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Falklands discards air links with Argentina and iterates London pledge to support hydrocarbons development

Thursday, August 11th 2016 - 17:53 UTC
Full article 62 comments

The Falkland Islands government has made a public statement pointing out that the UK Government has been open and transparent with FIG about how it would like to improve the bilateral relationship with Argentina but ”has made it clear that this will not include negotiations on the sovereignty of the Falkland Islands.” Read full article


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  • Briton

    Argentina, again presuming what suits her regardless of the truth,

    Argentina really needs to grow up and leave the islands alone.

    Aug 11th, 2016 - 07:36 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Marcos Alejandro

    What they need to negotiate is the return of the islands to the proper owner ..Argentina of course.

    Aug 11th, 2016 - 08:27 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Islander1

    Marcos- do please enlighten us- how do you negotiate the return of something you actually never owned anyway?
    The Islands are actually “owned” by the people who live on them and have lived on them for many generations and never evicted nor massacered any population that was there before them.
    Those people-of their own free democratic will- have made their desire very clear - they wish to remain aligned to Great Britain as they are to small to go it alone and need to have a friendly “big brother” to support them.
    Do get into the 21st century and out of the 19th.

    Aug 11th, 2016 - 08:42 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Marti Llazo

    “..... how do you negotiate the return of something you actually never owned anyway?”

    It has to do with the concept of theft. Argentines are adept at theft. The country has the highest rate of theft in the Western Hemisphere and if the truth were known, probably within the habitable planets as well. Argentines live for theft. It is more natural for them than breathing and fornicating in garages. They cannot help themselves. Theft is inculcated whilst the little bastards are still in the womb, from which they are expelled screaming “lo quiero todo, lo quiero ahora, y lo quiero grátis. ” Theft is in their cultural ADN... I mean, DNA. Do not expect them to change. You deal with them by wielding a large stick, and a fleet.

    Aug 11th, 2016 - 11:34 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Skip


    How's your life going?

    Pretty sh!t considering you've spent several years if not most your life repeating the same crap with nothing to show for it.

    It makes me so happy.

    Aug 11th, 2016 - 11:34 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Conqueror

    @2. Every single “claim” that you and all your compatriots have ever made to “ownership” of the Falkland Islands has been shown, time and again, to be either wishful thinking or lying falsehoods. I fully expect you to go to your grave with the same mindless attitude. I'd suggest that you try to do something useful with your life. But I really don't care.

    Aug 12th, 2016 - 05:01 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Frank

    Mal-corra should ask for her money back on the translation app she is using...

    Aug 12th, 2016 - 05:21 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • CapiTrollism_is_back!!

    I have always labeled the Argentine obsession with the islands as a psychosis, and I have always refused to fall for that syndrome. The islands have British residents, that's the story there.

    But the Falklanders are really showing now for a bunch of insular (pun intended) bunch of twats. They don't want air links to Argentina (we all know this is just a knee-jerk attempt at spite with no thinking behind it whatsoever), but then whine and cry that Argentina does not allow them access to ports.

    Typical Brits, they demand other countries do as they wish, or invade, bomb, or verbally abuse. The British have never once in history proven to be able to co-exist with anyone, either they destroy the other party or must be expelled by force of arms.

    Here you have the Falklanders rejecting outright flights (they could at least say “we will keep it under consideration”), but demand port access. They want to “a la carte” inpinge on Argentine sovereignty.

    They should be completely ignored. Maybe one the the Argie government will wise up. Then you will see them truly crying because as all good Brits they love being the craving-attention Diva. Just look at how the Brits are holding and have been holding the EU hostage for years and still are at it... “me, me, me, and me!”, that's all the Anglo knows.

    Pretty sad.

    Aug 12th, 2016 - 06:34 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • The Voice

    Nostril, none of your business. Get back flipping those burgers. You are sadly about 50 years (at least) out of date.

    Aug 12th, 2016 - 08:29 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ElaineB

    @8 Why is you ire focused on Brits? You think it is a small insignificant place so why give it so much power over your life?

    Aug 12th, 2016 - 08:30 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • CapiTrollism_is_back!!


    Where is your rejoinder? Oh, you can't refute my facts!


    I don't, the majority here are Brits and you all need your 50 cc of “Realisimol” to cool your genetic superciliousness.

    Aug 12th, 2016 - 08:34 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • golfcronie

    Argentine intelligence shows its ugly head, all May is saying is remove the ridiculous hydrocarbon laws that affect the CEO's of oil companies. Maybe if removed the expertise that they have can enhance the production of hydrocarbons in Patagonia. Also the large oil companies might , just might, think about investing in Argentina.

    Aug 12th, 2016 - 09:00 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Clyde15

    Who cares what you think. Your posts are about yourself and your obvious
    inferiority complex which manifests itself by blaming the UK for all the world's ills.

    You revel in being a victim when it is your own making.

    Aug 12th, 2016 - 09:48 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • CapiTrollism_is_back!!


    Funny that when I do it, you call my behavior “inferiority complex”, but when your fellow Anglos do it you call it anything but, and stay very very quiet:

    “It has to do with the concept of theft. Argentines are adept at theft. The country has the highest rate of theft in the Western Hemisphere and if the truth were known, probably within the habitable planets as well. Argentines live for theft. It is more natural for them than breathing and fornicating in garages. They cannot help themselves. Theft is inculcated whilst the little bastards are still in the womb, from which they are expelled screaming “lo quiero todo, lo quiero ahora, y lo quiero grátis. ” Theft is in their cultural ADN... I mean, DNA. Do not expect them to change. You deal with them by wielding a large stick, and a fleet.”

    Exact same ideas, two different posters. But one is on your side so then all those words evincing “inferiority complex” are magically something else.

    Aug 12th, 2016 - 10:41 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ElaineB

    @13 Yes, you have it exactly.

    @11 I am not sure the majority on here are Brits, there seems to be a fair mix.

    How is that Big Plan coming along. We have not had an update for ages.

    Aug 12th, 2016 - 10:42 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ChrisR

    “It is no secret that the Falkland Islands are looking to establish an additional air link within South America; this does not include the possibility of a link to Argentina.”

    Nice slap across the face for the argies.

    New president, same old nonsense, he needs to get rid of The Malevolent Midget if Macri is serious about bringing The Dark Country into the 21st century.

    @ 4 Marti Llazo

    Thank you for the amusing explanation of theft in Lalaland. :o)

    Aug 12th, 2016 - 10:50 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • lsolde

    @11 & 14,
    Captain Ridiculous.
    Who gives a rat's ass what you think?
    Go back to sleep, Nabo.

    Aug 12th, 2016 - 11:15 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • CapiTrollism_is_back!!

    Four responses towards me, four “shut up”, “who cares what you think” *responses*.

    Indeed, I am beyond rebuke.

    It is well documented that all the theft in Argentina (yet far from being anywhere near the levels elsewhere in latin America), jumped dramatically starting the 1970s.

    In the 1970s 700K Chileans crossed the border.

    At the time there was no increase in theft in Chile.

    Marti Llazo can vouch for it.

    Aug 12th, 2016 - 11:39 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • golfcronie

    Typical, always someone else's fault, so you are saying that all the thefts can be attributed to the 700k that you say are all thieves that entered the country. No wonder the thefts keep acellarating as the police and justice system are not functioning as they should, you only have to look at the Nisman case as an example, they do not know to this day ( 14 months on ) whether it was suicide or murder.

    Aug 12th, 2016 - 12:04 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Conqueror

    @8, 11, 14, 18. Can you do us all a favour? I'll give you a start. Go to
    When you get there, read Article 74 to yourself out loud.

    Justify your country's actions.

    Aug 12th, 2016 - 12:14 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • The Voice

    Nostril, you are not worth debating anything with. You constantly spout nonsense.
    At tbe moment we,are simply enjoying the Olympics hosted by our Brazilian friends (your alter ego Brarsehole knows them). We are 4th in the medal table, RGland is #31. Why is that? They dont have a category for lying or thieving or spouting nonsense otherwise you would be doing better :-)))

    Aug 12th, 2016 - 03:00 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Skip

    The article:
    “It is no secret that the Falkland Islands are looking to establish an additional air link within South America; this does not include the possibility of a link to Argentina.”

    “Here you have the Falklanders rejecting outright flights”

    No rejection of flights. Just no desire for more than the current flights from Argentina. They have a link with Argentina. It is enough.

    Funny to hear an Argentinean call the islanders insular when it was his own government for many years that did everything possible to isolate the Islands.

    But what can you expect from an Argentinean education. Not much it would seem.

    Aug 12th, 2016 - 03:07 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Watt y'all phys kit

    Let's be honest, it was shocking and has been since the Argies invaded the islands, their constant drum beating about the Islands is nothing short of bullying. However it would be great to have another route off the Island without relying on MPA. On the subject of bullying, I'd like to see a new internet provider that was not going to rip the islands off. Sure just hold you to ransom as all bullies do. Let's look towards another country and see what they can provide!!

    Aug 12th, 2016 - 03:20 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Lord Lucan

    Argentina is a thieving nation. Its in their constitution. Anyone knows that bullying Brits doesnt work. It ends in failure and usually poverty. But… theres lots of Argentine poverty already. Not a good place to start from.

    Aug 12th, 2016 - 05:10 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • MK8 Torpedo

    @ The Argentine Posters.

    If air links were established would they be economically viable?

    I doubt the islanders would use them.Why travel to a country were they are clearly not welcome.
    Maybe some people from Argentina would use them?

    That leaves cargo.Any damand?

    Aug 12th, 2016 - 06:09 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Briton

    Argentina needs to grow up and act like a democracy instead of its childish behaviour,

    And its brainwashed supporters should accept the islanders right to live in peace,

    after all, you would be the first cry babies to run to the UN if we brits blockaded and harassed you,

    Grow up and smell the tea,


    Aug 12th, 2016 - 06:45 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Marti Llazo

    @ 18 “ In the 1970s 700K Chileans crossed the border.

    At the time there was no increase in theft in Chile.

    Marti Llazo can vouch for it.”


    Subsequent to 11 September 1973 several thousand Chilean Marxists and their minions left Chile and made their evil ways into other countries, including Argentina, where many joined the leftist terrorist organisations, including the Montoneros, and contributed to the Dirty War.

    The thievery that had been been associated with the Unidad Popular gangs under the Allende regime found itself roundly discouraged under the Chilean military government, but welcomed with open arms by like-minded comrades in Argentina.

    Even without the 1970s influx, Chileans and Argentines for many years have interbred and brought about large numbers of undesirables. Néstor Kirchner is one such example.

    Aug 12th, 2016 - 08:17 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Islander1

    25- Freight from Argentina 100% impossible , has been every since 1982 - and will remain so forever unless they recognised that Falkland Islands Govt exists - no way Arg Customs or other Govt departments can do relevant export shipping documentation to a country they say does not exist!

    Aug 12th, 2016 - 08:22 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pete Bog

    You and your Malvanista mates think that by saying the Falklands rightfully belong to Argentina, that it is enough. This is the same lazy attitude that has created the craphole that Argentina is.

    You have had plenty of opportunities like all of the Malvanistas to present a case where Argentina has proof it should own the Falklands.

    You have always failed, and Argentina's farcical arguments usually unsupported by any tangible evidence, shot to ribbons.

    If your theory is correct and that Argentina should have the Falklands regardless of the overwhelming evidence supporting the British claim, allied with the rights of the Islanders, affirmed by the UN; merely because it is your 'opinion' then the fact that The Islanders say something else is completely valid too, by your rules, which suggest that only opinion and not historical evidence count.

    Therefore according to your rules it is only opinion which holds sway so you have a problem, as the opinion of the people that live in the Islands, doesn't match those that don't live in the Islands.

    ”But the Falklanders are really showing now for a bunch of insular (pun intended) bunch of twats. They don't want air links to Argentina (we all know this is just a knee-jerk attempt at spite with no thinking behind it whatsoever”

    And who's fault is it that the Islanders are insular?

    You reap what you sow.

    OK, you say no thinking whatsoever.

    Are you disputing that LAN Chile is the best airline in South America, equipped with serviceable, modern aircraft?

    What serviceable aircraft would Argentina use to service a route to the Islands?

    Your premise is the Islanders deserve to be served by a sub standard Argentine airline, perhaps the Islanders prefer being served by the BEST South American airline or by BRAND NEW RAF Voyager aircraft.

    You propose TU154s! Why not DC3s?

    How would Argentina's museum pieces fly to MPA if the Argentine government refuse to contact the Dpt of Civil Aviation on the islands?

    Aug 12th, 2016 - 09:23 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • golfcronie

    My ex wife ( an Argentine ) would never have flown Aerolineas Argentinas as long as Austral were operating.

    Aug 12th, 2016 - 10:46 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DemonTree

    I would guess the main reason to refuse air links with Argentina is to avoid becoming dependent on it in any way. Making it harder for harassing Argentine tourists to visit is a side benefit.

    ”Here you have the Falklanders rejecting outright flights (they could at least say “we will keep it under consideration”)), but demand port access.”

    You want them to lie about allowing flights in order to persuade Argentina to negotiate? I'm sure you'd be accusing 'the British' of dishonesty as well, if they did that. And I don't see any mention of port access in the article at all.

    The rest of your comment is just nonsense about Britain, so whatever.

    Aug 12th, 2016 - 11:04 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • golfcronie

    @6 Please explain how the UK has been holding the EU hostage for years. We are one of the major contributors to the EU, we have kept them afloat so far, in time it will be up to the EU to sort out the mess they are in.

    Aug 12th, 2016 - 11:31 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Hepatia

    England will return the Malvinas within 25 years.

    Aug 13th, 2016 - 12:08 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Marti Llazo

    @33 Hepathetic, England doesn't have any Malvinas (whatever those are) to give to anyone, although I understand that Malvina Dobranoc still lives in Uxbridge, but she is still far too young yet to be, well, you know. Could you be thinking of Malva pudding maybe? Malvani fish curry? Malvar grapes? Moldavan truffles? Perhaps we could interest you in some delightful Maldivian beer? Tastes so much better than Quilmes. But sorry, no soup or malvinas for you!

    @26 “Argentina needs to grow up ....”

    We must keep our expectations within the realm of the reasonable and the possible, lest the failure of such remote and wild imaginings induce tearful disappointment. Though Argentina's inveterate ineptitude can be amusing and even entertaining, in a tragic sort of way.


    @8 KepiTroll: “Maybe one the the Argie government will wise up. ”

    (See earlier comment on the entertainment value associated with the futility of foolishly impossible imaginings).

    Aug 13th, 2016 - 01:30 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • CapiTrollism_is_back!!

    The EU kept afloat by Britain?

    Why these people really are just completely out of touch with the reality of the world. I am sure the British will soon hold a referendum to for “Earthxit”.

    The entire planet will be gladly campaigning for Leave. In fact we would all gladly pay for your relocation... The Sun's equator sounds perfect.

    As for the flights to the Falklands, I don't care whether there are flights o no. I just don't want to hear the islanders later demanding their ships be able to use our ports. Our ports are useless to them and they would just be a a drag on our resources. There are more than enough ports in Chile, Uruguay, and Brazil.


    Oh please, all this come and go by the UK, really? Bunch of Divas, that is why the EU is so happy you are out and are helping you out the door with a big kick. Get out finally... it's really a relief to them, now the adults can get on with eating at the table without the children mucking things up every 3 minutes with pouting and shouting (Anglos).

    Aug 13th, 2016 - 01:34 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • golfcronie

    You are dodging my question “ how has the UK been holding the EU hostage for many years ”, incidently the $US 200 million spent on the “ Almirante Irizar ” has been wasted as it cannot leave port because the river needs dredging. You couldn't make it up , what a joke of a country.So why on earth would we ( UK and FALKLANDS ) want access to your ports, maybe for a rowing boat but I would not do it as the rivers are so polluted.

    Aug 13th, 2016 - 07:01 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Clyde15

    “the children mucking things up every 3 minutes with pouting and shouting”
    You have described yourself to a T

    “we would all gladly pay for your relocation”...
    Does that include ARGENTINA? When did you ever pay for anything ?
    Are you actually an Argentinian living in mainland Argentina.
    Do you actually have a job and produce anything worthwhile except reams of bile and prejudices launched into the ether.

    You know nothing about the EU's relationship with the EU but rely on your ignorant prejudices.

    In my previous employment I was in daily contact for administering EU regulations which did anything but benefit the UK.

    Our fishing industry has been all but wiped out by the EU. Spain probably has more vessels fishing in Scottish waters than UK vessels.
    We have been a net contributor to the EU budget to the advantage of Spain and other “olive belt” countries. There has not been an audited set of accounts produced for the EU finances since god knows when.

    The UK did not sign up for an United States of Europe but only as a trading block.
    Your delight in saying that the world is glad to get rid of us does not correspond to people I know.

    Aug 13th, 2016 - 09:13 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DemonTree

    Who's demanding to use Argentina's ports? You got a link for that? I think they'd be perfectly happy to use ports in Chile, Uruguay and Brazil, and perfectly happy if Argentina ignored them entirely as you suggested.

    And saying they'd be a drag on your resources is nonsense. You do realise ships pay fees to use a port right?

    Of course it is really Germany keeping the EU afloat (as well as probably doing the most to destroy it), but Britain has always paid in more than it gets back. And they are so keen to see us go that not one single government has said they are happy about the Leave result. Naturally the Leave campaign liked to say that Britain could never agree with the EU on anything, but it's not actually true.

    Aug 13th, 2016 - 10:03 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • gordo01

    @34 Marty Llazo

    You have much more experience of Argentina and the Argentines than most of us. My experience is pretty limited as I have never been to Argentina but over the years I have known plenty of Argentine citizens and collectively they all seem to suffer from a “sense” of superiority and their arrogance is supreme - although most of them have been “porteños”, I must admit¡

    Aug 13th, 2016 - 10:06 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Carrick1

    Arg view: “Our ports are useless to them and they would just be a drag on our resources. There are more than enough ports in Chile, Uruguay, and Brazil.”
    You said it.
    Why get involved with the hostile country? Unacceptable compromise.
    Plus, need to dredge your way to the dock! Refer to today's article about Icebreaker “Almirante Irizar”.
    Maybe if Arg focussed on its own problems, not false claims, things would be better.

    Aug 13th, 2016 - 10:16 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • MK8 Torpedo

    Thanks for the info.

    That's what I thought,just a load of argentine hot air as usual.

    Aug 13th, 2016 - 10:51 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Max

    this website is one of my seen droll ones..

    mercopress should be only on mercosur countries not on unrelated places like falklands, some other region countries. ... true ?

    everything is funny around these days in this raffish world !

    Aug 13th, 2016 - 11:00 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Briton

    33 Hepatia (#)

    the Malvinas don't exist.

    @35, Britain is doing just fine thank you,
    and despite a few more bumps we will grow and prosper,

    Argentina on the other hand would probably benefit from joining the EU ,
    being spains apprentice you are bound to get

    Aug 13th, 2016 - 11:24 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Conqueror

    @8. So the UK has been “holding the EU hostage for years”? IF that were the case, I don't see where your problem is. You lot always want things your own way and bang on about “sovereignty”. How can you criticise someone else for following your example? BUT we've been honest. We sought to get an EU suited to our situation. We've done it peacefully, instead of invading some part of the EU more worthless than other parts. Spain, for example. When we sought some minor concessions to suit the state of our country, the response was such that a democratic majority of our electorate have decided that, after 43 years, enough is enough. So we're leaving. Europe can do without our billions.

    As far as port access is concerned, you have obviously foregone the assistance I gave you so that you could read Article 74 of the UN Charter. You've also foregone your opportunity to explain why argieland is failing to comply with a Charter to which it is a signatory. Denying port access to peaceful cargo and fishing vessels is hardly consistent with treating an NSGT in the same way that it would treat its own metropolitan areas, is it? In fact, argieland went further and pressured other So-Am countries to do the same. Prima facie, the whole of the South American continent is in breach of the UN Charter. And that's all you've achieved. It's not surprising that it's always been the argie FM announcing that various countries support it. It's virtually all been lies. In fact, there's very little about argieland that can be termed “civilised”. It has no moral compass. And neither have the majority of its population.

    @33. There is a distinct possibility that, within the next 25 years, argieland will take a step too far.

    Aug 13th, 2016 - 01:37 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Briton

    argieland will take a step too far.

    And surely regret it, they are not the brightest light of hope are they. lol

    Aug 13th, 2016 - 06:52 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Marti Llazo

    @39 “....plenty of Argentine citizens and collectively they all seem to suffer from a “sense” of superiority and their arrogance is supreme...”

    Tenés razón. La sigla “AR” no significa ARgentina, sino ARrogancia.

    Aug 13th, 2016 - 09:50 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • CapiTrollism_is_back!!

    UK does not mean United Kingdom, UK = “U Kunt”
    CH does not mean Chile, CH = “Choto”

    Aug 14th, 2016 - 09:51 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DemonTree

    Where is your rejoinder? What's the matter, you can't refute the facts?

    'UK does not mean United Kingdom, UK = “U Kunt”'

    “You can” in Dutch? Sounds quite nice. ;-)

    Aug 14th, 2016 - 10:35 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • gordo01

    Will No. 47 kindly explain what “U Kunt” means?

    Aug 14th, 2016 - 05:53 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pete Bog


    “ that is why the EU is so happy you are out ”

    If that is the case, has the economic powerhouse of Argentina applied to join the EU and donate the £billions a year that the UK currently pay in?

    Or is Spain now contributing more money to make up for the massive shortfall of funding when the UK leave?

    Aug 14th, 2016 - 06:08 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Marti Llazo

    @49. The Dutch verb is kunnen, related to English “can” - and the phrase (as was pointed out earlier) means “you can.” “U kunt” is roughly equivalent to “U kan.” “Kunt u me helpen” = Can you help me?

    As opposed to the Motto of Argentina, which reads (loosely translated), “No we won't and you can't make us and we're going to sit here and bang these pots together and throw rocks until somebody else pays for all of our necessities and most of the luxuries besides.”

    Aug 14th, 2016 - 07:50 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ChrisR

    @ 49 Nancy

    I may detest the nonsense that is SA Jibber-jabber but we love the Dutch and have spent many happy times there over the years, unlike you.

    You thought it was a naughty word, didn't you? Come on, own up for once: cupid stunt.

    Aug 14th, 2016 - 08:11 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • lsolde

    @52 ChrisR,
    l think that its just co-incidence that U Kunt has a normal Dutch meaning.
    l'm sure that the troll at post #47 meant what most people here thought he meant, given his ridiculous, persistent anti-British tirades.
    Backfired on you, didn't it, (CapiTrollism_is_back!!), you stupid troll?
    Try again, idiot.
    2nd prize is a bag of poop.

    Aug 14th, 2016 - 09:24 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DemonTree

    I think we're all sure of that Isolde. Like Mr Troll knows any Dutch.

    It's still funny though. 'You can' is a great alternative meaning for UK, although the Chinese name for Britain is even better.

    Aug 14th, 2016 - 09:56 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jo Bloggs

    The Argies have a bad case of sour grapes at the tennis. Do these idiots realise they're at a tennis match? Throw them into the Brazilian diving pool I say. Or better still, make them ride at speed down that Brazilian road cycling course.

    Anyway, it's all over; the Scot has won.

    Aug 15th, 2016 - 12:05 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Marti Llazo

    @47 The Troll: 'CH does not mean Chile, CH = “Choto” '

    Not sure why The Troll is even remarking on the sigla CH -- which stands for Switzerland, the Confoederatio Helvetica. (BTW, Trollski, the sigla for Chile is CL. )

    Aug 15th, 2016 - 02:46 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • golfcronie

    Another win situation over the arrogant Argies by the Brits, so,so special.

    Aug 15th, 2016 - 09:18 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Lord Lucan

    @47 Andy Murray... apparently Argies were leaving early, couldn't bear to watch. Another piece of RGlands gold stolen by the Brits! Sulk on....

    Aug 15th, 2016 - 09:30 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • The Voice

    Oi Nostril, the Brazilians were supporting our Andy last night, why is that?

    SA solidarity - LOL!

    Who did Brarsehole support, you must know since you are actually him?

    Aug 15th, 2016 - 11:47 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DemonTree

    GB is currently in second place in the medal table. Woohoo! I'm sure it can't last but never mind.

    Aug 15th, 2016 - 05:20 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Clyde15

    To be fair both players played one hell of a match. It was obvious that they respect each other. Del Porto cannot be blamed for the conduct of Argentinian supporters.

    I tipped Andy to win before I went to bed. When I saw that it was likely to be a drawn out contest Andy was the fitter of the two and so it proved.

    Aug 15th, 2016 - 06:16 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Briton

    Both did very well,
    4 hours of magic,

    Apparently two argy supporters were ejected, don't know why,

    but the Team GB is on a high,

    perhaps one Olympic day, we will overtake the Americans,
    well I can hope cant I .

    Aug 15th, 2016 - 07:07 pm - Link - Report abuse 0

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