The Falkland Islands Football League has announced the appointment of Daniel Biggs as Men’s National Team Manager. Dan is no stranger to representing Falklands Football with SEVEN International Island Games under his belt!
Add your comment!An England Football Association Representative XI played a Falkland Islands team and a British Forces XI over the weekend. The match against the Falklands' team on Saturday saw the FA side win 3-1 with the team captained by Mitchell Parker. Both matches were played at the Stanley Community School field.
England's Football Association (FA) is participating in a goodwill visit to the Falkland Islands in November, where they will play two football matches, one against the Falkland Islands national team in Stanley and the British Forces South Atlantic Islands XI. The party will also participate in coaching sessions with the two schools in Stanley and the junior school at the Mount Pleasant.
The two Falkland Islands youth teams competing in a football tournament in Punta Arenas, Chile have managed two excellent wins and also scored goals in almost every match they played proud coach Wayne Clement told Penguin News this week.
Fourteen young footballers from the Falkland Islands will fly to Punta Arenas, Chile with their coaches on Saturday to take part in the Unifying Continents at the South of the World Cup.The Falklands is entering two teams in the tournament that also includes teams Colegio Aleman, Colegio Cruz del Sur, Colegio Britanico, Leumag, and two teams from Club Deportivo Victoria.
Since the world’s eyes were on the Falklands during the 30th Anniversary Commemorations for the 1982 Conflict, life in the Islands has returned to normality and despite a population of approximately only 3,000, residents activities are far from quiet and enjoy very enjoyable.