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Entertainment for Falklands’ residents: quite more than could be expected

Wednesday, August 15th 2012 - 09:16 UTC
Full article 22 comments
Football and golf, local passions (Photo: Getty Images/Gamma-Rapho) Football and golf, local passions (Photo: Getty Images/Gamma-Rapho)
Reception for Reflection Reception for Reflection

Since the world’s eyes were on the Falklands during the 30th Anniversary Commemorations for the 1982 Conflict, life in the Islands has returned to normality and despite a population of approximately only 3,000, residents activities are far from quiet and enjoy very enjoyable.

Tourists visiting the Falkland Islands frequently ask what residents do for entertainment and in response it can be hard to answer, not because of the lack of entertainment but quite the opposite, it’s hard to know where to start!

Throughout the year residents enjoy various fundraisers, balls, tournaments, quizzes, dances, live music nights, variety shows, stage productions, children’s plays and concerts, weddings, fancy dress parties, school fetes, craft shows, an annual horticultural show, church fetes. The list is impressively long and varied.

Various annual events are particular highlights each year with probably the longest running being the May Ball. The ball gives people 15 years and over the opportunity to dress in beautiful ball gowns and suits and dance to traditional music. Practicing the different dances starts months in advance and sees youngsters impressively gliding round the Town Hall dance floor during the ball. May Queen, May Princess, Prince Charming and Prince Charming Runner-up are crowned during the evening. The Winter Ball allows residents another opportunity to don their ball gowns and suits and dance the night away whilst raising money for a local music charity.

For those residents interested in sports then there is an abundance of different activities, competitions, tournaments and events to take part in. The darts league is particularly popular with teams and individuals taking part every Monday in Stanley’s pubs. An exciting and suspense filled darts tournament takes place in the Town Hall each year. The World’s Most Southerly Marathon takes place annually and depending on the wind strength on the day is surely one of the toughest marathons in the world. The Stanley Golf Club and Indoor Hockey Club also hold competitions and run a league throughout the year.

The Falkland Islands Football League organises an indoor 4-a-side football league throughout the winter and then moves outside to the football pitch for the 11-a-side league during the summer months. The Stanley Team train in the Islands and take part in the biannual Natwest Island Games, either every 2 or 4 years depending on funding.

Initially a one off event Olympic Spirit 2012 was a fundraising night for the Stanley Badminton Club and featured special guest Commonwealth Games Gold Medallist, Rebecca Pantaney, and her London 2012 Olympic Torch. The evening proved to be such an overwhelming success that the club is looking to use it as a template for future funding events, particularly with the 2013 Natwest Island Games in Bermuda on the horizon.

Fancy dress is often a popular choice for celebrations and fundraisers and this month the Falkland Islands Defence Force (FIDF) held a Roman Themed fundraising night. Residents wanting to test their brain matter can take part in quiz evenings held as fundraisers for various local charities. For talented local musicians, comedians and aspiring actors there are Open Mic Nights, variety shows and stage productions.

The annual Raft Race takes place on the 1st January each year and sees local residents and military personnel creating some wacky, impressive, unique and sometimes utterly useless rafts and racing them along Stanley Harbour.

by Roxanne King - SeAledPR - Stanley

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  • Conqueror

    But I thought all the Islanders are “hostages”! Where are the early morning assemblies? What about the roll-calls? I can't see any sign of guards, razor wire, watchtowers, searchlights. Surely “fancy dress” can't be allowed? Impersonating other people? And what about this Raft Race? Surely it gives “hostages” a chance to “escape”?
    Sorry, Islanders, I couldn't resist.

    Aug 15th, 2012 - 10:19 am 0
  • googer62

    Don't believe it - this is wicked British propaganda - these people are all actors. The real natives are all locked in their compounds :-)

    Aug 15th, 2012 - 10:22 am 0
  • PirateLove

    total admiration, and full respect to be living with the constant threats and harassment from your envious neighbour yet to be able to bring the spirit of joy and celebration to the resislient people of The Falklands and after all you have been and are going through, a true inspiration.......UK

    Aug 15th, 2012 - 10:36 am 0
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