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‘The Argentine joke’ and Cristina Fernandez as Pinocchio, headlines of Brazil’s influential magazine Veja

Tuesday, April 16th 2013 - 05:55 UTC
Full article 167 comments
The child fiction marionette whose nose kept growing for not saying the truth, according to Veja The child fiction marionette whose nose kept growing for not saying the truth, according to Veja

One of Brazil’s most influential magazines and with the largest circulation, Veja, included a controversial piece which questions Argentina’s economic and social statistics than come under the responsibility of the non less famous Indec.

Under the heading of “The Argentine Joke”, the article is not kind with Argentine culture and is illustrated with President Cristina Fernandez as Pinocchio, the long nosed child fiction marionette whose nose keeps growing for not saying the truth.

“Cristina Kirchner with her economic stats does the same as her militants with history facts, a coarse manipulation of reality” says Veja adding crudely that “falsifying history is in fact one of the characteristics of the (Argentine) national culture”, says Veja.

“To hide the wreck of her mishandling of the economy, Cristina Kirchner uses the fable of the present as intensely as she does with the past. Official economic stats have become a joke. The official annual inflation rate is 10%, the true real value is 24% with the projection of reaching 30% towards the end of the year”, points out the article.

Likewise Veja argues that as “with authoritarian governments it does not need to prove coherence”, and the country was forced to appeal to the freezing of prices to tame the increases but overall the rise in the value of goods and services runs quicker than that of salaries.

With a strong degree of caustic irony Veja says that “it is going to be fun to follow this tragic-comedy from the balcony, because for the Argentines it will inevitably become a tragedy”.

Veja’s circulation is approximately a million copies and is weekly reading for the political establishment and business community.


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  • toooldtodieyoung

    “falsifying history is in fact one of the characteristics of the (Argentine) national culture”

    .........You can fool some of the people all of the time and you can fool all of the people some of the time, but you can't fool ALL of the people ALL of the time..........

    Apr 16th, 2013 - 06:19 am 0
  • Musky

    @1 toooldtodieyoung

    ....unless they're argentine.

    Apr 16th, 2013 - 06:36 am 0
  • Xect

    This house of cards has well and truly fallen down.

    It seems time is up when the Argentine economy is in terminal decline before the latest default thats about to happen and Argentina's only remaining allies have become so fed up with Argentina's behavior they are all now turning on Argentina. Bullies always get found out and eventually the pendulum swings back on itself.

    It's going to take Argentina tens of years to recover from the current government.

    Apr 16th, 2013 - 07:26 am 0
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