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Falklands government requests proposals for a future port facility

Friday, February 2nd 2018 - 07:45 UTC
Full article 5 comments
 FIPASS dates back to 1984 and is nearing its operational end, not beyond 2021 FIPASS dates back to 1984 and is nearing its operational end, not beyond 2021

The Falkland Islands government, FIG, is requesting proposals for a future port facility since the current structure, dating back to 1984 and which has had its useful life patched up and extended several times, is nearing its operational end.

 In effect the Falkland Interim Port and Storage System (FIPASS), made uo of modules, has been operational since 1984 and supports the economic development of the Falkland Islands. FIPASS is owned and operated by FIG but the operation of the facility cannot be assured beyond 2021 due to the age and condition of the infrastructure.

FIG underlines that the Request for Proposals is not a pre‐qualification to a formal competitive bidding tender process.

FIPASS, was originally brought to the Falklands following the 1982 conflict to act as a floating dock and dorms to lodge the hundreds of troops sent to the battle field in the Islands and the following recovery and reconstruction period.

A similar floating dock ended in New York where it was used for several years as a prison by the state's penitentiary service.

FIG specifies that the provision of a port facility has been the subject of various reviews including a Deep Water Harbour Option Study by Mott MacDonald in 2001, Port Services Assessment by Jonathan Packer & Associates in 2003, Proposed Port Development Plan by Royal Haskoning in 2006 and various studies completed in 2013 and 2014.

The information is available to interested parties upon request.

FIG is seeking to invite those parties interested in developing, financing, constructing and operating a new port facility in the Falkland Islands to submit their views and outline proposals. FIG is interested to receive a submission detailing the following:

• Demand for a new port facility;
• Scale and shape of a new port facility;
• Location of a new port facility;
• Infrastructure & port related facilities e.g. storage/warehousing, administration facilities;
• Operational requirements e.g. booking system, CCTV, security, port safety, cranes;
• Key services e.g. pilotage, bunkering, maintenance, cargo handling;
• Funding proposals for the development, construction and operation of a new port facility;
• Proposed partnership arrangements and/or corporate management structure;
• The proposed development delivery programme and ;
• Outline business plan.

FIG is keen to work with interested parties to help shape and scope out the development requirements for the future port facility eventually leading to a formal procurement process.

Interested parties are requested to submit their response via e‐mail to Iain Robertson, Director of Development & Commercial Services no later than 16.00 FKST Friday 16th March 2018. Meetings at any stage with interested parties can be arranged on request.

However provide full details of the organisation or consortia, including key financial information, number of employees, stakeholders, geographical coverage, relevant experience and track record.

Once again interested parties should note that this Request for Proposals is not a pre‐qualification to a formal competitive bidding tender process.

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  • mollymauk

    This story is getting two different structures confused.

    FIPASS is the floating port.

    The structures that were used as dormitories for the troops, one ending up in New York, were the Coastels - completely different things.

    Feb 02nd, 2018 - 10:27 am +2
  • Brit Bob

    A port facility? But the territorial waters belong to Argentina!?

    By a ruling of the UN, Argentina will extend its maritime platform (Politica Argentina) ; New map of the maritime platform reaffirms the sovereignty of Malvinas with UN endorsement (ElCronista); Argentina enlarges its territory 35%, with a UN endorsement ...(La Capital).To add to this euphoric atmosphere the Argentine Foreign Minister stated, ''This is a historic opportunity for Argentina. We have taken a great step in the demarcation of the outer limit of our continental shelf; the most extensive boundary of Argentina and our border with humanity,'' Foreign Minister Susana Malcorra told La Nacion, which tomorrow will publicly announce the details of this resolution. (Susana Malcorra, quoted by Dinatale M, La Nacion, Argentina, 27 March 2016).

    Argentina's Continental Shelf Claims and The UN CLCA Commission (1 page):-

    Feb 02nd, 2018 - 10:02 am +1
  • Frank

    'the Coastels - completely different things.'

    Yep, you can still see the concrete mooring blocks and power supply stuff up in the Canache...

    Feb 04th, 2018 - 04:44 am +1
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