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Brazil will have its own national-made secure communications satellite by 2016

Friday, November 29th 2013 - 23:30 UTC
Full article 24 comments

Brazil's state-owned telecom provider Telebras signed a 560m dollar contract to deliver a satellite for secure communications on Thursday, following months of outrage over revelations of US cyber spying. A statement said a joint venture between Telebras and Embraer would deliver the geostationary satellite for strategic communications by late 2016.

 Embraer said the satellite would ensure Brazil's “sovereignty over strategic communications in both the civilian and military areas”. Brazil's state-owned Embratel launched the first South American communications satellite in 1985

Brasilia has been angered by reports of US electronic spying on Brazilian government communications, as well as phone call data and e-mails of millions of Brazilians.

Those disclosures, drawn from revelations by US intelligence leaker Edward Snowden, led Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff to reprimand the US at the UN General Assembly session in September and to scrap a planned state visit to Washington.

Visiona Tecnologia Espacial, a joint venture between Embraer and Telebras, will be responsible for integrating the Defense and Strategic Communications Geostationary Satellite (SGDC) system, Embraer said.

”The SGDC system not only will meet the needs of Telebras' National Broadband Program (PNBL) and the strategic communications of the Brazilian Armed Forces, but it is also an opportunity for Brazil to ensure the sovereignty of its strategic communications in both the civilian and military areas,” said Telebras President Caio Bonilha.

The SGDC system involves the ministries of communications, defense and science and technology, an Embraer statement said, adding that the satellite would be operated by Telebras on the civilian band and by the defense ministry on the military band.

French-Italian firm Thales Alenia Space (TAS) is to supply the satellite while European satellite launch company Arianespace is to launch it. The suppliers are to transfer technology to Brazilian companies, a process that will be supervised by the Brazilian National Space Agency, Embraer said.

It stressed that the SGDC system will provide full security for the government's strategic communications and military communications as it “will be controlled in Brazil at stations that are located in military areas, under the co-ordination of Telebras and the defense ministry”.

“Satellites that currently provide services to Brazil are either controlled by stations outside of the country or the control is in the hands of companies run by foreign capital,” Embraer said.

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  • Conqueror

    Quite a funny story, I think. Wonder how many satellites currently provide services to Brazil? Could have made it quite difficult as comms switched from one satellite to another on a random basis. But now there'll be just ONE satellite in a geostationery orbit. Pretty easy to spot! And then? You intercept transmissions to and from the satellite. Crack the encryption and away you go. And Thales has got systems the NSA etc can't crack? How long do we think the USA has been in the business of hacking into satellite communications? And the NSA is understood to own the largest single group of supercomputers in the world! And Brazil is going to come up with something to beat that capability in a couple of years? But how will they know if they've been successful? Still, if it makes them feel better.

    Nov 30th, 2013 - 09:08 am 0
  • Mastershake

    3 years for brazil to build this, 15 minutes for USA to intercept and decipher the transmissions

    Nov 30th, 2013 - 01:36 pm 0
  • Brasileiro

    We will not sit and wait for death!

    Nov 30th, 2013 - 02:08 pm 0
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