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Brazil investigating if RAF flights to the Falklands landed in the country

Friday, March 3rd 2017 - 13:19 UTC
Full article 38 comments
Brazilian president Michel Temer only on Thursday announced he was naming Senator Aloysio Nunes as succesor of ex minister Jose Serra Brazilian president Michel Temer only on Thursday announced he was naming Senator Aloysio Nunes as succesor of ex minister Jose Serra
Argentina's foreign ministry based on Air Force control data claims six RAF flights called in Brazil last year, and another twelve during 2015 Argentina's foreign ministry based on Air Force control data claims six RAF flights called in Brazil last year, and another twelve during 2015

The Brazilian government announced it had opened an investigation among miltiary institutions regarding Royal Air Force landings in Brazilian airports, while making flights between Britain and the Falkland/Malvinas Islands.

 ”The Brazilian Air Force social communications center reports it is investigating the informations (referred to the matter) jointly with other branches involved“, reads the brief release from the Brazilian ministry of defense.

However the Brazilian foreign ministry, Itamaraty, did not make any official statement on the matter, accepting or rejecting Argentina claims regarding military flights to the Falklands calling in Brazil.

”There is no position on the matter and so far there are no instructions to make a statement on the issue“, Argentina's official news agency Telam, said quoting an Itamaraty spokesperson.

The Brazilian foreign ministry is currently in charge of Secretary General Marcos Galvao, since last week Jose Serra resigned as minister and returned to his Senate bench, on medical recommendations. Serra recently underwent column surgery and was banned from flying during several months.

Brazilian president Michel Temer only on Thursday announced he was naming Senator Aloysio Nunes, belonging to the PSDB party and senior partner of the ruling coalition, as the successor of Serra.

On Wednesday the Argentine foreign ministry instructed the embassy in Brasilia to express the Argentine government concern regarding RAF flights to MPA Falklands involving Brazilian airports.

The foreign ministry presentation to Brazil was based on information supplied by Argentina's Air Traffic Control office, which claimed that at least six Royal Air Force flights linking UK with Falklands' MPA, took place during 2016.

The Argentine foreign ministry recalled that there is a Brazilian commitment not to allow its airports or ports to receive British military aircraft or vessels posted in the disputed South Atlantic archipelago in concordance with Mercosur and Unasur positions.

”The Brazilian foreign ministry reaffirmed its support for Argentina's position in the Malvinas question, but also admitted not having knowledge of such flights, and promised to make the pertinent consultations with the Defense ministry“, reported Argentina on Wednesday.

Similar contacts were made with the Brazilian embassy in Buenos Aires which replied in similar terms to Brasilia, pointing out that the landings must have been because of humanitarian issues or emergencies as a result of technical problems.

According to Argentina foreign ministry Malvinas Desk reports, during 2015, there were 12 similar flights by the RAF calling in Brazil and which were detected by the Argentine Air Force. At the time Ambassador Daniel Filmus made similar contacts with the Brazilian embassy in Buenos Aires, and so did the Argentine representation in Brasilia.

However ”in both cases replies were similar to those during January 2017”, concluded the Wednesday release.

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  • Terence Hill

    It's purely an internal matter. That is in fact protected under international law and a UNGA resolution preventing interference in a countries internal affairs. Article 2.7 of the Charter of the United Nations provides that Nothing contained in the present Charter shall authorize the United Nations to intervene in matters which are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of any state or shall require the Members to submit such matters to settlement under the present Charter...

    Mar 03rd, 2017 - 03:40 pm +4
  • ExPat 1987

    So if the moaned in 2015 and got told FRO, why would they bother moaning again?

    Argturds just love to moan!!!

    Mar 03rd, 2017 - 06:07 pm +4
  • Briton

    as we have for 200 years
    [ Argentina did not exist 200 years ago ]

    as for the argies complaing to brazil,
    it shows two things,
    1=it still presumes it can dictate to other south American countries,
    2- it proves they will use any incident, know matter how trivial to push this sovereignty rubbish,

    just goes to show that a leopard never changes it spots,

    Mar 04th, 2017 - 11:34 am +4
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