - 09:57 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • mcarling

    I hope she is not laying the early groundwork for a third invasion of the Falklands (following October 1832 and April 1982).

    Jul 11th, 2012 - 10:06 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Guzz

    People here are not followers of blockades and boycots, I would think.
    At least they scream out loud on every Argentinian mention of any form for trade embargo on the Falklands, so I wouldn't expect them to be hypocrites and boycot Argentinian goods...

    Jul 11th, 2012 - 10:11 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Room101

    It is understood why the president sees that she must do these things; the clock is remorselessly ticking and she has little time to carry out her office before Argentina looks for another leader. Blaming the outside world (a big place with varying nuances) for Argentina's internal troubles is a very tortuous path to follow; it removes allies and annoys trading internationally and disillusions the Argentine populace for only a while. She has to come up with the goods very soon, or lose. Creating an island out of a country that isn't an island is bound to isolate communication on all levels- except propaganda, and you can't put that on the dining table.

    Jul 11th, 2012 - 10:21 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Guzz

    national anthem = nationalistic tune?
    Or is this headline trying something fishy??

    Jul 11th, 2012 - 10:26 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    Good grief, I think all of this kind of crazy talk from CFK or the other nutty RG rules ( Peron) worked WHEN THERE WAS NO INTERNET OR INT”L NEWS available in the country. Gosh I hope people don't buy into that nuttiness but I think they do.
    RGs are doomed.
    I think she is wooing the military because she knows riots are coming.

    Jul 11th, 2012 - 10:38 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ElaineB

    'The Outside World'. Yes, make the whole world the enemy and isolate the population because she wouldn't want them to see the reality.

    Why would she turn up to announce that the military are getting a pay rise but not know how much? Why doesn't she know? Is she waiting for Maximo to check down the backs of her numerous sofas to see what is left?

    Jul 11th, 2012 - 11:01 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    Maybe all the $ went to he high speed train they announced 7 yrs ago


    Arg can't afford to PAY SALARIES NOW how are they going to pay a who's expense? I guess it doesn't matter when you can just print as many pesos as you need. Or is a Patacones I forget?

    Jul 11th, 2012 - 11:16 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • briton

    She gives them a pay rise,
    But fails to say [why]

    She failed to mention the Falklands [why]

    A coincident perhaps
    Or forgetful ness .??

    Jul 11th, 2012 - 11:34 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Conqueror

    There's one of two things coming. Riots or war. Unfortunately for the military, 21% won't cover inflation. And, at the moment, they're a little short on conscripts. Conscripts being the “populist” term for cannon fodder. For CFK, riots will be the best option. British troops will shoot back. Argies don't like that. However, in respect of the Falklands, I do not think there need be much concern. Argie amphibious and landing forces are not much changed. An airborne assault would have been chancy in '82 and suicidal now. The difference is the British forces. Something like fifteen times as many and much better equipped. They will only need to hold for 24 hours. Chile and Bolivia are distinct possibilities. The “best” option probably being Bolivia. Chile would probably fight back and ally itself with Britain. So it's war in Bolivia or riots. If it's riots, it will mark a return to the “Dirty War”. An important question will be whether the argie population finally figures out that it is being screwed and how long it has been going on. This is doubtful. They're pretty thick. Still, if it leads to an alliance between Britain and Chile, we shouldn't complain. We may even be able save Uruguay.

    Jul 11th, 2012 - 11:35 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Guzz

    I agree things are looking bad in Europe, but riots? You really believe so?
    If you are to ally Chile, you might be in a hurry. Your prospects of doing so when Bachelet get into office, are rather slim...

    Jul 11th, 2012 - 11:54 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • EnginnerAbroad

    The president also called on all Argentines, with or without uniform, to be prepared for the “severe difficulties and restrictions which the outside world is imposing on Argentina”.

    Translation - Argentine economy is about to fail but when it does it will be the fault of what the nasty world has done to us and nothing to do with this outdated and failing economic model which comes down to a simple concept that her government spends more money that it recieves. Other countries can borrow money to cover the short fall but Argentina is barred from the international money lending market after defaulting in 2001. For the sake of the country cut this reckless spending. She is being forced to give public sector workers pay rises (with money the country does not have) to cover the increasing levels of inflation, this is the popularist soloution (especially when she denies inflation is in double digits), these increases in wages will only lead to further inflation rises. The solution is to adopt a long term stable economic model which will reduce the inflation and make everyone in the country better off.

    Inflation is the main issue behind the Argentine economic problems and until she admits this she can not sort it out. But she (as all Peronist governments do) is take sort term populrist decisions so the masses keep bleating her name.

    Jul 11th, 2012 - 12:06 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ElaineB

    @21 I think you are right. CFKC must be expecting riots and looting in the streets again and is hoping to bribe the military to support her. I am guessing the idea of the pay rise with thought up on the way to the meeting which is why she has no idea how much, when it will take effect and how the hell she is going to pay for it.

    Jul 11th, 2012 - 12:11 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    Are all 550K BA province employees striking today or just certain sectors? Maybe they should get a raise that can't be paid too.

    Print Print Print...hyperinflation on the way time to buy sugar or laundry detergent to trade...

    Jul 11th, 2012 - 12:12 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • EnginnerAbroad

    Not sure if other Argentines are seeing the same as me but Dairy products seem to have gone up in price massivily in the past week. Milk is up to about 6.5 pesos a bag and youghart is about 7.50 pesos a pot. Anyone know why this is? Is there a problem with dairy production?

    Jul 11th, 2012 - 12:21 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • cLOHO

    Blame everbody else for her failings and the countries failings. Pick on a race of people to bully and hate (Islanders & UK) , run a political propaganda youth movement that bullies and protests on her command, starting behave like our old mate Adolf.

    Jul 11th, 2012 - 12:23 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Welsh Wizard

    @ 23 EnginnerAbroad

    About a week ago, one of the biggest and oldest dairy producers in Argentina went out of business. This, mixed with inflation, might be the cause but I can't be sure.

    Jul 11th, 2012 - 12:48 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • EnginnerAbroad

    @25. I would guess you are right. We have been seeing inflation rises for the past, well forever but these appear slowly the rise in dairy products has been dramatic (30% or so in the last week) so I knew there had to be another problem underlying the effect. Any idea who the company was?

    Jul 11th, 2012 - 12:51 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    Didn't CFK let a lot of producers increase prices 9% recently? That is a huge increase in one month!

    And I am sure it will be shown in the next INDEC inflation report....

    Jul 11th, 2012 - 12:51 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • EnginnerAbroad

    Nice little website we can all use to sound inteligent.
    I started thinking about what CFK uses but came up with to many to mention.

    Jul 11th, 2012 - 12:54 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Ahab

    I see CFK has been watching her favourite TV show again “Wheel of Blame.”

    Looks like she has added “The Whole World” to the wheel in addition to “English Pirates” and “Usurping Islanders.”

    In regards to the army, I can think to three main reasons she is being all nice to the army:

    1) As other poster have mentioned, riots are a distinct possibility.
    2) She wants to keep them onside regard Argentina's “tactical” situation regarding the South Atlantic
    3) Just in case the army feel left out and decide they can do a better job of running the country than her.

    In the end, it sounds like another popularist short term move that will placate people until they realise there is no money to actually provide these wage increases.

    Jul 11th, 2012 - 01:15 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • LightThink

    Who servicing these raving news
    perhaps to deceive nescient people like these posters

    Argentine economy is neither US nor British ones.

    Argentine economy permanently growing up and ultimately tax revenues up so payment increasing is routine for everybody from budget not only for military.

    Jul 11th, 2012 - 01:47 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Idlehands

    She has to pay them more because she is going to draft the army to run the money printing presses required to pay them.

    Jul 11th, 2012 - 01:58 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ElaineB

    @30 If people paid their tax but they don't. 50% of the workforce are on the 'black' and the black market economy is huge.

    Jul 11th, 2012 - 01:59 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • LightThink


    Tax Revenues (2010):350 billion Ps---(2011): 436 billion Ps

    Expenditures (2010) : 302 billion Ps -- (2011) : 412 billion Ps

    In 2012 :

    Jul 11th, 2012 - 02:14 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ManRod

    “If you are to ally Chile, you might be in a hurry. Your prospects of doing so when Bachelet get into office, are rather slim...”

    Bachelet had excellent relations to the UK. There is no need from UK for a proactive search to “ally” with Chile. There is already, probably the oldest one and stable in the continent.

    Jul 11th, 2012 - 02:29 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • PirateLove

    Way hey!! Junta Bonus

    Jul 11th, 2012 - 02:31 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • EnginnerAbroad

    @30 She needs to pay them more because of increasing inflation. If salaries did not increase then people would earn 21% in real terms. This will lead to increasing inflation.

    Does the expendisture figure you quote include servicing foreign debt and if so, Why does she need to use money from the central bank reserves to pay this?

    Gwoth is slowing in Argentina (some Argentine Universities already believe it is shrinking) and all the prominent university of Argentina are predicting a recision within the next 3 months. Strickly speaking this is not a problem in itself but with inflation running at 20 odd % a recesion is highly dangerous as the economy no longer generates the income to service the inflation (i.e. salary rises) and leads to stagflation with a very real risk of hyperinflation and a devaluing of the peso.

    Also if there really is a surplus why do they need to borrow money from the IMF? Would you borrow money if your expenditure was lower than your income?

    Jul 11th, 2012 - 02:35 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Guzz

    You guys can't control your own economy, much less Argentinas...
    Ever occured to you that borrowed money can be used as investment?

    Jul 11th, 2012 - 02:55 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • EnginnerAbroad


    Im an Argentine resident, so the Argentine economy is MY economy. If borrowed money is being used as an investemnt then please point me to examples of this investement? The majority of investment in Argentine is comming from foreign investment, mining, oil etc. YPF is currently desperatly trying to raise the investment it needs after seizing the company to develop the oil and gas exploration and infrastructure required.

    The investement the government makes does not seem to be paying anything back other than populrist voter support.

    Jul 11th, 2012 - 03:03 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Guzz

    My pardons, thought you were British.

    I can only compare your statement with the numbers presented by your government and foreign spectators.
    As I'm not Argentinian, I willnot be as the ones I criticize and tell you what to do in your own nation, but I've never seen Argentina perform as they are doing these days. Ever. Especially not before the Kirchner regime...

    Jul 11th, 2012 - 03:31 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Conqueror

    @19 Lame and desperate!
    @30 Copy and paste from the government “script”.
    @33 You forgot to add in the cost of collection!
    @37 Where are you going to “borrow” money? You need a “gift”. But, in the long run, even “gifts” cost. But why would you care? You're a Uruguayan. You can improve your economy by demanding that argieland pays all the money it owes you. You know, when it refused to buy back all of its currency that you exchanged. Except you're not Uruguayan, are you? Virtually all your comments come straight from the argie script. Apart from the occasional “Well done, Pepe.” Typical argie, thick as 10 short planks. But, don't let us put you off. You are highly amusing in a stupid ignorant way and, if you are amongst the best argieland can put forward, Britain has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to be concerned about. Inside the next year, you'll probably be scavenging for scraps from refuse bins. Meanwhile, I'll still be eating well. But nothing from LatAm. Very careful about that!

    Jul 11th, 2012 - 03:47 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • EnginnerAbroad


    I am British, but I am also an Argentine resident who lives and pays tax here in Argentina. So I am able to see both sides of an argument. I am sure you can imagine that I have absoutly nothing to gain and evrything to lose from a collapse in the economy so I do not wish this. However, growth is currently shriking and the major universities in Corboda etc are predicting a recision soon which is dangerous with inflation running so high.

    Comparing now (the Kirchner regime) to before (Juan Peron, Milatry Junta, Isabella Person, Milatry Junta, Mendez, 2001 collapse) is not exacly a fair statement of performace, yes things have been better since 2001 but the government had not put in place an economic model of long term stability only sudden and huge growth (which has fuelled inflation) and we will see this large rate of inflation comming home to cause problems very soon. What Argentina needs to do is tackle inlfation before it is to late, instead of pretending to itself (despite the evidence from international observors) that inflation is in single figures.

    I do believe that CFK needs to soround herself with economists and not yes men and create a postive enviroment for foreign investment. This president never gives press conferences of interviews and only ever speaches in which she sorrounds herself with supporters. This is neither diplomatic or democratic.

    Argentina needs to stop bouncing back and forth between economic boom and boost and put plans in palce for long term steady growth which would help control inflation and safe guard future prosperity for all Argentines. Peronists need to be less concerned about their next political office and more concerned with leading Argentine to a bright future.

    Regardless of the issues I believe that the UK and Argentina can have positive relations now and in the future, I am evidence that Argentina is not represive to my nationality and the large numbers of Argentines are proof that they are not represed either.

    Jul 11th, 2012 - 03:55 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Guzz

    The very thought of any Latin American working even 15 seconds on something that you could gain from in the end, is rather sickening.
    I thank and support you in your decision.

    Jul 11th, 2012 - 03:55 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Conqueror

    @42 Do something else that Latin Americans could do for us. It's a three letter word beginning with D.

    Jul 11th, 2012 - 04:10 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • WestisBest

    “Argentine President Cristina Fernández, CFK, announced Tuesday evening a pay rise for all military personnel”

    Shouldn't be too big an expenditure, that's all the Argentine military personnel around the dinner table isn't it?

    Jul 11th, 2012 - 04:14 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • EnginnerAbroad


    Do you seriously mean that? You actual want a population of people to die? I hope not and would hope for better from a fellow Brit. These forums are intended to stimulate positive discussion and argument not a character assasination and a who has the biggest cock competion. If others sink to this level, why not sit above it and respond with arguments we can appriciate.

    Surely above all else we are humans, Im pretty sure their blood is still as red as ours. Why cant we put aside nationalism and move forward with a positive future for all? We can only expect this if we lead by example.

    Jul 11th, 2012 - 04:16 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • cLOHO

    42... Work in Argentina jajaja much better to sit back and blame the rest of the world for you plight...

    Jul 11th, 2012 - 04:35 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Guzz

    Either you go pay your debts, or you help your banks fixing the numbers to make the rose garden bloom. Stupid comments will get you nowhere...

    Jul 11th, 2012 - 04:44 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ChrisR

    The rise is to pay for the helicopter reservation for when TMBOA has to 'fly dahlings' to the USA.

    Jul 11th, 2012 - 05:20 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • cLOHO

    Hey and an insult at the end, how unusual for you. you really are a grade A racontuer. Keep it up it
    Rose garden is blooming , inflation low, full order books at work, low interest rates, nice pay rise, it's all rosey.

    Jul 11th, 2012 - 05:26 pm - Link - Report abuse 0

    That makes me laugh .. Chile will ally with UK? Jajajaja! Are you talking about? Argentina is going to disappear? Jajaja! Delusions of a small sect of 3000 inhabitants that they handle each other .. Poor deluded, God forgive them because the cold will not let them reason with clarity .. JaJa!

    Jul 11th, 2012 - 05:41 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Britworker

    Those few pesos are going to mean everything when there are sea vipers and tomahawks raining down on them. Spend it while you can boys.

    Jul 11th, 2012 - 05:54 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • scarfo

    She gives pay rises to the military, praises them then says this,

    “You are acting in our shanty towns precisely to participate actively not in internal security affairs, which are banned under the Defence Bill,

    Along with her warning

    the very severe difficulties and restrictions which the outside world is imposing on us”.

    I think she can see there is gonna be trouble ahead!

    Jul 11th, 2012 - 05:57 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • briton

    The president also called on all Argentines, with or without uniform, to be prepared for the “severe difficulties and restrictions which the outside world is imposing on Argentina”.

    If this 1938, we would swear adolf was back .

    Jul 11th, 2012 - 06:24 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • AmericanLight

    45 I agree with you. This is getting sick.No respect for human life and blind nationalism. I love my country. I am extremely related to the Armed Forces but I will not celebrate or even think about the inhalation of a total group of people.

    Jul 11th, 2012 - 06:26 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • McClick

    Guzz... well done ...
    but it is not enough to beat this loadmouthed group by words ,you should find some paid jobs for them .

    Jul 11th, 2012 - 06:54 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Brit Bob

    21% increase in military wages eh, with inflation running at about 25% there quids in. Ha!

    Jul 11th, 2012 - 07:22 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Guzz

    EngineerAbroad and AmericanLight
    I'm sick as well at aimlessly battering britons. When it comes to it, no brit has ever done me any harm...
    I only wish for the British forces to leave our region, but is is extremely hard at times to keep ones temper on these threads.

    I'm not pointing fingers, as I know both sides of the debate have their share of the blame, but instead of looking for someone to blame, I'd like to find a solution...

    Jul 11th, 2012 - 07:49 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • briton

    All CFK has to do,
    remove the offending article in your constitution,
    stop abusing , thretening , insulting , and trying to blockade the islands,
    stop trying to get every tom dick and harry, to turn against them , reconise that they to have a right to live in peace, without threats and harrisment,

    and then start being polite, and helpfull, this would help to start finding a solution,


    Jul 11th, 2012 - 08:39 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    Guzz, The solution is to recognize that the Falklanders have a right to their own defense. They are small so they need some help. It is very simple.
    I'm sure you learned it in elementary school leave the big boys alone and you'll not have any problems. Why this is so hard for Rgs it is hard to figure out?
    They're like the little kid who keep poking and bothering a much bigger boy then get slapped down and goes wailing and whining to anyone who will listen when they clearly deserved it.
    Nobody likes a cry baby.

    Jul 11th, 2012 - 09:06 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ElaineB

    There solution is simple. CFKC needs to concern herself with getting Argentina in shape with long-term policies and work at changing the culture of dependency to contributing to society.

    Argentina has huge resources and potential but lacks the leadership to realise the potential. It was once one of the richest countries in the world (without the Falklands) and it could be again (without stealing the Falklands). It is an unnecessary distraction from the job at hand.

    Jul 11th, 2012 - 09:06 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Guzz

    I don't think it's fair to treat people according to how their elected regime behaves compared to your own convictions.
    Argentina has NEVER done better than today in the past, that's just not correct.
    I agree Argentina shouldn't use the Falklands as a tool for unison, but most people here are constantly prooving her right...

    Jul 11th, 2012 - 09:11 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    Your Economy as compared to EVERY OTHER COUNTRY ON THE PLANET would say you have done MUCH better in the past and for the last 70 years have done nothing but move further down the list.

    Jul 11th, 2012 - 09:38 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ElaineB

    Do you know that less than 100 years ago it was a genuine race between the US and Argentina to see which would be the new economic superpower?
    We know how that turned out as Argentina relied too heavily on exports and crashed out of the race.

    When I first arrived in Argentina and walked for hours every day just discovering Buenos Aires, my first impression was that this must have been a wealthy and successful country once, judging by the style and grandure of buildings. That glamour is faded and crumbling but you can still see it.

    When I travelled all over the country and spoke with people, especially away from the capital, I thought how it could be great again. It has everything to be successful and provide a good standard of living for the people. It lacks two key ingredients; an intelligent government and a good work ethic.

    Jul 11th, 2012 - 09:38 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • SussieUS

    Not again!
    This old man needs psychiatrist treatment.
    All what he has in his mind is a continous desire to kill argentinians.
    I think he should travel to Sky Harbor to check on his cornish pasty restaurant in Tempe, AZ.USA.

    Jul 11th, 2012 - 09:39 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Guzz

    Mylady Elaine
    Might be there was a race between Argentina and USA 100 years ago or some. That was before the 2 world wars and long before USA became what it is.
    I wont discuss the fact that Argentina was a good prospect at the time, but that doesn't mean they were doing better back then than they are doing now.

    Permit me share a song with you, I assume your spanish is quite fine,

    Jul 11th, 2012 - 09:44 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • briton


    thats better, nice , clean , and polite,

    Jul 11th, 2012 - 09:58 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Britworker

    Guzz, you state you are Uruguayan, not British, not Argentinian and not a Falkland Islander - you are an Uruguayan. Therefore you have no involvement in the issue at all, you are utterly insignificant. If you feel so disturbed by the comments, keep your bloody nose out of issues that dont concern you. You are just a trouble causer, an old fishwife sticking her nose over the fence interfering in matters that dont concern you. The Falkland Islands are an emotive issue that very much concern the British people because they are being picked on by an aggressive expansionist neighbour that has attempted to occupy them in very recent history and is highly likely to try it again. If that is difficult for you to understand then perhaps consider if it was your own people on the islands that had been there for 9 generations and before Argentina even existed.

    Jul 11th, 2012 - 10:27 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Guzz

    You claim the Falklands are self-governated. If this is true, you have just as much involvement in this matter as me. Furthermore, the Southern Atlantic is “my region” as well, much more so than yours...

    Jul 11th, 2012 - 10:36 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ElaineB

    My Spanish is fine enough but I never click on links on messageboards.

    You are wrong, Argentina was doing much better in the early part of the twentieth century. Read up on it if you don't believe me. And it is because of the early glory days that they still have a huge sense of superiority in South America. They were successful and more advanced back then so the had the ego to match. Now they still have the ego but none of the success.

    Jul 11th, 2012 - 10:45 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • briton

    Come come gus,
    You do set your self up, do you not,
    Europe is my region,

    How many brits on this site, do you honestly thinks would stand up, and defend the EU,

    As you defend argentina.

    And if you may recall, in past history, every dictator or wannaby, needs a victory,
    Now im not in anyway suggesting anything,
    But what if, CFK turned her attention to your country,
    Who then, do you think, will come to your aid, and defend you .
    Think on it .
    As for Europe,

    I have no interest, other than trade and holidays.


    Jul 11th, 2012 - 10:45 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Guzz

    Miss (Mrs) Elaine
    Uruguay also did well back in the 20's, as we did back in the 40-50's.
    The main reason for this was because world was at war, and SA sold their stuff (mainly meat) like never before...
    Don't worry about the links posted, they link to youtube, totally harmless site if we're talking computer diseases.

    Our former President, Tabare Vasquez, actually asked Bush for aid would Uruguay need it to attack Argentina. I'm not kidding here, it's the one and only reason he isn't the President candidate for the Frente Amplio on upcoming elections. The people loved him (before the mess, that is...)
    All I can respond to that is that no matter our differences, we are still more united than ever, and surely more united than the EU...

    Jul 11th, 2012 - 10:56 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Britworker

    No im afraid your not indigenous to your region, your a spanish imposter living in a stolen land. You get that Guzz? You are not indigenous to the country you are living in, it was stolen and the original inhabitants were murdered. The British didn't murder anyone when we colonised the Falklands, the blood is on your ancestors hands, you might want to think about that when your dishing your crap out. Also you are the worlds 77th economy, dont you think you should be concentrating on your own problems cos that is nothing to be proud of mr.

    Jul 11th, 2012 - 11:00 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Guzz

    I am very much indigenous to Uruguay, and æast thing you could call me, is spanish :)
    Try spanish/italian/greek/russian/charrua/portuguese/french for a starter :) :)
    I'm sure the Germanics that you are a descendent of, and who invaded and settled in what is Britain today didn't kill the natives :)
    Would that be the case, does that make you a german imposter?

    Uruguay is a humble nation of 3.3M people, we aren't at the top 150 when it comes to population (my guess), so a shot at 77th spot from an economic perspective is a darn good achievement :)

    Jul 11th, 2012 - 11:09 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Britworker

    So based on your acceptance of the mix of heritages in south america that make up that region based on the movement of people so long ago, why can you not accept the British in the Falklands that have been there for a very very long time. Are you racist towards the British guzz?

    Jul 11th, 2012 - 11:16 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Guzz

    Not at all Sir, and I do accept the Falklanders/Malvineros as imdigenous as well. The British sends nothing but arrogance, military and warships. Those are NEVER indigenous, except of the Argentine arrogance, of course. But hey, they have British blood in their venes...

    Jul 11th, 2012 - 11:24 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Britworker

    You know exactly why the warships and subs are there and I would get used to many more if your Argentine neighbours continue with their current behaviour.

    Jul 11th, 2012 - 11:44 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Guzz

    Who knows, mayhap a few of your warships more is precisely what we need for a final push in our unification. Call her what you want, but she is not stupid...

    Jul 11th, 2012 - 11:50 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Britworker

    I think history and form should tell you that we dont lose at war and south american unity is a foolish and fragile foundation with which to build your hopes on getting the better of us. We are not stupid either.

    Jul 12th, 2012 - 12:06 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Guzz

    Want some Latin American unity? I warn you though, it's pretty harsh words...

    Jul 12th, 2012 - 12:18 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • MistyThink

    YouTube site is full of malwares.

    Jul 12th, 2012 - 09:11 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Guzz

    Malwares? You mean those little programs you choose to install or not? No malwares in youtube, friend. Mayhap some harmless cookies...

    Jul 12th, 2012 - 09:16 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • MistyThink

    It has. ( scala between 20 bytes.....6 kbyte )

    Jul 12th, 2012 - 09:23 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Guzz

    I never seen my computer asking me if I want to install anything while in youtube. And I can assure you my computer doesn't install anything without prompting...

    Jul 12th, 2012 - 09:27 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • MistyThink

    None of security guard programs can determine/perceive some (!) these kinds of minimicro softwares.

    Jul 12th, 2012 - 09:50 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Guzz

    It's not my security programs that stop them, it's just my operating system prompting me when a program tries to install itself on my hard disk.
    Doesn't matter, stay away from youtube...

    Jul 12th, 2012 - 09:57 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • cLOHO

    Listen guys Guzz knows computers, hes a full time Troll, man he sits at the dam thing all day long, and when his mum has gone to bed watches the streaming websites you know of the blue variety. So leave him alone hes an expert!!

    Jul 12th, 2012 - 11:55 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • KretinaK

    Very very scary news about Argentina signing a military cooperation agreement with Venezuela, these people are looking to start a war.
    Did you hear about the new “militant” movement that Kirchners are starting that will make “La Cámpora” look like a group of kids in nursery school? It's called “Vatayon”, it's a Kirchner backed group that goes into the prisons of Argentina to recruit supporters for their political movement. This is frightening!!/vatayonmilitante

    Jul 12th, 2012 - 01:23 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • LEPRecon

    @87 - KretinaK

    The Falklands are well protected and even if Argentina and Venezula combined forces it still wouldn't be enough. The only military's in South America that might do some damage are Chile and Brazil. But despite all the crap CFK and her cronies are spouting, there is no regional pact to invade the Falklands, it's all in CFKs mind, and meant for pubic consumption.

    And even if they did attack, the UK could still probably hold them off, whilst invoking Article 5 of the NATO charter, and bringing the big guns into play. NATO probably wouldn't interfer if it was just the UK against Argentina, but if others countries get involved they would definitely get involved too. Added to military action would be economic sanctions which would sink or at least severely damage South American economies.

    So the question should be, what is in it for Brazil and Chile? The answer is nothing, so why would they risk the lives of their men and their military hardware for the sole benefit of Argentina?

    The only countries that should be worried right now is Paraguay and Uruguay. I wouldn't put it past Chavez and CFK to invade them.

    I would hope that if they tried Brazil and Chile would stop them, but who knows?

    In regards to this new militant group, and the fact that CFK is wooing the military, I suspect a coup is in the making. CFK will make herself the 'Dear Leader' for life, and like her buddy Chavez, would imprison or 'disappear' anyone who disagrees with her.

    Jul 12th, 2012 - 03:03 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ChrisR

    I suspect we do not have to worry about Chavez much longer, he will have the Dead Man Walking tag shortened to Dead Man by the end of the year.

    Jul 12th, 2012 - 05:35 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • aussie sunshine

    89 that is why he is the most dangerous !! nothing to loose!!

    Jul 13th, 2012 - 10:32 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • cLOHO

    Car is back and posting .....

    Jul 14th, 2012 - 07:30 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Zhivago

    read all! (you too soozi!)

    lose   [looz] Show IPA verb, lost, los·ing.
    verb (used with object)
    to come to be without (something in one's possession or care), through accident, theft, etc., so that there is little or no prospect of recovery: I'm sure I've merely misplaced my hat, not lost it.
    to fail inadvertently to retain (something) in such a way that it cannot be immediately recovered: I just lost a dime under this sofa.
    to suffer the deprivation of: to lose one's job; to lose one's life.
    to be bereaved of by death: to lose a sister.
    to fail to keep, preserve, or maintain: to lose one's balance; to lose one's figure.

    loose   [loos] Show IPA adjective, loos·er, loos·est, adverb, verb loosed, loos·ing.
    free or released from fastening or attachment: a loose end.
    free from anything that binds or restrains; unfettered: loose cats prowling around in alleyways at night.
    uncombined, as a chemical element.
    not bound together: to wear one's hair loose.
    not put up in a package or other container: loose mushrooms.

    Jul 14th, 2012 - 03:16 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • SussieUS

    There she is again trying to impress using Zhivago name and incompentency to understand american english and argentine spanish . Why these people are kept in the payroll? Nothing they can do except to demostrate their imbecility. The argentine goverment get her comments and she also can be easily found and hit in the face. Poor sueca!

    Jul 14th, 2012 - 09:44 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Zhivago

    You found me out!!! I am in fact a Swedish girl, that's one for Argentinian intelligence...Bravo!!!

    Jul 15th, 2012 - 01:09 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pete Bog

    @68“Furthermore, the Southern Atlantic is “my region” as well, much more so than yours...”
    It is the Falkland islander's region too as they live there.

    Remind me how far the Falkland Islands are away from Uraguay?

    Jul 16th, 2012 - 11:20 pm - Link - Report abuse 0

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