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Folha exposes Rousseff's 'exit with dignity' next week and plans for a comeback strategy

Friday, May 6th 2016 - 08:07 UTC
Full article 21 comments

President Dilma Rousseff laid out the details last Monday for what she calls her “bunker of resistance”: a team of advisors to be installed in the Alvorada Palace next week. It will have a maximum of 15 members, according to a report to one of the main dailies, Folha de Sao Paulo. Read full article


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  • Terence Hill

    “…Brazil’s constitution, ... A ..leader is ..confronted with an array of parties that he or she must woo with jobs, ministries and policy commitments if a coalition supporting the president is to be put together in Congress. The result can be an executive that has lost half its room for manoeuvre attempt to rule…...investigating the Petrobras affair, and the federal judge Sergio Moro then took it up…the intention seems to have been to purify Brazilian politics, taking as precedent the Italian ‘‘clean hands” investigation of the 1990”
    ”…the Clean Hands investigation shook the foundations of the Italian political system…Brazil’s Operation Lava Jato…it is generating a political crisis similar to that which led to the 1964 coup…The judicial system — defender and guarantor of the legal order — has become a dangerous source of legal disorder. Blatantly illegal and unconstitutional judicial measures, a crassly selective persecutory zeal, ... and a seemingly anarchic judicial hyper-activism — resulting, for instance, in 27 injunctions relating to a single political act (President Dilma’s invitation to Lula da Silva to join the government)… and democracy being highjacked by the non-elected sovereign body“
    Ironic that ”Clean Hands“ criteria if applied in Brazil would result in 60% of congress being ineligible to have voted in the impeachment process.
    “clean hands doctrine. n. a rule of law that a person ...must be free from unfair conduct (have ”clean hands” or not have done anything wrong) in regard to the subject matter...
    Clean hands doctrine legal definition of clean hands …”

    May 06th, 2016 - 03:52 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer

    “... she will leave her office by descending the main ramp at the Planalto Palace, accompanied by ministers, advisors, friends and perhaps even her predecessor Lula da Silva”.

    It would be more appropriate if she were carried down the ramp, on the shoulders of the garbage men...

    ”Advisors at the Planalto Palace have obtained authorization from the president of the Senate, Renan Calheiros, for a plane from the Brazilian Air Force (FAB), cars, security teams and Rousseff's team of 12 to 15 special advisors, for the time she is suspended“.......

    Never heard of ex-presidents having the right to the use of FAB airplanes....all at the expense of the taxpayer...but in this case, knowing Mr. Renan Calheiros, am not suprised. Always thought he was a doormat for Dilma.

    ”Rousseff's predecessor Lula and PT leaders are encouraging Rousseff to travel around Brazil - and perhaps even abroad - to denounce what they call a “coup” and what would be an “illegitimate” government formed by Vice-President Michel Temer (PMDB)“....

    And may I ask, ”who is going to pay for all this ?” Stupid question, of course it is the PT ; after all they filled their coffers with billions stolen from Petrobras and other State companies.

    May 07th, 2016 - 09:37 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    Persons that are proven liars lose all credibility to pass any kind of judgement anyone or anything. As they don't have 'clean hands'.

    May 07th, 2016 - 10:40 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer

    Exactly. Like you and Lula....and Dilma...and the PT...

    Instead of commenting on what is written, as an intelligent person would do, you resort to your only defence - trying to disqualify what been said by attacking the writer's credibility. Just like the stupid liberals, who when they lose an argument, resort to calling their adversary a 'racist'...I've seen your type before, and they aren't worth their weight in shit.

    May 08th, 2016 - 04:41 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    4 Jack Bauer
    You were caught lying on the “Attorney General accuses Lula” thread. “Trying to disqualify what been said by attacking the writer's credibility”. You don't get it, as a proven liars don't have any credibilty. Same as Lula hasn't been charged with anything. Rousseff, according to impartial foreign press. “Dilma may have dug her own grave by not delivering on what she promised, but she is untainted in a political realm smeared with excrement from top to bottom,” said Mario Sergio Conti, a columnist for the newspaper Folha de S. Paulo. “She didn’t steal, but a gang of thieves is judging her.”“
    ”Petrobras; and every single political party from Brazilian political system were found involved in take bribes from this relationship…Globo conglomerate ... Its role in producing a persistent biased narrative about corruption on Petrobras has been decisive to undermine Dilma’s administration….The judge Sergio Moro and prosecutors in charge of the police operations…They have largely joined forces with the media, and major opposition leaders in a tentative alliance. There is only one basic condition: the leadership from opposition parties shouldn’t be accused of anything. They should not be charged, even if the evidence against them is available. Nearly every person in the opposition, accused by whistle-blowers, has been let go by prosecutors. The most important one is the major opposition leader Aécio Neves himself“ ”The impeachment case against President Dilma centers around creative accounting, ... were used by previous presidents, this is a controversial case in constitutional terms, and looks like the application of a double standard.”

    May 08th, 2016 - 07:43 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer

    @5 T.Hill
    Oh dear, I was “caught lying on the “Attorney General accuses Lula” thread.”

    Says who ? you ?
    Your opinions yes, they are truly “uninformed”, and the product of a small socialist brain.....claim whatever you want Terry, but coming from someone who doesn't know his ass from his elbow, it means f*ck all.
    You want proof that you are an 'uninformed' idiot ? just read the crap you've written .

    May 08th, 2016 - 09:32 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    12 Jack Bauer
    The irreversible facts are based on the evidence that comes out your own mouth, which alone condemns you. Absurd claims of bank robberies by guerrillas, prior to the coup. When challenged, your unable to produce one iota of proof. So on that fact alone makes you a proven 'bullshitter.'
    “If a Manx cat tells you that it is trying to preserve its long, beautiful tail, you don't have to believe it - especially if you have eyes.” Idries Shah, Reflections
    “In order to disprove the assertion that all crows are black, one white crow is sufficient.” William James

    May 08th, 2016 - 11:24 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer

    @7 T. Hill
    To prove you are full of bullshit, once and for all, enter the link “”.

    It refers to a report dated April 8, 2001, filed in the official arquive of the State of Rio de Janeiro, under the title of “Urban Guerrillas in Brazil before 1964.”

    I presume, that since you are such an intelligent bloke you will have no trouble in reading it in Portuguese ; but in case you do (have trouble), I'll outline the basic points for you, and for whoever else wants to know the facts (i.e, the truth) .

    Basically the article states that on Aug 19, 1961, Janio Quadros, who was openly anti-American and against the USA’s campaign to remove Fidel Castro, to show his support of Cuba, awarded Che Guevara with Brazil’s highest honour, the “Ordem do Cruzeiro do Sul” (Order of the Southern Cross) - which needless to say, pissed off a lot of Brazilians. Little did Janio - who resigned 6 days later - realize he was honouring one of the 3 Cuban leaders who, only months earlier, had conspired, together with Brazilian communists, to rise up in arms against his this time, roughly 200 Brazilians were already being trained in urban guerilla tactics, in Cuba.

    Until recently, historians had believed that support by Brazilian communists, of the Cuban communist regime, as a result of the 1959 revolution, started only in João Goulart’s presidency (1961-64), but in fact, this support had started earlier, as the fact that Cuba was training 200 Brazilians in urban guerilla tactics, shows.

    This knocks 'your' theory - that there was never any communist threat to Brazil in the early 60’s, reason why the military intervened - to shit ; as well as the fact that armed resistance against the civilian government had already started before the military takeover in March 1964.

    May 09th, 2016 - 07:10 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    8 Jack Bauer
    So still no evidence of “claims of bank robberies by guerrillas, prior to the coup”. So the link you proffered doesn't work. So you're attempting to rely on a newspaper's interpretation of the State of Rio's archives. In other words multiple 'hearsay' with not a primary document in sight. So there is no way to verify the truth of the matter. Since you're not exactly a purveyor of truth, I'm not going to take your word for it. “Janio Quadros, who was openly anti-American and against the USA’s campaign to remove Fidel Castro”. So were a lot of Americans, and the Canadian government. There was a sizeable opinion against the cavelier approach of the US to it's foreign policy aims in the Americas. Namely it was cheaper to bribe and corrupt a sovereign government under the guise of “He may be a SOB, but he's our SOB”.. …”historians had believed that support by Brazilian communists, of the Cuban communist regime, …João Goulart’s presidency (1961-64) So we have only your word again , which has absolutely no reliance.
    The reverse in fact is true “In the Fall of 1961, just as Joao Goulart was taking over the presidency, the United States began an expanded influx of CIA agents and AID officials into Brazil. AID Public Safety advisers like Dan Mitrione were responsible for ”improving” the Brazilian police forces. Engle sent CIA officer Lauren J. (Jack) Goin to Brazil under the cover of “adviser in scientific investigations.” Before coming to Brazil, Goin had set up the first police advisory team in Indonesia which was instrumental in the CIA-backed coup which culminated in the documented killing of over three-hundred thousand Indonesians. He had also served with Engle when the first police advisory team was created in Turkey.
    So you're still a proven liar, and in even deeper with your attempted manipulations of the truth.

    May 09th, 2016 - 10:32 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer

    @9 T.Hill
    Don't try deflecting in order to maintain your ignorant views on the subject. No need to take my word for it, search the internet - obviously you don't understand one iota of Portuguese, so your capacity to look it up is somewhat limited your brain; but if you refuse to accept proof, it just proves one thing : you are stupid, and that unfortunately, can't be fixed.

    May 11th, 2016 - 03:34 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    10 Jack Bauer
    “Search the internet” I have and here's the evidence that proves you're a liar. Lets see what evidence there is to support your revisionary fantasy. “This knocks 'your' theory - that there was never any communist threat to Brazil in the early 60’s, reason why the military intervened - to shit ; as well as the fact that armed resistance against the civilian government had already started before the military takeover in March 1964.”
    “Like Quadros, Goulart is no communist; he is a millionaire land-owner and a Catholic who wears a medal of the Virgin around his neck. He receives a ticker-tape parade in New York City in April 1962. He toasts the US Ambassador, ”To the Yankee Victory!“, after the ”Cuban Missile Crisis“ of October 1962.
    However, Goulart's ”crime“ is to try to continue Quadros's independent foreign policy, strongly opposed to the US sanctions against Cuba [a continual act of war now condemned internationally, nearly unanimously with the exception of the US and Israel]. ”[Brazil identifies itself] with the democratic principles which unite the peoples of the West“ but is ”not part of any politico-military bloc“. speech to US Congress, New York Times 4/5/62.
    Inconveniently, the US can point to nothing even remotely threatening done by the Brazilian Communist Party, and early in 1964, Russian leader Khrushchev refuses even token financial aid to Goulart, not wishing to tangle with the US over the country. Brazil Herald, 3/6/64” So all the contemporary sources show what an utter lie your claim is.

    May 11th, 2016 - 08:40 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer

    @11 Hill
    your ignorance - and stubborness - never ceases to amaze me. But after all, it's the main trait of all ignorant socialists, deny anything you don't like, and make stupid accusations.
    Keep on thinking whatever you want.....makes no difference to me, as it doesn't change the facts..
    But answer my questions : when did you live in Brazil ? in the early 60's ? of course not !
    How many people have you spoken to that DID live here at the time ? None !
    You are good at inventing crap and telling lies, or 'porkies' as you, idiotically, like to call them.

    May 11th, 2016 - 09:43 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    12 Jack Bauer
    So the evidence I have produced remains unrefuted, while you continue to attempt to foist an unsupported narrative.
    “If it is a Miracle, any sort of evidence will answer, but if it is a Fact, proof is necessary”
    Mark Twain
    “No way of thinking or doing, however ancient, can be trusted without proof.”
    Henry David Thoreau

    May 11th, 2016 - 10:11 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer

    @13 T.Hill
    what proof have you presented ? can't see it anywhere.

    Answer the questions .....It is obvious that if you do - and honestly, which is doubtful - your replies will confirm you are a bullshitter.

    May 12th, 2016 - 03:05 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    14 Jack Bauer “What proof have you presented ? can't see it anywhere.”
    “Cuba was training 200 Brazilians in urban guerilla tactics” Becomes a proven lie as you as usual fail to provide any evidence of such a fact. Thus failing to meet your burden of proof. While there is no requirement for me to refute your assersion, in fact I have. ”Inconveniently, the US can point to nothing even remotely threatening done by the Brazilian Communist Party, and early in 1964, Russian leader Khrushchev refuses even token financial aid to Goulart, not wishing to tangle with the US over the country. Brazil Herald, 3/6/64” So a contemporary source shows what an utter lie your claim is. So you can attempt to deflect all you want. But, at end of the day all we are left with is your empty unproven rhetoric, versus my unrefutable proof.

    May 12th, 2016 - 03:41 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer

    @15 T.Hill
    Answer the questions - what are you ashamed of ? ....if not, f*ck off !

    May 13th, 2016 - 05:33 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    16 Jack Baue
    I'm not ashamed anything, but you most certainly are by now. As you have to yet reach even first base, as you have yet to prove any assertion you've made. Yet alone effectively refute any of the proofs I have proffered. So until you can even reach that minuscule requirement. Stop wasting everyone's time and go and fuckyourhat, dumbass.

    May 13th, 2016 - 07:12 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer

    @17 T.Hill
    Ryr # 25 at “'Attorney general accuses lLula.....” , and your abv # 17.

    The fact you refuse to answer any simple, uncompromising question, directly, and try to bullshit your way out of them, proves you are ashamed of 'whatever' you are... a turd with legs ?

    You and your ridiculous shit used to be, the constant repetition of the same old bs - proofs, assertions, first base, lies, Lula is innocent, Dilma was a great president (in fact, so stupid that she invented a word to refer to herself, which does not exist in the Portuguese language = presidentA) etc - has become boring. Keep on wallowing in your shit, you poofter.

    May 14th, 2016 - 03:30 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    18 Jack Bauer
    In all our encounters there is nothing I have stated that I didn't show was a proven fact. Whereas, you have never been able to support any assertion you have ever made. Not only does that prove they're lies, it reveals you don't even believe your own BS. So all that you have shown is that you're a chronic liar. I have never claimed anyone was good president. In response to your various speculations on wrongdoing, I have simply pointed out that such claims without evidence reveal you as a criminal. As they are criminal libels.

    May 14th, 2016 - 05:24 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer

    @19 T.Hill
    Your tiny brains accepts anything that is shit, just like toilet paper. Get lost numbnuts.

    May 14th, 2016 - 06:52 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    20 Jack Baue
    Not true, otherwise I'd be accepting what you have to proffer which is nothing but shit. So go fuckyourhat, you must think I'm as retarded as you are, pongo.

    May 14th, 2016 - 08:02 pm - Link - Report abuse 0

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