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Ford announces investments to boost car production in Argentina

Saturday, May 30th 2015 - 09:01 UTC
Full article 59 comments
“We’re growing our business in Argentina. Our 2011 decision to invest in global products (based in the country) has been successful” said CEO S. Armstrong “We’re growing our business in Argentina. Our 2011 decision to invest in global products (based in the country) has been successful” said CEO S. Armstrong
Minister Giorgi pointed out that ”Ford was able to re-orient its products for the domestic markets, and sales were up 18% this quarter compared to 2014”. Minister Giorgi pointed out that ”Ford was able to re-orient its products for the domestic markets, and sales were up 18% this quarter compared to 2014”.

Ford Argentina announced investments in the country for some 220 million dollars following a meeting between President Cristina Fernández and local and regional executives from the US corporation.

 “We’ll use these funds to update the Ranger and Focus models, which we manufacture in the General Pacheco plant” in northern Greater Buenos Aires, said Steven Armstrong, president and CEO of Ford South America.

“We’re growing our business in Argentina. Our 2011 decision to invest in global products (based in the country) has been successful.”

His remarks came after a meeting with the Argentine president at Government House, in which Enrique Alemañy, head of the local Ford operations, and Economy Minister Axel Kicillof also participated.

Investments planned for this year and 2016 in Argentina aim at boosting production. The company believes 54,400 units of Ford Focus and 66,900 of the Ford Ranger pick-up may be produced each year.

On the other hand, the announcement will imply that local terminals will “need” 120 million dollars less a year to pay for imports, a relief for the Argentine administration.

Industry Minister Debora Giorgi, for her part, said Ford “was able to re-orient its products for the domestic markets.” She added “sales were up 18% this quarter compared to the same period of 2014”.

Last month, Japanese automobile giant Nissan announced new investments in Argentina and predicted a strong recovery for the struggling vehicle market in the country, with the potential to sell one million new cars a year in the medium-term.

Categories: Economy, Investments, Argentina.

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  • chronic

    They have to sell those little vehicles somewhere. Might as well dump them on the rotting roadkillians.

    The Americans much prefer the F-250 and F-350 crewcabs to the tiny Ranger. This line is even produced in the larger F-450 and F-550 versions which are virtual monsters at towing and hauling but offer the same creature comforts of the lighter spec'd versions. We have no shortage of oil or fuel domestically and by today's standards it's cheap. The Focus is a fun little platform - particularly for the kids and ladies out running errands but in the domestic market it is considered much to small and modestly appointed to be a serious car.

    Anyone that takes any statement from a representative of rotting roadkillian interests at face value should be committed for observation.
    When (if) the current set of thieves leave power the next group will have to audit YPF, ANSES, BCRA, ETC - to see if anything actually ever did exist.
    Internationally #107 with a 34 score.
    Enrique Massot: “Here It is, all the issues of a nation of forty-some million people explained in just seven words. We are all liars.”

    May 30th, 2015 - 02:14 pm 0
  • Chicureo

    Time to take a short position on Ford...

    May 30th, 2015 - 02:26 pm 0
  • paulcedron

    this, of course, is merit of the argentinian engineers and technicians.
    the useless government has nothing to do with it.

    now, it is funny that ford, one of the most important car companies on earth, trusts in the argentine subsidiary as the head of south america, while they cut their investments in england.

    'Betrayal of the workforce': Ford blasted as 1,500 jobs axed with cutbacks at Dagenham HQ and end of UK Transit production“

    which is pretty logic cause english engineers have demonstrated several times that they are useless, as when they ”designed“ this ”car“:

    ”How we made the Reliant Robin“
    ”Its steering wheel came off, its doors cracked in the wind, and it was voted the worst car ever. But the Reliant Robin was a design classic, say its creators – and even Princess Anne wanted one”

    but the funniest thing is hearing a chilote opining about car industry...
    as far as the whole fucking world knows, chilotelandia does not even produce supermarket karts.

    May 30th, 2015 - 03:04 pm 0
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