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Cameron finally admits he owned shares in an offshore trust, which he sold in 2010

Friday, April 8th 2016 - 08:05 UTC
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On Wednesday, Downing Street issued a statement saying Mr. Cameron his wife and children did not benefit from offshore funds On Wednesday, Downing Street issued a statement saying Mr. Cameron his wife and children did not benefit from offshore funds
On Thursday Cameron told ITV News: “I don't have anything to hide. I'm proud of my dad and what he did and the business he established...” On Thursday Cameron told ITV News: “I don't have anything to hide. I'm proud of my dad and what he did and the business he established...”
Mr Cameron said much criticism was based on a “fundamental misconception” that Blairmore Investment was set up to avoid tax. Mr Cameron said much criticism was based on a “fundamental misconception” that Blairmore Investment was set up to avoid tax.
But asked on Monday whether she could confirm that no family money was still invested in the fund, Mr. Cameron spokeswoman said: “that is a private matter” But asked on Monday whether she could confirm that no family money was still invested in the fund, Mr. Cameron spokeswoman said: “that is a private matter”

British Prime Minister David Cameron has said he and his wife Samantha owned shares in an offshore trust set up by his late father, before selling them for £30,000 in 2010. The PM has faced questions over Blairmore Holdings, an offshore company set up by his late father, Ian, and finally on Thursday he old ITV News he had paid all UK taxes due on the profits he made from the sale of the shares and said the firm had not been set up to avoid tax.

 Labour said the PM had been forced into the “extraordinary admission”.

BBC reported it understands Mr Cameron will publish his tax returns, possibly next week.

There have been days of headlines about Blairmore Holdings, a fund for investors which, until 2006, used “bearer shares” to protect its clients' privacy, following the leak of 11 million documents held by Panama-based law firm Mossack Fonseca.

They show that Ian Cameron, who died in 2010, was one of five UK directors who flew to board meetings in the Bahamas or Switzerland.

On Wednesday, Downing Street issued a statement saying Mr. Cameron his wife and children did not benefit from offshore funds, following a day of questions from the media about whether his family retained an interest in the fund.

On Thursday Mr Cameron told ITV News: “I don't have anything to hide. I'm proud of my dad and what he did and the business he established... I can't bear to see his name being dragged through the mud.”

The PM said it had been a “difficult few days, reading criticisms of my father and his business practices - my dad, a man I love and admire and miss every day”.

Mr Cameron said much criticism was based on a “fundamental misconception” that Blairmore Investment was set up to avoid tax.

“It wasn't. It was set up after exchange controls went, so that people who wanted to invest in dollar denominated shares and companies could do so, and there are many other, thousands of other unit trusts set up in this way,” he said.

However it took several days to admit the issue: asked on Monday whether she could confirm that no family money was still invested in the fund, Mr. Cameron spokeswoman said: “that is a private matter”.

Then in an interview on Tuesday, Mr. Cameron said, “I have no shares, no offshore trusts, no offshore funds, nothing like that. And, so that, I think, is a very clear description”.

Downing Street issued a statement later that day “To be clear, the prime minister, his wife and their children do not benefit from any offshore funds. The prime minister owns no shares. As has been previously reported, Mrs. Cameron owns a small number of shares connected to her father's land, which she declares on her tax return”

No 10 then released a further clarifying statement on Wednesday, saying: “There are no offshore funds/trusts which the prime minister, Mrs Cameron or their children will benefit from in future”

On Thursday the PM told ITV News “We owned 5,000 units in Blairmore Investment Trust, which we sold in January 2010”

Mr Cameron said the fund was “properly audited” and reported to the Inland Revenue every year. Anyone who bought units in it was subject to capital gains tax when shares were sold, he said.

He said that he had owned stocks and shares in the past but sold them in 2010 shortly before he became prime minister.

“I didn't want to anyone to say you've got other agendas or vested interests,” he said.

“Samantha and I had a joint account and we owned 5,000 units in Blairmore investment trust which we sold in January 2010, that was worth something like £30,000.

”I paid income tax on the dividends, but there was a profit on it, but that was less than the capital gains tax allowance, so I didn't pay capital gains tax, but it was subject to all the UK taxes in all the normal ways.”

Downing Street said Mr and Mrs Cameron bought their holding in April 1997 for £12,497 and sold it in January 2010 for £31,500. That year the personal allowance before capital gains tax was paid was £10,100 per person.

Categories: Politics, International.

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  • Think

    Blairmore Holding?
    Blair more?
    That dad of his certainly had an acid humour!

    Apr 08th, 2016 - 08:37 am 0
  • Moderator

    I guess conqueror will send HMS Royal Fart up the Thames to shell Cameron out of no. 16. Or will he?

    Apr 08th, 2016 - 09:40 am 0
  • L0B0MAU

    After all, he worked so hard & for so many years; to earn all that loot! Like Putin and most of the others, the Poor Guy should have denied the report!

    Apr 08th, 2016 - 09:54 am 0
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