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Falklands' additional flight should call at Comodoro Rivadavia, says local Senator

Saturday, December 24th 2016 - 16:00 UTC
Full article 58 comments

The additional flights with South America from the Falkland Islands, in the framework of the recent Argentine/UK discussions, will be making a stopover at Comodoro Rivadavia, Argentina, according to Senator Alfredo Luenzo who represents the province of Chubut in the federal congress. Read full article


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  • Kanye

    How do the Falklanders feel about the way things are evolving?

    Dec 24th, 2016 - 06:31 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Marti Llazo

    A few hours spent in Comodoro should be quite enough to convince any islander why being a part of Argentina is really not a very good idea.

    Comodoro: highest murder rate in all of Argentina, with 14.5 murders per 100000 last time I looked.

    Dec 24th, 2016 - 06:38 pm - Link - Report abuse +3
  • Pete Bog

    “It is most important to recover the links we had in Comodoro Rivadavia with the Islanders before 1982, when the Islanders would fly in to the continent weekly, here they received health care at our hospitals and clinics, stayed at our hotels, went shopping and enjoyed tourism”, added Senator Luenzo.”

    There has not to my knowledge been a resigning of the Communications agreement. Does the bonehead not realise that the Islanders no longer need Argentine hospitals, or hotels or shops? Is he stuck in a time warp from the 1980s?

    Hello matey boy MPA international airport now exists which means the Islanders can access anywhere for tourism!

    Is it not more likely that the Argentines will fly FROM Comodoro Rivadavia than the Islanders fly to it?

    To most Argentines, time has not moved on. either from 1833, or 1982 and most of their philosophy deals with them returning at the most recent, to 1973.

    Hello amigos, it is now 2016!

    Dec 24th, 2016 - 07:18 pm - Link - Report abuse +2
  • brirlen

    Surely the best solution is a Falklands Islands airline more frequently operating smaller aircraft to the South American mainland to connect with inter-continental flights from the nearest hub, even if it has to be Buenos Aires? Those who do not wish to enter Argentina could remain on board the aircraft and then continue to a third country. The crews, after training could be Islanders and there would be sufficient capacity for some fresh food. Such a service could be put into operation shortly. Already, an Argentine airline, Amercian Jet, has requested flying rights from Neoquen to the Islands, although it is difficult to envisage much demand for this, nor indeed, from Rio Gallegos nor Comodoro Rivadavia. Of course, permitting some formal reciprocal arrangement might ease the political negotiations. I believe this will offer the cheapest fares, most convenient and comfortable service including through to the UK and elsewhere and the aircraft might be available for charter flights to service the cruise ship changeover passengers.

    Dec 24th, 2016 - 08:59 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Kanye


    I suspect that there is an overriding security and defence consideration.

    Perhaps an Islander knows the answer?

    I would think the FIG and U.K. do not wish to have Argentine flagged aircraft in their airspace as their proposed purpose may be to spy, being in undesirables, carry out any other nefarious seditious purpose for the Argentine government, or contrive an International Incident for propaganda purposes.

    Wouldn't you say?

    Dec 24th, 2016 - 09:13 pm - Link - Report abuse +3
  • Islander1

    Brirlen - No commercial freight can go from Argentina to the Falklkands for the very simple reason:
    Argentina refuses to recognise the Falklands Govt and People exist and therefore will refuse to allow its Agric Dept to produce standard International Biosecurity forms for the export of fresh produce from Argentina to the Islands, likewise it would not allow its Customs Dept to complete and sign off the normal international standard export documentations
    Without those forms- Falkland Islands - just like anywhere else in the World-
    would not allow those goods to come in here.
    Incidentally, both Chile and Uruguay do produce the normal standard export documentation - correctly addressed to the relevant Dept of Govt of the Falkland Islands.
    And Falklands does likewise on any freight going the other way.
    The Senator of course forgets that Falkland Islands Govt paid in hard currency US$ for all Medicals - as for Education - Yes Arg Govt did offer a load of free scholarships - really pissed their own people off who naturally felt insulted in their taxes going to fund Islander students at top bilingual colleges instead of local students! The Islander students who went- soon returned as they did not like being used and presented as political footballs by the Arg Govt .
    Bloody dusty old town as I recall - or streets full of mud instead whenever it rained.
    Most of the trade then was Falklands to Argentina. IUn the form of British made goods purchased by the airline crews in Stanley and then taken back into Comodoro for friends and families as Arg Customs unable to do anything or charge any taxes !
    Who gives a fart about what Aerolineas Arg says - no Arg airline will be operating to the Islands this side of the current Century - unless the claim gets dropped!
    Also it will be Falkland Islands Govt who approaches interested Airlines - as it will be FIG that comes up with any relevant subsidy in the initial years.

    Dec 24th, 2016 - 10:55 pm - Link - Report abuse +5
  • Marti Llazo

    @ islander1 “ for Education -....”

    Argentina pays for education for anybody, Falklanders and Chilenos and Cubans and everybody. The intent is to siphon off money that could be used to educate Argentines and instead spend it on foreigners. Mostly for Colombians. More than a third of the foreign uni students in Argentina are Colombians there for the free free free. Given the state of their deficit spending and outrageously high taxes, it's not a very defensible practice for Argentina. Remember that half of the adolescents in Argentina don't finish secondary school. And it shows.

    Dec 24th, 2016 - 11:14 pm - Link - Report abuse +4
  • Fidel_CasTroll

    Comodoro Rivadavia has a big problem at the provincial level, with the pay of public servants being one of the lowest in the country.

    But also, to be factual (which Marti Llazo has never shown any interest in being), the Comodoro Rivadavia murder rate has a specific situation: 3 in 4 of the murders occurred within a very small area well outside of the main city, in fact they all occurred in one section with 3 neighborhoods where there is virtually no police presence. So to say the whole city is like that is very disingenuous. C.R is like a very small version of Chicago, whose murder rate is well over 10 per 100,000 but that doesn't mean the entire city is a war zone, the vast majority of the deaths happen in a very specific sector.

    Pete Bog,

    No it is not, aside from veterans and your so-called obsessed Malvinistas, real Argentines have no reason to go the Falklands.

    Dec 25th, 2016 - 12:02 am - Link - Report abuse -3
  • Marti Llazo

    Fidelito - so you acknowledge that the murder rate in Comodoro is pretty much what I wrote? The highest in the country? About 14.5 murders per 100000 population? Higher by about a third than Chicago? That is what you seem to be confirming.

    Dec 25th, 2016 - 12:23 am - Link - Report abuse +2
  • Fidel_CasTroll

    Isn't Chicago one of the “great flagship cities” of the greatest nation that has ever existed? So shouldn't the murder rate in such an exceptional place be well under 1 per 100k?

    This is the country you idolize, an Anglo country. So surely it must be a virtually perfect place.

    Dec 25th, 2016 - 12:37 am - Link - Report abuse -4
  • Marti Llazo

    Fidelito, I personally do not care for or about Chi Cago nor do I idolise the US, although one cannot help but noticing a certain competence in economic and productivity matters there that continues to elude Argentina.

    The topic of the article revolves around Comodoro and not Chicago. If there are going to be more flights through Comodoro then it is a bit of a public service to note that not only is Chubut province foremost in violent crime rates in Argentina, but according to the data, Comodoro leads the country in murders. You have failed to convince us otherwise.

    Dec 25th, 2016 - 01:16 am - Link - Report abuse +5
  • Fidel_CasTroll

    Who is trying to convince you otherwise? You have this silly sickness where you believe an Argentine will defend anything about Argentina at any cost, oblivion of the facts. You obviously have never met a single Argentine, never been to the country, never seen pictures of the country. Only like that can someone behave thus.

    Specially me, who have been here for years and ALWAYS affirmed the Falklanders and the British status of the islands, and that Argentina should desist from it's claim.

    So no one is trying to convince you C.R has problems, we all know it has them, and here is the confirmation as to WHY:

    Comodoro Rivadavia, ciudad costera de la provincia de Chubut y considerada la capital del petróleo, tiene un nivel de desempleo que apenas alcanza los 4,3 puntos, y escasos conflictos sociales. Datos estos que no se corresponden con la alta tasa de homicidios dolosos.

    Con una población de 173.300 habitantes según los datos arrojados por el último censo, la ciudad es hoy el segundo conglomerado habitacional de la Patagonia. No obstante, según los propios comodorenses, la población creció exponencialmente en los últimos meses por la llegada de un importante número de inmigrantes de países limítrofes como Chile, Paraguay o Bolivia, más un grueso de migrantes locales, que se afincan en la ciudad en busca de un empleo, no siempre logrando los resultados esperados.“

    I think that explains a great deal of Argentina's problems. What that senator said a few weeks ago is not new thinking, everyone knows it: Argentina has been been for decade a giant social pressure release valve for virtually all of South America, where thousands and thousands of criminals have migrated here.

    The rise in crime almost coincides year by year with the ”new immigration” from South America that started in the 1970s, when Chilean criminals and communists flooded the border.

    Dec 25th, 2016 - 02:03 am - Link - Report abuse -6
  • Kanye

    Nostrils is off-topic

    Trying to deflect from the statistically affirmed observation that the Argentine destination city has a disgracefully high crime rate, even in Argentina.

    Merry Christmas to everyone else - the right-thinking MP posters that don't hate the British.

    Dec 25th, 2016 - 04:50 am - Link - Report abuse +3
  • Fidel_CasTroll

    Kanye is another mentally challenge fool apparently. No surprise there.

    Deflect what? That Comodoro has a high crime rate because of immigration. It's true, before the latest oil boom, crime was very low there. Then you have all these outsiders come in and crime surges... no but that is deflecting, instead of trying to find the source of the problem.

    Or maybe it is deflecting as you say, just like the British have tried for all these years to deflect their country shitload of problems by blaming it on the EUians over in the mainland, and the immigrants in the UK? Now at least you won't have the former excuse anymore.

    Guess what, in the 50s, 60s, and early 70s, BEFORE the UK entered what would be the EU, the Brutish Isles UNDERPERFORMED in every measure and by a clear margin to the economies of France, Germany, and Italy. In fact they all had bigger economies than the UK.

    It got to the point where the Pound had to be shamefully devaluated, the country was an inflation hellholle of Europe, and you needed to ask for a bailout to the IMF, just like any good banana republic would!

    So the UK already has a “go it alone” experience and was a complete failure for it, while the miracle on the Rhine, the French boom, and the Italian miracle of the 50s and 60s roared. And that' while Britain was massively aided by the USA!

    Dec 25th, 2016 - 08:33 am - Link - Report abuse -6
  • Roger Lorton

    You do recall why Europe had a boom in the 50's and 60's Fidel? Think 1940's

    Dec 25th, 2016 - 09:17 am - Link - Report abuse +4
  • gordo1

    Will someone kindly explain exactly what benefits there are for the Falklands in having a flight that calls at Comodoro Rivadavia on its way to a final destination in civilisation?

    Dec 25th, 2016 - 10:00 am - Link - Report abuse +2
  • ChrisR

    Given the fact the flight is landing in The Dark Country I would have 'Abandon hope all ye who enter' painted over the boarding door.

    Dec 25th, 2016 - 11:54 am - Link - Report abuse +1
  • brirlen

    Having read all these comments, I want to emphasise that the reason for additional flights to and from the Falklands is to ensure there are better, cheaper, more comfortable, more convenient connections with other services to the rest of the world. Availability of passenger access to Argentina is of very limited value,

    Dec 25th, 2016 - 12:25 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Marti Llazo

    Fidelito, vine a la Argentina en la década de los 1970, antes de que naciste vos, y tuve que pasar por Comodoro, rumbo a Río Gallegos. No se notaba la delincuencia ni la violencia en aquel entonces y no podés culpar a los comunachos culiaos chilenos en este caso, el gobierno militar a pesar de sus defectos vigilaba el ingreso de casi todo extranjero en aquellos años.

    When I had to pass through Comodoro (I have friends in Esquel) and overnighted around Comodoro, I would stay at the one moderately safe but cheap hotel to the south of the city centre (the Su Estrella). These days I avoid that area altogether and go via Las Heras (another nasty, ugly, dusty oil-patch town) to stay at the hotel/restaurant “Americano” in Perito Moreno (much more pleasant than Las Heras) and then back to Ruta 40 and up to Esquel.

    You want to know why I think Comodoro got to be as bad as it is? Cocaine. During the Kirchner years, Comodoro became the patagonian cocaine capital. There is big money made there from the oil work, and it finds its way into cocaine. And that is why when you travel by bus or air to or through Comodoro, you can expect serious treatment by the drug-sniffing dogs. Likewise, any plane going to the islands after touching down at Comodoro should get some rigourous scrutiny.

    Dec 25th, 2016 - 12:47 pm - Link - Report abuse +4
  • Pete Bog


    “real Argentines have no reason to go the Falklands.”

    Thanks for the input.

    That makes the senator's remarks even more farcical, if Argentines have no wish to use C. R. to get to the Falklands.

    Next he'll be advocating the use of a Grumman Albatross.........

    Dec 25th, 2016 - 12:59 pm - Link - Report abuse +3
  • Marti Llazo

    From what I hear from conversation here on the subject, more Argentines are likely to visit when there are more frequent flights and cheaper stay opportunities, and that is not an entirely bad thing. Right now for a typical argento the cost starts around the equivalent of US$4000, since the current frequency of flights means a stay of a week. That US$4K is not something within the reach of every Fulano and Mengano.

    Such visits are good for various reasons. One, it reminds the visitors that they need to bring their passports and currency other than their own. It brings tourism money to the islands. It lets the argies meet the chilenos who are quite happy to work on the islands. The visiting argies get off the plane and are greeted by very large fellows with imposing automatic rifles. The visit lets the argies experience the cold and the wind in a way that reminds them that they really want to leave as soon as possible. The more conscious visitors discover that the islanders don't really dress in animal skins, live in igloos, and eat bear meat, as they were taught by Kirchnerismo. One fellow I know was most impressed by the size of the Death Star that he could see from the road on the way to the Mt Pleasant airport. It sobers up some of the argie visitors to see the cemeteries and the pieces of their aircraft on the ground if they happen to go on one of those tours and that serves as a tangible reminder of what happens to a hapless banana republic when it starts screwing around with the Big Dogs.

    Dec 25th, 2016 - 02:20 pm - Link - Report abuse +6
  • Marcelo Kohen

    Interesting how people permanently commenting here achieve the exactly opposite outcome they pursue: now with “Islander1” comment, we know that the Islands' elite prefer not to have fresh food and other goods coming from the Argentine mainland: instead of applying to trade between the islands and the mainland the sovereignty umbrella clause, they require “export” certificates. How easy is to make for themselves life more difficult.

    Dec 25th, 2016 - 02:40 pm - Link - Report abuse -7
  • gordo01

    Marcelo Kohen

    I do not understand how “un sinhuevos” like you has the courage to come here and spout your nonsense. Please do not insult us with your biased comments.

    Dec 25th, 2016 - 05:19 pm - Link - Report abuse +6
  • Marti Llazo


    Isn't it true that the massive amounts of cocaine and marijuana that come into Argentina every day are brought in without benefit of export certificates?

    Dec 25th, 2016 - 06:25 pm - Link - Report abuse +6
  • Islander1

    Marcelo Kohen..We make no barriers to trade with Argentina - What I described is the 100% bog standard Normal paperwork in any trade between any 2 countries.
    Its the Same between Argentina and Chile - Or Argentina and UK - or Chile and Brazil,
    or Chile and Falklands, or Uruguay and USA.

    No country will allow fresh foodstuffs in from another, without these standard international public and agricultural health certificates.
    You try taking a piece of fruit into Chile without all the paperwork though the airport!

    Dec 25th, 2016 - 09:10 pm - Link - Report abuse +7
  • Think



    But I can see though that you took great pains in picking the “right” examples...

    You conveniently “forgot” to mention some “smallish” areas of the world with virtually no Fitosanitary/Veterinary trade barriers as...: Mercosur..., Alianza del Pacífico (almost defunct as we speak..., courtesy of Donald Trump)..., ASEAN..., the EU...etc..., etc..., etc...

    Dec 25th, 2016 - 09:46 pm - Link - Report abuse -8
  • Roger Lorton

    Marcelo Kohen aka “The Photoshop Prof” doesn't know his arse from his elbow. Hardly surprising that the Falklands' people do not wish anything to do with Argentina. A century of hassle, obstructiveness and downright stupidity can do that to a relationship. And please, do not tell me that there was some magical period when the islanders and Argentina were best pals. The historical record says something else.

    Not that Kohen would know anything about history - or the law, come to that. seems to think that all Latin countries gained their independence from Spain in 1810 - pretty well regardless of reality.

    The islanders can get fresh fruit & veg from Chile & Uruguay. Reasonable nations. All that is expected of argentina, is that she grows up and stops acting as a rogue nation.

    Dec 25th, 2016 - 10:47 pm - Link - Report abuse +5
  • Marti Llazo

    @ tinkle

    Apparently tinkle has unsurprisingly never heard of the requirements for importation of plant-based matter into Argentina. It goes like this (be aware of the part that reads “a toda transacción comercial.”

    Para la importación, a la República Argentina, de productos o subproductos de origen vegetal como así también otros artículos reglamentados por riesgo fitosanitario es obligatorio contar con una Autorización Fitosanitaria de Importación (Afidi), de manera previa a toda transacción comercial.

    Dec 26th, 2016 - 12:29 am - Link - Report abuse +6
  • Marcos Alejandro

    “A few hours spent in Comodoro should be quite enough to convince any islander why being a part of Argentina is really not a very good idea”

    A few hours spent in Comodoro should be quite enough to remind some islanders about their city of birth and why being a part of Argentina is really just common sense.

    Dec 26th, 2016 - 01:20 am - Link - Report abuse -5
  • Islander1

    Think- Wrong- Actually I am right- and so are you! EU of course has much less rules between member states- uses an EU “plant passport” system instead. I assumed of course that Mercosur has an arrangement as well - but - try moving a container of products from Brazil into Uruguay even in transit sealed for somewhere else - and watch the border delays-taxes-inspections etc etc!

    Dec 26th, 2016 - 01:41 am - Link - Report abuse +3
  • Fidel_CasTroll

    “rogue nation”

    You first.

    The only rogue nation these days is th UK, and soon the US. Those are facts. Who can put all the excuses in the world... but leaving not just the EU, but also the free trade zone (which will happen because the UK will choose immigration control over free trade), and then still implement immigration harrassment, moving your embassy to Jerusalem, calling for the use of nukes in conventional war theaters, actively seeking to disrupt the rest of the EU, etc... are hallmarks of rogues. The rogues in the world today are Russia, UK, and soon the USA and North Korea. Even Iran is behaving more within the rules of late than rogue, law-breaking UK.

    Dec 26th, 2016 - 02:07 am - Link - Report abuse -7
  • Hepatia

    England will return the Malvinas within 25 years.

    Dec 26th, 2016 - 03:24 am - Link - Report abuse -6
  • gordo1

    Wow - what lovely Christmas gifts!

    Marquitos Alejandrito AND Hepatitis together with their inane contributions!

    Dec 26th, 2016 - 06:16 am - Link - Report abuse +4
  • downunder

    Marcelo Kohen
    “prefer not to have fresh food and other goods coming from the Argentine mainland”

    Who can blame them? Especially when they can get it from elsewhere so the Islanders don't have to sully their hands with Argentine soil.

    “they require “export” certificates. How easy is to make for themselves life more difficult.”

    How easy it is for an Argentine to blame the victim.

    Dec 26th, 2016 - 07:26 am - Link - Report abuse +4
  • Marti Llazo

    Not sure if Argentina is better described as a “rogue nation” or a “pariah state” but just to be safe let's continue to assume both.

    You just never know when some rock-throwing mob here might object to the number-plate on your car, or the colour of your socks.

    Dec 26th, 2016 - 12:16 pm - Link - Report abuse +3
  • Fidel_CasTroll

    It must be a bitter pill to swallow though, to know that it is the mob of the self-knighted “nation of Gentlemen”, whom police and security authorities the planet over monitor and prepare counter-measures for come World Cup time (like men on Safari for Hyenas). Yet the ones from BOTH the Rogue and Pariah nation are mostly model guests, with only one minor incident in 2014 in spite of being the country that by far sent the most visitors to Brazil.

    Dec 26th, 2016 - 01:11 pm - Link - Report abuse -5
  • Marti Llazo

    Fidelito: pa que sepas

    English-only readers can find the same material on wikipedia that begins with

    ”Barra brava (fierce gang) is a denomination for violent organized supporter groups of football fans that support teams in many countries of Latin America and commit hooliganism. Their style of supporting is similar to European ultras and hooligan firms. It includes standing throughout the match, singing and other enthusiastic behavior like waving of flags. The phenomenon originated in Argentina .....“

    [insert ”Big Surprise“]

    ” ...... and it has spread throughout the Americas in the following decades.“

    [Making Argentina immensely proud of this native invention]

    ”.... In Brazil, torcidas organizadas plays a similar role (although since last years appeared Brazilian barras bravas) and, in Mexico, exists similar groups that are called porras, but in the last years also appeared many others that identifies themselves as barras bravas (influenced by Argentine groups). “

    [Hooligans influenced by Argentine groups? I am just so very * shocked*]

    So Argentine hooligans violently attacking visitors with mobs and rocks, over the mistaken content of a vehicle number-plate, must just come naturally.

    As of 2014, over 300 people had been killed by ”barras bravas“ hooligan violence

    ”Las barras bravas -ultras o 'hooligans'- del fútbol de Argentina han superado este jueves una marca histórica: el número de asesinados en choques violentos ya supera los 300....”

    Of course, this is getting a bit away from the phenomenal murder rate for Comodoro and why it's maybe not a good idea to have a civilised airline make a stop there.

    Dec 26th, 2016 - 03:45 pm - Link - Report abuse +3
  • Kanye

    And still,

    Nostrils is off-topic

    Trying to deflect from the statistically affirmed observation that the Argentine destination city has a disgracefully high crime rate, even in Argentina.

    Merry Christmas to everyone else - the right-thinking MP posters that don't hate the British.

    Dec 26th, 2016 - 04:24 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pete Bog


    “elite prefer not to have fresh food and other goods coming from the Argentine mainland”

    We haven't returned to the 1970s, though perhaps you are still stuck there?

    The Falkland Islands can get fresh food, not only from the Falklands themselves where they have always been able to grow fresh food, but also from Chile and Uruguay.

    So why do they need to buy it from Argentina, where fresh food is liberally laced with dangerous pesticides?

    Also, if Argentina refuses to complete internationally recognised export certificates, and Chile and Uruguay are able to produce these, then the Islanders aren't going to bother with Argentina are they ?

    “No country will allow fresh foodstuffs in from another, without these standard international public and agricultural health certificates”.

    Marcelo, You don't seem to know much for a professor do you?

    Dec 26th, 2016 - 06:52 pm - Link - Report abuse +5
  • downunder

    The supply of fresh fruit and vegetables to the Falklands seems to be becoming an (additional)obsession for the Argentine Government.

    Why is this, has scurvy broken out on the Islands?

    Dec 27th, 2016 - 02:19 am - Link - Report abuse +3
  • Marti Llazo

    I thought that Argentina's biggest concern in the fruit department these days was the uproar over the country importing Chilean apples -- since the inefficiencies and costs of producing them in Argentina made their own apples uncompetitive.

    Dec 27th, 2016 - 03:43 am - Link - Report abuse +3
  • GALlamosa

    Out of a list of 10 options of where to have the transit stop, I would expect Commodoro Rivadavia to be around number 11.

    Dec 27th, 2016 - 12:06 pm - Link - Report abuse +2
  • Frank

    'Marti Llazo
    ..... since the inefficiencies and costs of producing them in Argentina made their own apples uncompetitive.
    They even import tinned mushrooms from China... if ever there was a country that should be able to produce mushrooms its RGland.... the entire population has been kept in the dark and fed shit for about 70 years....

    Dec 27th, 2016 - 08:05 pm - Link - Report abuse +4
  • Marti Llazo

    @ Frank

    An astute observation.

    Dec 27th, 2016 - 09:39 pm - Link - Report abuse +2
  • malen

    Why if Arg has 40 resolutions and international support asking for dialogue with UK about SOVEREIGNITY, Arg accepts a treat not talking about sovereignity ?
    The plane will only benefit british militars travelling and also british business outside Arg , buying material and professionals for their usufructation of our resources.

    We must remember that resources are an area in which the sovereignity is in dispute.

    And I imagine that it must all be confirmed by a congress agreement, and I want to know who (who) signs on favour such a treaty or against.
    Carrio president of the Malvinas Observatory?? Its a joke, no?? 28 of november....

    Dec 28th, 2016 - 04:25 pm - Link - Report abuse -4
  • Kanye


    Good questions - why do YOU suppose Argentina would consider an agreement if they say they have “support” from 40 countries to confront the U.K. over the mythical Malvinas?

    Do you think there is something Argentina is not telling you?

    Dec 28th, 2016 - 05:44 pm - Link - Report abuse +4
  • DemonTree

    Why if Argentina has 40 resolutions asking for dialogue with the UK do you expect the 41st to be successful?

    Argentina will benefit by having two flights per month instead of one, and from a different city; it would be much more convenient for visitors to fly from Buenos Aires, if that is chosen as the stopover.

    Dec 28th, 2016 - 05:50 pm - Link - Report abuse +2
  • Marti Llazo

    Actually individual Argies can benefit a great deal from having access to additional flights to the islands.

    A trip to the islands will allow them to truly open their eyes and, potentially, occasionally, their minds. At least some of them. For a short while. To see how a neighbouring nation can be so tidy and comparatively free of corruption and violent crime. Visits will let argies marvel at the salaries paid there to their chilote brethren.

    Such mind-broadening travel will allow visiting Argentines to momentarily reflect upon the many failures of the country they briefly leave behind, with its 33 percent poverty rate, rapidly increasing debt, and plummeting economy. It will allow everyday Argentines to finally get that much-sought-after stamp in their passports instead of just presenting the old DNI and going no farther beyond their frontiers than Punta del Este or shopping for tinned mushrooms in Punta Arenas.

    These flights could allow Argentine commercial pilots to experience the exquisitely rare but sobering thrill of being illuminated at >250 nautical miles from the islands by the peacetime PRF of an air-defence radar tied to the Mach-3 surface-to-air missile team, long before ATC takes over. Yes, a trip to the islands and the expansive cemeteries housing large numbers of decaying argentine cadavers will let every sentient visitor, from Jujuy to Tierra del Fracaso, to become fully aware of what happens when you screw around with modern professionals.

    Such visits should be encouraged.

    Dec 28th, 2016 - 07:21 pm - Link - Report abuse +4
  • malen

    If there have been meausures (medidas) made by others gov. , that had had the affirmative vote of the then opposition (I do remember many many resolutions taken with agreement of mayority of all parties) , why these year doesnt serve?
    Its ok to improve relations with Uk, but no resigning sovereignty, as they want. There should be a middle way, building over what it was built, with good results, not going all all back to 1990, as if nothing happened in the middle.
    Its an opppinnnionnn.
    28 of december, instead of november.

    Dec 28th, 2016 - 11:49 pm - Link - Report abuse -4
  • Marti Llazo

    Malen, es una causa perdida. Olvídalo y duérmete.

    Dec 29th, 2016 - 02:53 am - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Kanye

    To sleep... perchance to dream.

    Dec 29th, 2016 - 02:59 am - Link - Report abuse +1
  • gordo1


    There is no point in Argentina pursuing it's dream of sovereignty of the Falklands archipelago. Its argument is nothing more than fairy stories (cuentos de hadas), false interpretations of historical events and myths.

    If there were any truths behind their argument surely they should take it to the International Court of Justice, not rely on statements of support from (some)rogue nations.

    Dec 29th, 2016 - 06:28 am - Link - Report abuse +5
  • Marti Llazo

    Even if Argentina were to somehow deign to take the Falklands case to the ICJ, and the outcome were not in its favour, Argentina would reject the outcome and everyone would return to square one, with the missiles back to Weapons Tight. That has been the history of Argentina's external affairs: when a substantial binding legal judgment is not exactly what Argentina wants, it refuses to submit to the very rules that it agreed to. We saw this most recently and blatantly with the CFK government taking the holdout-creditors case to US courts, and then ignoring the decision of the very courts that Argentina itself selected. Such behaviour gets noticed by prospective foreign investors, who may be stupid in looking into Argentina but eventually, painfully, become less stupid. Argentina is paying and will continue to pay for such nationalistic rejection of foreign institutions for many years to come, just as it will continue to whinge about the islands until the country runs out of beans and is auctioned off to pay its creditors.

    Dec 29th, 2016 - 10:48 am - Link - Report abuse +4
  • Pete Bog


    “The plane will only benefit british militars travelling”

    I've got some interesting news for you that you may not be aware of.

    There are no plans for the British military to use flights from South America to get to the Islands.

    There have been military flights to the Falklands from the UK since late 1982, and much improved from 1985/85.

    Do you really think the military are going to want to travel in aircraft not as up to date as the Voyageur????????

    “Why if Arg has 40 resolutions and international support asking for dialogue with UK about SOVEREIGNITY”

    Why don't you take your case to the ICJ if you have incontestable evidence that you own the Islands?

    “The plane will only benefit british militars travelling and also british business outside Arg , buying material and professionals for their usufructation of our resources.”!

    If Argentina have any commercial aircraft that could provide a better additional service to what they get now (that doesn't meant getting the Grumman Albatross out of your museum by the way), and provide a service, those resources you falsely claim the Falkland islands are stealing off you, would pay for the aircraft, services from Argentina, provide jobs for Argentines and inject money into the Argentine economy. So in the unlikely event that Argentina could offer any air service better or different to what the Islanders get now, it would not be British business benefitting but Argentine business, employees and service providers benefitting.

    But the Islanders don't need you, as they have Uruguay and Chile to trade with who are making money out of the Islands.

    If you are so bothered about what you see as resources you think you own, being used by the Islands in a small country, why don't you concentrate on developing the huge resources that you definitely do own, in your own massive country?

    Although it was made null and void by your country's act of war in 1982, you really need to read 2065 very, very, carefully

    Dec 29th, 2016 - 12:36 pm - Link - Report abuse +2
  • Marti Llazo

    Judging by the noise in the lower house of the Argentine congress this week, it doesn't look like there will be any reasonable agreement on the subject of additional flights involving Argentine cooperation. At least not within the next 20 years or so. Seems as though their chamber of deputies is looking for some sort of big quid pro quo. Given that sort of obstruction, Uruguay is probably looking like the best bet for new connections. Ballenet's government in Chile seems to lack the cojones to approve additional service without argie blessings.

    Dec 29th, 2016 - 06:58 pm - Link - Report abuse +3
  • DemonTree

    What about Brazil?

    And surely Arg doesn't actually have to agree to flights from a third country, they just have to do nothing to block them? Is the congress likely to do something positive to obstruct them, or will they just fail to cooperate?

    Dec 29th, 2016 - 10:51 pm - Link - Report abuse +2
  • downunder

    And the Argentines wonder why the Falkland Islander's want nothing to do with them!

    Dec 30th, 2016 - 12:15 am - Link - Report abuse +2
  • golfcronie

    Looking forward to a retraction from Chewbutt ( sorry Chubut ) province

    Dec 30th, 2016 - 02:05 pm - Link - Report abuse +1

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