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Argentina imposes 'voluntary' price agreement on 200 supermarket staples

Saturday, December 21st 2013 - 05:41 UTC
Full article 47 comments

Argentina has negotiated a new inflation-fighting attempt: regulating prices of nearly 200 supermarket staples, scheduled to go into effect January 1, the Commerce Department said Friday. The deal was reached with different chambers and pretends to keep prices unchanged for twelve months. Read full article


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  • nigelpwsmith

    Moves which are guaranteed to help the black market thrive.

    You cannot fix prices in the face of heavy inflation, because all that will happen is that the shelves will empty.

    Does the Argentine government not recall what happened in Soviet Russia when they fixed prices? Rows of empty shelves in the super-markets. Except for the goods that no-one could afford to buy.

    This will help the smugglers to make even greater profits as they circumvent the price controlled goods, when they cannot be purchased through shops, because the shops cannot afford to buy them.

    Dec 21st, 2013 - 11:05 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Xect

    All fixing prices does is force supermarkets out of business and the ones that manage to stay open do so with empty shelves.

    You can't take inflation out of the supply chain and as the supermarkets exist at the end of the supply chain you are essentially just killing supermarket for no good reason and making products unavailable to the consumer. It's a very stupid policy.

    Everyone's costs are increasingly rapidly thanks to inflation and the poor old business are making less money each day until they reach a negative position.

    Dec 21st, 2013 - 12:20 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Mendoza Canadian

    Things disappear from the shelves everyday. Just plain gone. And the government is so brain dead that they don't realize that the supers just raise prices on other things to make up for the loss on the “frozen” products. Maybe its time to “freeze” wages instead of giving 25% increase every other day. Hell, maybe its time to freeze the government....

    Dec 21st, 2013 - 12:24 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • axel arg

    The main concerning of c. f. k's government is not to diminish inflation, it is to keep employment level, in fact, all it has done since it took office, was on behalf of jobs cration, after having clarified it, then i'll make my lecture about inflation.
    Many people here criticise argentina's inflation rate, but most them omit about the huge oligopolic concentration that we have in most our economy, which is mostly oligopolic and foreign, thats' why there are no more than 3 enterprices which produce the 70% of foods, and there are also three more enterprices which produce the 80% of drinks.
    In this scenario, what c. f. k's government should do, is to democratize our economy, as it tried to do with the new broadcast law, which aims to desmantle the great oligopolic concentration that we have in the country, however justice took four years in order to declare that the law is constitutional, after the clarin group (the most powerful media corporation of the country) could get all the injuctions it wanted, in order to not to comply with the new broadcast law.
    Taking into account these objetive facts, you don't have to be so smart in order to realize that the democratization of our economy is almost impossible .
    On the other hand, many people argue that argentina should diminish it's monetary emission, with the purpose of lowering inflation, however this year monetary emission is the half of what it used to be last year, and we still have 25% of inflation. It shows that not always monetary emission leads to inflation. Some people should be more responsable when they give opinions about our problems, in fact, they should search more information, instead of making their tipicall too partial analysis.
    The best that c. f. k's government can do, is to mitigate the effects of inflation, promoting high pay rases every year, and without implementing any of the austerity plans that europe is implementing, which are producing high levels of unemployment.

    Dec 21st, 2013 - 02:55 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • MagnusMaster

    @3 you know what happened when they tried to freeze salaries? Anarchy. There's not much the government can do to stop inflation, other than a huge crash and more anarchy, but they aren't going to willingly do that.

    Dec 21st, 2013 - 03:20 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Xect

    Axel there are some unusual assumptions and language in your last post.

    The answer is always too lower inflation to acceptable levels since it has such a meaningful impact on all of the economy. Arguing to keep inflation high is a unusual concept I will grant you. As for reducing monetary emission to affect inflation usually does work but may take time as inflation isn't linear against all measures. Also its difficult to make sense of a economy that is shrouded in false statistics other than to look at what is happening on the ground but clearly that is just part of a greater picture.

    Regardless of all of the above, producing questionable inflation statistics and price fixing in supermarkets is NEVER the answer.

    Dec 21st, 2013 - 04:32 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • malicious bloke

    Why does every idiotic government faced with high inflation always go down the same disastrous route?

    Price controls on commodities dont work EVER. All it does is force retailers to stop stocking the products you impose controls on. That has a knock-on effect all the way down the chain of production. So even if, as claimed by someone above, this is about jobs and not tackling inflation it's STILL A STUPID MOVE.

    Dec 21st, 2013 - 05:16 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    Axel is retarded. The unreadable illogical nonsense he writes are the indoctrinated wet dreams of a failed society.
    Your monetary base us up 40+%.
    Inflation is up +/-40%.
    No surprise to anyone with an IQ over 20.

    Dec 21st, 2013 - 07:15 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • axel arg

    In the last six years, there were periods where monetary emission was higher than in others, however inflation levels has always been between 25 or 27%, with the exception of 2009, where there was a 18% of inflation.
    It shows that not always monetary emission leads to inflation. Some orthodox and reactionary economists recommend to freeze salaries, or take the country to a recession, in order to diminish inflation. However last year we had a very small economic expansion of 1,9%, and we had a 25% of inflation. So, you can agree or not on what i say, but all my opinions are based on objetive facts, not on mischievous lectures.
    I realised along time ago that all that the government can do, is to mitigate the effects of inflation, there is nothing that a progresist government like c. f. k's can do which diminishes inflation in a signifficant number.
    Conservatives governments have the key to stop inflation, that's why they have always proposed to open imports without any discrimination, or to freeze salaries, because they think that pay rases lead to inflation, anyway they all achieved to stop inflation, but the number of unemployed people increased signifficantly. In social terms, there is nothing more dramatic than being unemployed, tha's' why the main concerning of c. f. k's government has always been to keep employment level.

    Dec 21st, 2013 - 07:47 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • nigelpwsmith

    Various economists have suggested cures for inflation, but price fixing or wage freezing does not work. In fact, it only makes the situation worse.

    If you freeze prices, then inflation continues to raise costs of production, but the producer cannot achieve a profit for his product. Therefore he has to stop production or run at a loss which would make him go bust.

    Supermarkets and shops are the end distributors of the products. If they cannot obtain the price controlled product, because no one is producing it at the fixed price, then the shelves become empty & the only place that the consumers can get them is on the black market for inflated prices.

    Freezing wages also has the wrong effect. People are still working, but inflation erodes the value of their wages. Soon they cannot pay for the basics & they reason that there is no point in working hard if they are not receiving enough to live on, even to buy the basics of life, such as food, accommodation or energy. If there is insufficient food, then soon crime takes hold & the strong steal from the weak to keep alive. Rampant crime leads to revolution & a change or overthrow of the government.

    The only way to cure inflation, is to reduce the money supply by increasing interest rates. This does have the secondary effect of reducing trade & increasing unemployment, but it soaks up the inflationary increase of the total money in the market.

    CFK has been soaking up all the dollars needed to pay for oil & other imports & replacing them with ever worthless Argentine Peso. Since Argentina is unable to produce anything of real value & most products have to be imported, this has increased the value of the dollars and decreased the value of the Peso dramatically. Which is why there is even a black market in the currency & a flight of dollar money abroad.

    The current government hasn't got a clue how to reduce inflation, so the only way that things will change is when there is a revolution and CFK is deposed or hung.

    Dec 21st, 2013 - 09:38 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Troy Tempest


    Any thinking, reasonable, person knows that it is NOT the “Oligarchs” who are the cause of your dire Inflationary spiral.

    However, perhaps we need a 'real' Economic Expert to give a strategy out of this Inflation dilemma, and more importantly, point the finger of BLAME.

    Where is Dany Berger when you need him?


    Dec 22nd, 2013 - 04:51 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Leiard

    “As in Venezuela, Cristina now has the Generals on their side”

    Dec 22nd, 2013 - 11:25 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Captain Poppy

    “The main concerning of c. f. k's government is not to diminish inflation, it is to keep employment level, in fact, all it has done since it took office, was on behalf of jobs cration, after having clarified it, then i'll make my lecture about inflation.”

    Axel YOU have wood for a cerebral cortex! Jobs creation cannot happen without addressing inflation in an economy with 30% annual inflation when the government is trying to control price levels but not costs. You force sellers to hold prices when inflation has costs exceeding selling price, no seller buys more goods.
    lower goods.....lower sales
    lower sales.....lower production
    lower production.....lower employment

    It's really not rocket science.......unless you are Argentine with a tree truck for a brain stem and wood for a brain.

    Dec 22nd, 2013 - 11:55 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • nigelpwsmith

    The one thing that could be done, TMBOA won't do.

    She refuses to leave office.

    Her replacement could do a lot worse than switch from the Argentine Peso and use dollars exclusively. They did this in Zimbabwe and it helped to reduce the mega inflation they suffered. It's also encouraging them to export, but they still have a problem with their dictator too.

    Part of the inflationary pressure is coming from the Government's program to soak up as many dollars as they can. It deflates the value of the Peso which causes imports to rocket in price, stoking the inflation.

    TMBOA has deliberately deceived the IMF about the true inflation figures, because the IMF would put a block on any loans or credit guarantees needed for imports.

    As it stands at present, inflation will keep getting worse, which will lead to more strikes like the police one. More discontent among the populace. However, this doesn't matter to TMBOA, because she will be leaving soon for her Caribbean retirement home with billions of US dollars stolen from her citizens.

    Let's face it, Argentina needs drastic action. I shudder to suggest it, but it could be that the Chinese will offer to help, if they were allowed exclusive benefit from the oil and minerals they extract. Could it be that the overtures the Chinese were making to TMBOA was aimed at making a deal when Argentina is at its lowest ebb, to finance the recovery, only by taking all the wealth that Argentina would have benefited from (shale oil & gas) if they had been sensible.

    Certainly no-one sensible (in the first world) would consider investing in Argentina, given Argentina's track record of defaulting on debts, haircuts on loans and nationalisations at a fraction of the true values.

    It would literally be throwing good money down the drain to invest in Argentina, unless you know that you can use your own military (as the Chinese can) to guarantee that no-one in the Casa Rosada would steal your investment.

    Dec 22nd, 2013 - 12:32 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Conqueror

    @9 Take a look at this.
    Can you see how Great Britain had an inflation rate much like argieland's now in the 70s? Then WE figured out how to sort it. Now it's 2.10%. It's because we're smart. Don't you wish you were? Perhaps she could start by exterminating those who “think” they know what they are talking about. Go join the queue!

    Dec 22nd, 2013 - 01:05 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • axel arg

    Beyond the tipicall stupid ironies that you often express, your biggest problem is your lack of responsability when you give opinions about the problems of our country, your usuall too partial lectures are the reflex of how little you know about the structural problems of argentina, and about the behaviour of the different social actors who interven in our problematics.
    If you really care about giving opinions in relation to our problems, you should search much more information, instead of making the tipicall mischievous lectures that you often manifest in your comments.
    In my comments 4 and 9, i explain what's the main concerning of c. f. k's government, and i say also why a progresist government like her's won't be able to do so much in order to diminish inflation.
    All i say is based on objetive facts, not on mischievous lectures like your's, beside i don't need anybody to deffend me when i make my political lectures, like troy suggested in his comment.
    On the other hand, a voluntary prices agreement is not in absolut the solution for inflation, it's just one more way to mitigate the effects of it.
    Despite inflation, the policies of kirchnerism created millions of jobs. Maybe for you it's something insignifficant, but when you make your lectures, you should realize that in social terms there is nothing more dramatic than being unemployed, it will help to avoid your usuall too partial lectures, and some of the stupid ironies that you often express.

    Dec 22nd, 2013 - 08:15 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Leiard

    16 axel

    You can create as many jobs as you want, but some one has to make a profit so that the wages of these people in these new jobs can be paid.

    There is no way that you could seriously call cfk's government progressive.

    Even Capitanich and Kicillof cannot agree on what is happening with the budget.

    Dec 22nd, 2013 - 08:34 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • nigelpwsmith

    It appears that in your desire to have full employment, you fail to understand the ramifications for your country.

    Argentina is not the first country to try to minimise unemployment at the cost of a deteriorating economy.

    China tried to maximise employment before Deng Xiaoping accepted that communism simply doesn't work and instituted reforms known as the Four Modernisations, to create Socialism with Chinese Characteristics.

    Before Deng there were 20 people to change a street light bulb. One person to actually change the bulb and 19 people to watch him do it. But it meant that the state had to pick up the cost for the people who were idle. This put immense financial pressure on the state, a pressure they could not afford.

    What Deng did was open China up to market economic ideas, which meant allowing people to be unemployed and using the growth of the market economy to find work for them naturally, rather than forcing them to work.

    This meant that the state was not forced to pay for idle workers and even collected taxes from the people in employment. The market economy gained a massive spurt of orders from all over the world because of the cheap wages. The Chinese economic miracle was born.

    What TMBOA and all other Argentine politicians do is buy their way into office with bribes, jobs or promises of power. But the only way they can pay for those bribes is to steal from the people. The economy is parasitic. It is feeding off the future prosperity of the country by posponing the repayment of the debt.

    It's a cycle that is self-destructive, because the debt can never be repaid. All that will happen is that the people get poorer or emigrate to find prosperity elsewhere.

    The sooner that Argentina gets rid of these robber politicians, the sooner that reforms can be made which give hope. It's going to be painful for Argentina, but it's not impossible.

    However, the longer you delay, the more painful the recovery becomes.

    Dec 22nd, 2013 - 11:40 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    All that will happen is that the people get poorer or emigrate to find prosperity elsewhere.

    This has been my point for a very long time.

    Anyone with any brains or ambition has gotten himself out of that country after every successive economic crash so that the gene pool is void of anyone intelligent or with drive.

    All that is left are the lazy idiots
    I am positive the movie Idiocracy was based on Argentina since Peron.

    Dec 23rd, 2013 - 12:26 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Optimus_Princeps

    The major problem with the political class: always willing to waste time with 99 counter-productive actions while avoiding doing the one thing that will work.

    Dec 23rd, 2013 - 11:28 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    Looks like all of this heat is lowering the SOY estimates again, for the 3rd year in a row.
    I wonder if they are using all the unsold Bio-diesel in the portable generators around the city?
    Probably not
    I wonder if CFKs extensions will hold up when she's being dragged through the streets?

    Dec 23rd, 2013 - 12:31 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Captain Poppy

    Axel why do you not refrain from making biased speeches and attempting to come across as an intellectual? You use words like “stupid and “irony” so point to the ironic posts, assuming you know what the word means? Opinions are what this site was founded on and you too are filled with opinions in which we all can say you post with stupidity and prejudice. Really …..Mischievous? Lack of objectivity? Perhaps you need a longer look in the mirror axel. All of your posts lack facts and are nothing but wishful opinions.
    You espouse about oligarchic food producers and fail to support it. You espouse of a democratic economy and ignore the fact the kirchners restrict imports…..where is the democracy there? Besides…..WTF is a democratic economy? You speak of objective facts yet you produce NO FACTS in your posts. You posts have always been and continue to be hollow words, biased and unsubstantiated.
    If job creation was kirchner’s number one concern, she would be instituting policies that ENCOURAGE businesses to invest thereby generating jobs. Argentina does not have an industrial base internally that can create jobs to support Argentinians and the economy. Most of the largest businesses are foreign and foreign businesses are reluctant to further invest in Argentina based solely on the failed policies of kirchnerism.
    Your posts at best are laughable in unsupported facts and at worst juvenile and biased. You come across as a neophyte intellectual of the typical college student filled with arrogance from the lack of reality that usually infuses theory with practicality. Before you continue calling everyone else’s posts stupid and biased and unsupported… your own posts. If kirchner was truly concerned with job creations she would be addressing DFI, monetary policies and her trade policies.

    ran out of space....freaking 2000 characters!

    Dec 23rd, 2013 - 12:43 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • axel arg

    I have explained in planty of opportunities what i consider like objetive facts, the problem is that some of you, like captain understand just what you want, making your usuall mischievous lectures of what i say.
    I recommend you to read again my comments 4 and 9, where you'll see why monetarist solutions that some of you propose, in the case of argentina are wrong. In fact, since 2007 untill 2012, monetary emission had periods where it was higher, and other where it was lower, but inflation remained as hight as now in all periods, accept it or not, it's an objetive fact. So, monetary emission unless in the case of arg. is not the main cause of inflation.
    On the other hand, while it is true that most our economy is oligopolic and foreign, especially in important sectors like food, drinks and metal mechanic, which is a very hard remora, it's also true that since the government reformed the charter of the centarl bank, it gives much more economic support for all enterpices, which have productive projects. Accept it or not, it's also an objetive fact.
    On the other hand, despite inflation, the policies of kirchnerism created millions of jobs, not only in public sector, but also in private one.
    Respecting whether c. f. k's government is progressive or not, anybody has right to think whatever, and all opinions are respectable, as far as i'm concerned, i have always thought that despite the contradictions, and falencies of her government, which actually are charasteristic of every government in the world, in fact i have never known about a perfect government, i don't know if you have ever known about one, when i see the changes kirchnerism produced in the country, and when i also see which social actors are detractors of it's policies, then i realize that despite all respectable critics that anybody can make, c. f. k's government is a progressive one. There is a lot more to say about it.

    Dec 23rd, 2013 - 03:25 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Captain Poppy

    Con't (you have NO CLUE WHAT OBJECTIVITY IS)

    Price controls never worked….ever throughout the history of man. When you freeze the retail price of what can be sold and ignore the wholesale prices of what they purchase for re-sale, it only makes the retailer stop buying the goods that rise in price. That in itself creates shortages and higher demands and creates a vicious cycle. Many goods are in short supply because of import freezes because Argentina needs U$ dollars to buy petroleum because of its previous debt policies and defaults.
    Your trade surplus shrinks month after month because of your simple contrarian policies. Your banks HAVE run out of money and they miniscule remain reserves are other people’s money. Axel why do you not refrain from making biased speeches and attempting to come across as an intellectual? You use words like “stupid and “irony” so point to the ironic posts, assuming you know what the word means? Opinions are what this site was founded on and you too are filled with opinions in which we all can say you post with stupidity and prejudice. Really …..Mischievous? Lack of objectivity? Perhaps you need a longer look in the mirror the second time around axel. All of your posts lack facts and are nothing but wishful opinions.
    You espouse about oligarchic food producers and fail to support it. You espouse of a democratic economy and ignore the fact the kirchners restrict imports…..where is the democracy there? Besides…..WTF is a democratic economy? You speak of objective facts yet you produce NO FACTS in your posts. You posts have always been and continue to be hollow words, biased and unsubstantiated.

    ( you speak all over the place. You have yet to make a pointed response that is directed to YOU. On one point you respond to ALL, than another to one. You ramble.....prove ONE INSIPID FACT you particular the millions of jobs created via an OBJECTIVE SOURCE and not Indec? You can't...why? )
    private economists are-

    Dec 23rd, 2013 - 03:37 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Clyde15


    Dec 23rd, 2013 - 04:02 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Captain Poppy


    Private economist are fined
    Axel, you really need to get over thinking you are anything other what you ramble against in your posts. You spend more time supporting her actions and denouncing detractors than substantiating your posts with links and corroborative facts.
    You support nothing in your statements.

    ALL of your rants are subjectively biased and prejudiced.

    “and all opinions are respectable, as far as i'm concerned”

    Really? That statement cannot be farther from the truth when you claim:

    “Beyond the tipicall STUPID ironies that you often express”

    Stupid is really respectful? I have asked for you to support irony and you’ve yet to respond.

    If job creation was kirchner’s number one concern, she would be instituting policies that ENCOURAGE businesses to invest thereby generating jobs. Argentina does not have an industrial base internally that can create jobs to support Argentinians and the economy. Most of the largest businesses are foreign and foreign businesses are reluctant to further invest in Argentina based solely on the failed policies of kirchnerism.
    Your posts at best are laughable in unsupported facts and at worst juvenile and biased. You come across as a neophyte intellectual of the typical college student filled with arrogance from the lack of reality that usually infuses theory with practicality. Before you continue calling everyone else’s posts stupid and biased and unsupported… your own posts. If kirchner was truly concerned with job creations she would be addressing DFI, monetary policies and her trade policies. However, in order to do that, she has to take responsibility for the debt her predecessors incurred and work out a solution. Autarky is not the solution in a global world of business and you are not the intellectual that you think you are. While I believe in the KISS principle, you take it to extremes. Finish your education and tamp it reality
    FYI…..your government is so broke it is paying physicians with

    Dec 23rd, 2013 - 04:05 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • axel arg

    It's evident that i wasn't wrong when i said that you understand just what you wnat, making a mischievous lecture of what i say.
    An objetive fact, is the something that happens or happened in reality, beyond you agree or not on it, or ignore it.
    I my comments 4, 9, 16, 23, i explained with objetive facts why some of the solutions that you propose, respecting monetary emission, in the case of arg. would be wrong. I also explained why despite the falencies of c. f. k's government, policies of kirchnerism created millions of jobs. Anyway, i don't take into account what indec says, i take other indexes from different provinces, like cifra-cta, beside, beyond what any index can say, objetive facts can be prooved in reality.
    When you wonder whether c. f. k's government is democratic, due to it restricts imports, that expression can't be more than a too stupid irony. I don't deny that it's a hard decision, but in some moments it's necesary in order to reindustrialize the economy.
    The oligopolic sectors that we have in the economy are the following, in the case of metal mechanic, techint group has an oligopolic position.
    In the case of food, there are 3 enterprices like arcor, mastellone, and another one that i can't remember it's name now, which produce not less than the 80% of foods. In my next comment, i'll give you some more especiffic information about the oligolic positions that we have in most our economy.

    Dec 23rd, 2013 - 04:30 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Captain Poppy


    You’ve explained nothing!!
    FYI…..your government is so broke it is paying physicians with bonds.
    How do people buy food with peso bonds?
    Kirchner fails to think before acting. She steals from Repsol and thinks she is in for easy money. Then refuses to reimburse Repsol. A year and a half later her stupidity forces her to finally pay Repsol because no one will invest in Argentina even after having her cronies begging in the USA…..Washington DC and of all places……Argentina’s arch enemy Great Britain. I find her actions comical superficially but deep down I know many good people in Argentina not only suffering from international humiliation, but financially as well unorthodox policies.
    She spends more time and money fighting La Nacion because they criticize her. Get over it…..president are the butt of jokes in papers but her maniacal ego cannot deal with it.
    First and foremost is she truly cared about the people of Argentina, forget the Falklands, she is wasting energy on an island that you have no legitimate claim and you all rightly know that otherwise you would be in the ICJ as she is in SCOTUS praying for more time.
    I actually rather enjoy the stupidity of rants like stevie and the troll because deep down they know how ridiculous they are and see the ship sinking. The troll tobi the titti boi and never been out of Mendoza to even know what he is talking about about. Stevie……his dad was a failed terrorists and he’s a bastard too afraid to go back home to the failings of communist SA policies after residing in Europe…..we all love his hypocrisies’. You on the other hand think you are pious and above reproach.
    You denounce hypocrites, yet you posts are filled with hypocrisy.
    You scorn bias and yet you call other opinions stupid.
    You think your shit does not stick, guess what axel, if you can’t smell it, bend over and push your nose closer to your ass. In fact while you are at it, kiss your ass good bye too because Argentina is on the verge of impl

    Dec 23rd, 2013 - 04:44 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pugol-H

    @ 27 axel arg
    Whatever you say about the rights and wrongs of different policies and/or priorities, you can’t argue with the results.

    The fact is that by any measure you care to name, Argentina’s economy is collapsing at an ever increasing rate.

    You are going to have to make painful decisions whether you like it or not, as economic reality ultimately overrides ideology.

    Dec 23rd, 2013 - 05:03 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    Cap, Axel is too stupid to understand what you are saying he does't even realize he is dumb it's just not worth the effort to try and explain why time and again Argentina has currency and economic crisis.

    and please stop being so mischievous in your posts.

    Dec 23rd, 2013 - 05:10 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Captain Poppy finish:

    You denounce hypocrites, yet you posts are filled with hypocrisy.
    You scorn bias and yet you call other opinions stupid.
    You think your shit does not stick, guess what axel, if you can’t smell it, bend over and push your nose closer to your ass. In fact while you are at it, kiss your ass good bye too because Argentina is on the verge of imploding and the world sees it. It’s funny how the animals in a zoo never know they are in a zoo. I guess one has to be on the outside looking in to see it.

    Tell me why they will not pay doctors with anything but bonds?

    and do not forget to support your rants with links......bien?

    Yankee he most be an absolute idiot to fail to see what I am pointing out to him in his own posts. My mischieveous side of me gets the best of me at times.


    Dec 23rd, 2013 - 05:17 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    I tried long ago to chat with him but he is brain washed and brain dead.
    My prayers are with his students.
    The state of education in Arg is truly dismal with him being anywhere near a kid.

    Dec 23rd, 2013 - 05:20 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Captain Poppy

    He is a professor?

    Everything said to him goes right through him.

    Yeah the latest was doctors are no longer getting paid with money but bonds. I know my brother in law is a doctor. The crime is getting exponentially worse as well. This is a classic example of what happens when the government tries to be government and business at the same time. BsAs is the only area above the shit and that's just barely.

    Dec 23rd, 2013 - 05:45 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    Paid in bonds by the Province? That's exactly what happened in 2001. They were called Patacones, taxi drivers and shops tried to pass them off as Pesos.
    Bad bad bad times are ahead
    This next crisis will last longer and be deeper than 2001.
    The IMF will not be able to lend and Venezuela is out of U$ too.
    Maybe the Chinese can help but they have their own problems. I don't see them wanting to bail out Argentina.
    I am glad I am in the USA.

    Dec 23rd, 2013 - 05:57 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Captain Poppy

    Yes that's what the provinces started doing. As I said to others here......the bonds will not put food on the table.

    Dec 23rd, 2013 - 06:27 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    If I remember correctly they were traded at .8/$ but nobody wanted them in real life.
    I guess your family can treat people with promises too.
    They're doomed.

    Dec 23rd, 2013 - 08:31 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Captain Poppy

    They are still ok. They have a clinic and take privately insures people. They have U$ dollars as well, it's not like they are farmers, they're professional people.....the hated ones by the Kirchner's.
    I've tried talking him into moving here but he won't. He'd do a lot better as a surgeon in the USA then there.

    Dec 23rd, 2013 - 08:37 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    Oh I didn't mean your family was doomed
    just the country
    When I lived there the Drs made less than truck drivers. I guess they have a less powerful union

    I knew Patacones were around the corner of course Sr Think told me I was a liar and agitator.
    Yet again another brilliant prediction has come to fruition
    Hyperinflation or CFK getting dragged thru the streets is next
    or maybe both.

    Dec 23rd, 2013 - 08:55 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Captain Poppy

    Well I feel there are at times. The are middle class professional people....some lawyers (ugh!), a few doctors and middle managers.....the one's that are despised because they work their asses off. The country definitely is doomed.
    The doctors make nothing like in the USA.....some here make too ex wife was one and are too influenced the pharma, but in Argentina they deserve to earn more and definitely more than freaking IOU's.
    As an American it's a touchy subject criticizing Argentina around them because on one hand they do love Argentina and on the other they know how fucked it is.
    I'd really love to know what the deal was to compensate Repsol. As a traded company I do not know how they can keep it hush hush.

    Dec 23rd, 2013 - 09:14 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • MagnusMaster

    The provinces are already paying with bonds? Looks like they are keeping it quiet.

    Dec 23rd, 2013 - 09:59 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Captain Poppy

    If you do work for the public hospitals they are.

    Dec 23rd, 2013 - 11:47 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    They say the public hospital are a mess not even carrying the basic supplies.

    Dec 24th, 2013 - 12:17 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Captain Poppy

    they's a minimal blurb.

    But funny they are using bonds for payments in full force.

    Dec 24th, 2013 - 01:08 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • axel arg

    CAPTAIN POPPY: This is the last time i answer a comment for you.
    I have never had any problem in talking to people who don't think like me, but i don't like reactionary people who just insult, as you did in your comments. I have a lot of differences with most people here in relation to my opinions, but most them aren't reactionary and respect me, except for a few people like you.
    Anyway, i'll just answer you that c. f. k's government never said it wouldn't pay repsol, in fact, only an ignorant who doesn't know anything about our legislation can think that our government wouldn't pay for an expropiation. C. f. k's government has always said that it wouldn't pay the amount pretended by repsol, which pretended 10.000 or 18.000 millions dollars. It would pay only what justice determines, or what both parts can accord in a negotiation.
    According to our legislation it's illegal not to pay for an expropiation.
    C. f. k's government has always been disposed to negotiate with the former owners of the enterprices which were recovered by the state, but the government has always asked them to accept the argentine legislation, but they never accepted. They have always prefered to recur to the ciadi, which is just a partial court, and we all know it.
    The day you learn to be more polite, i'll answer you again all the questions that you want.
    MAGNUSMASTER: None province is paying with bonds, it was just a stupid speculation by governor from corrientes, but it's not true.
    PUGOL-H: I can understand whether you don't agree on c. f. k's policies, however it's not serious to lie as you did in your comment 29.
    At the ame time that you say that our economy is going to collapse, cifra-cta published that from july untill september, our economy had an economic expansion of 5%, i still don't have the numbers of the last three months. It means that despite the structural problems that we still have, our economy is having a good expansion. Perhaps your so called collapse, is just your wish.

    Dec 25th, 2013 - 06:59 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    Axel, Was that %% growth number supplied by the same organization that claims there is 10% inflation?
    Yeah it was
    You are a rube
    So I was a bit off, your monthly pay is still a bit above U$300/mo but I am sure you know that better than I.

    Dec 25th, 2013 - 08:16 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Captain Poppy this:

    Beyond the tipicall stupid ironies that you often express, your biggest problem is your lack of responsability when you give opinions about the problems of our country”

    Forgive ME for failing to pick up the subtleties in your COMPLIEMENTS in that post. One can assume that you are using a translator to speak or as Yankee suggested, you are an idiot. Ok close attention because I have not insulted you as I have challenged you to SUPPORT your statements to which you have yet to support. Are you sitting? Read this slowly....because here comes the real insult....basic and simple....sitting?

    Y- O- U A -R -E A F- U- C- K- I -N -G M -O- R -O -N

    Until you comprehend that you are everything you complained about in your posts, you ARE a moron. That opening ling in your posts insulted us all and you are too stupid to see you sling insults in you posts.

    Until you stop insulting in you posts......stay at the lab with your la camporalites.

    Stop being a hypocrite by crying about peebles being tossed at you while you are throwing stones.

    Again.....forgive me for not taking being called stupid a compliment.

    Being illegal to pay for expropriation only means legalized stealing. When someone removes christina “the cuntlips” kirchner's oxygen source.....there will be world wide dancing in the streets by Argentine ex pats and the repressed in argentina.

    Now stick your brainless head back up your kirchner fucked ass.

    Did you pick up the subtleties in my insults in this post? Because my insult WAS to insult you this time?

    Dec 26th, 2013 - 10:54 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    It that retard was using a translation service he wouldn't have so many spelling mistakes.

    Dec 26th, 2013 - 12:02 pm - Link - Report abuse 0

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