The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) has approved a 550 million dollars operation for Uruguay to fund the Program for Strategic International Positioning, which aims to substantially increase investment and exports by strengthening the regulatory and institutional framework, promoting and facilitating trade, and boosting entrepreneurial innovation.
Venezuela's Hugo Chavez will be embalmed and put on display for eternity at a military museum after the state funeral and an extended period of lying in state, acting President Nicolas Maduro said on Thursday.
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is expected in Caracas early Friday on time to pay tribute to his late Venezuelan counterpart, Hugo Chavez, who died earlier this week after a two-year battle with cancer. Ahmadinejad left Tehran for Caracas on Thursday.
Uruguayan president called for a “sensible attitude” from the United States given the new political situation in Venezuela following the death of leader Hugo Chavez and was also optimistic about the future of the country in the post Chavez era.
Uruguayan former president Jorge Batlle recalled in his Facebook column that when a still unknown Hugo Chavez visited Uruguay back in 1994, the now left-leaning ruling coalition didn’t take him seriously and the leader of the movement at the time General Liber Seregni did not receive him.
Conservative estimates put the size of recoverable crude oil and natural gas offshore the United States at the equivalent of nearly 35 years of Saudi Arabia's production. Chevron made the case emphasizing the need for development of US offshore resources.
Argentine president Cristina Fernandez was the only leader given the option of visiting the ailing Hugo Chavez in hospital but declined, according to Venezuelan independent journalist Nelson Bocaranda who was the first to make public the news, 19 months ago, that the charismatic leader was suffering cancer.
Next Sunday and Monday Falkland Islanders will be voting in a referendum and will be asked a very simple and direct question: “Do you wish the Falkland Islands to retain their current political status as an Overseas Territory of the United Kingdom?”
UK Defense budget cuts are rapidly becoming a controversial issue even among members of the current ruling coalition. An article from The Telegraph by Deputy Political Editor James Kirkup points out to reactions from the Commons Defense Committee to further pruning defense which would force Britain to break its promises to the NATO alliance and put the Special Relationship with the US at risk.
President Hugo Chávez died of a massive heart attack after great suffering and inaudibly mouthed his desire to live, the head of Venezuela's presidential guard revealed on Thursday.