Bank of Spain governor Luis María Linde on Monday stated that if Catalonia secedes from Spain, there could be a risk of a corralito, the popular term for economic measures that include a freeze on clients’ accounts, with the aim of halting a potential bank run. Read full article
Disclaimer & comment rulesSp they will do an argie and sieze the money!
Sep 23rd, 2015 - 11:01 am - Link - Report abuse 0That would be a stunning move and guaranteed to create even more problems for Spain.
What is it about these Spanish 'law makers' are they all brainless, it certainly seems so?
According to Terry Hill this would be against International law concerning Self-Determination...
Sep 23rd, 2015 - 04:26 pm - Link - Report abuse 0My argument is that there must be exceptions...
Apparently there appears to be one right there....
...cue...Terence Hill.....;-)
@1 ChrisR
Sep 23rd, 2015 - 06:31 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Did you support the Scottish referendum idea of independence? What do you have against Spain? Have you ever even been there?
The Spanish Government is doing its best to avoid the cessation of Cataluña just as the the UK political parties fought against the machinations of the SNP.
Sep 23rd, 2015 - 07:23 pm - Link - Report abuse 0UK must guarantee safety and security in British waters
He told delegates that Spanish state vessels had entered British Gibraltar Territorial Waters 129 times in August and 80 times so far in September with varying degrees of seriousness
Spain continued to make a mockery of British sovereignty in the waters around Gibraltar.”
HMS Scott alongside, HM Naval Base Gibraltar
Royal Navy HMS Scott (H131) at HM Naval Base, Gibraltar
This will scare the Spanish,
Catalonia should have the vote,
did not some anti brits on here yearn for the destruction of our union,
you one cannot expect others wise from the brits on Catalonia to be fair.
@4 Briton
Sep 23rd, 2015 - 08:11 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Why should Cataluña have the vote? It is a completely different situation to the United Kingdom.
It is the duty of America support the reconquest of Gibraltar! Spain must close the borders, both land and sea. Same as we did with the Almoravids.
Sep 23rd, 2015 - 08:39 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Portugal and Spain will fight side by side as in the times of the Roman and Visigoth kingdom.
@6. I'm glad to see you fight side by side. Can you “remember” the Peninsular War? I have no problem watching 223 RAF combat aircraft annihilating 86 spanish ones. Let's see how the 54 vessels of the spanish navy get on against the 74 vessels of the ROYAL NAVY.
Sep 23rd, 2015 - 09:18 pm - Link - Report abuse 0When you say “America” I suppose you mean that poverty-stricken continent down south. Don't you all get seasick? Or is the puking just a sign of natural south american cowardice?
@ 3 gordo1
Sep 23rd, 2015 - 09:35 pm - Link - Report abuse 0I was ambivalent about the Scots until The Hag started up and all the Glaswegian dead-heads started assaulting the opposition. I did like the idea of not having my taxes wasted on a bunch of idle bastards (personal experience of the 'workforce') who hate the English. Have you been to Scotland as a businessman? I suspect not.
As far as the lying bastards of Rajoy's government are concerned they can go hang. They are exactly the same over Gibraltar as the argies are over The Falklands, in fact the garrulous arsehole who is the Foreign minister (I call him Gollum2) went to see Gollum for tips as how to 'proceed'. A bit like the dumb leading the super dumb and that worked, didn't it. Doh! And apart from changing planes no I have never been nor do I have any intention of ever doing so, it's full of drunken Brits for most of the time in the summer, according to my friend's 80 YO mother who has a casa there.
”The Spanish Government is doing its best to avoid the cessation of Cataluña just as the (SIC) UK political parties fought against the machinations of the SNP.”
Sorry, I think you are mistaken as to the reason why the 'government' is pulling every little stunt they can to stop them going: who provides the lion's share of government revenue in this despicably run tosspot of a country? YES, it's Cataluña and by a fair margin, THAT'S the reason!
BTW, UYU has had a major influx of Spaniards settling in the country because they couldn't make it in Spain, despite millions of UK contributions to the EU and paid directly to this bunch of losers. Check the figures yourself.
Happy to sort that out for you.
@8 ChrisR
Sep 23rd, 2015 - 09:41 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Is there any country or its people that you DO like? And don't say Uruguay because that would just be arse licking - you live there!
Sep 24th, 2015 - 12:02 am - Link - Report abuse 0I have plenty of business interests in Scotland and have made plenty of money using only a Scottish workforce...and I have done for countless years...
You are spouting nonsense and was probably an isolated incident...
Also the only trouble that occurred in Glasgow concerning the referendum...came from the NO supporters after the results in George Square and I know for a fact that they were Orange men...drafted in to cause trouble....
Stick to what you know...not what you read about....
Ice cream stalls no doubt :-)
Sep 24th, 2015 - 08:58 am - Link - Report abuse 0
Sep 24th, 2015 - 11:17 am - Link - Report abuse 0please read...AND LEARN ABOUT CATALUNYA.....
And your point is what.
Sep 24th, 2015 - 12:27 pm - Link - Report abuse 0@ 10 Voice
Sep 24th, 2015 - 07:19 pm - Link - Report abuse 0As usual you miss the point. I can state categorically that sometimes the best people for the position were English but try appointing them and see where you get.
As for isolated incident, don't talk nonsense. Talk to anybody who has tried for 30 years, I started when I was 25 and gave up when I was 55 under both National companies and with my own companies.
I suppose you are a Scot then?
@ 9 gordo1
“Is there any country or its people that you DO like?”
Just what is the matter with you? Can't take the truth about the RCC and cannot resist picking on me?
Here's a list
Australia, namely South Australia, especially the Yorke Peninsular around Kadina. Great target shooting clubs, very friendly people, what's not to like. If only the Cunt Brown had not tried bribing his supports in NuponT and not tried to 'save the world' thus worsening things we could have managed the funding OK (we needed about AUS$ 2M to pay the immigration fee and set up a decent home).
America. Many, many places to settle in if you can get a visa. Neither of us fancied leaving the states for a weekend every three months to renew a visitors visa AND suffer the ridiculous arrivals interrogations because despite the so called 'special relationship' Brits cannot retire there.
Italy. Especially around Caserta (where the King of Naples has his palace) but after three years of working there I was fed up with the problems the Mafia caused the business. The real people are lovely and very welcoming and the property was very reasonably priced.
South Africa. Great people, lovely country but too much crime to feel safe if we retired there and we were not prepared to be in a gated community.
Uruguay. The truth is the truth, why would it be arse licking? You have a really perverse view of people, it must be because you are too close to the Spanish and have been contaminated with the same idiocy as them.
#12: So, if Catalunya is such a drain on the resources of “noble Castile” (pardon me while I vomit) - then why do you want to keep it?
Sep 24th, 2015 - 11:36 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Except - of course - that you know the figures quoted in your article are a total fabrication. I mean - an article by a Castellano on a blog? Perhaps read what Yale University has to say: - pretty much the opposite.
How can that be?
As for the drivel by that cretin gordo
“Why should Cataluña have the vote? It is a completely different situation to the United Kingdom.”
Not really. Catalunya WAS Aragon. Until the Nuevas Plantas, when your Castilian imperialist forces had to destroy Barcelona and force submission. Perhaps you need to brush up on history? Or are you simply another Castilian imperialist, like Rajoy and Margallo?
Too scared to allow a vote in Catalunya. Why? Because, at heart, all Castillians are bullies and cowards.
Grow up and end your colonialism in Catalunya. Spain deserves no place in the 21st century.
Interesting to see the hypocrisy of some Malvinistas on this issue. The main difference between the UK acceptance of the right to self-determination for Scotland & N.Ireland and the Spanish position on Catalonia is economic. The rUK would be economically better off (per rUK person) without the two regions, whereas Spain would be much worse off without Catalonia. But the basic notion of ancient kingdoms subsumed into a larger Union applies similarly in all 3 cases. So if you support one then you should support the other and vice versa.
Sep 25th, 2015 - 05:40 am - Link - Report abuse 0Personally, I am not convinced that fragmentation of European states is the way to go since the new states would then apply to join the EU anyway and thus be no more independent than they were before. Plus in Catalonia's case its EU payment per person will rise, so it will still be transferring its wealth to the poor outside its borders except now the recipients of its generosity will be in Eastern Europe more than its neighbour. But self-determination means exactly that, so it's up to them.
Nasty Spain
Sep 25th, 2015 - 07:00 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Nasty EU
EU=Evil Union.
both deserve each other.
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