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Mapuche protest in Bariloche demand removal of statue of “the man guilty of the greatest genocide”

Wednesday, October 17th 2012 - 20:57 UTC
Full article 58 comments

Members from the indigenous Mapuche community in Patagonia protested angrily at the south Argentina resort of Bariloche demanding that a statue in honour of President General Julio A Roca be removed since “he was responsible for the greatest genocide in our history”. Read full article


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  • Joe Bloggs

    Nice guy!

    Roca with a long military career referred to the conquest as the “frontier problem” and effectively put under government control all land up to the Rio Negro in a campaign that as he promised would “extinguish, subdue or expel” the Indians who inhabited there.

    Oct 17th, 2012 - 09:13 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • LEPRecon

    Well said.

    Argentina will you listen to the indigenous population or are you going to deny them a voice!

    Listen to them, and understand that Roca was no hero. Acceptor cannot change the past, but you can accept it and try to make reparations.

    Are you willing to do this? Or do they not have any rights?

    Oct 17th, 2012 - 09:15 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ProRG_American

    Read your history folks. Roca, Sarmiento, and Mitr eand their likes were clearly agents of British land grabbing designs and railroad interests.

    Oct 17th, 2012 - 09:26 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • malen

    In the curricula for all of our nation ARGENTINA, it is not longer the day of race since long time ago, it was not a discovery, it was a DESEMBARCO in America, and now the 12 of october is recoignized as the day of DIVERSITY. Get your facts right MP. This new is out of date, it was in Arg news 2 weeks ago.
    And in every school is taught about our original people. Even we study the paintings, language, culture, medicine and specially I like the legends.

    Oct 17th, 2012 - 09:32 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Joe Bloggs

    4 Malen

    You stole their country and won't give it back. We didn't steal the Falklands from anyone but yet you want us to give them to you.

    Oct 17th, 2012 - 09:40 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pirat-Hunter

    We can put them in a reserve as we do in Canada and USA, or shoot them as Canada done a few years ago. We use peper spray to get rid of any illegal demonstrations in Toronto Canada and even jail them if they don't get a license to demonstrate. I say give this Indians Islas Malvinas Argentina back to them and transfer them as UK did with criminals creating Australia, charge them Indians for causing problems in Argentina. Let the brits deal with them since it is UK who put them up to it and took their land. Maybe the brits will sink the ship on the way and the problem will end sooner rather then later, we can always follow their example when dealing with the british illegal aliens as well.

    Oct 17th, 2012 - 09:45 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Monkeymagic

    I am confused...this genocidal usurption of the Mapuche land occured in the second half of the nineteenth century, yet apparently the “usurption” of the Falklands caused a breakdown of Argentine territorial integrity in 1833??

    So...genocidal massacres in Patagonia stealing the land and resources of an ethnic population...GOOD

    Reentering a territory with no indigenous population, forcing no civilian population to leave, and living peacefully for 180 years...BAD

    What a strange world these Malvinistas live in....

    Oct 17th, 2012 - 10:04 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ProRG_American

    7 Monkeymagic (#)
    yet apparently the “usurption” of the Falklands caused a breakdown of Argentine territorial integrity in 1833??
    Not realy, just a lot of upheaval and anger when news reached of this act of aggression.

    Oct 17th, 2012 - 10:06 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • malen

    Joe Bloggs get your facts right it was a problem between brothersssssssssssss
    bad very bad that was.
    Indegenous are argentinians with the same rights.
    And our country recoignizes and should respect our indegenous origin.

    Oct 17th, 2012 - 10:06 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Zethee

    “And in every school is taught about our original people”

    The Spanish?

    Oct 17th, 2012 - 10:06 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Joe Bloggs

    9 Malen

    LOL. It was terribly generous of the indigenous people to invite you into their country. Why they even let you take over it. How very accommodating of them.

    Oct 17th, 2012 - 10:11 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • LEPRecon

    @6 - PH

    So they're indians now? And I thought you were one of them. At least that is what you have claimed in the past (lying is a sin you know) now its down with the Indians and forcibly remove them from their lands so foreigners can have it.

    Tell me PH, why should they go and live in a foreign land (the Falklands were uninhabited before the current populations ancestors set up residence), when their actual land which was stolen from them by people who now call themselves Argentinian get to keep their land and steal their resources?

    And people like you slate the British over the Chagos Islanders who weren't even the indigenous inhabitants for removing them to stop them dying of thirst (there is no natural water sources in the Chagos).

    Your true colours are shining through you racist, imperialist colonialist genocidal murderer you.

    @3 - PRoG

    Of course everything that ever went wrong in the world was the fault of the British. I mean we even built a time machine and went back in time and murdered Jesus Christ, set light to the burning bush, and persuaded Moses that we were God and he should tell everyone to do what we tell them.

    In fact, the British actually rule the world, enforcing our will through the illuminati; we have the US, the Russian and the Chinese governments at our beck and call, and they're just falling over themselves to do exactly as we tell them. And we own all the oil in the middle east, and the countries there just bend over bwckwards in the eagerness to do what the mighty British tell them to.

    Or is it that you're just a prick? And a deluded one at that too.

    Oct 17th, 2012 - 10:13 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    (5) Joe Bloggs

    Stop the hypocrisy....

    Not satisfied wit having stolen the Malvinas Islans, …….you British sailed further to Tierra del Fuego and kidnapped hundreds of Yaghan indians to Keppel Island……

    You “Concentrated” them at that “Camp”, mistreating and denigrating them during decades in your “Haughty Anglican Mission” of saving their souls by destroying their lifes…….

    Their bones are still at Cranmer Station .........

    No wonder that Jemmy Button killed the lot of you when he finally got a chance……

    Learn your own history Joe Bloggs.....

    Oct 17th, 2012 - 10:15 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • LEPRecon

    @13 - Think

    The only hypocrites on here up is you and your fellow trolls. You have a misguided belief that Argentina can do no wrong, not in the past and not now.

    This appears to be the concenus from the Argentine trolls:

    The war of the desert and subsequent genocide was the fault of the British!?!?!
    The military junta who murdered thousands of people were the fault of the British and US!?!?!?!
    The reason your economy is in such bad shape is the fault of the West.!?!?!?!
    And now the Mapuche object to Argentina glorifying the war of the desert (which was Britains fault apparently), and the Mapuche, who should be immediately and forcibly removed from their land, as they are obviously agents in the pay of the British!?!?!?!?!


    Oh I forgot you can't admit that Argentina isn't perfect, so it must be someone else's fault.

    How pathetic you trolls are.

    Oct 17th, 2012 - 10:47 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • MalvinasArgentinas

    Get you facts straight.


    The ancestral lands claimed by this tribe, which no source prior to the 20th century has EVER documented, was in fact inhabited by the REAL natives called Araucanos.

    Therefore, if anyone has the right to complain about Roca, it is the Arauca peoples, a REAL, historically-documented native Patagonian tribe, whereas the “Mapuche” moniker is nothing more than yet another british historical fantasy, one of many others such as “the Falklands were always british” or “were discovered by the British”...

    Oct 17th, 2012 - 11:00 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • pgerman

    Let me tell you that I'm a connoisseur of J.A. Roca, the Conquest of the Desert and I'm writting an article right now about his life that will be published soon in an Argentine media.

    Most of the concepts written in this article are false and inaccurate, based on the stories and tales of the mapuche people. The mapuche people have never been an original people of the Argentine territory. In fact, they were people from the Chilean side of the Andes and they started crossing the Andes scaping from the war of independence because, believe me or not, they fought on the side of the Sanish Crown.

    JA. Roca was the Defense Minister during the Conquest of the Desert that was a militar campaign ordered by Nicolas Avellaneda, a democratic president, and by a law passed by the National Congress.

    J.A. Roca was a freemason who, as President of Argentina, promoted the education and was able to get another important law passed by Congress, Law 1420 that made mandatory the secular, free and open education.

    He was most probably the best ever president of the country but as he was a free-mason so he promoted the diplomatic and commercial relationships with most of the European countries, the UK had a priviledge position during his Presidency.

    He, as Sarmiento, Mitre (and most of the Presindents of Argentina until 1930) awere ll of them were democratic, secular, republicans and free-masonic so they are hated by the nacionalists and catholic hitorians that are mainly from the Peronist Party.

    He reprensents many of us in Argentina who still believe in a liberal and republican country. His statue is in the most important places of the Argentine cities. His image is Even in the 100 peso note.

    Publish this article in these terms is a clear mistake as it encourages nationalist and “chavista” stance of CFK.

    Oct 17th, 2012 - 11:06 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • briton

    wheres guzzy.

    no provence has every asked for indipendence.

    may we just say.

    or to you guys, it always starts with a little protest.

    Oct 17th, 2012 - 11:48 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Giorgio_O._Tsoukalos


    A Briton talking about reparations!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

    Hhat takes some gall.

    Oct 17th, 2012 - 11:49 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    (16 pgerman)

    What a lot of BULLSHIT you can write in such a short text........

    I, for one, will be proud the day that I can walk around the Centro Cívico de Bariloche without having to look at the statue of Roca!

    Oct 17th, 2012 - 11:53 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Giorgio_O._Tsoukalos

    Viva Roca, if anything to piss the frick off the Brits, Euros, and Northamers.

    Oct 18th, 2012 - 12:05 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Monkeymagic

    Malvinas Argentinas

    Talking of historical fantasies:

    1) the usurption of the Falkands in 1833 was an infringement of Argentine territorial integrity.
    2) the usurption of the Falklands in 1833 resulted in the forced removal of the indigenous Argentine population
    3) the usurption of the Falklands in 1833 resulted in the forced removal of any civilian population, Argenine or otherwise.
    4) the unilateral invasion of the Falklands in 1982 was against the will of the peaceful Argentine population
    5) Spain ceded the rights to the Falklands to the Argenines

    How many Argentine make-up fantasies do you want?

    We have another “argentine historian” claiming that certain tribes came from only the Chilean side of the Andes. ...really.

    So, the British usurption of the Falklands 300miles of the coast of Patagonia, displacing no civilian population was an infringement of Argentinas territorial integrity..even though Argentina didn't exist at the time, and the nearest point of the United Provinces was over 1000 miles away....But indigenous tribes west of the Andes who had been there thousands of years do not have a claim on the land east of the Andes based on “territorial integrity” because there is no evidence they ever crossed the mountains....

    Hmmm....I can see a teeny tiny flaw in the argument.....

    Oct 18th, 2012 - 12:06 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Ayayay

    I support the Mapuches on this.

    Oct 18th, 2012 - 12:17 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    20 tobias

    You say:
    “Viva Roca, if anything to piss the frick off the Brits, Euros, and Northamers....”

    I say:
    and Mapuches, Araucanos, Tehuelches and most of the rest of us Patagonians with the hearth on the right place.

    Oct 18th, 2012 - 12:33 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • pgerman

    @ 19 Think
    Instead of despising my comments with shallowness I challenge you to discuss in this site about the life of J. A. Roca, his predencies, the Conquest of the Desert, and the alleged genocide.

    If you have the time, the knowledge and willingness to discuss about it

    Do you dare?
    Awaiting for your reply

    Oct 18th, 2012 - 01:12 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pirat-Hunter

    #12 Malvinas Argentina is a great reserve for this Argentine's, I am sure you! better then most can agree with this statement, plenty resources, more than 3000 british illegal aliens can handle, no culture to speak of, Who wouldn't want to go there? But by all mean let not forget that other people have rights too. I think its a lot better then the stuff happening in Libya, tell me don't you people get sick of murders and crime every year? Wait let me guess, your country makes sure you never see real blood on TV. If you really want this people to bring down rocas symbols which by the way, I could care less, why stop there, cheer them all the way to the British or us embassy. Or you think CNN is the only people who can sponsor content?...move along lady's and gents there is nothing to see here, other then the usual minion inciting violence, nothing good for then general population can come out of this.

    Oct 18th, 2012 - 01:23 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    (24) Pgerman

    You extreme shallow comment at (16) about our Patagonian Original Peoples deserves only an extreme shallow comment as mine at (19).

    I have not the time nor the patience nor the willigness to discuss anything with a turnip as you.

    Have a nice life
    El Think
    Chubut (”Crystal Clear” in Tewsün)

    Oct 18th, 2012 - 01:36 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • pgerman

    (26) Think

    Don't You have the time nor the patience nor the willigness to discuss anything with a “turnip” as me? No, false, you have anoter issue. It's that you don't have the knowledge and if have any you know that you are lying.

    Have a nice life in Patagonia where you are able to have a safe life thank to J. A. Roca who free it from barbarism so people like you, or me, can have economic progress there.

    J. A. Roca revange with ignorant people like you is that you now must cope with CFK...enjoy her long speeches, high-inflation, subsidise life, corruption and above all “justicia social con inclusion”.

    British Columbia

    Oct 18th, 2012 - 02:02 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • MalvinasArgentinas

    ok monkeyballs:

    1) the usurption of the Falkands in 1833 was an infringement of Argentine territorial integrity.

    1763 British departure, 1816 Argentine independence, 1820 Argentina proclaims sovereignty over the islands, no complaint from Britain, 1825 Britain recognizes Argentina's independence, still no complaint from should look up the word “fantasy” in a'll find its meaning regards an absence of facts.

    2) the usurption of the Falklands in 1833 resulted in the forced removal of the indigenous Argentine population

    And the current population is indigenous?

    3) the usurption of the Falklands in 1833 resulted in the forced removal of any civilian population, Argenine or otherwise.

    oh no goodness you “gave us a choice to leave or remain”. Remind me, in 1982 before the task force got there...did we extend the same choice to the islanders?

    Part of me thinks you should have certainly be given “that choice”. Which, given that it is a “choice”, it certainly couldn't be labeled a force removal by any inconspicuous wanker predisposed to such a euphemism...RIGHT THEN!

    4) the unilateral invasion of the Falklands in 1982 was against the will of the peaceful Argentine population

    It was carried out by an extra-constitutional non-democratic government, as such the act is against the will of the people by default. Not everyone fell for the propaganda you know...

    5) Spain ceded the rights to the Falklands to the Argenines

    No, Spain ceded its former Viceroyalty of the River Plate territories to the newly independent Argentines in recognizing such independence - AND may I remind you Britain recognized this independence even before Spain did.

    Now are you going to tell me the Malvinas were not a territory of the Viceroyalty of the River Plate?

    Or are you somehow going to explain the magic behind Britain recognizing all of the Viceroyalty's territories and islands becoming independence, EXCEPT those from which Britain was long gone?


    Oct 18th, 2012 - 06:28 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • LEPRecon

    @28 - MA

    Argentina didn't exist until 1853! You don't even know your own history!

    The United Provinces of the River Plate tried a land grab in the Falklands, which was immediately protested by the British, which the UP ignored. The British removed this already FAILED penal colony, but the civilians where happy to stay under British rule.

    No troops were left there by the British and the UP NEVER tried to return. Strange behaviour that if you truly believed it belonged to you, isn't it?

    The United Provinces then started fighting amongst themselves and eventually split into Argentina and Uruguay. So why doesn't Uruguay have an equal claim on the Islands.

    Spain didn't cede the Falklands to Argentina or to any territory that would eventually become Argentina.

    Why? Because Spain had dropped its Sovereignty claim to the Falklands, recognising the British as the only valid claimant left, in the 1840's, but didn't recognise or sign the treaty until the 1860's.

    So that is a lie, and the document doesn't mention the Falklands, Malvinas or any other name the islands may have been called in the past.

    So no you don't have a valid claim. If you did you would've taken it to the ICJ years ago.

    As regards to the actual topic of this thread, which is about the Argentine government ignoring the rights and wishes of the indigenous people of South America.

    Where do you actually stand on that?

    Oct 18th, 2012 - 08:04 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Guzz

    Right here Briton. Want to here what I think about these statues? I spit on them, as I spit on the statues of our very own Fructuoso Rivera and all his family, the ones responsible for the murders of our Charruas. I don't know about Argentina (the reason I haven't posted on this thread), but in Uruguay, this Rivera is not only the assassin of Charruas, he was also the founder of the Colorado party and the 1st President of Uruguay. These scum ruled Uruguay until some ten years ago.
    We finally got rid of them, and although Argentina has her own history, I do feel they finally got rid of their ghosts...

    Oct 18th, 2012 - 08:49 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Welsh Wizard

    26 Think

    This is an argument which comes up all the time and, unless you're from the country, it is difficult towork out exactly where the kernel of truth is. Would be able to write something the refute Pgerman foir the benefit of those not completely up with the facts...?



    Oct 18th, 2012 - 08:51 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • briton

    30 cheers...
    did anyone see TV yesterday abt that halve naked woman erected at the british seaside resort,

    aparently its a pregnant lady, but halve of her is skinned so you can see the insides,

    some people are very angry, others support it.

    this statue thing seems to be spreading......

    we will stick with nelson.

    Oct 18th, 2012 - 10:37 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • pgerman

    Dear WW, if you are not from Argentina you don't have to know that since the declaration of the Argentine Independence all democratic elected presidents were Free-Masons until to the first military coup during year 1930.

    From then onwards, with the exception of Arturo Illia and Raul Alfonsin, two democratically elected presidents and both Free-Masosn, all the argentine presidents were authoritarian, nationalist and catholic.

    It is the stage of argentine decay and of sterile confrontations.

    J. A. Roca was one of the best presidents of the country and to get the Law of Education passed by the Congress (the law of open, free and secular Education) he had to expelled the Pope's representative for 16 years. Something that Catholicism still could not forgive him.

    CFK, as all Peronist president, is a proto-fascist, conservative, nationalist and Catholic that has encouraged the publication of books by nationalist historians in detriment of the first Presidents such as Sarmiento, Mitre and Roca to favor Juan Manuel de Rosas who was the first great dictator of Argentina. Distorting history is part of what is called in Argentina “el relato” that includes, for instance, the presentation of gaucho Rivero as a patriotic hero who led a revolt of Argentine civilians against the British domintaion in the Falklands.

    No serious researcher or historian could ever prove that a genocide was commited during the conquest of the desert.


    Oct 18th, 2012 - 12:02 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Yuleno

    Roca's removal is in the same league as the Dakota hills.
    These need correcting
    LEP perhaps you can give money for these projects.Like so many people you like to be heard but you are not seen.What can you do to help Mapuche people.Contact Bristol for advice,your help would be most welcome.

    Oct 18th, 2012 - 12:53 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • pgerman

    Dear 34 Yuleno

    The funny thing of this situation is that these people, alleged descendants of the Mapuche claim that J. A. Roca now means nothing to the community of the city of Bariloche.

    If so, if they are so sure about that, Why they don't call for a referendum of the residents of the city proposing the removal of the statue?

    It would be good for them to devote some of their time into something productive for the good of society instead of being always claiming for increase in subsidies paid by the Argentine Tax Payers and Country who, based on their sayings, must be considered oppressive and genocidal.

    Oct 18th, 2012 - 01:06 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • briton

    What can you do to help Mapuche people.
    well 29. could ...

    offer independence.
    join with the falkland islands.
    removal of argentina userpers,

    and the eventual brake up of argentina into serveral countries.
    to insure the safety of the little innocent peoples, who may be subject to aggresion.
    the things are endless

    just an independent thought.

    Oct 18th, 2012 - 01:10 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Conqueror

    @3 How fatuous can you get? About as fatuous as you, it appears. Roca was the scion of a prominent argie family. In line with his genocidal intentions, he joined the army before he was 15 in order to learn how best to kill. By 1865, he was so good at killing that he was a colonel. By the time he was 22. In 1878, he became Minister of War so that he could properly formulate his plans for genocide. Losing no time, he managed to kill over 1300 native people that same year. Reportedly, he took 15,000 prisoners. But no-one knows what happened to them. Probably raped and forced into “service”. The women as well.
    @4 That would be the DEAD paintings, the DEAD language, the DEAD culture, the medicines of the DEAD and the legends of the DEAD. Blood and bones where you live. Blood and bones where you walk. Blood on your hands!
    @6 I have a better idea. Let's exterminate the latino scum! Simple process. “Is Spanish your ”first“ language? Oh look, you have a second mouth. In your throat!”
    @8 An “act of aggression” where the sovereign power took back its land from trespassers? An “act of aggression” where only an illegal military garrison and 4 civilians left? An “act of aggression” where not a shot was fired? Puuhhlease!
    @9 according to argie government data, there are no “indigenous” people in argieland.
    @12 I think you'll find that WE Brits tried to put the burning bush OUT. Health and Safety.
    @13 First concentration camps. In Cuba. Set up by the Spanish military. A matter of historical FACT!
    @15 So you exterminated the Araucanos as well! Thanks for confirming that.
    @16 “I'm a connoisseur of J.A. Roca”. You poor, sad thing. What's your next “article”? “The sad, deprived childhood of A. Hitler”?
    @18 Still waiting for the £100 billion reparations you owe for the Falklands War.
    @19 & 20 Roca. Only one of the many millions of argie genocides and war criminals. Argieland has over 41 million.
    @25 Don't you worry about the 3,000 Brits. Worry about the 62 million!

    Oct 18th, 2012 - 01:13 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Giorgio_O._Tsoukalos

    And then add the India, Aboriginal, and Native North American questions.

    By one estimate, putting all four of the above together, the UK is on the dole for 37.88 trillion US$.

    Pay up the world is waiting and if you think the calls will diminish, they are just getting started.

    Oct 18th, 2012 - 01:30 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • pgerman

    Conqueror...Conqueror...for Gods sake, you are getting from bad to worse.

    It seems that you have been looking for information on google and wikipedia. Good !!! Keep looking for information and start acquiring some culture. You are on the right track now. Then I will suggest some Argentine history books to keep on making progress.

    Anyway, I must let you know that the Spanish people are not largely Latinos. Basques and Catalans are not Latinos, the Galicians are Celts like the Scots and the Irish,

    The Argentine people with Italian background is thier ancestors were from the North of Italy are Lombards.

    Uffff....Conqueror sometimes I get some fun with your monkey things but other you tires me, obviously you did not have the opportunity to study as a child, so now you has so much to read and learn...that is not going to achieve the life to be a fairly educated person.

    Oct 18th, 2012 - 01:36 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Giorgio_O._Tsoukalos

    Pay up Brits, only 38 trillion dollars. Drop in the bucket for you, just 19 years of working your GDP for free... that's not much considering 300 years of benefits.

    Oct 18th, 2012 - 01:38 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Simon68

    15 MalvinasArgentinas (#)
    Oct 17th, 2012 - 11:00 pm

    “Get you facts straight.


    Get YOUR facts straight, MA, the name Araucano was given to the Mapuches of Chile because their principal cacique was named Arauco, so the Spanish called his land “Araucanía”

    The Mapuches (People of the Earth) lived in both Southern Chile and in what is now Argentina, they moved across the Andes through the lower passes like for example Pino Hachado, Tromen, Hua Hum, etc. They were closely related to the Tehuelche (Fierce People), the Puelche (Eastern People) and other amerindians of the Patagonia.
    They managed to infuriate the Argentine government of the middle 1800's through attacking the settlements in South Western Buenos Aires and the Pampa and which finally led to the Conquest of the Desert.
    The Mapuches came out of the Conquest in much better shape than the rest of the amerindian peoples, the Tehuelches and Puelches were exterminated but the Mapuches live on!!!!!!

    Oct 18th, 2012 - 02:44 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Lau-wai

    @33 There is plenty of written information in english, by British settlers in TDF and Patagonia about their defensive tit-for-tat raids on the indians who were causing great loss to livestock and for killing settlers as well as torching settlements. Roca was empowered to solve the indian question because it was having a negative effect on argentine recruitment drive for migrants from european cities. It is historically recorded that the arg. army was regarded as useless. The majority of the killing was done by ever increasing numbers of migrant settlers arriving in the desert region from italy, spain, france, germany, promoted by financial bounties and revenge. Argentina is what it is through its drive for nationhood and through its own, direct collusion with european powers of the time.

    Oct 18th, 2012 - 03:07 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • pgerman

    The Mapuches or Araucanians were an extremely warlike people of the Chilean territory. Even the Incas could not defeat them.

    They were esencially from the the Western side of the Andes and only a tiny portion of the territory of Neuquen could be considered as originally occupied by the Araucanians.

    Escaping the from the Chilean War of Independence, which they fought mainly on the side of the Spanish Crown, and from other Chilean civil wars they massively crossed the Andes and settled in small parts of the Argentinean territory.

    They trade and lived by hunting wild cattle, but as they were not farmers but hunters, when the wild cattle ran out they moved more, and more, towards the East Coast to the Atlantic.

    This process of ethnic transformation of indigenus populations is called “Araucanization”.

    They fought fiercely to the original tribes of the Argentine territory for the resources to the extermination and finally attacked white populations and their farmings reaching the limits of the cities of Buenos Aires, Mendoza, Cordoba or Rosario.

    Their more emblematic chieft was Calfucura, Chilean by birth. Leading the Mapuche tribes and some survivors of the original population formed the “Ranquelina Confederation”, he formally declared war to the Argentine State under President Sarmiento.

    j. A. Roca who was the Minister of Defense under President Nicolas Avellaneda (Sarmiento successor) ordered and achieved the pacification of the current Argentine territory.

    Oct 18th, 2012 - 03:13 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Monkeymagic


    Between the years of 1820-1833 when you claim that Argentina (which didn't exist) “claimed sovereignty” over the islands, what exactly did they do to support that claim that would be worthy of the complaint that you believe is missing?

    Nothing..not a thing...until November 1832.

    The Vernet community is not Argentina, you like to pretend that they are, they weren't, aren't and never will be. They had permission for their private enterprise from both the UP and the UK, and only four chose to leave with Pinedo.

    Vernet was a German and his deputy was Matthew Brisbane was British, Brisbane was present in the Falklands long after the “usurption”.

    So, Argentina (or more accurately the United Provinces of River Plate) sent Mestevier to the Falklands in November 1832. The first and only time they actually DID anything to back up their spurious claim, and immediately Britain responded by acting to remove the time the HMS Clio arrived Mestevier had already been murdered, his wife raped in front of their children and Pinedo was in charge of the 20 or so UP personnel.

    So, Britain ignored the spurious claim between 1820-1832 as it wasn't backed up by any action, as soon as action occured (the mutinous rapists escapade), Britain reacted...simple.

    Interesting that you try and distance yourself from the 1982 invasion, but then call the invaders “we”. You shouldnt shy away from the truth invaded in 1982 because you thought youd get away with it, YOU would do it again tomorrow if you thought the same. Sadly (for you), it is clear that you can't.

    Spain ceded its rights to the United provinces...but the UP is a mixture of 3-4 countries now...why would the Falklands be part of Argentina and not Uruguay, Chile or Paraguay?

    Oct 18th, 2012 - 03:26 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Yuleno

    39# well said.Poor old conkerer does he feel naked.
    The history of the Mapuche people,recorded in their tales and songs,recognises stranger in their hunting lands,not the way the official histories record it.When will it be realised that events from the past( or the present) can be seen in many ways.In this topic it should be noticed who was accommodating,and who was not.Then the assignment of the description of war-like might be re-directed.
    The same family of people,those forced by greed from their own homes,perpertrated the 'genocide'(robbery) in North America as did in South America .

    Oct 18th, 2012 - 03:54 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pete Bog

    “ this act of aggression.”

    What agression? No one was fired on.

    Oct 18th, 2012 - 05:01 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pirat-Hunter

    If the Chilean mapuches want to take Down roca's symbols why stop there cheer them, cheer them all the way to the British and US embassy and if they have any balls start a Von fire until the terrorist go home. Can't you all see who the agitators are right here, why fight among Latin Americans when the real enemy is right here speaking English. I say yes let's take down roca but keep marching to the US and UK embassy in Buenos Aires. If the English people like to play with fire let's take it to their door steps and let them deal with it, blow back is a good strategy. It works in the middle east why not Argentina?

    Oct 18th, 2012 - 05:23 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Conqueror

    @39 Why woulld I consult argie history lies?
    @40 One thing at a time. The US$20 million for your boat. The US$80.5 billion (plus interest) for your current debts.
    @43 Desperate argie supporter. “alex_arg” in disguise?
    @45 Nothing disguises Spanish and argie genocide. You need to be exterminated for your crimes.
    @47 Let's just turn the Casa Roasada, and every other symbol of argie imperialism, into rubble.

    Oct 18th, 2012 - 05:36 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pirat-Hunter

    #48 I agree and let's cheer them all the way to the US and UK embassy in Bs. set a Von fire and rid Argentina of all terrorists. As Libya did in benghazy. If this Chilean mapuches have any balls we can kill two birds with one stone. Unitenchileqn with Argentine and end the presence of terrorists in Argentina.

    Argentina, Buenos Aires, British Embassy
    John Freeman
    Address: British Embassy Buenos Aires Dr. Luis Agote 2412 (1425) Buenos Aires

    U.S. Embassy Buenos Aires American Av. Colombia 4300 C1425GMN Buenos Aires
    The Embassy is located in the Palermo neighborhood, city of Buenos Aires. The Plaza Italia Line D subway station is the nearest one.

    roca's symbol is just a start but why finish there, we have a lot of work to do to fix Argentina. Starting with the amendments to the constitution to allow CFK to run for president again, we love you CFK.

    Oct 18th, 2012 - 06:07 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Guzz

    Cuiden esa Kirchner, por todos nosotros, carajo!! :)

    Oct 18th, 2012 - 07:40 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • pgerman

    I have already told you, “Pirat-Hunter”, smoking “paco” is burning your brain. I also told you, Conqueror, stop with Marijuana...

    To both of you, Do you have any idea about the level of the stupid things you are must be the same person!!!...It cannot be two of the same make me laugh !!!

    Oct 18th, 2012 - 07:53 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pirat-Hunter

    Don't laugh my invitation is as serious as this protest if Chileans can make trouble and not end up in jail why couldn't Argentine make a Von fire at the US and UK embassy?.. who side are you on?. Why promote illegal aliens rights to destroy our heritage but not protect our culture and civilization ? If roca come down I can assure you the UK and US embassy will come down next that my good friend is a promise. So I hope you people have thought of the blow back. v=fUnbUGMu7ws&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DfUnbUGMu7ws

    Oct 18th, 2012 - 08:39 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • brit abroad

    At pgerman

    Argentinian history books!!!!! You're fucking kidding right?

    History is written by the victorious, so am guessing your “history of football” section is quite large, as that of “dictatorships”, “intentional civilian murder”, other than that you hold no major historical interest to world as a whole!

    Basically you had very little impact on the world stage, either in a political, monetary, scientific, or artistic capacity!

    I.E the vast majority of RG history (that made me giggle) books ain't worth the paper they are written on

    Oct 19th, 2012 - 05:09 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • pgerman

    @“brit aborad”

    ¿“history of fooball”, “dictaroships”, “civilian murder”? Are you talking about British Empire history?..if so you must add colonization, expoliation of natural resources, promoting trival wars, coutries artificially created, wars artificially created. It's at a certain point funny to write comments about Argetine crimes written by Britich people. Anyway, I'm a little bit open minded so I prefer to write about some of the great achivements of British people.

    If you want to ignore Argentine history, like “Conqueror”, “Pirat Hunter” or “hink” it's up to you but don't write comments about historical facts because you are an ignorant abotu them. In addition, there are penty of books about Argentine history written by European and American.

    I'm sorry, please, got to school and learn !!!!!

    Oct 19th, 2012 - 11:50 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Yuleno

    What history do the Brits read.Kenyan?

    Oct 19th, 2012 - 12:06 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • britonskare

    I am scare...please...tell me,,,,,,
    what to do....
    should I stay in Cornwall eating the cornish pasties?
    by the way my disabilities are getting worse
    I hardly can type some words!

    Oct 19th, 2012 - 08:13 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • brit abroad

    At pgerman, I thought u were meant to be bright! Yeah the only decent RG history will be written by the victorious i.e anyone else except the RGs! But it's pretty thin on the ground because u ain't achieved anything of real note! RGs writing lies about how fantastic they are doesn't really count as noteworthy history! Trying make a murderer sound great because of national pride is not looking at the big picture! Britain has had many similar people in her history! There is a statue near Whitehall (I forget the fellas name) but it is controversial as he was a wanker, but british history books admit that and paint him how he was! I studied british history to A level, and there is no smoke and mirrors about the shite we got up to as a nation, unlike the fairy tales in RG history! You see we have a lot to brag about as well as feel sorry about, RGland only has the latter!

    Oct 20th, 2012 - 02:17 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • pgerman

    Dear “Brit Abroad”

    It's quite evident, based on your writting and “deep” comments, that you are an ignorant.

    I don't want to be rude but I would suggest that you find a adult school close to your home and start attending classes. It would be great for you and for those who read your comments in this forum.

    Start reading !!!!

    Oct 22nd, 2012 - 02:51 am - Link - Report abuse 0

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