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Uruguay presidential race to be decided in runoff in November seems confirmed by latest poll

Wednesday, October 8th 2014 - 08:24 UTC
Full article 7 comments
Former president Vazquez has 42% vote intention and Lacalle Pou, 32% Former president Vazquez has 42% vote intention and Lacalle Pou, 32%

A run off in November to elect Uruguay's president seems most certain because none of the two leading candidates will manage a majority in the first round on 26 October, according to the latest public opinion poll.

The Factum poll showed former president Tabare Vazquez (2005/2010) and candidate for the ruling Broad Front coalition with 42% vote intention, while runner up lawmaker Luis Alberto Lacalle Pou, from the National party has a solid 32%.

Senator Pedro Bordaberry from the Colorado party, remains with a vote intention of 15% while Pablo Mieres from the Independent party figures with 3%. Other small parties have 2%, with 3% still undecided and another 3% who declared blank or annulled vote.

The poll did not release what could happen in a runoff at the end of November.

Factum said the poll was done between 26 September and October first, interviewing 1.000 residents in the country and with an error margin of plus minus 3.2 percentage points.

The pollster said that the percentages have remained virtually unchanged in the last few weeks with some variation among those still undecided or who report not having made up their minds.

Based on these percentages it is 'most certain' that there will be a runoff at the end of November between Vazquez and Lacalle Pou, to decide who will be receiving the presidential sash next March first.

Likewise it is “most uncertain” that the Broad Front can retain the legislative majority it has enjoyed since taking office in 2005 and again in 2010.

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  • ChrisR

    GO, GO, POU!

    Oct 08th, 2014 - 10:40 am 0
  • paulcedron

    shh. you cannot opine christine
    remember all you can do is to thank the hermanos uruguayos for allowing you to hide there.

    Oct 09th, 2014 - 12:51 am 0
  • ChrisR

    @ 2 POLLY

    Still repeating lies no matter how many times I have explained the situation to you so that must indicate one or more of the following are true:

    1) you are a paid troll to make trouble with anyone not 'supporting' the argie position;

    2) you don't believe me because you do not understand how I have come into the wealth needed to do what I do from my working class background;

    3) you are bitter and twisted because you lost your job as a concrete barrow labourer due to TMBOA decisions regarding everything in the construction industry had to be in argie arsewipes and it killed the job stone dead. You cannot take it out on TMBOA so you have to pick the Brits;

    4) you are so poor now compared with your parents who took you to PdE on holiday and nowadays you cannot afford to go to whatever the local dump is on the Atlantic coast of TDC that you lose your temper at the least thing;

    5) you simmer in rage because nobody on here believes a word you say. You are laughable in the extreme and as for your unique aeroplane that is almost 50 YO and is still 'perfectly safe’ all I can say is if you did hold a PPL you would KNOW what a load of bollocks your statement is;

    6) you seethe over the fact that you can never go to the Falklands and enjoy a good life not seen in TDC since the British pulled all their money out rather than have it stolen by people such as you;

    7) you have NO CHANCE of getting another job anywhere in TDC and no other country will take you apart from another SA hellhole such as Venezuela or Cuba, you will NEVER be accepted in the USA or the UK.

    So which is it: I think ALL of them.

    Oct 09th, 2014 - 07:06 pm 0
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