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Cartes declines invitation from Rousseff to attend Pope Francis Sunday mass in Rio

Saturday, July 27th 2013 - 20:21 UTC
Full article 37 comments

Paraguayan president-elect Horacio Cartes declined a personal invitation from his peer Dilma Rousseff to attend Francis mass on Sunday in Rio do Janeiro, the closing event of the pope’s visit to Brazil, according to one of his top foreign policy advisors. Read full article


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  • Baxter

    The invitation was a surprise since , at the last Mercosur meet , it was made clear by Patriota that Cartes would only be listened too after 15 th August . So the regrets should surprise nobody , after all we are still in July and Cartes , according to Patriota , does not exist . Added to which the current President is Franco . As I have often said the Brazilian diplomacy is in free fall .

    Jul 27th, 2013 - 08:44 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ChrisR

    1 Baxter

    So I wonder why Dilma did not send the invitation to President Franco?

    She couldn't, could she, after all the trouble that she, TMBOA and Demented Pepe caused to Paraguay, be thinking that President Elect Cartes IS the President?

    I think the current problems with the economy of Brazil must be affecting her mind.

    Jul 27th, 2013 - 08:58 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Baxter

    2 Good question . I suspect that Franco was not invited since he does not exist .
    Paraguay is in a funny position now . The current president does not exist , that is only for Mercosur of course , and the new one will only appear as a human on 15th August . As you can imagine the Paraguayans are confused ! They see on TV the president meeting ambassadors from all over the world , less Mercosur , but they are told that he does not exist .All very worrying , not to say absurd .

    Jul 27th, 2013 - 09:19 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Anglotino

    What a farce!

    Mercosur and its members thought they would teach Paraguay a lesson in the politics of power.

    And Paraguay has turned it around and shown the how little power they actually have.

    It's funny to watch because aspiring middle powers like Brazil, Argentina and Venezuela keeps telling the world that larger and more powerful countries should stop using their economic, political or military power against other countries by labelling such actions as colonialism.

    And yet that is exactly what they have done.

    Baxter, I sure hope Cartes is popular in Paraguay at the moment because there's plenty more he could do.

    Who has been invited to his inauguration? And who will attend I wonder?

    Jul 27th, 2013 - 10:17 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • reality check

    Nice come back for Patriotas comments.

    Jul 27th, 2013 - 10:34 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • The Truth PaTroll


    So if CFK declines an invitation by the USA or Europe that means they have no power? Well, for once we agree.

    The EU, USA, et all have no power over Argentina. Does 10 years of Kirchner stuffing it to the entire planet, one country at a time, and no one has been able to stop them or do anything about it.

    Jul 27th, 2013 - 10:38 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • slattzzz

    @)6 don't need to she's doing a great job of messing things up without anybody's help

    Jul 27th, 2013 - 10:59 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • The Truth PaTroll

    No, that's why Argentina does not take further actions against the UK, EU, etc. They are breaking apart as entities all on their own!

    Jul 27th, 2013 - 11:06 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Baxter

    4 Anglotino . The invitation issue is complex ! Do you invite people who claim you do not exist or have ambassadors here ? However , I understand common sense has prevailed and all will be invited . Who attends is a different matter ! Cartes is becoming more popular by the day , standing up to your bullying neighbours goes down well in any country . But he has huge problems . A bloated bureaucracy , in some areas 90 percent of income goes on salaries . A very high level of poverty which must be addressed and quickly . Soybean exports in the hands of foreign companies , whose loyalties are divided ! On the positive side low inflation and good monetary reserves . Another fact which has gone down well is that the British Embassy has reopened after eight years .

    Jul 27th, 2013 - 11:14 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Anglotino


    When was the last time the US or a European country invited your leader to visit?
    And when was the last time she declined?

    As you have never travelled outside of Argentina you really cannot offer a credible verdict on how Argentina is perceived.

    Jul 27th, 2013 - 11:18 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • The Truth PaTroll

    But how Argentina is perceived is irrelevant quite honestly, it has no effect on internal elections or decisions. As is Argentina's “popularity” in the world not paramount.

    Jul 27th, 2013 - 11:21 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Anglotino

    Read the article again.

    It's not about Argentina. As you say Argentina is irrelevant.

    It's about how a government effectively controls other governments. Something that Argentina isn't anywhere near as adept at.

    Don't worry Nostrils. You are getting your wish. Argentina is slowly becoming the backwater you desire.

    Jul 28th, 2013 - 01:12 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Britworker

    This is a classic example of having a presidential system. Matters of politics should be keep separate from matters of state. But I think what Cartes is really saying is that he isn't prepared to stand by Dilma and make her look good in front of her disillusioned electorate, whilst he is forced kiss the ring of a man in a dress.

    Who can blame him!

    Jul 28th, 2013 - 08:33 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Stevie

    I travel a lot, and I mean a LOT, and I've never met anyone that talks about Argentina with the intense hatred that can be found on these threads. Ever.

    So your perception of Argentina does not at all reflect the way Argentina is percieved around the globe.

    Anything else?

    Jul 28th, 2013 - 10:55 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Conqueror

    @6 “The EU, USA, et all have no power over Argentina.” Believing what you've been told again? Let's just take the example of the IMF. The United States wields 16.75% of the total votes. The UK has 4.29% on its own. But, countries such as Germany, France, UK, Italy, Netherlands, Belgium and Spain, as representatives of EU membership, have a total of 23.77%. Argieland doesn't even appear in the top 21! There is more than one way of exercising power. Did you notice that the IMF was planning on filing an amicus curiae brief with the US Supreme Court, in support of argieland, until it realised it would have no support from the US. Been getting any loans from the IMF recently? How about the World Bank? How are you doing with the Inter-American Development Bank?
    @8 Oh, dear. What you “think” you see from miles away. Yes, many Britons want to leave the EU. But that doesn't constitute breaking apart. YET. I happen to think that the UK would be better off OUT. Something to do with having got along fine for over a thousand years without it. But perhaps you're thinking of Scotland. Well, they haven't voted yet. And every day, Salmond is shown to be clueless. He thinks he can just walk into the EU, though the EU says he can't. He thinks he can keep the pound sterling backed by the Bank of England, though he's been told he can't. He thinks he'll be able to sell electrical power to the UK, though his price would be 20%, at least, more than anywhere else. His idea of “independence” is that he gets to do what he wants while the UK pays for it. That's not going to happen. And, over time, the people of Scotland are coming to realise that he doesn't have a clue. I don't think the Scots will vote for Salmond's “independence”. Especially as they realise that they will need passports, visas, insurance, adequate funds, just to cross the border. And that applies as much to truck drivers as anyone else. That affects costs. And support is falling. 30% for independence, 60% against!

    Jul 28th, 2013 - 11:19 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • GeoffWard2

    The UK and the EU is trying hard to stop Argentina becoming the poverty-stricken backwater that is looming on the horizon.

    But, however hard people and nations try to make things sweeter for Argentina, its leaders do everything possible to accelerate their bitter process.

    It will, of course, be everybody else's fault when the peso makes even the richer Argentinians poor, and the middle-classes are gently starving behind their shuttered windows.

    Jul 28th, 2013 - 12:30 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Anglotino

    @14 Stevie

    I know you travel. You even admitted to visiting Uruguay once.

    I find it quite farcical that you of all people take umbrage at what some people think of Argentines. You clearly support the ethnic cleansing of an entire population asked on a concocted myth created in the 1940s.

    I would think that ethnic cleansing is the epitome of hatred.

    As for the tooing and froing on here, you can't claim some moral high ground - I mean you still deliberately get my name wrong just to highlight one facet of your own juvenility.

    There's not a single person I hate on this site. And I definitely don't hate Argentineans. How anyone could hate an entire country of people simply because of their nationality is beyond me and reeks of sheer stupidity.

    Jul 28th, 2013 - 01:23 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Stevie

    I support ethnic cleansing, do I?
    Which one would that be?
    The one in Rwanda?
    In Patagonia?
    Aborigins in Australia?
    The genicode of the Charruas?
    Or what is happening in Iraq and Afghanistan today?

    As long as you throw accusations around you like the child you are, you will be treated as one.

    Jul 28th, 2013 - 01:30 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Conqueror

    @18 Go on then. Which ones do you support?
    Rwanda? Tutsis by Hutus. Patagonia? Argies. Australia? Sorry. There is no agreement that there has been a genocide. Srebrenica? Bosnian muslims by Bosnian Serbs. Charruas? Uruguayans.
    What's your childish point? How about the Aztecs, Incas, Mayans? By the Spanish and their descendants. How about the Het (extinct), the Mbegua (extinct), the Puelche (extinct), the Teushen (extinct). That's the argie ones. Then there's the Chana (extinct), the Minuane (extinct), both for Uruguay.

    So you're still walking over the blood and bones of those you exterminated. Would you like to go further afield? Just remember that if you speak Spanish, you are a murderer. Because you “live” where you do by virtue of murder.

    Thinking back to the early days of England and Britain, there were battles. Often evenly matched in terms of weapons and equipment. Not quite the same as facing indigenous people armed with spears and bows and arrows while you are armed with rifles.

    When do YOU, and people like you, plan on taking responsibility? You want Britain to take responsibility for things that happened hundreds of years ago. Where appropriate, Britain has done so. When will YOU do the same?

    Corruption, fraud, theft are CRIMES in Britain. Why aren't they crimes in latam?

    Jul 28th, 2013 - 03:45 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Dany Berger

    A lovely, just lovely snapshot of Moe, Larry and Curly. We all know who Moe is, any guesses on Larry and Curly....or is it Curly Joe....or Schemp? Isn't Moe suppose to hit one with a hammer?

    Jul 28th, 2013 - 05:10 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Briton

    And she did not even invite her bested mate CFK,

    Now did she forget, or she does not want the embarrassment..

    She will be in her bad books.

    Jul 28th, 2013 - 06:57 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Stevie

    You forgot the Sioux, the Cherokee, the Apache, the Navajo, the Pueblo, the Chayenne, the Creek, the Crow, the Blackfoot and many, many more.
    Most of them extinct.
    By the English.

    You speak English.

    Hence, by your logic, you are a murderer, and so is your neighbour.

    Now go to sleep, old man.

    Jul 28th, 2013 - 09:36 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Anglotino


    I can't believe you actually support the Falkland Islanders right to self determination.

    Well that's a break through.

    I agree all forms of ethnic cleansing in the past were abhorrent so they shouldn't be repeated in the future no matter who is doing it. You would have to agree that this includes the Falkland Islanders wouldn't you.

    Interested to see some facts on ethnic cleansing in Iraq and Afghanistan.

    Jul 28th, 2013 - 10:45 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Stevie


    I will support the islands right to self determination the same day the last Brit leaves the Islands. Just as the last Spaniard and Portuguese left South America back then.
    Relations with Britain can then be normal again, just as they are with Spain and Portugal today.

    On Iraq, check wikileaks latest. Not quite a cleansing, but how many women and children have to be murdered before you find it distasteful, or even criminal?

    Jul 28th, 2013 - 10:54 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Elena

    Dilma probably had good intentions but Cartes is right, if Paraguay is to get in better terms with Mercosur and Unasur, that can´t be done ignoring what happened but by adressing it before expecting Paraguay to just move on. Also, Cartes isn´t yet Paraguay´s President indeed, so he can´t take part of head of state affairs.

    Jul 28th, 2013 - 11:07 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • bushpilot

    “the Sioux, the Cherokee, the Apache, the Navajo, the Pueblo, the Chayenne, the Creek, the Crow, the Blackfoot and many, many more.”

    “Most of them extinct”

    The Sioux Indians currently live on their reservations in the Dakotas.
    The Cherokee live in Oklahoma, Arkansas, & North Carolina.
    The Apache and the Navajo live on their reservations in Arizona.
    The Pueblo Indians are living in New Mexico.
    The Cheyenne live on their reservations in Wyoming and Montana.
    The Creek or Muscogee live in Oklahoma now.
    The Crow Indian Reservation is in Montana.
    The Blackfoot Indians live in Montana and Alberta, Canada.

    Not one of the tribes you mentioned by name are extinct. Their cultures were severely disrupted by European emigration, but those peoples still exist.

    Can you explain what you meant by “most of them extinct”.

    Jul 28th, 2013 - 11:22 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Stevie

    Well Bushpilot
    There are some 450 Charruas in Entre Rios and fewer Chanás.

    And have a look at the “many, many more” and see for yourself how many of the North American tribes are extinct today.

    If showing mercy on a few and force them to live in reservoirs doesn't count as genocide, well, no genocide occured in South America either...

    Jul 28th, 2013 - 11:28 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • The Truth PaTroll

    Exactly... The Qoms are still there, so are the Huarpes, so are the Mapuches, the Tehuelches, the Guaranis, the Tobas, etc, etc.

    The Onas are the ones that got the raw end of the stick. Funnily enough, that region was first settled by Englishmen.

    Jul 28th, 2013 - 11:55 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • bushpilot


    You are the one that brought up the Native Americans and their extinction in the U.S.

    You posted the specific names of about 9 Tribes that are extinct, you didn't say anything about, “if they 'live on reservations' that counts as extinct”. Also, native Americans can live whereever they want in the U.S., they don't have to live on a reservation.

    They are not extinct. You also didn't say anything about Charuas or Chanas and I never heard of these tribes in the U.S. Are they tribes in North America?

    NOW you say, “BUT, I also said 'many, many, more” too“. AND you tell me I need to look those ones up.

    You posted something inaccurate and to make it right, you are telling me to do all the work.

    YOU brought up American Indians in the U.S. YOU said ”many, many, more“. YOU look them up and post something that is accurate about the Native Americans in the U.S. Don't tell me to do it.

    Again, as the tribes you listed are not extinct, can you list some of the ”many, many, more” Indian Tribes in the U.S. that are now extinct?

    As it stands, your whole post in #22, was a big 'ol cow pie. And your response in #27 was an exceptionally huge pile of cow dung on the path. Are you going to say something worthwhile now?

    Jul 29th, 2013 - 12:19 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Anglotino

    So Stevie does support ethnic cleansing. Thought it would take long for you to show your true colours.

    I keep forgetting that it is only the British that are capable of doing things wrong.

    Considering there were no natives murdered or moved out by the British on the Falkland Islands, I am wondering why they have to leave.

    Indeed the current nation there was built on the backs of the first settlers that arrived before 1833 and started the colony. No settlers have ever been asked to leave the UK just soldiers from a neighbouring country.

    I hate to break it to you but the Spanish and Portuguese never “left South America”. They stayed and became Argentinean, Chilean, Uruguayan, Brazilian, Venezuelan, Colombian, Peruvian, Bolivian, Ecuadorian, Paraguayan, Guyanese, and Surinamese.

    Their troops and government officials left not the population.

    Just like Argentina's troops and government officials left the Falkland Islands in 1833 and the settlers didn't.

    Thank you for proving that the Falkland Islanders have every right to their land as the settlers from Spain and Portugal do.

    Jul 29th, 2013 - 12:44 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Elena

    “So Stevie does support ethnic cleansing. Thought it would take long for you to show your true colours.” Sorry Anglotino but I fail to see in what way or form Stevie is doing an arument supporting ethnic cleasing? :-(

    Jul 29th, 2013 - 01:10 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Troy Tempest


    “On Iraq, check wikileaks latest. Not quite a cleansing, but how many women and children have to be murdered before you find it distasteful, or even criminal?”

    “Not quite a cleansing... ”
    In fact, not even close to a cleansing!
    In other words, you made it up, it's not true.

    Jeez, Stevie, who are you, Think??

    Jul 29th, 2013 - 04:53 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Stevie


    Try Karankawa, Beothuk and Powhatan amongst others.

    I typed “many, many more. Most of them extinct to this day.”
    That “most” refers to them all, the ones mentioned and the ones not so.
    Have a look at how many native American tribes there were before the Europeans arrived and compare it to the amount today.

    I don't support ethnic cleansing, regardless of how many times you repeat it to yourself.

    Well, those American soldiers did at least cleansed the house of women and children, wouldn't you agree?

    Jul 29th, 2013 - 10:29 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Conqueror

    @22 How did you get out of your kindergarten?

    Just look at that. Not one “extinct” people. And bushpilot has told you where they are. More to the point, since I've been to the United States and Canada, I've been glad to meet some of them. Incidentally, perhaps you could identify where the British came into contact with these peoples. And why, exactly, would we British have been acting against those who, in many instances, were our allies? Against the rapacious Spaniards and French. You see, we British left. Faced by the newly-formed United States, France, Netherlands, Spain and Mysore, fighting across the Atlantic Ocean and on the Indian sub-continent as well, was too much even for us. But anything that happened after 1783 was solely down to you americans. But I'll give you this. You've managed to substantiate your delinquency and idiocy!
    @24 Confirmation of your intended imperialist colonialism!
    @27 Hahahahahahahaha. “Reservoirs”! Classic! Hang on, I'll just call the local water company and see how much water they have in their reservations. What a dick!
    @28 See you couldn't dispute what I said!
    @33 You must try harder. After listing 9 peoples that you said were EXTINCT and being challenged. How does THREE equate to “many, many more”? And, guess what, the Powhatan aren't extinct. “The Powhatan Renape Nation has been recognized by the state of New Jersey.” Go on, explain that, smartass. And let us not forget, state “police” in latam STILL murder indigenous people. And when YOU countenance that, you support ethnic cleansing. Not to worry. WE may pop over and do a bit of our own “cleansing” one day. Something to anticipate!

    Jul 29th, 2013 - 04:30 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Briton

    Come gentlemen, if Stevie says they are all extinct then they are all extinct,
    Just ask any

    Jul 29th, 2013 - 06:39 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Conqueror

    @35 Please, can we not agree that “Stevie” is a brainless,degenerate, depraved, ignorant, stupid, uneducated, brainwashed, pre-kindergarten, latam arse? Then we can all ignore the fart from now on. Let's all agree to ignore the little shit from now on!

    Jul 29th, 2013 - 06:51 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Briton

    fair enough...

    Jul 29th, 2013 - 07:02 pm - Link - Report abuse 0

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