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Brazil:Haddad closer to Bolsonaro and would beat him in the runoff, according to latest polls

Tuesday, September 25th 2018 - 07:31 UTC
Full article 3 comments
Bolsonaro held steady at 28% of voter approval in the first round as compared to the same Ibope poll released last week Bolsonaro held steady at 28% of voter approval in the first round as compared to the same Ibope poll released last week
Haddad gained three percentage points to hit 22%, according to the survey, released by the Estado de S.Paulo newspaper and the Globo TV network Haddad gained three percentage points to hit 22%, according to the survey, released by the Estado de S.Paulo newspaper and the Globo TV network
In the likely scenario of a runoff vote, required by law if no candidate wins a majority in the first ballot, Haddad has 43% compared to Bolsonaro’s 37% In the likely scenario of a runoff vote, required by law if no candidate wins a majority in the first ballot, Haddad has 43% compared to Bolsonaro’s 37%

Fernando Haddad, the presidential candidate for Brazil’s Workers Party (PT), is closing the gap with poll-leading far-right candidate Jair Bolsonaro for the October 7 first-round vote and would beat him in a runoff, a survey released on Monday showed.

 Bolsonaro held steady at 28 percent of voter approval in the first round as compared to the same Ibope poll released last week. Haddad gained three percentage points to hit 22 percent, according to the survey, released by the Estado de S.Paulo newspaper and the Globo TV network.

In the likely scenario of a runoff vote, required by law if no candidate wins a majority in the first ballot, Haddad has 43 percent compared to Bolsonaro’s 37 percent. Last week, Ibope showed the pair were tied with 40 percent each.

Brazil’s election is one of the most turbulent seen since the country’s return to democracy three decades ago, coming after over four years of unprecedented graft investigations revealed stunning levels of political corruption. That has fanned voter disdain toward the political class, adding to the frustrations of an economy that continues to sputter.

Bolsonaro, 63, has campaigned as the man who will sweep away political corruption and stop the return of the PT, which many blame for Brazil’s recent recession, its worst in decades.

Haddad, 55, a former Sao Paulo mayor, has presented himself as a moderate and is hoping to draw the votes of supporters of Lula, who is still Brazil’s most popular politician despite being in jail for corruption and barred from running for office.

Bolsonaro has been hospitalized since he survived a Sept. 6 assassination attempt, when an assailant stabbed him during a street campaign rally. Bolsonaro has said he will not return to campaigning before the first-round vote.

The poll showed Bolsonaro had the highest rejection rate, at 46 percent, which could work against him in a runoff. Haddad had a 30 percent rejection rate, indicating his support had room to grow.

Center-left candidate Ciro Gomes was flat at 11 percent in the Ibope poll, and the favorite of investors, Geraldo Alckmin, was at 8 percent. Environmentalist Marina Silva has 5 percent.

The poll, which interviewed 2,506 people on Saturday and Sunday, had a margin of error of two percentage points.

Categories: Politics, Brazil.

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  • :o))

    In a TOTAL absence of a “GOOD” Option:

    Sep 26th, 2018 - 09:50 am 0
  • Enrique Massot

    Wouldn't be poetic justice a Lula-backed candidate winning the presidential election?

    This in spite of Lula's suspicious imprisonment, threats of military coup and the various maquinations of representatives of the real powers.

    Brazil can still win.

    Sep 27th, 2018 - 01:43 am 0
  • :o))


    “Poetic Justice” is too much of an exaggeration.

    But as I had already mentioned earlier [elsewhere], that by making alliances + tie-ups with the 3rd & the 4th in line; PT has a good chance of winning; if Bolsonaro is unable to reach an agreement with the same crooks.

    It ONLY amounts to: Who can exchange “BETTER” favors with who! And there is no need to be disillusioned. The “good news” is that so far, not all the crooks are politicians. But the “bad news” is that the population is not only letting the crooks be the candidates but they also support AND vote for the crooks! It's up to the masses [mostly ignorant] if they need the crooks to govern them!

    For example, if the politicians like Garotinho - a vast majority are offered “Special Privileges”; are allowed to be the candidates and are supported wholeheartedly by the ignorant masses, to the point of getting elected; I really don't see much of a future for Brazil! It's up to you to agree/disagree.

    Sep 27th, 2018 - 04:23 pm 0
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