Argentina's revival as a major force in beef has been slowed by a dent to calving rates from poor weather, besides by a reluctance by producers to maximize animal weights, in the face of export restrictions. Read full article
Who wants Argenchina beef anyway. Its mostly awful 'feed lot' beef stuffed full of drugs which is why the UK no longer imports it in any quantity. Its reared in grassless compounds and fed soy and other such rubbish to fatten it fast. Very sad because the RGs produce Aberdeen Angus and Hereford breeds which originated from the UK. Better to buy good old British grass fed beef produced in the traditional way without drugs. Plenty of grass fed animals in Chile.
@1 Kind of know F all of what you are talking about?? You don’t feed cattle with soy and feed lot is only 50% of Arg production sometimes more or less depending on the average price of corn, having a feed lot is profitable or not.
I mentioned in another post that I had been watching a program about Argentine beef on BBC. This was featuring an Australian chef, John Torode, who wanted to find the ultimate steak and chose Argentina to find it.
He was expecting to find huge herds of cattle roaming the grassy Pampas.
His experience was slightly different.
He visited a huge cattle market outside B.A. and spoke with some cattle buyers.
They told him that 80% of the cattle were now produced on feed lots as being the most productive way to fatten the animals. Feed lot nurtured cattle could be brought to maturity 1 year sooner than grass fed animals. With government control of prices, this was the only way to make it profitable.
He then took off across the country towards Mendoza, to go to a restaurant with a name like 7 furnaces.
On the way he saw square kms. of bare soil with thousands of cattle being fed from a huge tractor pulled trailer delivering grain with supplements to the herds.
As he got further on his way he finally reached grasslands and stopped at an estancia to see the traditional method of keeping cattle on the “range”
Eventually he reached his goal and sampled his steak which he thought was excellent and ended up at another estancia to meet a friend and celebrate a birthday party.
The people he met were charming, friendly and genuine, in fact, people that you would be pleased to meet. Totally different from most of the Argentinians who post here.
If you dispute the figures about grain fed cattle, it's no use having a go at me.
I am just relaying what the buyers said to him. As I said, this was not a report on the cattle business in Argentina, but one man's quest for the ultimate steak and it's way of cooking.
#6. Yes your correct. Argentina has followed the States and other counties such as Australia down the grain fed path. It is more profitable. in Australia there is a small shift away from grain fed to small organic grass fed farms. The obesity epidemic and heart attack rates has awakened many Australians to the quality of beef they had been eating for generations. It is a shame that Argentina is going down this path.
The production of feedlot fluctuates around 50% depending on the cost of production mostly corn. Back in 2007 feedlots ware on a pathway to extinction as prices were record high. I’m sure the journalist went to Liniers and the guy he talked probably mentioned that the cattle that is commercialized in Liners was 80 % or that 80% of Pampas beef is feedlot that yes, but not entire Argentine production and what premium beef actually exported. FYI Liniers sets the national prices for beef but it no longer trades Argentine output. The reporter is right about grassland production moving towards the outskirt of the plains because its better to do agriculture nowadays .
Nice post. I've always had an admiration of Argentine beef and their industry is basically screwed by their own government. Their phytosanitary organization is corrupt which has resulted in the loss of several export markets, along with high taxes and ridiculous export controls as well as destructive domestic price controls.
In Chile we've never had the high quality breeds and expansive grasslands like Argentina, but we've been blessed with a completely free market economy regulated by a highly respected phytosanitary organization AND unlike in Argentina, all exports are NOT taxed. In the past decade, Chile has been producing Wagyu beef for mostly export with tremendous success. Most of the beef we import into Chile is from Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, Australia and the United States. (A couple of decades ago, imports were almost exclusively from Argentina.)
As far as grass fed vs. feedlot beef, well over 85% worldwide is feedlot today.
A side note about Wagyu beef: The Japanese are famous for feeding their cattle with grain and beer. I here in Austrailia some producers are using wine for feeding their Wagyu cattle. I'm intrigued...
Positively surprised about Mr. Caradura...
Finally some sensible, truthful posts from him at 2, 4 & 8....
Maybe he should keep commenting on things he knows about...
In my humble opinion, Argentinean Feed Lot Beef is basically a bad idea, bad PR & bad quality...
Fortunately... it is an easily reversible process...
Well, up there in Dunnon Stink you are surrounded by many herds of Aberdeen Angus munching away contentedly on Scotlands green grass. Down here in England we eat local beef from Dexters which is every bit as good as the Japanese stuff.
Well I agree about the process being reversible, but to really regain your lost market, you need to reorganize your SAG with teeth to certify that cattle are not from areas with Hoof and Mouth disease as well as trustable certification that certain lots are grass fed. There is a tremendous world market for certified hormone and antibiotic free grass fed organic beef. The problem is of course are the producers that will try to bend the rules. (As they do all over the world, including the USA.)
Problem is that the economics are far more reasonable in Uruguay, Paraguay and Brazil.
It isnt completely reversible if the parents come from generations of feed lot animals. The RGs will have to import some Scotch and English untainted breeding stock and start again.
@12 yep, we have lost tons of potential in the last years by the crazy controls and suicidal government policies, but I do think that “There is a tremendous world market for certified hormone and antibiotic free grass fed organic beef” is basically the European market you are talking about mostly rich and old consumers... In some years time they will not be able to afford it any longer. Kobe beef fed on wine and Aberdeen Angus in Scotland that apparently are not finished with grain -for what the ignorant city Europeans here seem to think-, isn’t going to last forever. The best is something in between the pigsty model like they have in the USA and a pure grass system NZ like.
@ 14 You are as dumb and ignorant as fuck. stop embarrassing yourself. You must think that the genetics is based upon feedlot animals. PMSL. What are breeders for ¿?
@15. Important to note that argieland hasn't imported any British cattle for many years. Can't afford it! Argie foot and mouth disease is strictly homegrown. Cattle in argieland suffer from coming into contact with argie 'things'. CFK promotes Monsanto ever she received the pay-offs. Argie cattle are fed on Monsanto GM crap. Research shows that ordinary argie 'people' contract many birth defects and frequently die as a result of chemicals sprayed on the crop. And it's 'modified'. So it gets into the cattle. Then into proper people. CFK's plan to reduce the population of argieland so that it can be more easily controlled. And poison the rest of the world!
@16. Why do you try to cover up by calling them 'breeders'? There's no real purpose to argie females!
Even the worst cut of beef in all of Argentina is better than the best the USA and Britain combined have to offer. No one buys US/British beef. NO ONE.
90% of Argies eat grass fed beef. So Yankebooy was caught yet again in another obvious lie, the creature is utterly hopeless in its blind hatred.
We have better quality than you guys, than the Paraguayans, and the Brazilians, Chileans and we can afford the grass fed animals, what the populist running government should understand is that they can’t afford Premium slices that global markets can afford and are willing to pay for.
As we have a far more complex way to use up a heifer and a steer we can export the premium cuts. Production would increase. More production will drive the prices down locally and people can be able to buy cheaper cuts left over that the export doesn’t take. We are crazy about the molleja thymus gland or chinchullin & tripa gorda guts- nobody consumes that outside Argentina, yet those are the most expensive part of the asado.
on a general note that city people here ignore
A basic principle applies in both cattle and humans. As you are young your body is made of higher % of protein and water, as you move into adulthood your body accumulates more % fat and the relative % of protein and water diminishes. Tender winter grasses have high % of protein but no calories. Alfalafa and oil seeds are the only middle alternative. You end up needing a high calories feed or grain to fatten up an animal as young as possible. This is pretty much a basic principle of cattle business. There is no way in this day and age in which you can fatten up an animal economically strictly on grass, unless you have Great Plains of alfalfa which you Euro tossers and most of the entire world don’t have
90% of Argies have eaten grass-fed beef at least three times in 2013. That's a fat.
Yankeeboy as usual is clueless, as he has always been and will always be.
The other British comments are irrelevant, no one cares what they say, and if you read their posts now they all sound like Conqueror. Must the mad-cow getting to them.
Actually you don't have better quality beef. We also have grass fed beef and feed lot beef. Its the same.
Except in the USA we can afford to buy anything we want.
Your population can't
Toby, We export 5.6B pounds of beef. You are a jealous loser.
ALmost all exported to South Korea, Japan (who you “buy off”), and Canada and Mexico. Those four account for 20%, 18%, 16%, and 15%, 80% of it.
You are not renowned for your meat, though being objective I would say it is not “bad”. Just not too good, unless you have hundreds of dollars to pay for the best cuts. The average-priced meat for the middle class is quite unforgettable, that's what all my concacts say. And it has gotten a lot poorer in quality in the last 5-10 years. Before that they say the average supermarket there had pretty good quality, now most of it is tough and full of nerves.
Quality end of the market is good in all the countries you mention, certainly as good as anything from Argentina, however it is only a relatively small part of the production in any country.
Well I’m not sure if the average American can afford to eat an American Lomo, but we have more elaborate ways to eat the beef than just mincing it all together and plastering it into a burger. That being said Argentina has virtually disappeared from the list of most carnivorous countries in the world.
Having said that I would rather eat an US burger than a choripan, it has at least 40% less calories and you can add in vegetables and other stuff, but so you can have a milanesa sandwich that does the job.
RG beef has become an embarrassment. It used to be good but greed, disease, hormones, chemicals and witless stock management has ruined it. Whats needed is to slaughter the lot, pile it up into a big fire, put TMBOA and Tinman on top and light it. When the smoke has cleared import some pure bred Aberdeen Angus, Herefords and Dexters from the UK and start again.
You say...:
“We are crazy about the molleja thymus gland or chinchulin & tripa gorda guts- nobody consumes that outside Argentina, yet those are the most expensive part of the asado.”
I can't really comment on the quality of Argentine beef as the last time I had it would be in the early 1950's.
All I can say is that the beef on sale locally has come from either Scottish or Irish sources and has an audit trail back to the individual animal.
I have a friend who was the chief the Scottish Agricultural College in Ayr and had to do any forensic examinations of cattle and do regular tests for diseases and pests. Any animal showing signs of disease meant that the herd was quarantined and later slaughtered if found infected.
I also had dealings with MAFF vets. who attended abbatoirs and sampled meat for diseases and contamination. Any carcase not up to standard was removed from the food chain.
Locally, we have farmer's shops who supply locally grown animals whose quality is second to none although very expensive. The area I live in is dairy farming country while south of me in Galloway, it is beef country, mainly from Belted Galloways who stay out all year round and graze on grass and rough hillsides. I believe that it takes about 3 years to maturity grown this way but the meat is highly prized.
No growth hormones or regular dosing with antibiotics is allowed
As for Nostrils usual over the top hysteria, I doubt if he ever saw a cow except in a text book,so his opinions, as usual, can be discounted as worthless.
Even in the USA you see a strong demand from an expanding Latin population there. Whenever I'm at a steakhouse, I always ask for mollejas with a bit of lemon juice on the side.
Regarding demand for grass fed, non-antibiotic and hormone free organic beef...
It's not just elderly rich Europeans demanding it...
Argentina should consume more pork, fish and lamb and open up its markets and export more cattle beef, if we do so we can easily surpass the US and Luxeembourg as the most meat eating countries per capita in the world again.
Yo faggot. Your best chefs do nothing but praise Argentine beef culture... and there is hundreds of different ways to cook asados.
He is still wrong Clyde, but great documentary. But you don’t ever ride with the gauchos and do cattle work with a fucking helmet, It gives me shivers.
Great video. About says it all about Argentina. 80% feedlot beef...
I have always loved (and hated) my next door neighbors, but in person you can't not enjoy their company.
I know Mendoza very well, but not the winery. Sad thing right now is most are loosing their shirts.
It's bad enough for the Chilean winemakers, but in Argentina it must be a nightmare.
Thanks for the video.
CD2 Typical RG resorts to name calling. Well if there is lots of ways they arent in evidence except in the more cultured parts of BA Rosario and Mendoza. And as for down in Ushuaia ugh.. Torode hardly scratched the surface and as for that dude ranch Bahahaha..
4 CabezaDura2 (#)
“Gosh I wonder if you ever tried Argentine beef, you must have stuffed yourself with Zebu Venezuelan or other Indic breeds all your life”
1: Please see the rest of the thread, including your own retractions, (and I only read a few before posting, I will read the rest in a moment).
2: I agree that, generally, Vnzlan food is bland and boring. The only good stuff is in over-priced 'European-style' restuarants... and why go to Vnzla for that? Sometimes, and I mean sometimes (!) the seafood on the coast of El Caribe can be good ... Personally, I have much fonder memories of eating seafood in Chile. Wonderful!
I always buy and cook for my family in vnzla, and they worship the food, (me!), (honestly!).
Gastronome is not a 'thing' in vnzla' unfortunately.
To be honest, the food is 'a bit shit/boring'.
When I start combining virgin olive oil/ onions/ fresh garlic / fresh mushrooms/ fresh RIPE tomatoes/ fresh basil etc for a BASIC sauce for Pasta, they swoon!
They dance!
I weep, but pretend it is the onions getting in my eyes... (because I can't take them all to London...)
After 15 years of Chavismo, they have forgotton how real food tastes.
PS: When a (brazilian factory-farmed and frozen) chicken costs two weeks wages... when Pan Harina sells for 200% on the Black Market,,, when you have to queue in La Cola for two hours because the rumours say that Shampoo has arrived...
oh, I'll stop now. I am geting upset. You know, already.
@ 36 CabezaDura2 (#)
“ Yo faggot. [really? you 'faggot' is an English meat-based product, just google it, my dear].
”Your best chefs do nothing but praise Argentine beef culture... and there is hundreds of different ways to cook asados. ”
just another BBQ.........................
The crash helmet is at the insistence of the BBC “Health and Safety” people.
No insurance cover will be valid unless a risk analysis assessment is made and it's recommendations.carried out. It may not look “good” but it could save your life.
A couple of months ago there was another program about two “stand-up comedians” who did a crash course in horse riding and joined a three day cattle drive with gauchos in the interior. Away from bullshit city politics it was touching to hear the estancia owner's love of his way of life now disappearing.
Again, I had nothing but admiration for the man. He was a person you would be proud to call a friend.
If I remember it was either a series of one hour programs in two or three episodes. It may be on youtube BUT I can't remember what it was called.
@21, 23, 26
Strange how I can watch people picking packs of BRITISH beef off supermarket shelves then.
I can understand why argies eating beef is a FAT. Apparently argies eat around 55 kg of beef a year. Is that at 3 sittings?
And there's a clue. “You are not renowned for your meat, though being objective I would say it is not “bad”. Just not too good, unless you have hundreds of dollars to pay for the best cuts. The average-priced meat for the middle class is quite unforgettable, that's what all my concacts say.” No objective experience then. Just what 'concacts' say.
Why is it that argies always want to try to show that they are 'the best'. Nowhere can be 'the best' at everything. Although Britain gets close. Who cares about argie beef production? At least half of it is unhealthy. It's only about 3% of argie exports. Crippled by 15% export tax. Or has that gone up? And as CaptainSilver says, incredible mismanagement by the argie 'government'. No doubt fuelled by the bribes CFK gets from Monsanto.
Funny I have not heard any Arg Soy production updates in a long time. Its pretty hard to sow the fields when they're under water.
Arg is already running a sever trade deficit and they're counting on a big crop that I don't think is going to happen plus Soy is down 17% yoy and falling. They could never make that loss up in volume.
I bet we see lots and lots of Farmers and the related industry failures this year.
Lots and lots
Soy exports will probably continue to decline until after the Presidential elections.
For those of us with simpler tastes, here in Chile you can buy Wagyu frozen hamburger patties for about US$2 each, but frankly I'd rather grind a fresh inexpensive meat cut at one third the cost. I think the flavor and texture is far better.
Wagyu fresh cuts in Chile are 4 times the cost of a normal steak here, which is way down from what it was just a few years ago. There are bargains imported from
Brazil and Paraguay, but the best “ normal quality” beef is currently arriving from Uruguay and Australia. Chilean domestic beef is typically the most expensive.
just another BBQ.”..... You say that because you have ever tried one.
And I bet you could not start a fire and cook one yourself. Torode said that unlike in Argentina you dont even start the fire before actually making your BBQs. That is distateful in my mind, so is riding a horse with a helmet and bullet proof vests.
No matter how much this country goes down the toilet, I can always grow some garlic, tomatoes, basil, pick some musherooms, in my own backyard.
48. I don't know anyone who could tell me off the top of their head what something in the market costs. The food in the USA is very very cheap compared to other parts of the world.
CD, The food in Argentina is boring, boring boring, yeah great Asado I miss it on Sunday but give it up every single restaurant in Argentina has the same boring menu. I can go to 50 different types of restaurant cuisines within a 10 block area of my house. And if you want to talk grilling frankly its better in Uruguay with the indirect heat and wood instead of coals.
What, you think in Argentina asados are only made from ambers and coals??
Argentine cuisine apart from the Creole stuff empanadas, asados, locro, etc is out of that a copy paste of basic Italian cuisine. I give you that it lacks variety, but boring??
It’s the consumers that don’t want exotic restaurants, and if they want only Argentine menu who are you to tell them what to eat. In the last couple of years there is more Mexican Colombo places coming up and stuff at the supermarket like BBQ sauce, chili sauce, Mexican bread, but they don’t do great because people wish to choose their own stuff.
And frankly, if I go to London or New York or any other place I would want to eat British or American food, not Hindu, not Arab, not Chinese not Italian, nor Thai, not Argentine.
51. I don't know what you are trying to say. Every single menu in Argentina is practically the same. You can't even get Lobster in Buenos Aires. Lobster!
The restaurant scene in BA is uninspired and boring.
Is there even 1 Michelin Star restaurant in the whole country?
I got so sick of the food there.
You have no idea how isolated that country is
Sad part is its only going to get worse as the shelves go bare like in Venezuela.
I don’t know if that is accurate but if it is the case there is no lobster because overwhelming amount of people in Argentina are not interested in Sea food. It’s the consumer demand that determines what the menu is. You want posh exotic stuff might as well go to Puerto Madero and pay for it. I don’t care.
And of course the government piss up, and I know the country is isolated, a year ago I asked a Colombian woman that had just opened up her own business how come she get her stuff in Argentina with all the restrictions existing. She explained that basically she needed to get it all sent from Cordoba and what she couldn’t get from Colombia she needed to compensate with local ingredients. But she also warned me that her restaurant was actually meant for the colombian immigrants as local Argentines dont inquire and are more conservative, she was planning in having the typical minutas for the Argentine custumers.
My wife certainly knows and constantly reminds me when shopping. When meat or produce reaches a certain price per kilo threshold, she takes it off her list.
I prefer Jumbo because I admire the owner and they have the best selection of products. She prefers Lider (WalMart Chile) because the prices are cheaper and she doesn't care who's behind it. We also hit the local produce sellers here in the country. In season you can buy a kilo of Hass avocadoes for roughly US$4 and 8 artichokes for US$2 as examples. Fresh fish on the other hand is expensive, although frozen farmed salmon sells for roughly less than US$8 a kilo.
(That still does not keep me away from visiting my local fish monger to buy fresh shucked oysters, erizos, razor clams, Chilean sea bass, corvina, abalone, scallops and conger eel.) That's one very important distinction between Chileans and Argentines as they rarely appreciate seafood. We on the other hand really are fanatics about it.
Probably Chileans primary source of meat protein is poultry and pork due to costs. I think also from my experience that our diet is more based on vegetable protein than in Argentina. In the North of Chile, goat meat is commonly consumed and in the South lamb.
With the exception of fruit and fresh vegetables (excepting potatoes) groceries are far cheaper in Argentina than Chile. There is a Jumbo Supermarket in Mendoza and the difference is startling for Chileans, however the selection of products from outside Argentina is far less.
Well my asado last night was great. Here's what it cost from my local butcher in the Provence of BA.
Molleja (thymus gland) $120/kg. Lomo $110/kg, Chorizo sausage$59/kg, Bife de Chorizo ( NY steak) $85/kg (all in pesos)
It's great buying from a small butcher as no one there buys the expensive cuts, so I swoon in and clean house.
So figure about $usd8 per person for a homemade asado with all the best cuts.
I am still bloated from eating too much :)
I was very sad to see all the fatties in the centre of Santiago and the abundance of MacRubbish restaurants everywhere. It was worse than America. Took us quite a bit of searching to find a decent restaurant but when we did it was great.
I love the huge variety of different cuisines you can find in London. I haven't seen anywhere else in the world where you can eat a different national cuisine every night for a month. There are even RG places serving nice English beef! Epanadas, Mo Mos, Dim Sung, Tapas, Mezes, its all there. A few decent Italians and similar in BA by the old docks but a distinct lack of variety. Dunoons chip shop is quite good though.
How do you prepare your mollejas? I use a small fry pan and splash them with lemon juice.
Captain Silver
Really? Yes, yes, we have all the fast food places from the States, but fatties? As far as good restaurants... Santiago has a great selection.
I met a few times with Horst Paulman and read all about his father. Despite his background, he has excellent relations with Chile's Jewish population and has had several working in his company. Alright, have your fun... The surname Von Unger is very common in Chile and I know three ex-naval officers with that name. Which one do you refer to? I can imagine, but please be more specific.
Sunday is family lunch day, along with some friends of my daughter. She just came back an hour ago with empanadas de pino, fresh marraquetas, chorizo sausage and a large costillar de cerdo (pork ribs) that retailed roughly US$10 a kilo. We already had a lomo vetado (sort of a ribeye) warming to room temperature and the pebre as well as the salads have been already made.
We'll start with Pisco sours, empanadas and then the choripan. (Argentines have generally better sausages, but our bread is far better.) because of an offer at the Jumbo, the wine is Concha Y Toro Cabernet Sauvignon Casillero del Diablo 2013, that cost 3,600 Pesos a bottle (roughly US$5.75)
Dessert is watermelon. (With luck, we'll start lunch at 3 PM)
My son-in-law is doing the BBQ. He's using carbon de espino (sort of mesqite charcol) which will make all the Argentines reading this go into a fit. And, he uses kosher salt only after the juices start rising. The lomo will be on the grill probably an hour and a half. The ribs maybe 45minutes.
Personally, I have to pass on the appetizers and ribs, but it all is tempting at the moment. It's nearly one in the afternoon and most still have not arrived.
@60 The downtown is not where the greatest restaurants are you should have befriended a local to take you to some really good 'Mom and Pop' restaurants with good typical local dishes - very tasty and reasonably priced. There are some excellent upmarket restaurants in Santiago but you need to go to the wealthily suburbs. Not far out of the centre. I love all the seafood dishes in Chile.
My friends in Buenos Aires complain that the menu is the same in every restaurant and that you can never get good chicken. I can't say I had a problem as I cooked a lot there but some of my favourite upmarket restaurants have closed. I guess they could not get enough customers.
Enjoy your lunch...
I just had a simple one...:
Elderflower marinated Araucanian herrings from Puerto Montt on buttered slices of Y Wladfa's rye & linseed bread...
Not bad at all...
@ 62
I remove most of the fat from the mollejas then slice them in 1/2 if they are thick. Slow cook them then cover them in lemon or lime juice when I eat them.
You can also sok them in a water/vinegar/salt mix before cooking.
It's a perfect weekend here 32c , no wind, so I am off to swim in the pool.
Then eat last nights leftovers :)
IMO, the best argentine asado you are going to get is not in a restaurant, its right beside the fire place in winter when you are hungry after work or riding. Just with a piece of bread and a knife and helping yourself to it. Nothing beats that, no matter how fancy or posh restaurant you go to, like this 7 fires in Mendoza.
The moment meat is cut in slices and waited around for some minutes to it is actually served it loses heat, its not the same.
Chicureo and ElaineB. The Santiago restaurant we went to was a short walk from our hotel right in the centre. It was a place where you all sat at high tables and your food courses were all accompanied by different Chilean wines. It was brilliant. After our meal they invited us to see their wine cellar which was underground in the front bar with a quartz or salt floor. There were literally thousands of wines all around the walls. We went back the next night too. There was a very nice similar restaurant in Punta Arenas with a huge wall absolutely covered in wine. That had a table and chairs upside down hanging from the roof but I was disappointed to see a 'Malvinas son Argentinas' sign amongst the many signs all over the walls. On the other hand they did have a replica of Shackletons converted lifeboat in their Magellan museum alongside a replica of his ship.
Nothing beats London though, Turkish bakeries are wonderful and I love going up to Green Lanes.
captain retard
“Its mostly awful 'feed lot' beef stuffed full of drugs which is why the UK no longer imports it in any quantity.”
no you idiot.
it is exactly le contraire.
that´s why argentina has the biggest portion of the quota hilton.
england did not import argentine beef because they like...corned beef...YUCK
The BBQ was a success, although my daughter's friends are radical socialists. The lomo was a bit tough, and upon examination of the packaging it's origin was Paraguay. Very good flavor.
My concern is always to get absolutely fresh mollejas from a younger animal. Getting the fat and membrane off and pre-soaking them with a lemon vinegar (or milk as my mother did) really is important. I stopped grilling them directly on the parrilla and use a small cast iron skillet to give them a crispy golden exterior.
I'm kinda thinking of shopping for a nice tapa de caudril (rump cap) known as a picanha., which the Brazilians skewered in a “U” shape, for my next beef adventure.
Agreed with your opinion. Providencia also has great options, such as the Bar Liguria and Astrid y Gaston.
May I ask which city? Also, CD has a point about the best way to enjoy an asado.
I enjoy pickled herring and Norwegian flatbread. Is the Elderflower marinade homemade or commercial? Off the subject, you know we sailors are always curious about ocean trivia, especially along the Pacific and especially to the North. Sometimes however some of my associates are a bit too inquisitive...
Glad you had a good experience in Chile. Next time you want a good Argentinian style steak in Santiago, try OX. It's as good as Puerto Madero.
“I don't know what you are trying to say. Every single menu in Argentina is practically the same. You can't even get Lobster in Buenos Aires. Lobster! ”
but have you tried oviedo?
too expensive for a poor isleter?
You like Pacific Naval Trivia, huhhhh.....?
Here's an easy one..:
What nationality was the first General Commander of the Shilean Navy?
(Clue...: Same nationality as the first elected President of Shilean Republic...;-)
Saludos..., hermanito... Y un abrazo socialista a los amigos de su nunca bien ponderada hija...
CD, Chicureo - I had a feeling from the above posts that what you're saying would be the case. I think the chances of me knowing anyone who could do an asado justice are pretty remote. Plus I don't have a BBQ. Plus my culinary skills are not...renowned, shall we say. Maybe someone at this restaurant can give me some pointers.
Captain Fat....
“I was very sad to see all the fatties in the centre of Santiago ”
Are you sure it wasn't your reflection in shop windows...?
Would anyone like to see a photo of this old fat-b@stard...?
When was the last time you saw your dick Captain Fatman...?
I have just returned to this thread since yesterday. Lovely to see such a great conversation, with input from around the globe.
Equally nice to see PC & Voicey being utterly ignored. I shall do as well.
68 CaptainSilver.
I concur with your comments about London cusine, 'different everyday for a month', possibly two!
I love the Vietnamse restuarants in the Old Street area and can really recommend Viet Ho! It's fantastic and very reasonably priced too.
“Turkish bakeries are wonderful and I love going up to Green Lanes”. I know this area well as I have a place the other side of Finsbury Park (N4). Take a stroll through the Park and leave at the Oxford Road exit, walk to Stroud Green Road (5 mins max) to enjoy the delighful resturant - Petek. I ate there last friday, the garlic prawn starter, with monkfish tail main course was superb. A real family-run place, with an open kitchen, genuinely warm service, good honest food and great prices.
Do have a look if you can.
The grill is easy and should be cheap if you have space to do the BBQ outdoors in some clear area. Go to a smithy or metalworkshop in Adelaide, ask to be made a rectangular frame of iron, anything in between a meter longish by 0,8mt sideways, two handles on each end and 4 legs of 15 cm in each corner welded. You can even use wire to make the grill bars that go across. Make a fire of the hardest wood you can get (don’t use Eucalyptus, we have it here and its rubbish for asados), at least an hour earlier.
Get enough burning red embers and keep the fire going and pop in large logs. When you are sure that you have enough ember to cook your meat, carefully move the fire pit away with the largest logs sticking out and move the remaining fire like a meter away from the original fire place (the direction will depend from where the wind is blowing, you dont want smoke in your face while you cook). That is where you will actually cook, where the pile of ambers are left. Spread out the pile of ambers like a rectangular frame, even larger than your grill and leave a hollow center with no chalks in it. Place the grill where your embers are and more or less organize your beef on it, with bones and the white fat looking down always. After a few minutes salt it on the top side.
As it goes cooking, measure with your hand the temperature above the grill. As the ambers die out replace with the new ones that are coming from the fire you have moved and progressively move in the outer coal and embers towards the center of the grill. When you turn over the beef after more a less an hour of cooking, start moving in the ambers even closer to the center, usually once you turn the beef upside down its quicker.
Hope it helps, but watch a couple of videos and see it done to get an idea before. My advice is to ask the restaurant where they get the closest thing to Arg beef from.
Key thing to remember is to cook over embers, not flame, and ensure that you will have enough embers for the duration of the cooking time.
Other tips, meat marinated over night in a sealed container adds even more flavour. Just basics like a little olive oil, a lash of red wine, fresh rosemary and a few peeled garlic cloves can turn something ok into something quite special, (beef/lamb). Rub in a little freshly ground pepper before cooking, and as CD2 says, do NOT add salt until you turn it!
(Maldon Sea Salt is known as one of the best).
Try honey, ginger and lemon to make your pork chops legendary!
Only 10 mins work the night before, pop them in a sealed plastic box in the chiller cabinet/'fridge to infuse for 12 hrs. Remember to take them out at least an hour before cooking so the meat can 'relax'. Onto the BBQ, and hey, you are now a Top Chef!
yum yum!
PS: Same method, but try quality chicken breast or legs, with roughly torn coriander, (called 'cilantro' in Vnzla), freshly squeezed limes, a little freshly chopped red chiles, and some lemon grass to add some 'zing' to your plate
Fish Favourites?
Keep it simple. Just chose a tasty fish like sea-bass, mackerel or red-snapper, pop a little lemon, black pepper and fresh dill inside, brush with oil and throw on the BBQ
You may have noted a consistent word in my posts, FRESH.
It's the only way.
Giant fresh prawns are any easy win, the shells should get a little burnt for additional smokey flavour, don't worry, the shells keep in all that juicy, moistness of the meat. Crack them open, squeeze some lemom or lime and enjoy with some crusty French bread and a dab of aioli (garlic mayo).
Another tip, if you can get Hickory or Rosemary branches, (yes, the wood not the leaf) to put on the embers, just prior to cooking, your results will be outstanding.
Equally, if you infuse a lot of chillies in your marinade, make sure you have natural yoghurt/cucumber/fresh mint dip on hand. Just guess the quantities, if it looks right, tastes right, you are a chef.
Your guests will thank you.
Damn, I'm hungry now....
Thanks for that comprehensive instruction. I feel obligated to try it now lol. I do have a friend with both a BBQ & the space to make it work. So no excuses.
There are actually several Argentinian restaurants all located in my CBD. The prices are wayyy out of my range alas, but I did find this on one of their websites...
Some posters might find it amusing:
Recipe for making an Argentinian
Add in the following order:
One Indian Woman
Two Spanish Horseman
Three Mestizo Gauchos
One English Traveller
Half a Basque worker
and a a pinch of a Portugese.
Allow to cook for three centuries at low temperature
Before serving, quickly add five Italians, a Russian, a German, a Galician, three fourths of a Lebanese, and finally a whole Frenchman.
Allow to sit for fifty years then serve.
Thanks for the further elaboration Ilsen. I used to work in a restaurant many years ago, which had had the best tasting food I've ever consumed. Still didn't make a decent cook out of me!
Wow ...84 posts about food.....
I can see we have a lot of fatties on this site obsessed with cooking and food....
...Eat to live...
I don't eat any beef...pork or any other high fat content meats...just high quality proteins and low fat...Chicken, Turkey, only indulgence is eggs and milk...95% biologically compatible with human protein...
You are all going to die before your time of heart disease and clogged arteries leading to strokes....
If you have to indulge in all this fat...take Niacin will expand your arteries and capillaries to maximum...keep the blood flowing to your muscles, brain and heart....
huh...dead men walking....
But the Brits here say you had wondrous Aberdeen Angus roaming across the grasses of Scotland... Ohh no, economical reason says it takes half of Scotland Highland to feed a cow on grass.
That’s is why you can’t afford it so yeah of course you are very healthy and vegie. LOL!
What are you intending on living 20 minutes longer??
Scotland has thirty five thousand square miles of land and it's covered in grass... even what is supposed to be highlands..the east coast isn't.. it's flatish pasture very much like the picture above...
What do you mean vegie....Chicken, Turkey, not Vegie....
...and it's cheap....
I currently weigh about 20 kg more than you and very little fat....
I press your weight behind my neck....four sets of twelve.... are what you eat and it's not just about living longer, it's about being a walking powerhouse of high quality proteins and not some blubbery coffin dodger.....
You are all going to die.....;-)))
I've never complimented you on your written's pretty good, the kind of English that foreigners only attain from associating with English speakers or living in an English speaking country for a considerable length of time....
Where are you really...?
or rather who are you really....
... ;-))))
Argentina has 51 MM heads of cattle, Scotland only 1,8 MM. You cant afford to produce like that in todays world unless you import corn and high calorie stuff.
What ever voice. How many Km are you able to run long distance non stop...?? If you say 40 km I will say 50 km... And if you guys are so concerned with health why are you a notorious nation of drunkards??
Scotland only has a population of 5 million....
I would have thought it's more about quality rather than quantity....
...I've heard of Aberdeen Angus...and very little else....
It's never good for you to run more than a mile...
Run it as fast as you can....saves wear and tear on the joints and is a good cardiovascular workout....
Or do what I do and use a running machine it lessons impact....
I drink about once every blue I'm not everyone..... would have to kill me....?...fair enough....
No I don't get you eat a lot of Beef and very little else....and it's not particularly good for you and you need something to export....
Do you get it....?
What I do get is your familiarity with English I said it goes with the territory....
You are not fooling me....
Kg instead of not US English and not UK otherwise it would be stones....I'm leaning towards Canada...;-)))
Hit the nail on the head did I...;-))))
BTW the next time you post a link about running, you might want to read past the first “Expert”....;-)
You're fooling no one...I knew it was you that Vestige was talking about....
Carry on Googling.......the sum of all your knowledge....
Have I missed something, wasn't this beef meant to be being swapped for some shiny new Chinese planes and ships that nobody else want's to buy? Or were they just happy with their souls and first born child?
What I mean, dipshit ( Hey now I’m American is it?? I said dipshit), is Argentina is signatory of the International system of units since 1880. We have being using the metric system for more than a century. I have being using Kilograms, meters and seconds since I was 4 years old
“I knew it was you that Vestige was talking about....”
I dont know what Vestige said and I dont care what he is talking about.
American...? Anyone with half a brain knows Americans use pounds when describing their weight Canadians use kilos...
Also anyone with half a brain would realise that a person doesn't attain your familiarity with English by sitting in Argentina trolling the internet....
They might speak it “fairly fluently”, but not written... you obviously have been made to use it as a second language...probably by living in an English speaking country....and I'm thinking Canada as you know fcuk all about the UK...
You are an expat or a Spanish speaking Argentine of the two...
....“I have being using Kilograms, meters and seconds since I was 4 years old ”
???? there an alternative to seconds...;-))))
Let's play 20 questions you only answer yes or no.....
...first question...are you a fuckwit....
I'll take that as a yes.....;-)
And here is the thing retard..... Argentines use kilos as much of the entire world does to describe thier own weight.
But Voice what is your point??? I lived and travelled abroad, so what, are you big brother?? Every poster here as a familiarity with English expressions.
I dont understand why are you here ?? To tell people how fat they are and how fit you are?? To troll me?? You have nothing to contribute.
Are you jealous??
You feel the need to be approved by the posters of this site??
What is your problem??
Besides, dipshit, I said seconds because Meters, Kilograms and seconds is the basis of the metric system which we use, from them pretty much the whole thing develops and new units emerge. But if I explain you further you will get all this inferiority complex of yours attacking me and saying its something I've looked up in Google.
BTW voice.. I really enjoy being complimented but the truth is my English sucks,
Take comment number 4
“Gosh I wonder if you ever tried Argentine beef, you must have stuffed yourself with Zebu Venezuelan or other Indic breeds all your life”
That is talking in Spanish and writing in English. “Zebu Venezuelan” Noun before the adjective, that’s spanish. “Indic breeds”... Well I checked out and it turns out there is no such thing in English; I translated the Argentine denomination “Razas indicas” for tropical breeds of cattle directly into English.
If Im an expat or a Spanish speaking Argentine wannabe ( those are usually called Stevie/Guzz)....I must be simply the best and smartest troll in the world
Speaking of grammar...WTF is this.....
....“Though he did recently miss his use and spelling “lesson” ”
I'm sure that makes sense to your addled brain, but for those of us that understand English.....again WTF!!!
Typical of a foreigner.....
Iphone 6 actually.....fancy a bit of facetime huh...?
@16 CD2
I forgot to mention this earlier...
“the European market you are talking about mostly rich and old consumers... In some years time they will not be able to afford it any longer. Kobe beef fed on wine... ”
FED on wine?
Legend has it that the original herds were fed beer and (rice)-wine, sake was massaged into the fur/skin in order to improve their appearance.
I thought you knew about your meat? I won't ever trust you with mine, I can assure you!
Disclaimer & comment rulesWho wants Argenchina beef anyway. Its mostly awful 'feed lot' beef stuffed full of drugs which is why the UK no longer imports it in any quantity. Its reared in grassless compounds and fed soy and other such rubbish to fatten it fast. Very sad because the RGs produce Aberdeen Angus and Hereford breeds which originated from the UK. Better to buy good old British grass fed beef produced in the traditional way without drugs. Plenty of grass fed animals in Chile.
Mar 07th, 2015 - 08:20 am - Link - Report abuse 0@1 Kind of know F all of what you are talking about?? You don’t feed cattle with soy and feed lot is only 50% of Arg production sometimes more or less depending on the average price of corn, having a feed lot is profitable or not.
Mar 07th, 2015 - 10:45 am - Link - Report abuse 0tepid beef, anyone?
Mar 07th, 2015 - 10:46 am - Link - Report abuse 0hmm...
Still, at least the K-gang excels as the world's largest producer of cattle by-product.. and I don't mean leather..
Mar 07th, 2015 - 10:52 am - Link - Report abuse 0Gosh I wonder if you ever tried Argentine beef, you must have stuffed yourself with Zebu Venezuelan or other Indic breeds all your life
Argentine beef is renowned the world over.
Mar 07th, 2015 - 11:05 am - Link - Report abuse 0#2
Mar 07th, 2015 - 11:17 am - Link - Report abuse 0I mentioned in another post that I had been watching a program about Argentine beef on BBC. This was featuring an Australian chef, John Torode, who wanted to find the ultimate steak and chose Argentina to find it.
He was expecting to find huge herds of cattle roaming the grassy Pampas.
His experience was slightly different.
He visited a huge cattle market outside B.A. and spoke with some cattle buyers.
They told him that 80% of the cattle were now produced on feed lots as being the most productive way to fatten the animals. Feed lot nurtured cattle could be brought to maturity 1 year sooner than grass fed animals. With government control of prices, this was the only way to make it profitable.
He then took off across the country towards Mendoza, to go to a restaurant with a name like 7 furnaces.
On the way he saw square kms. of bare soil with thousands of cattle being fed from a huge tractor pulled trailer delivering grain with supplements to the herds.
As he got further on his way he finally reached grasslands and stopped at an estancia to see the traditional method of keeping cattle on the “range”
Eventually he reached his goal and sampled his steak which he thought was excellent and ended up at another estancia to meet a friend and celebrate a birthday party.
The people he met were charming, friendly and genuine, in fact, people that you would be pleased to meet. Totally different from most of the Argentinians who post here.
If you dispute the figures about grain fed cattle, it's no use having a go at me.
I am just relaying what the buyers said to him. As I said, this was not a report on the cattle business in Argentina, but one man's quest for the ultimate steak and it's way of cooking.
#6. Yes your correct. Argentina has followed the States and other counties such as Australia down the grain fed path. It is more profitable. in Australia there is a small shift away from grain fed to small organic grass fed farms. The obesity epidemic and heart attack rates has awakened many Australians to the quality of beef they had been eating for generations. It is a shame that Argentina is going down this path.
Mar 07th, 2015 - 11:51 am - Link - Report abuse 0@6
Mar 07th, 2015 - 12:43 pm - Link - Report abuse 0The production of feedlot fluctuates around 50% depending on the cost of production mostly corn. Back in 2007 feedlots ware on a pathway to extinction as prices were record high. I’m sure the journalist went to Liniers and the guy he talked probably mentioned that the cattle that is commercialized in Liners was 80 % or that 80% of Pampas beef is feedlot that yes, but not entire Argentine production and what premium beef actually exported. FYI Liniers sets the national prices for beef but it no longer trades Argentine output. The reporter is right about grassland production moving towards the outskirt of the plains because its better to do agriculture nowadays .
Mar 07th, 2015 - 01:03 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Nice post. I've always had an admiration of Argentine beef and their industry is basically screwed by their own government. Their phytosanitary organization is corrupt which has resulted in the loss of several export markets, along with high taxes and ridiculous export controls as well as destructive domestic price controls.
In Chile we've never had the high quality breeds and expansive grasslands like Argentina, but we've been blessed with a completely free market economy regulated by a highly respected phytosanitary organization AND unlike in Argentina, all exports are NOT taxed. In the past decade, Chile has been producing Wagyu beef for mostly export with tremendous success. Most of the beef we import into Chile is from Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, Australia and the United States. (A couple of decades ago, imports were almost exclusively from Argentina.)
As far as grass fed vs. feedlot beef, well over 85% worldwide is feedlot today.
A side note about Wagyu beef: The Japanese are famous for feeding their cattle with grain and beer. I here in Austrailia some producers are using wine for feeding their Wagyu cattle. I'm intrigued...
Mar 07th, 2015 - 02:03 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Positively surprised about Mr. Caradura...
Finally some sensible, truthful posts from him at 2, 4 & 8....
Maybe he should keep commenting on things he knows about...
In my humble opinion, Argentinean Feed Lot Beef is basically a bad idea, bad PR & bad quality...
Fortunately... it is an easily reversible process...
Well, up there in Dunnon Stink you are surrounded by many herds of Aberdeen Angus munching away contentedly on Scotlands green grass. Down here in England we eat local beef from Dexters which is every bit as good as the Japanese stuff.
Mar 07th, 2015 - 02:33 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Scared to comment on this published in The Times? -
You can probably see it in a well thumbed copy at the Combined Services
Chuckle chuckle...
Mar 07th, 2015 - 03:13 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Well I agree about the process being reversible, but to really regain your lost market, you need to reorganize your SAG with teeth to certify that cattle are not from areas with Hoof and Mouth disease as well as trustable certification that certain lots are grass fed. There is a tremendous world market for certified hormone and antibiotic free grass fed organic beef. The problem is of course are the producers that will try to bend the rules. (As they do all over the world, including the USA.)
Problem is that the economics are far more reasonable in Uruguay, Paraguay and Brazil.
Foreigners not buying Argentine beef?
Mar 07th, 2015 - 03:34 pm - Link - Report abuse 0GOOD!
It isnt completely reversible if the parents come from generations of feed lot animals. The RGs will have to import some Scotch and English untainted breeding stock and start again.
Mar 07th, 2015 - 03:34 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Import Mad-cow ridden British mutant refuse biological organisms?
Mar 07th, 2015 - 03:40 pm - Link - Report abuse 0DOn't make me laugh, British beef and cattle are the butt of joes and laughing “stock” of the world. Pun intended!
@12 yep, we have lost tons of potential in the last years by the crazy controls and suicidal government policies, but I do think that “There is a tremendous world market for certified hormone and antibiotic free grass fed organic beef” is basically the European market you are talking about mostly rich and old consumers... In some years time they will not be able to afford it any longer. Kobe beef fed on wine and Aberdeen Angus in Scotland that apparently are not finished with grain -for what the ignorant city Europeans here seem to think-, isn’t going to last forever. The best is something in between the pigsty model like they have in the USA and a pure grass system NZ like.
Mar 07th, 2015 - 03:54 pm - Link - Report abuse 0@ 14 You are as dumb and ignorant as fuck. stop embarrassing yourself. You must think that the genetics is based upon feedlot animals. PMSL. What are breeders for ¿?
Well I am having an Asado tonight with grass fed beef and wash it down with a Rutini Malbec.
Mar 07th, 2015 - 04:19 pm - Link - Report abuse 0@15. Important to note that argieland hasn't imported any British cattle for many years. Can't afford it! Argie foot and mouth disease is strictly homegrown. Cattle in argieland suffer from coming into contact with argie 'things'. CFK promotes Monsanto ever she received the pay-offs. Argie cattle are fed on Monsanto GM crap. Research shows that ordinary argie 'people' contract many birth defects and frequently die as a result of chemicals sprayed on the crop. And it's 'modified'. So it gets into the cattle. Then into proper people. CFK's plan to reduce the population of argieland so that it can be more easily controlled. And poison the rest of the world!
Mar 07th, 2015 - 04:22 pm - Link - Report abuse 0@16. Why do you try to cover up by calling them 'breeders'? There's no real purpose to argie females!
The beef used to be good in Argentina. Now its not.
Mar 07th, 2015 - 04:38 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Simple as that.
The only way it might go back to grass fed is if the market is opened up again and it can be exported. Rgs can't afford the good stuff.
The Ks ruined everything Argentina was known for.
Tragic story for Argentina, something at which Argentina did and should still excel at, basically destroyed by government policies.
Mar 07th, 2015 - 05:03 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Britain banned Argentine beef “on the bone” imports in the 1970s, because it could not be guaranteed foot and mouth free.
Mar 07th, 2015 - 05:09 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Even the worst cut of beef in all of Argentina is better than the best the USA and Britain combined have to offer. No one buys US/British beef. NO ONE.
90% of Argies eat grass fed beef. So Yankebooy was caught yet again in another obvious lie, the creature is utterly hopeless in its blind hatred.
Mar 07th, 2015 - 05:14 pm - Link - Report abuse 0We have better quality than you guys, than the Paraguayans, and the Brazilians, Chileans and we can afford the grass fed animals, what the populist running government should understand is that they can’t afford Premium slices that global markets can afford and are willing to pay for.
As we have a far more complex way to use up a heifer and a steer we can export the premium cuts. Production would increase. More production will drive the prices down locally and people can be able to buy cheaper cuts left over that the export doesn’t take. We are crazy about the molleja thymus gland or chinchullin & tripa gorda guts- nobody consumes that outside Argentina, yet those are the most expensive part of the asado.
on a general note that city people here ignore
A basic principle applies in both cattle and humans. As you are young your body is made of higher % of protein and water, as you move into adulthood your body accumulates more % fat and the relative % of protein and water diminishes. Tender winter grasses have high % of protein but no calories. Alfalafa and oil seeds are the only middle alternative. You end up needing a high calories feed or grain to fatten up an animal as young as possible. This is pretty much a basic principle of cattle business. There is no way in this day and age in which you can fatten up an animal economically strictly on grass, unless you have Great Plains of alfalfa which you Euro tossers and most of the entire world don’t have
90% of Argies have eaten grass-fed beef at least three times in 2013. That's a fat.
Mar 07th, 2015 - 05:16 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Yankeeboy as usual is clueless, as he has always been and will always be.
The other British comments are irrelevant, no one cares what they say, and if you read their posts now they all sound like Conqueror. Must the mad-cow getting to them.
@21 STroll with the_TroLL
Mar 07th, 2015 - 05:17 pm - Link - Report abuse 0“90% of Argies eat grass”
Sound about right, given the IQs of some of the Argys found here.
Grain goes to feed the animals does it?
Actually you don't have better quality beef. We also have grass fed beef and feed lot beef. Its the same.
Mar 07th, 2015 - 05:18 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Except in the USA we can afford to buy anything we want.
Your population can't
Toby, We export 5.6B pounds of beef. You are a jealous loser.
Mar 07th, 2015 - 05:22 pm - Link - Report abuse 0ALmost all exported to South Korea, Japan (who you “buy off”), and Canada and Mexico. Those four account for 20%, 18%, 16%, and 15%, 80% of it.
You are not renowned for your meat, though being objective I would say it is not “bad”. Just not too good, unless you have hundreds of dollars to pay for the best cuts. The average-priced meat for the middle class is quite unforgettable, that's what all my concacts say. And it has gotten a lot poorer in quality in the last 5-10 years. Before that they say the average supermarket there had pretty good quality, now most of it is tough and full of nerves.
Mar 07th, 2015 - 05:28 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Quality end of the market is good in all the countries you mention, certainly as good as anything from Argentina, however it is only a relatively small part of the production in any country.
Mar 07th, 2015 - 05:31 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Well I’m not sure if the average American can afford to eat an American Lomo, but we have more elaborate ways to eat the beef than just mincing it all together and plastering it into a burger. That being said Argentina has virtually disappeared from the list of most carnivorous countries in the world.
Having said that I would rather eat an US burger than a choripan, it has at least 40% less calories and you can add in vegetables and other stuff, but so you can have a milanesa sandwich that does the job.
RG beef has become an embarrassment. It used to be good but greed, disease, hormones, chemicals and witless stock management has ruined it. Whats needed is to slaughter the lot, pile it up into a big fire, put TMBOA and Tinman on top and light it. When the smoke has cleared import some pure bred Aberdeen Angus, Herefords and Dexters from the UK and start again.
Mar 07th, 2015 - 05:52 pm - Link - Report abuse 0(22) Caradura
Mar 07th, 2015 - 06:01 pm - Link - Report abuse 0You say...:
“We are crazy about the molleja thymus gland or chinchulin & tripa gorda guts- nobody consumes that outside Argentina, yet those are the most expensive part of the asado.”
I say...:
What kind of a gastronomically ignorant Pied-Noir are you...!
Never heard of Ris de Veau...?
Besides... Chitterlings are enjoyed all over the world and large intestines are quite popular in small countries like.......... China.
I can't really comment on the quality of Argentine beef as the last time I had it would be in the early 1950's.
Mar 07th, 2015 - 06:11 pm - Link - Report abuse 0All I can say is that the beef on sale locally has come from either Scottish or Irish sources and has an audit trail back to the individual animal.
I have a friend who was the chief the Scottish Agricultural College in Ayr and had to do any forensic examinations of cattle and do regular tests for diseases and pests. Any animal showing signs of disease meant that the herd was quarantined and later slaughtered if found infected.
I also had dealings with MAFF vets. who attended abbatoirs and sampled meat for diseases and contamination. Any carcase not up to standard was removed from the food chain.
Locally, we have farmer's shops who supply locally grown animals whose quality is second to none although very expensive. The area I live in is dairy farming country while south of me in Galloway, it is beef country, mainly from Belted Galloways who stay out all year round and graze on grass and rough hillsides. I believe that it takes about 3 years to maturity grown this way but the meat is highly prized.
No growth hormones or regular dosing with antibiotics is allowed
As for Nostrils usual over the top hysteria, I doubt if he ever saw a cow except in a text book,so his opinions, as usual, can be discounted as worthless.
Mar 07th, 2015 - 06:17 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Even in the USA you see a strong demand from an expanding Latin population there. Whenever I'm at a steakhouse, I always ask for mollejas with a bit of lemon juice on the side.
Regarding demand for grass fed, non-antibiotic and hormone free organic beef...
It's not just elderly rich Europeans demanding it...
3:02 to 3:08 that is a aerial view of a US feedlot.
Mar 07th, 2015 - 06:58 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
Argentina should consume more pork, fish and lamb and open up its markets and export more cattle beef, if we do so we can easily surpass the US and Luxeembourg as the most meat eating countries per capita in the world again.
Apparently this is the latest picture of the Argentine government standing together,
Mar 07th, 2015 - 08:18 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Now I have tried to see who is who, and I did recall 14,
But exactly who is who, I have no idea,
RG Asados are unimaginative. Just barbecued meat really... Got bored with it on my cycle trip North to South.
Mar 07th, 2015 - 08:28 pm - Link - Report abuse 0This is a bit more imaginative:
Mexican I think?
You can use a cheap cut like skirt cut very thin... Takes a bit of skill though.
Mar 07th, 2015 - 08:52 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Yo faggot. Your best chefs do nothing but praise Argentine beef culture... and there is hundreds of different ways to cook asados.
He is still wrong Clyde, but great documentary. But you don’t ever ride with the gauchos and do cattle work with a fucking helmet, It gives me shivers.
Mar 07th, 2015 - 10:23 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Great video. About says it all about Argentina. 80% feedlot beef...
I have always loved (and hated) my next door neighbors, but in person you can't not enjoy their company.
I know Mendoza very well, but not the winery. Sad thing right now is most are loosing their shirts.
It's bad enough for the Chilean winemakers, but in Argentina it must be a nightmare.
Thanks for the video.
That's just your little brother complex, Chicu...
Mar 07th, 2015 - 10:52 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Don't you worry though... Big Brother loves you all... :-)))
CD2 Typical RG resorts to name calling. Well if there is lots of ways they arent in evidence except in the more cultured parts of BA Rosario and Mendoza. And as for down in Ushuaia ugh.. Torode hardly scratched the surface and as for that dude ranch Bahahaha..
Mar 07th, 2015 - 10:58 pm - Link - Report abuse 037.
Mar 08th, 2015 - 01:08 am - Link - Report abuse 0Its not 80% feedlot, the yank is blatantly wrong. Its 80% feedlot traded in Liniers. At best.
4 CabezaDura2 (#)
Mar 08th, 2015 - 03:43 am - Link - Report abuse 0@3
“Gosh I wonder if you ever tried Argentine beef, you must have stuffed yourself with Zebu Venezuelan or other Indic breeds all your life”
1: Please see the rest of the thread, including your own retractions, (and I only read a few before posting, I will read the rest in a moment).
2: I agree that, generally, Vnzlan food is bland and boring. The only good stuff is in over-priced 'European-style' restuarants... and why go to Vnzla for that? Sometimes, and I mean sometimes (!) the seafood on the coast of El Caribe can be good ... Personally, I have much fonder memories of eating seafood in Chile. Wonderful!
I always buy and cook for my family in vnzla, and they worship the food, (me!), (honestly!).
Gastronome is not a 'thing' in vnzla' unfortunately.
To be honest, the food is 'a bit shit/boring'.
When I start combining virgin olive oil/ onions/ fresh garlic / fresh mushrooms/ fresh RIPE tomatoes/ fresh basil etc for a BASIC sauce for Pasta, they swoon!
They dance!
I weep, but pretend it is the onions getting in my eyes... (because I can't take them all to London...)
After 15 years of Chavismo, they have forgotton how real food tastes.
PS: When a (brazilian factory-farmed and frozen) chicken costs two weeks wages... when Pan Harina sells for 200% on the Black Market,,, when you have to queue in La Cola for two hours because the rumours say that Shampoo has arrived...
oh, I'll stop now. I am geting upset. You know, already.
This could be you. Think about that.
@41 ilsen
Mar 08th, 2015 - 04:04 am - Link - Report abuse 0No chance of some spicy popadoms, a meat vindaloo and a bucket of larger then?
@ 36 CabezaDura2 (#)
Mar 08th, 2015 - 04:45 am - Link - Report abuse 035
“ Yo faggot. [really? you 'faggot' is an English meat-based product, just google it, my dear].
”Your best chefs do nothing but praise Argentine beef culture... and there is hundreds of different ways to cook asados. ”
just another BBQ.........................
@ 42 Pugol-H
Now do us all a favour, and quietly Fuck Off.
Thanking You in advance.
The crash helmet is at the insistence of the BBC “Health and Safety” people.
Mar 08th, 2015 - 09:49 am - Link - Report abuse 0No insurance cover will be valid unless a risk analysis assessment is made and it's recommendations.carried out. It may not look “good” but it could save your life.
A couple of months ago there was another program about two “stand-up comedians” who did a crash course in horse riding and joined a three day cattle drive with gauchos in the interior. Away from bullshit city politics it was touching to hear the estancia owner's love of his way of life now disappearing.
Again, I had nothing but admiration for the man. He was a person you would be proud to call a friend.
If I remember it was either a series of one hour programs in two or three episodes. It may be on youtube BUT I can't remember what it was called.
Scot at (44)
Mar 08th, 2015 - 10:38 am - Link - Report abuse 0Small world....
You must be referring to John, Simon and Alejandro...
@21, 23, 26
Mar 08th, 2015 - 10:53 am - Link - Report abuse 0Strange how I can watch people picking packs of BRITISH beef off supermarket shelves then.
I can understand why argies eating beef is a FAT. Apparently argies eat around 55 kg of beef a year. Is that at 3 sittings?
And there's a clue. “You are not renowned for your meat, though being objective I would say it is not “bad”. Just not too good, unless you have hundreds of dollars to pay for the best cuts. The average-priced meat for the middle class is quite unforgettable, that's what all my concacts say.” No objective experience then. Just what 'concacts' say.
Why is it that argies always want to try to show that they are 'the best'. Nowhere can be 'the best' at everything. Although Britain gets close. Who cares about argie beef production? At least half of it is unhealthy. It's only about 3% of argie exports. Crippled by 15% export tax. Or has that gone up? And as CaptainSilver says, incredible mismanagement by the argie 'government'. No doubt fuelled by the bribes CFK gets from Monsanto.
Funny I have not heard any Arg Soy production updates in a long time. Its pretty hard to sow the fields when they're under water.
Mar 08th, 2015 - 12:24 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Arg is already running a sever trade deficit and they're counting on a big crop that I don't think is going to happen plus Soy is down 17% yoy and falling. They could never make that loss up in volume.
I bet we see lots and lots of Farmers and the related industry failures this year.
Lots and lots
Soy exports will probably continue to decline until after the Presidential elections.
Mar 08th, 2015 - 12:55 pm - Link - Report abuse 0For those of us with simpler tastes, here in Chile you can buy Wagyu frozen hamburger patties for about US$2 each, but frankly I'd rather grind a fresh inexpensive meat cut at one third the cost. I think the flavor and texture is far better.
Wagyu fresh cuts in Chile are 4 times the cost of a normal steak here, which is way down from what it was just a few years ago. There are bargains imported from
Brazil and Paraguay, but the best “ normal quality” beef is currently arriving from Uruguay and Australia. Chilean domestic beef is typically the most expensive.
Mar 08th, 2015 - 01:02 pm - Link - Report abuse 0“Yawn
just another BBQ.”..... You say that because you have ever tried one.
And I bet you could not start a fire and cook one yourself. Torode said that unlike in Argentina you dont even start the fire before actually making your BBQs. That is distateful in my mind, so is riding a horse with a helmet and bullet proof vests.
No matter how much this country goes down the toilet, I can always grow some garlic, tomatoes, basil, pick some musherooms, in my own backyard.
tell me that at least you get humita in Vzla.
48. I don't know anyone who could tell me off the top of their head what something in the market costs. The food in the USA is very very cheap compared to other parts of the world.
Mar 08th, 2015 - 01:08 pm - Link - Report abuse 0CD, The food in Argentina is boring, boring boring, yeah great Asado I miss it on Sunday but give it up every single restaurant in Argentina has the same boring menu. I can go to 50 different types of restaurant cuisines within a 10 block area of my house. And if you want to talk grilling frankly its better in Uruguay with the indirect heat and wood instead of coals.
Mar 08th, 2015 - 01:26 pm - Link - Report abuse 0What, you think in Argentina asados are only made from ambers and coals??
Argentine cuisine apart from the Creole stuff empanadas, asados, locro, etc is out of that a copy paste of basic Italian cuisine. I give you that it lacks variety, but boring??
It’s the consumers that don’t want exotic restaurants, and if they want only Argentine menu who are you to tell them what to eat. In the last couple of years there is more Mexican Colombo places coming up and stuff at the supermarket like BBQ sauce, chili sauce, Mexican bread, but they don’t do great because people wish to choose their own stuff.
And frankly, if I go to London or New York or any other place I would want to eat British or American food, not Hindu, not Arab, not Chinese not Italian, nor Thai, not Argentine.
51. I don't know what you are trying to say. Every single menu in Argentina is practically the same. You can't even get Lobster in Buenos Aires. Lobster!
Mar 08th, 2015 - 01:39 pm - Link - Report abuse 0The restaurant scene in BA is uninspired and boring.
Is there even 1 Michelin Star restaurant in the whole country?
I got so sick of the food there.
You have no idea how isolated that country is
Sad part is its only going to get worse as the shelves go bare like in Venezuela.
I don’t know if that is accurate but if it is the case there is no lobster because overwhelming amount of people in Argentina are not interested in Sea food. It’s the consumer demand that determines what the menu is. You want posh exotic stuff might as well go to Puerto Madero and pay for it. I don’t care.
Mar 08th, 2015 - 01:54 pm - Link - Report abuse 0And of course the government piss up, and I know the country is isolated, a year ago I asked a Colombian woman that had just opened up her own business how come she get her stuff in Argentina with all the restrictions existing. She explained that basically she needed to get it all sent from Cordoba and what she couldn’t get from Colombia she needed to compensate with local ingredients. But she also warned me that her restaurant was actually meant for the colombian immigrants as local Argentines dont inquire and are more conservative, she was planning in having the typical minutas for the Argentine custumers.
53. Its a miserable place and I am glad I don't live there any longer.
Mar 08th, 2015 - 01:55 pm - Link - Report abuse 0well Im sure you have taken your fair share of boring Argentine menu in your adipose tissue back to NY.
Mar 08th, 2015 - 01:59 pm - Link - Report abuse 0#50. Yankeeboy
Mar 08th, 2015 - 02:08 pm - Link - Report abuse 0My wife certainly knows and constantly reminds me when shopping. When meat or produce reaches a certain price per kilo threshold, she takes it off her list.
I prefer Jumbo because I admire the owner and they have the best selection of products. She prefers Lider (WalMart Chile) because the prices are cheaper and she doesn't care who's behind it. We also hit the local produce sellers here in the country. In season you can buy a kilo of Hass avocadoes for roughly US$4 and 8 artichokes for US$2 as examples. Fresh fish on the other hand is expensive, although frozen farmed salmon sells for roughly less than US$8 a kilo.
(That still does not keep me away from visiting my local fish monger to buy fresh shucked oysters, erizos, razor clams, Chilean sea bass, corvina, abalone, scallops and conger eel.) That's one very important distinction between Chileans and Argentines as they rarely appreciate seafood. We on the other hand really are fanatics about it.
Probably Chileans primary source of meat protein is poultry and pork due to costs. I think also from my experience that our diet is more based on vegetable protein than in Argentina. In the North of Chile, goat meat is commonly consumed and in the South lamb.
With the exception of fruit and fresh vegetables (excepting potatoes) groceries are far cheaper in Argentina than Chile. There is a Jumbo Supermarket in Mendoza and the difference is startling for Chileans, however the selection of products from outside Argentina is far less.
@43 ilsen
Mar 08th, 2015 - 02:22 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Ha Ha Ha, no chance of that, best you stay in Vnzla, sounds like you deserve each other.
Well my asado last night was great. Here's what it cost from my local butcher in the Provence of BA.
Mar 08th, 2015 - 02:37 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Molleja (thymus gland) $120/kg. Lomo $110/kg, Chorizo sausage$59/kg, Bife de Chorizo ( NY steak) $85/kg (all in pesos)
It's great buying from a small butcher as no one there buys the expensive cuts, so I swoon in and clean house.
So figure about $usd8 per person for a homemade asado with all the best cuts.
I am still bloated from eating too much :)
(56) Chicureo
Mar 08th, 2015 - 02:47 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Soooooo...
You admire Horst...?
What about Karl Werner...?
By the way...
You being Shilean Navy and all that....
Do you know any von Unger?
I was very sad to see all the fatties in the centre of Santiago and the abundance of MacRubbish restaurants everywhere. It was worse than America. Took us quite a bit of searching to find a decent restaurant but when we did it was great.
Mar 08th, 2015 - 03:00 pm - Link - Report abuse 0I love the huge variety of different cuisines you can find in London. I haven't seen anywhere else in the world where you can eat a different national cuisine every night for a month. There are even RG places serving nice English beef! Epanadas, Mo Mos, Dim Sung, Tapas, Mezes, its all there. A few decent Italians and similar in BA by the old docks but a distinct lack of variety. Dunoons chip shop is quite good though.
@58 Klingon
Mar 08th, 2015 - 03:08 pm - Link - Report abuse 0No chilli sauce and larger then.
@60 CaptainSilver
Don’t forget Turkish or Greek Kebabs.
Mar 08th, 2015 - 03:48 pm - Link - Report abuse 0How do you prepare your mollejas? I use a small fry pan and splash them with lemon juice.
Captain Silver
Really? Yes, yes, we have all the fast food places from the States, but fatties? As far as good restaurants... Santiago has a great selection.
I met a few times with Horst Paulman and read all about his father. Despite his background, he has excellent relations with Chile's Jewish population and has had several working in his company. Alright, have your fun... The surname Von Unger is very common in Chile and I know three ex-naval officers with that name. Which one do you refer to? I can imagine, but please be more specific.
Sunday is family lunch day, along with some friends of my daughter. She just came back an hour ago with empanadas de pino, fresh marraquetas, chorizo sausage and a large costillar de cerdo (pork ribs) that retailed roughly US$10 a kilo. We already had a lomo vetado (sort of a ribeye) warming to room temperature and the pebre as well as the salads have been already made.
We'll start with Pisco sours, empanadas and then the choripan. (Argentines have generally better sausages, but our bread is far better.) because of an offer at the Jumbo, the wine is Concha Y Toro Cabernet Sauvignon Casillero del Diablo 2013, that cost 3,600 Pesos a bottle (roughly US$5.75)
Dessert is watermelon. (With luck, we'll start lunch at 3 PM)
My son-in-law is doing the BBQ. He's using carbon de espino (sort of mesqite charcol) which will make all the Argentines reading this go into a fit. And, he uses kosher salt only after the juices start rising. The lomo will be on the grill probably an hour and a half. The ribs maybe 45minutes.
Personally, I have to pass on the appetizers and ribs, but it all is tempting at the moment. It's nearly one in the afternoon and most still have not arrived.
There's a local Argentinean restaurant in my city. I've never tried it but all this conversation is inspiring me to make a reservation.
Mar 08th, 2015 - 04:05 pm - Link - Report abuse 0@60 The downtown is not where the greatest restaurants are you should have befriended a local to take you to some really good 'Mom and Pop' restaurants with good typical local dishes - very tasty and reasonably priced. There are some excellent upmarket restaurants in Santiago but you need to go to the wealthily suburbs. Not far out of the centre. I love all the seafood dishes in Chile.
Mar 08th, 2015 - 04:23 pm - Link - Report abuse 0My friends in Buenos Aires complain that the menu is the same in every restaurant and that you can never get good chicken. I can't say I had a problem as I cooked a lot there but some of my favourite upmarket restaurants have closed. I guess they could not get enough customers.
(62) Chicureo
Mar 08th, 2015 - 04:35 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Enjoy your lunch...
I just had a simple one...:
Elderflower marinated Araucanian herrings from Puerto Montt on buttered slices of Y Wladfa's rye & linseed bread...
Not bad at all...
@ 62
Mar 08th, 2015 - 05:00 pm - Link - Report abuse 0I remove most of the fat from the mollejas then slice them in 1/2 if they are thick. Slow cook them then cover them in lemon or lime juice when I eat them.
You can also sok them in a water/vinegar/salt mix before cooking.
It's a perfect weekend here 32c , no wind, so I am off to swim in the pool.
Then eat last nights leftovers :)
Mar 08th, 2015 - 05:05 pm - Link - Report abuse 0IMO, the best argentine asado you are going to get is not in a restaurant, its right beside the fire place in winter when you are hungry after work or riding. Just with a piece of bread and a knife and helping yourself to it. Nothing beats that, no matter how fancy or posh restaurant you go to, like this 7 fires in Mendoza.
The moment meat is cut in slices and waited around for some minutes to it is actually served it loses heat, its not the same.
Chicureo and ElaineB. The Santiago restaurant we went to was a short walk from our hotel right in the centre. It was a place where you all sat at high tables and your food courses were all accompanied by different Chilean wines. It was brilliant. After our meal they invited us to see their wine cellar which was underground in the front bar with a quartz or salt floor. There were literally thousands of wines all around the walls. We went back the next night too. There was a very nice similar restaurant in Punta Arenas with a huge wall absolutely covered in wine. That had a table and chairs upside down hanging from the roof but I was disappointed to see a 'Malvinas son Argentinas' sign amongst the many signs all over the walls. On the other hand they did have a replica of Shackletons converted lifeboat in their Magellan museum alongside a replica of his ship.
Mar 08th, 2015 - 05:23 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Nothing beats London though, Turkish bakeries are wonderful and I love going up to Green Lanes.
@Chicureo & Klingon
Mar 08th, 2015 - 05:43 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Much of what you describe sounds mouth wateringly delicious.
However whilst I freely admit to talking Bollocks much of the time, I would have to draw to line at eating them.
Even in Pitta bread with salad and wicked strength chilli sauce, when I was three sheets to the wind.
captain retard
Mar 08th, 2015 - 09:11 pm - Link - Report abuse 0“Its mostly awful 'feed lot' beef stuffed full of drugs which is why the UK no longer imports it in any quantity.”
no you idiot.
it is exactly le contraire.
that´s why argentina has the biggest portion of the quota hilton.
england did not import argentine beef because they like...corned beef...YUCK
The BBQ was a success, although my daughter's friends are radical socialists. The lomo was a bit tough, and upon examination of the packaging it's origin was Paraguay. Very good flavor.
Mar 08th, 2015 - 09:56 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Klingon
My concern is always to get absolutely fresh mollejas from a younger animal. Getting the fat and membrane off and pre-soaking them with a lemon vinegar (or milk as my mother did) really is important. I stopped grilling them directly on the parrilla and use a small cast iron skillet to give them a crispy golden exterior.
I'm kinda thinking of shopping for a nice tapa de caudril (rump cap) known as a picanha., which the Brazilians skewered in a “U” shape, for my next beef adventure.
Agreed with your opinion. Providencia also has great options, such as the Bar Liguria and Astrid y Gaston.
May I ask which city? Also, CD has a point about the best way to enjoy an asado.
I enjoy pickled herring and Norwegian flatbread. Is the Elderflower marinade homemade or commercial? Off the subject, you know we sailors are always curious about ocean trivia, especially along the Pacific and especially to the North. Sometimes however some of my associates are a bit too inquisitive...
Glad you had a good experience in Chile. Next time you want a good Argentinian style steak in Santiago, try OX. It's as good as Puerto Madero.
Mar 08th, 2015 - 10:16 pm - Link - Report abuse 0“I don't know what you are trying to say. Every single menu in Argentina is practically the same. You can't even get Lobster in Buenos Aires. Lobster! ”
but have you tried oviedo?
too expensive for a poor isleter?
anyway 15 out of the best 50 restaurants of the region, from méxico to tierra del fuego, are argentinian.
not even 1 (one) from the islets.
(71) Chicureo
Mar 08th, 2015 - 10:34 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Not homemade nor commercial... “Artisanal”
You like Pacific Naval Trivia, huhhhh.....?
Here's an easy one..:
What nationality was the first General Commander of the Shilean Navy?
(Clue...: Same nationality as the first elected President of Shilean Republic...;-)
Saludos..., hermanito... Y un abrazo socialista a los amigos de su nunca bien ponderada hija...
Pauline, as a change from Lamas which you evidently luuv. Heres a Guanaco for you…
Mar 08th, 2015 - 11:48 pm - Link - Report abuse 0[user]=142729545&filters[recent]=1&sort=1&o=0
Mar 09th, 2015 - 01:04 am - Link - Report abuse 0I attended an asado once in Vallenar where the main course was a guanaco. Tough and stringy meat.
@67 & 71
Mar 09th, 2015 - 01:34 am - Link - Report abuse 0CD, Chicureo - I had a feeling from the above posts that what you're saying would be the case. I think the chances of me knowing anyone who could do an asado justice are pretty remote. Plus I don't have a BBQ. Plus my culinary skills are not...renowned, shall we say. Maybe someone at this restaurant can give me some pointers.
I live in Adelaide, Chicureo ( South Australia ).
Mar 09th, 2015 - 02:01 am - Link - Report abuse 0Captain Fat....
“I was very sad to see all the fatties in the centre of Santiago ”
Are you sure it wasn't your reflection in shop windows...?
Would anyone like to see a photo of this old fat-b@stard...?
When was the last time you saw your dick Captain Fatman...?
I have just returned to this thread since yesterday. Lovely to see such a great conversation, with input from around the globe.
Mar 09th, 2015 - 02:35 am - Link - Report abuse 0Equally nice to see PC & Voicey being utterly ignored. I shall do as well.
68 CaptainSilver.
I concur with your comments about London cusine, 'different everyday for a month', possibly two!
I love the Vietnamse restuarants in the Old Street area and can really recommend Viet Ho! It's fantastic and very reasonably priced too.
“Turkish bakeries are wonderful and I love going up to Green Lanes”. I know this area well as I have a place the other side of Finsbury Park (N4). Take a stroll through the Park and leave at the Oxford Road exit, walk to Stroud Green Road (5 mins max) to enjoy the delighful resturant - Petek. I ate there last friday, the garlic prawn starter, with monkfish tail main course was superb. A real family-run place, with an open kitchen, genuinely warm service, good honest food and great prices.
Do have a look if you can.
Mar 09th, 2015 - 05:02 am - Link - Report abuse 0The grill is easy and should be cheap if you have space to do the BBQ outdoors in some clear area. Go to a smithy or metalworkshop in Adelaide, ask to be made a rectangular frame of iron, anything in between a meter longish by 0,8mt sideways, two handles on each end and 4 legs of 15 cm in each corner welded. You can even use wire to make the grill bars that go across. Make a fire of the hardest wood you can get (don’t use Eucalyptus, we have it here and its rubbish for asados), at least an hour earlier.
Get enough burning red embers and keep the fire going and pop in large logs. When you are sure that you have enough ember to cook your meat, carefully move the fire pit away with the largest logs sticking out and move the remaining fire like a meter away from the original fire place (the direction will depend from where the wind is blowing, you dont want smoke in your face while you cook). That is where you will actually cook, where the pile of ambers are left. Spread out the pile of ambers like a rectangular frame, even larger than your grill and leave a hollow center with no chalks in it. Place the grill where your embers are and more or less organize your beef on it, with bones and the white fat looking down always. After a few minutes salt it on the top side.
As it goes cooking, measure with your hand the temperature above the grill. As the ambers die out replace with the new ones that are coming from the fire you have moved and progressively move in the outer coal and embers towards the center of the grill. When you turn over the beef after more a less an hour of cooking, start moving in the ambers even closer to the center, usually once you turn the beef upside down its quicker.
Hope it helps, but watch a couple of videos and see it done to get an idea before. My advice is to ask the restaurant where they get the closest thing to Arg beef from.
Great advice from CD2.
Mar 09th, 2015 - 05:26 am - Link - Report abuse 0Key thing to remember is to cook over embers, not flame, and ensure that you will have enough embers for the duration of the cooking time.
Other tips, meat marinated over night in a sealed container adds even more flavour. Just basics like a little olive oil, a lash of red wine, fresh rosemary and a few peeled garlic cloves can turn something ok into something quite special, (beef/lamb). Rub in a little freshly ground pepper before cooking, and as CD2 says, do NOT add salt until you turn it!
(Maldon Sea Salt is known as one of the best).
Try honey, ginger and lemon to make your pork chops legendary!
Only 10 mins work the night before, pop them in a sealed plastic box in the chiller cabinet/'fridge to infuse for 12 hrs. Remember to take them out at least an hour before cooking so the meat can 'relax'. Onto the BBQ, and hey, you are now a Top Chef!
yum yum!
ilsen and CD2
Mar 09th, 2015 - 07:16 am - Link - Report abuse 0Thanks for the cookery tips!!
Mar 09th, 2015 - 07:58 am - Link - Report abuse 0Always a pleasure, sir!
PS: Same method, but try quality chicken breast or legs, with roughly torn coriander, (called 'cilantro' in Vnzla), freshly squeezed limes, a little freshly chopped red chiles, and some lemon grass to add some 'zing' to your plate
Fish Favourites?
Keep it simple. Just chose a tasty fish like sea-bass, mackerel or red-snapper, pop a little lemon, black pepper and fresh dill inside, brush with oil and throw on the BBQ
You may have noted a consistent word in my posts, FRESH.
It's the only way.
Giant fresh prawns are any easy win, the shells should get a little burnt for additional smokey flavour, don't worry, the shells keep in all that juicy, moistness of the meat. Crack them open, squeeze some lemom or lime and enjoy with some crusty French bread and a dab of aioli (garlic mayo).
Another tip, if you can get Hickory or Rosemary branches, (yes, the wood not the leaf) to put on the embers, just prior to cooking, your results will be outstanding.
Equally, if you infuse a lot of chillies in your marinade, make sure you have natural yoghurt/cucumber/fresh mint dip on hand. Just guess the quantities, if it looks right, tastes right, you are a chef.
Your guests will thank you.
Damn, I'm hungry now....
Mar 09th, 2015 - 08:10 am - Link - Report abuse 0Thanks for that comprehensive instruction. I feel obligated to try it now lol. I do have a friend with both a BBQ & the space to make it work. So no excuses.
There are actually several Argentinian restaurants all located in my CBD. The prices are wayyy out of my range alas, but I did find this on one of their websites...
Some posters might find it amusing:
Recipe for making an Argentinian
Add in the following order:
One Indian Woman
Two Spanish Horseman
Three Mestizo Gauchos
One English Traveller
Half a Basque worker
and a a pinch of a Portugese.
Allow to cook for three centuries at low temperature
Before serving, quickly add five Italians, a Russian, a German, a Galician, three fourths of a Lebanese, and finally a whole Frenchman.
Allow to sit for fifty years then serve.
Thanks for the further elaboration Ilsen. I used to work in a restaurant many years ago, which had had the best tasting food I've ever consumed. Still didn't make a decent cook out of me!
Mar 09th, 2015 - 09:17 am - Link - Report abuse 0Oh, come on...
Any Troll will tell you you're missing the most important ingredient - a choir of Welshmen - shorter and hairier the better!
82 Ilsen
Sounds great! I'll have to print this out. I'll share it with my family living in Mexico, too !
Thx :-)
Wow ...84 posts about food.....
Mar 09th, 2015 - 02:53 pm - Link - Report abuse 0I can see we have a lot of fatties on this site obsessed with cooking and food....
...Eat to live...
I don't eat any beef...pork or any other high fat content meats...just high quality proteins and low fat...Chicken, Turkey, only indulgence is eggs and milk...95% biologically compatible with human protein...
You are all going to die before your time of heart disease and clogged arteries leading to strokes....
If you have to indulge in all this fat...take Niacin will expand your arteries and capillaries to maximum...keep the blood flowing to your muscles, brain and heart....
huh...dead men walking....
Mar 09th, 2015 - 03:12 pm - Link - Report abuse 0That’s true but it ain't me, 85 kg.
But the Brits here say you had wondrous Aberdeen Angus roaming across the grasses of Scotland... Ohh no, economical reason says it takes half of Scotland Highland to feed a cow on grass.
That’s is why you can’t afford it so yeah of course you are very healthy and vegie. LOL!
What are you intending on living 20 minutes longer??
Mar 09th, 2015 - 03:26 pm - Link - Report abuse 0May God kytottrbless you. More lomo for people like me...
Mar 09th, 2015 - 03:46 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Scotland has thirty five thousand square miles of land and it's covered in grass... even what is supposed to be highlands..the east coast isn't.. it's flatish pasture very much like the picture above...
What do you mean vegie....Chicken, Turkey, not Vegie....
...and it's cheap....
I currently weigh about 20 kg more than you and very little fat....
I press your weight behind my neck....four sets of twelve.... are what you eat and it's not just about living longer, it's about being a walking powerhouse of high quality proteins and not some blubbery coffin dodger.....
You are all going to die.....;-)))
88 a_voice
Mar 09th, 2015 - 05:25 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Thx, what a helpful fellow... “eat only low-fat meats... take niacin... ” and then... “I press your weight behind my neck....four sets of twelve.... ”
what sort of person 'toots his own horn' like that?!
just a_voice - always desperate to impress and win our respect.
It's good, sound'll live longer and be fitter....
Mar 09th, 2015 - 05:42 pm - Link - Report abuse 0...“what sort of person 'toots his own horn' like that?!”
Me......oh and it's “Blows their own trumpet”...ya foreigner....
We can always talk about the less than 1800 sales of real estate in Jan in BA.
Mar 09th, 2015 - 06:00 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Down 55% mom
As I said many times this crash will be worse than 2001
much worse
Maybe theyshould invest in the BReal. Bahahahahahaha
Mar 09th, 2015 - 06:16 pm - Link - Report abuse 0I've never complimented you on your written's pretty good, the kind of English that foreigners only attain from associating with English speakers or living in an English speaking country for a considerable length of time....
Where are you really...?
or rather who are you really....
... ;-))))
Ever the stalker.
Mar 09th, 2015 - 06:27 pm - Link - Report abuse 0The Sistahs are so boring.
Argentina has 51 MM heads of cattle, Scotland only 1,8 MM. You cant afford to produce like that in todays world unless you import corn and high calorie stuff.
Mar 09th, 2015 - 06:35 pm - Link - Report abuse 0What ever voice. How many Km are you able to run long distance non stop...?? If you say 40 km I will say 50 km... And if you guys are so concerned with health why are you a notorious nation of drunkards??
“or rather who are you really...?”
If I had to tell you I had to kill you.
90 just a_voice
Mar 09th, 2015 - 07:02 pm - Link - Report abuse 0“
Me......oh and it's “Blows their own trumpet”...ya foreigner....”
Well, YOU would know!
Scotland only has a population of 5 million....
Mar 09th, 2015 - 07:13 pm - Link - Report abuse 0I would have thought it's more about quality rather than quantity....
...I've heard of Aberdeen Angus...and very little else....
It's never good for you to run more than a mile...
Run it as fast as you can....saves wear and tear on the joints and is a good cardiovascular workout....
Or do what I do and use a running machine it lessons impact....
I drink about once every blue I'm not everyone..... would have to kill me....?...fair enough....
Sorry about the computer glitch.
Mar 09th, 2015 - 07:17 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Article well worth reading:
Run all you want. I prefer swimming which my doctor prescribed many years ago.
Mar 09th, 2015 - 07:33 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Ahh thats genetic... Sorry
Point being Argentina is 41 million that means to say a 1,2% of a cow each inhabitant. 4 Scots per cow. Get it??
Where I live???........... Narnia
Where I have being??...........Narnia
Who I am ???............Narnia
What I eat???............Narnia
Narnia fucking business.
Mar 09th, 2015 - 07:47 pm - Link - Report abuse 0No I don't get you eat a lot of Beef and very little else....and it's not particularly good for you and you need something to export....
Do you get it....?
What I do get is your familiarity with English I said it goes with the territory....
You are not fooling me....
Kg instead of not US English and not UK otherwise it would be stones....I'm leaning towards Canada...;-)))
You dont have many options retard.
Mar 09th, 2015 - 07:53 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
Hit the nail on the head did I...;-))))
Mar 09th, 2015 - 08:01 pm - Link - Report abuse 0BTW the next time you post a link about running, you might want to read past the first “Expert”....;-)
You're fooling no one...I knew it was you that Vestige was talking about....
Carry on Googling.......the sum of all your knowledge....
Have I missed something, wasn't this beef meant to be being swapped for some shiny new Chinese planes and ships that nobody else want's to buy? Or were they just happy with their souls and first born child?
Mar 09th, 2015 - 08:22 pm - Link - Report abuse 0What I mean, dipshit ( Hey now I’m American is it?? I said dipshit), is Argentina is signatory of the International system of units since 1880. We have being using the metric system for more than a century. I have being using Kilograms, meters and seconds since I was 4 years old
Mar 09th, 2015 - 08:26 pm - Link - Report abuse 0“I knew it was you that Vestige was talking about....”
I dont know what Vestige said and I dont care what he is talking about.
Mar 09th, 2015 - 08:55 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Anyone who grew up with the metric system agrees with your sentiment.
However, a “pound of flesh” does not translate well.
Anyway, the best sized steak serving is no more than 450 grams.
(Second helpings are very much encouraged.)
Mar 09th, 2015 - 09:03 pm - Link - Report abuse 0American...? Anyone with half a brain knows Americans use pounds when describing their weight Canadians use kilos...
Also anyone with half a brain would realise that a person doesn't attain your familiarity with English by sitting in Argentina trolling the internet....
They might speak it “fairly fluently”, but not written... you obviously have been made to use it as a second language...probably by living in an English speaking country....and I'm thinking Canada as you know fcuk all about the UK...
You are an expat or a Spanish speaking Argentine of the two...
....“I have being using Kilograms, meters and seconds since I was 4 years old ”
???? there an alternative to seconds...;-))))
Let's play 20 questions you only answer yes or no.....
...first question...are you a fuckwit....
I'll take that as a yes.....;-)
And here is the thing retard..... Argentines use kilos as much of the entire world does to describe thier own weight.
Mar 09th, 2015 - 09:19 pm - Link - Report abuse 0But Voice what is your point??? I lived and travelled abroad, so what, are you big brother?? Every poster here as a familiarity with English expressions.
I dont understand why are you here ?? To tell people how fat they are and how fit you are?? To troll me?? You have nothing to contribute.
Are you jealous??
You feel the need to be approved by the posters of this site??
What is your problem??
Besides, dipshit, I said seconds because Meters, Kilograms and seconds is the basis of the metric system which we use, from them pretty much the whole thing develops and new units emerge. But if I explain you further you will get all this inferiority complex of yours attacking me and saying its something I've looked up in Google.
103 CD2
Mar 09th, 2015 - 09:20 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Laughing at just a_voice's 'powers of deduction'.
Anybody in Canada over the age of 50, is likely to use miles/km. or lbs./kg. interchangeably.
Anybody who travels in the “Anglosphere” is likely to do so also.
Of course, just a_voice would have no I'dea about that.
He has quite an odd obsession of attempting to pigeonhole others as “foreigners”, when it's all too obvious he's an ignorant provincial.
Mar 09th, 2015 - 09:40 pm - Link - Report abuse 0LOL the only times I ever use lbs is in the tire shop or when I have a to balance the presure of my wheels.
Foreign to what I would like to know?
Mar 09th, 2015 - 09:42 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Argentinian living in Scotland with a Nordic Ancestry?
Couldn't get more of an odd mixture than that.
BTW voice.. I really enjoy being complimented but the truth is my English sucks,
Mar 09th, 2015 - 10:35 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Take comment number 4
“Gosh I wonder if you ever tried Argentine beef, you must have stuffed yourself with Zebu Venezuelan or other Indic breeds all your life”
That is talking in Spanish and writing in English. “Zebu Venezuelan” Noun before the adjective, that’s spanish. “Indic breeds”... Well I checked out and it turns out there is no such thing in English; I translated the Argentine denomination “Razas indicas” for tropical breeds of cattle directly into English.
If Im an expat or a Spanish speaking Argentine wannabe ( those are usually called Stevie/Guzz)....I must be simply the best and smartest troll in the world
Mar 10th, 2015 - 12:03 am - Link - Report abuse 0just a_voice is the grammar and spelling Nazi on this site.
Though he did recently miss his use and spelling “lesson” instead of the correct “lessen”.
At least some of us can attribute our gaffes to “autocorrect”, but I suspect he's too cheap to have a Smartphone.
Speaking of grammar...WTF is this.....
Mar 10th, 2015 - 01:25 am - Link - Report abuse 0....“Though he did recently miss his use and spelling “lesson” ”
I'm sure that makes sense to your addled brain, but for those of us that understand English.....again WTF!!!
Typical of a foreigner.....
Iphone 6 actually.....fancy a bit of facetime huh...?
112 just a_voice
Mar 10th, 2015 - 03:27 pm - Link - Report abuse 0“ ...wanna FaceTime?”
i take it back.
as your motive is purely to seek attention, it's not surprising you have spent money on a smartphone to talk to us.
um, no thanks.
Has anyone heard from Julian Assange lately, either?
@110 CD2
Mar 11th, 2015 - 02:04 am - Link - Report abuse 0Big Ol' Bear....
Your growly comment was directed at me, which I did understand even though it was, hmm... a bit 'Spanglish'.
I have the same issue in Vnzla, and even sometimes in London! (vice-versa).
I have been known to mix it up a little after a few glasses of nice wine...
Ignore the attention-seeking pedants and concentrate on the message, not the grammar/localisms.
Most (!) of your comments/insights are more than welcome.
Mar 13th, 2015 - 09:40 am - Link - Report abuse 0Nurse! ! ! He's out again! Nurse!
Mar 13th, 2015 - 10:14 am - Link - Report abuse 0115 georgeneurosis
Mar 13th, 2015 - 02:19 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
@16 CD2
Mar 14th, 2015 - 04:11 am - Link - Report abuse 0I forgot to mention this earlier...
“the European market you are talking about mostly rich and old consumers... In some years time they will not be able to afford it any longer. Kobe beef fed on wine... ”
FED on wine?
Legend has it that the original herds were fed beer and (rice)-wine, sake was massaged into the fur/skin in order to improve their appearance.
I thought you knew about your meat? I won't ever trust you with mine, I can assure you!
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