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Uruguay admits “consensus support” to remove Venezuela from Mercosur rotating chair

Thursday, September 15th 2016 - 10:40 UTC
Full article 6 comments
 “If Uruguay had opposed the declaration, Mercosur would have been in full paralysis” argued Cancela regarding the Mercosur consensus statement “If Uruguay had opposed the declaration, Mercosur would have been in full paralysis” argued Cancela regarding the Mercosur consensus statement
Cancela admitted that Venezuela currently has not incorporated much of the Mercosur legislation and international treaties as requested by founding members Cancela admitted that Venezuela currently has not incorporated much of the Mercosur legislation and international treaties as requested by founding members
The joint statement dismisses the Venezuela rotating presidency of Mercosur and gives president Nicolas Maduro administration time until next December to comply The joint statement dismisses the Venezuela rotating presidency of Mercosur and gives president Nicolas Maduro administration time until next December to comply
“Venezuela in full exercise of the rotating presidency of Mercosur and with support from treaties rejects the statement from the Triple Alliance” Delcy Rodríguez said. “Venezuela in full exercise of the rotating presidency of Mercosur and with support from treaties rejects the statement from the Triple Alliance” Delcy Rodríguez said.

Uruguay's deputy foreign minister Jose Luis Cancela said that if Uruguay had not complied with the other Mercosur three founding members' joint declaration ignoring Venezuela's presidency and demanding it complies with the group's legislation and treaties, “Mercosur would have been launched into a period of full paralysis”.

 “If Uruguay had opposed the declaration, Mercosur would have been in full paralysis” argued Cancela regarding the Mercosur declaration which was made public late Tuesday by Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay, but which Uruguay did not support, and by abstaining opened the way for the consensus joint statement.

Cancela admitted that Venezuela currently has not incorporated much of the Mercosur legislation and international treaties as requested by the founding members, and which was supposed to have been confirmed last 12 August, as was committed by Venezuela when it was incorporated as the fifth full member of the group in 2012.

The joint declaration not only does not support the Venezuela rotating presidency of Mercosur but has given the president Nicolas Maduro administration time until next December first to comply with the group's legislation and incorporate international treaties.

On that date the four full members will again consider the situation and if they are not satisfied with what Venezuela has achieved, the country will have its voting rights “transitorily” suspended. Effective until it fully complies.

However “in practical terms Venezuela can continue to sit at Mercosur different bodies but it will not enjoy full member rights”, added Cancela, who nevertheless said that during the rest of the year “no major decisions or resolutions” will be discussed and/or approved, be it for the guidelines previously adopted by the national coordinators.

Although downplayed by Uruguay, the joint statement was amply displayed by Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay, insisting it was reached on consensus as the Mercosur charter clearly states.

Uruguay in effect devolved the six-month rotating chair at the end of June, respecting the alphabetical order, and thus admitting Venezuela's presidency, which was rejected point blank by the other three full members on different grounds, lack of democratic credentials; non compliance with the 2012 incorporation commitments and disregarding Mercosur chair transfer procedure. Finally the non compliance with the 2012 incorporation commitments was admitted as the common denominator.

“The states signatories of the Asunción Treaty have verified the non compliance by Venezuela of what was agreed in the 2012 Adhesion Protocol referred to the current legal norms of Mercosur”.

“The current statement was approved on consensus of the four signatory countries with the support of Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay and the abstention of Uruguay”.

The statement adds that if Venezuela does not comply (by December fist) with the incorporation of the legal norms and international treaties, Mercosur will implement the end of those rights inherent to a member of the group, until signatories of the Asuncion Treaty convene with Venezuela conditions to re-establish the full exercise of those rights.

Likewise the four signatory countries point out that Venezuela will not hold the Mercosur rotating chair, which from now on will be exercised by a coordinators' committee with one representative from each of the founding members.

Venezuela reacted immediately blasting the statement as “deceitful, chicanery legalities” from the Triple Alliance, and warning no one imposes or pretends to impose an ultimatum on Venezuela.

“Venezuela in full exercise of the rotating presidency of Mercosur and with support from treaties, rejects the statement from the Triple Alliance”, foreign minister Delcy Rodríguez said.

The minister added that very soon Venezuela will expose its Mercosur incorporated legal norms and those of the other States, as well as actions to protect Mercosur, recalling that all decisions are decided on consensus respecting functioning norms and not violating treaties.

“They are pretending to destroy Mercosur appealing to deceitful and chicanery legalities, which reflects the political intolerance and desperation of autocrats”, said Ms Rodriguez.

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  • ChrisR

    Bunch of twats the lot of them, though 'a special comment' can be made to Uruguay: GROW UP YOU FUCKING IDIOTS AND START RUNNING THE COUNTRY PROPERLY!

    I'll go and have a lie down in a darkened room now. :o)

    Sep 15th, 2016 - 11:42 am 0
  • Jack Bauer

    “Uruguay's deputy foreign minister Jose Luis Cancela said that if Uruguay had not complied with the other Mercosur three founding members' joint declaration ignoring Venezuela's presidency and demanding it complies with the group's legislation and treaties, “Mercosur would have been launched into a period of full paralysis”.

    How condescending of him....especially since Ninny Nivoa caused the whole bloody problem...besides whats all this crap about ”full” paralysis ? it's already at about 98 %, so what difference will 2 more percentage points make ?

    Sep 15th, 2016 - 04:14 pm 0
  • ChrisR

    @ 2 Jack Bauer
    “besides what's all this crap about ”full” paralysis ? it's already at about 98 %”

    NAH! It's never that low, surely! :o)

    Sep 15th, 2016 - 09:08 pm 0
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