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Argentina's defense budget with many pledges but not much beef

Saturday, September 20th 2014 - 08:23 UTC
Full article 116 comments
Despite last year's pledge no Mirage I or Kfir fighter planes for the Air Force Despite last year's pledge no Mirage I or Kfir fighter planes for the Air Force
The navy will continue to renovate the Meko 360 and Meko 140 vessels and repairing the Santa Cruz submarine The navy will continue to renovate the Meko 360 and Meko 140 vessels and repairing the Santa Cruz submarine

The Argentine 2015 budget contemplates 25.2 billion pesos (*) for the Defense ministry which includes refurbishing aircraft, tanks, sea vessels and the incorporation of state of the art radars for air space control, according to the bill presented to Congress this last week.

“The Argentine armed forces are planning for 2015 the training of personnel and the necessary means to achieve an operational aptitude and attitude from all arms' systems so as to have the dissuasive capacity that enables to discourage threats which affect the vital interests of the nation” reads the introduction of the defense bill, as announced by Economy minister Axel Kicillof and cabinet chief Jorge Capitanich.

However the Argentine media points out that there is no word of a possible purchase of combat aircraft to replace the ageing Mirage III (with over 30 years service) and which were involved in the Falklands war.

In last year's presentation of the 2014 defense budget, the bill said that the Air Force was planning to incorporate Mirage I, which had belonged to the Spanish Air Force, to replace the Mirage III. However later and apparently because of costs the option turned to Israel Kfir fighter bombers, similar to the Mirages but so far it has been but a wish.

In defense “we are committed to modernize the formation of the Armed Forces and strengthen their operational capacity” and following on this for the Army there will be 18 days of operational training on the field, 40 days in barracks, seven joint exercises, 2 combined exercises and five with the special forces.

The Army will be involved in the transformation of the Bell UH-1H helicopters into the Huey II model while the Argentine medium tank, TAM will be refurbished.

The Navy anticipates to continue with the task of renovating and upgrading equipment already started in the Meko 360 destroyers and Meko 140 corvettes plus repairing the 'Santa Cruz' submarine according to budget.

The Air Force is planning to modernize the Hercules C-130 cargo aircraft and the incorporation of 3DLA primary radars for the air space control and vigilance system.

There is also a commitment to continue with the Aircraft Factory, in Cordoba for the upkeep, maintenance and production of aircraft and planning the process for midterm expansion, as well as participating in projects with international aeronautical industries.

This includes the production of a South American basic training aircraft, the IA-73-Unasur and the upgrading of the Pucará attack fighter.

(*) 25.2bn Pesos at the official rate is approx 3 billion Dollars, but at the informal rate of 15 Pesos means 1.7bn dollars

Categories: Politics, Argentina.

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  • chronic

    Had to get out the old Janes to even find this stuff. rotting roadkill should be very well equiped to fight a war against an urban insurrection or a pre-columbian invader.

    rotting roadkill, your Gringo Amigos salute you. Salute!

    Sep 20th, 2014 - 08:42 am 0
  • Britworker

    I think if any South American country wanted to take some land back from Argentina, now would be the time.

    Sep 20th, 2014 - 08:53 am 0
  • Jay Bee

    25 billion pesos? Better spend it all now. Maybe the Falklands should invade Argentina. I guess TTT won't be getting his defence shield this year.

    Sep 20th, 2014 - 09:00 am 0
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