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Paraguay and Syria excluded from South America/Arab countries leaders summit in Peru

Tuesday, September 18th 2012 - 05:53 UTC
Full article 6 comments
Peruvian deputy minister Beraún making the announcement Peruvian deputy minister Beraún making the announcement

The third summit of leaders from South America and Arab Countries, ASPA, will take place in Lima, Peru next 1 and 2 October but without the attendance of Paraguay and Syria which have been suspended from their respective blocks, according to Peruvian Deputy Foreign Minister Jose Beráun.

In a meeting with foreign correspondents Beraún recalled that Syria has been suspended from the Arab League while Paraguay is suffering the same from the Union of South American Nations, Unasur.

Beraún said that ‘anyhow’ the situation in Syria will be assessed, trying to find a solution to the ongoing conflict.

“We are hopeful that through dialogue we can offer an option, a different approach to the issue” said the Peruvian official arguing that ASPA members “could act in a way that helps find a solution to the Syrian conflict”.

Beraún recalled that Paraguay will not be attending because it has been suspended from Unasur following the political impeachment which last June removed Fernando Lugo from the presidency and replaced him with Federico Franco.

In related news Lebanese President Michel Suleiman is scheduled to travel to South America at the end of September on a tour of several countries, including Peru where he will attend the ASPA summit.

Beirut newspaper An-Nahar reported on Sunday that the president's tour kicks off on September 30 and will include Argentina, Peru, and Uruguay. All these countries have strong Lebanese communities long established in the country dating back to the dismembering of the Ottoman Empire.

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  • GeoffWard2

    If the Arabs have de-listed Syria for killing their own population, there is a good case to be made for quite a number of South American countries to be de-listed also.

    By the way,
    has Paraguay been de-listed for killing its people?
    Does Paraguay's 'political' wrongdoings in any way compare to those of Chavez in Venezuela?

    Sep 18th, 2012 - 11:14 am 0
  • BAMF Paraguay

    Geoff, clearly the entire reason that Paraguay is being marginalized is due to the fact that it is not following the socialist path. None of these politicians actually believe there was a coup or any type of wrongdoing in Paraguay with the impeachment of Lugo, but it serves them a bigger purpose. In the end Paraguay will be just fine since it has successfully prevented another dictatorship from starting up and with its continued open market policies, low taxes, its economy will be just fine. As for the other nations like Venezuela, Argentina, Bolivia, Ecuador, Brazil, and nearly the rest of Latam, the socialism will slowly bring them to poverty; sad but true.

    Sep 18th, 2012 - 09:52 pm 0
  • Sergio Vega

    2@ Totally right your comment.....soarry for the wrong behaviour from my Gvt....It has been influenced in bad way by the troop of leftist thieves around our country....I apologize in behalf of the Chilean Gvt. that must imposse the democratic way of action supporting you as you have acted inside your Constitution.....
    Nothing to do with the case od Syria where the death is waiting over any corner...

    Sep 18th, 2012 - 10:55 pm 0
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