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Malvinas Day will be remembered every 2 April in Puerto Argentino (Stanley), when sovereignty is recovered

Monday, September 11th 2017 - 09:47 UTC
Full article 56 comments
National Senator Julio Catalán Magni  who belongs to the Victory Front of ex president Cristina Fernandez was the sponsor of the Veterans and Fallen bill National Senator Julio Catalán Magni who belongs to the Victory Front of ex president Cristina Fernandez was the sponsor of the Veterans and Fallen bill
Until Stanley is recovered, the April 2md homage will be remembered in Ushuaia, capital of Tierra del Fuego, Antarctica and South Atlantic Islands capital      Until Stanley is recovered, the April 2md homage will be remembered in Ushuaia, capital of Tierra del Fuego, Antarctica and South Atlantic Islands capital

The Argentine Senate has approved a bill establishing the Day of the Malvinas War Veteran and Fallen, which will be remembered every April 2nd in the Tierra del Fuego city of Puerto Argentino (Stanley, Falkland Islands), once sovereignty over the Islands is recovered. Until then the event will take place in the city of Ushuaia, capital of the Tierra del Fuego, Antarctica and South Atlantic Islands province.

 ”The bill looks to reinforce through all possible concrete and symbolic means, our identity over the Malvinas Islands. It's a standing and peaceful task to maintain this perennial feeling. This is a great motivation for all 'fueguinos' (Tierra del Fuego) and all those from Patagonia“, said one of the Argentine extreme south province three senators, Julio Catalan Magni who belongs to the Victory Front of ex president Cristina Fernandez.

”All across the Argentine territory every 2 April there are poignant ceremonies to honor Malvinas war Veterans and Fallen, and undoubtedly it is the Tierra del Fuego city of Puerto Argentino (Stanley) which concentrates the unmovable feeling of all the inhabitants of our motherland and thus once recovered sovereignty over our Islas Malvinas, it will be the irredeemable piece of our soil that will be the adequate frame to honor all our compatriots that have been fighting for them for 184 years“

”In this time when the only argument which allows the UK to keep a colony in American soil is its greater force, circumstantially supported on military might, we have the historic mandate of promoting and generating actions that consolidate with time the unrenounceable right which assists us”.

Finally, given the current infeasibility of holding this ceremony in the city of Puerto Argentino (Stanley), it is Ushuaia the capital of Tierra del Fuego, Antarctica and the South Atlantic Islands which is called to temporarily become the host city for the official homage in Argentina of the Malvinas War Veteran and Fallen Day.

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  • Idlehands

    A good day for the annual air defence missile tests.

    Sep 11th, 2017 - 10:21 am +7
  • DemonTree

    Wow. Just Wow.

    Nothing says sympathy and respect like planning to come to someone's home every year and commemorate that time you invaded and conquered them.

    If Argentina is so committed to 'recovering the islands peacefully', why don't they plan to celebrate that day in Stanley instead? And for that matter, maybe Argentina could have the courtesy to use the inhabitant's own name for the town they founded and built rather than inventing their own.

    Sep 11th, 2017 - 10:42 am +7
  • darragh

    And does he expect the Falkland Islanders to join in with this 'celebration' or will it be after ethnic cleansing is completed.

    What an arrogant arsewipe!!!

    Sep 11th, 2017 - 10:47 am +7
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