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Argentine presidential candidates 'at the very limit' but a runoff seems certain

Friday, October 16th 2015 - 07:20 UTC
Full article 26 comments
Daniel Scioli is scratching 'at the limit' the needed 40% but is still there, according to Ms Mariel Fornoni Daniel Scioli is scratching 'at the limit' the needed 40% but is still there, according to Ms Mariel Fornoni
Mauricio Macri is also at the limit of 30 points, but without getting there, while 30% of voters could still change side Mauricio Macri is also at the limit of 30 points, but without getting there, while 30% of voters could still change side

Argentina's 25 October presidential election results remain 'uncertain', and with the current percentages from opinion polls, “at the very limit, there is a runoff in November”, according to Mariel Fornoni, head pollster from Management & Fit.

 The incumbent and leading candidate, Daniel Scioli “is at the limit of reaching 40%, but he doesn't”, while his main rival Mauricio Macri is also “at the limit of 30 points, but without getting there”, while the third ranked Sergio Massa remains at 20% of vote intention.

Under Argentine electoral rules, the winning presidential candidate needs a clear 45% of the ballot or 40% plus a ten-point difference over his runner-up, and according to Ms. Fornoni, both candidates are hair short of the needed percentages.

The pollster went further and said that just over a week for Election Day, “there is 30% of people who could change their vote and has doubts about the two leading candidates”, Scioli and Macri.

“With today's numbers, we're at the very limit, but I can say there is a runoff”.

Ms Fornoni added that the runoff scenarios are also very much disputed and can't be anticipated, because it's like reshuffling and beginning again from zero.

“There's almost a full month ahead of 22 November”.

Finally the head of Management & Fit recalled that in Argentina no opinion polls can be made public during the eight days leading to 25 October, and since the latest polls are not conclusive, “there's nobody that can guarantee with full certainty what's going to happen, because all is at the very limit”.

Categories: Politics, Argentina.

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  • Captain Poppy

    A runoff, yet in all the LATAM papers scioli is already picking and announcing his cabinet. What is wrong with that picture? The outcome has been prearranged, that's what is wrong.

    Oct 16th, 2015 - 01:53 pm 0
  • Enrique Massot

    #1 Cptn. Poppy
    Outcome prearranged? What are you talking about?
    Daniel Scioli is confident--and he is right to be.
    How often have you seen a party being in government for 12 years and still enjoying the public confidence numbers that have been shown so far?
    Only a party that has an exceptional record of unprecedented, positive changes, as the Victory Front has.
    The lies of the opposition and their friendly media have been too many and too bold. They have exhausted the patience of Argentines and do not have much effect anymore.
    We'll talk again after Oct. 25.

    Oct 16th, 2015 - 06:03 pm 0
  • Captain Poppy

    Cuba has been it fo 60ish years.

    One question for your, What district will you stand in line to vote?

    Kirchner's fucked Argentina. Between the deficits increasing at an increasing rate over the past 8 years, over valued currency, inflation, restricted imports, and NO RESERVES/Money. You're becomging a worthless old man to even respond to as you know Argentina when it was an military dictatorship and not an elected dictatorship.

    SHow everyone (as if they do not already know) just how ignorant you truly are. Deny these numbers:

    Over 7 billion in unpaid imports
    11 billion to China
    7.5 billion in private deposits
    1.6 billion due to France

    You're tits on a bull Quique. Go sit in a corner and diddle your son unless he escaped. You pathetic fucking pedophile. Your cock should be severed and stuffed in your mouth.

    Oct 16th, 2015 - 06:17 pm 0
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