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Uruguay's ruling coalition ends 2013 with a majority lead in public opinion

Saturday, December 21st 2013 - 01:59 UTC
Full article 6 comments
President Mujica and pre-candidate Vázquez with no immediate surprises ahead President Mujica and pre-candidate Vázquez with no immediate surprises ahead

Uruguay's ruling coalition, Broad Front, is closing 2013 with a strong 44% electoral support, which is higher than all the opposition put together, according to the latest Mori public opinion poll on vote intention and support for the presidential hopefuls

 Uruguay is holding presidential elections next October and in June primaries in each party to elect an only candidate.

According to the poll's results based on December data, the ruling coalition collects a vote intention of 44% and pre-candidate and former president Tabaré Vázquez is supported by 71% of the coalition. Current president Jose Mujica who under Uruguayan law can't be re-elected has a testimonial 8%.

The main opposition National party has a vote intention of 25%, while the junior opposition Colorado party 14%; the small Independent grouping 2% and 11% remain undecided or did not reply.

The ruling coalition under President Mujica, even with its ups and downs has always had a clear margin over its runner up, the National party, and in almost all the opinion polls in the last four years has confirmed more support than the rest of the opposition parties in Congress.

The Mori poll also included 'spontaneous' questions referred to the primary presidential candidates of the different political parties.

Former president and leading hopeful of the ruling coalition, Tabaré Vázquez has 71% of voter preference. Raúl Sendic, 5% and another hopeful, Constanza Moreira, 4%, Current Vice-president Danilo Astori, but who is not running, 3%.

In the National party, pre-candidate Senator Jorge Larrañaga receives 49% of spontaneous replies, while Luis Lacalle Pou has 28% and his father and former president Luis Alberto Lacalle, and who is not a candidate, 7%. Senator Sergio Abreu, a third hopeful only received 4% of preferences.

In the Colorado junior opposition party, Pedro Bordaberry leads with 81% of preferences, followed by ex president Julio María Sanguinetti who is not running, with 6%.

In the Independent party, leader Pablo Mieres has no challengers.

Categories: Politics, Latin America, Uruguay.

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  • Stevie

    Hey Chris, redpoll, ynsere and all of you other expats that choose to live in Uruguay, blasting the country day in and day out.

    There's public opinion for you lot.

    Dec 21st, 2013 - 09:10 am 0
  • ChrisR

    @ 1 Stevie

    If you believe that is public opinion for the Tupamaros then you really are demented.

    You have to give it to the Broad Front though, they have stitched all the Marxist communist bastards under the one banner with the also ran’s hanging onto their coat-tails.

    The other parties are fragmented and pose no threat at all.

    But Stevie, you hypocrite, the old commie bastard CAN’T be President next term.

    If Vasquez does get in it will show HE is THE real Son of Uruguay in that he is prepared, at his age, to take on the presidency even though he knows the fuck-ups that Pepe has done need to be mended. I really hope he sorts out the lazy bastards who don’t work AND won’t work who are sucking the tits of the Social Programme dry. Making the bastards sweep the roads for their money would be a good first step. Yes, there are genuine claimants; they are not the people who need the hangers on either.

    It is said that La Tronca will be VP, FFS. I doubt Vasquez will even talk to her, he doesn’t have to does he?

    Dec 21st, 2013 - 07:42 pm 0
  • Stevie

    Chris, the Socialists (Vazquez) might get the Presidency, but MPP is strong within the FA and you will hate Constanza Moreira...


    Dec 22nd, 2013 - 12:24 am 0
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