The No vote's lead ahead of the Scottish Referendum has narrowed to just six points, according to a new poll. The YouGov poll suggests support for Scottish independence has risen eight points over the past month.
The six-point lead for the No camp is down from 14 points in mid-August, and 22 points from early last month, excluding undecided voters. The poll found that 53% of those questioned planned to vote No, while 47% would back Yes.
Blair Jenkins, chief executive of Yes Scotland, said the poll showed the Yes campaign had gained momentum ahead of polling on September 18.
“This breakthrough poll shows that Yes has the big momentum - it's an all-time high for Yes support in a YouGov survey so far, and an eight-point swing from No to Yes in just three weeks.
”We only need another three-point swing to achieve a Yes for Scotland on September 18.“
The latest poll for The Sun and The Times questioned 1,063 respondents between August 28 and September 1.
Better Together Campaign Director Blair McDougall said: ”We need the silent majority who back a No vote to do their bit.
“Whether it's voting on the day, knocking on doors, making phone calls or speaking to friends and family, the silent majority should feel confident in speaking up.
”We will not be complacent for one second and will do everything we can to secure the brightest future for Scotland within the UK.
“The nationalists talk as if they are winning, but the truth is this is yet another poll showing the campaign for Scotland to stay in the UK in the lead.
”We speak for the majority of Scots, but this poll confirms that if people want Scotland to stay in the UK then they need to vote for it.“
The poll came as the focus of the campaign turned towards job creation.
Alex Salmond and the Yes campaign visited the Eden Mill distillery and brewery in Guardbridge, Fife and the Better Together campaign, represented by shadow Scottish secretary Margaret Curran and Labour MSP Iain Gray, headed to Glasgow's Tennent Caledonian Breweries.
Mr Salmond and the Scottish Government have been working to develop a £4.5m food and drink export plan. But Ms Curran argued young people would benefit by the increased employment opportunities in a united Britain.
During the visit Mr Salmond hailed the results of the poll. He said: ”I have always thought we would win. The polls are obviously very encouraging. But I am much more encouraged by the reaction on the streets.”
Downing Street said the only poll that matters is the vote itself and insisted there would not be a change in tactics.
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Disclaimer & comment rulesYawn! The Scottish aren't going anywhere. Silly Salmon and his fishy friends should stop tub thumping and get proper jobs.
Sep 04th, 2014 - 10:10 am 0??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????be patient.?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????no comment.
Sep 04th, 2014 - 10:12 am 0just my thingy of a comment.
If Scotland gains independence???? Will the Cross of St. Andrew be removed from the Union Jack????..........Maybe be it should be replaced by the Red Dragon of Wales and to some fire back inti the English people
Sep 04th, 2014 - 10:29 am 0Commenting for this story is now closed.
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