The Argentine jigging fleet captured nearly 150,000 tonnes of squid (Illex argentinus) in South Atlantic waters during the season that took place between 24 January and 31 August this year, according to a technical report issued by the National Institute for Fishing Research and Development (INIDEP).
A married woman, whose husband is also a priest, will be consecrated next month. Prime Minister Cameron speaks of an important day for equality.
The first Latin American pope in history sent letters to Obama, Raúl Castro and brokered negotiations which ended up in Wednesday's announcement that both countries are to resume full ties.
Buenos Aires-born Pontiff offered out-of-the-ordinary milonga in his honour. He also receives cakes and other gifts from children and seminarists, but doesn't forget the atrocities taking place in Australia, Pakistan and Yemen.
Presidents Obama and Castro finalize details over the telephone, make announcement. US restrictions require Congressional approval to be fully lifted. Alan Gross released. Other swaps ensue.