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Stories for February 2nd 2013

  • Saturday, February 2nd 2013 - 20:07 UTC

    Argentina lashes back at the IMF but announces new CPI for this year

    Minister Lorenzino said “countries that don’t follow IMF prescriptions are sanctioned”

    Following Friday’s IMF ‘declaration of censure’ on Argentina because of the lack of reliability in its inflation and GDP stats, and the country’s first reaction virtually describing the Fund as mother of all financial evils, Minister of Economy Hernan Lorenzino announced a new ‘national’ Consumers Prices Index to be implemented in the course of this year and which will replace the current GBA-IPC.

  • Saturday, February 2nd 2013 - 19:55 UTC

    Jewish organization rejects Argentina/Iran deal to resolve 1994 bombing

    AMIA president Borger, Iran can’t be trusted; they deny the holocaust and “my mother has the concentration camp stamped in her arm”

    Argentina’s leading Jewish organization, AMIA, contrary to a few days ago when meeting Foreign minister Hector Timerman, rejected the deal signed by the government of President Cristina Fernandez and Iran to create an independent international ‘truth commission” to investigate the 1994 terrorist attack on AMIA and demanded the redrafting of a new accord.

  • Saturday, February 2nd 2013 - 19:45 UTC

    Foreign Office insists Argentina was informed in advance Falklands’ MLAs would attend Hague/Timerman meeting

    Difficult times for the Argentine Minister

    The last round of the Falklands’ dispute between the UK and Argentina seems to have exposed a new blunder of Minister Hector Timerman, since according to the Foreign Office from the very request last December for a meeting with Foreign Secretary William Hague this month in London, the Argentine official was clearly informed that Falklands’ representatives would be present when the particular issue of the Islands was raised.