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Military “lobby” expected to add a new minister in president elect Bolsonaro's cabinet

Wednesday, November 14th 2018 - 10:19 UTC
Full article 7 comments
Retired General Oswaldo Ferreira, ex head of the army engineers corps, has been indicated as Transportation minister in charge of improving Brazil's infrastructure Retired General Oswaldo Ferreira, ex head of the army engineers corps, has been indicated as Transportation minister in charge of improving Brazil's infrastructure
Bolsonaro's vice president-elect is retired General Hamilton Mourao, who was removed from command in 2015 for criticizing the Workers Party government Bolsonaro's vice president-elect is retired General Hamilton Mourao, who was removed from command in 2015 for criticizing the Workers Party government

Brazil president elect Jair Bolsonaro is expected to name another member of the military group backing him, retired General Oswaldo Ferreira, former head of the army engineers corps, as his Transportation minister in charge of improving Brazil's anemic national infrastructure.

 Bolsonaro's vice president-elect is retired General Hamilton Mourao, who was removed from command in 2015 and given a staff job for criticizing the leftist Workers Party government at the time. He later offered a public defense of military intervention if the courts failed to punish corrupt politicians.

While former military officers are expected to have a high profile in the next government, it was democratically elected by 57 million voters and will be led by a politician who once was a soldier, said the current administration's national security adviser, Sergio Etchegoyen, also a retired army general.

“He has been painted as a fascist, a homophobe, a misogynist and many other things,” Etchegoyen said in an interview. “If he really is a fascist and a pervert, Brazilian society will remove him the next day.”

Bolsonaro has suggested the army will play a role in backing up state police as part of the crackdown on runaway crime and drug gangs that he promised while campaigning.

Speaking via teleconference to an investor conference in New York on Tuesday, Mourao said Bolsonaro wants to privatize the fuel distribution unit of state-run oil firm Petrobras, sending its shares higher.

Mourao also said also said a proposal for Boeing to acquire control of Embraer SA's commercial jet unit was “a very good one” for the Brazilian plane maker. He added that Bolsonaro plans to approve an overhaul of Brazil's pension system by late-June next year.

Categories: Politics, Brazil.

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  • :o))

    The “Good News” is that ALL - including Brazil - have no or little experience [except Argentina which has an excellent experience in losing a war].

    Above all - irrespective to the superior training & weaponry - there is hardly any “Will to Fight” [not even peacefully; to demand a BETTER Quality of Life].

    Just to give ONE concrete example of superior training & superior weaponry; look at what happened - repeatedly - to the Fearsome Armed Forces of the USA.

    They lost [and that too; miserably AND repeatedly]:
    - in Vietnam
    - In Iraq
    - In Afghanistan
    - As far as Seria is concerned, the USA didn't even have the courage to fight against Syria [backed by Iran+Russia]. Similar are the likely cases of the possible wars with N. Korea, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Iran, etc.

    REF: Syria: The only ONE - exceptional, isolated attack [after a much ado] - by the USA; was on a small, remote & dilapidated airstrip in Syria from where it was suspected that the flights were taking place to attack the innocent civilians; with chemical weapons.

    The attack was supposed to be “fierce” [lasting for a night only and that too with an advanced warning to the Russians] - with more than SIXTY Tomahawk Missiles. As the result; not only the attacks with the chemical weapons didn't stop, the small, remote & dilapidated airstrip also began operating normally - overnight - in spite of the SIXTY Tomahawks [Made in China?]!

    The BIGGEST joke [frequently repeated] of it all; was the announcements of the “Mission Accomplished” after losing each battle - no matter where on earth! That's how almighty is the USA!

    Believe it or not but please do NOT be surprised if there is some kind of a Ware-Game in South America!

    Nov 14th, 2018 - 03:21 pm +2
  • Voice

    You are too hard on the Yanks they fought wars that couldn't be anybody....
    There was no battle lines to be formed, their soldiers have never lacked courage fighting an enemy that was always in their midsts....
    Underestimate the USA at your peril...

    Nov 15th, 2018 - 12:32 am +1
  • :o))


    REF: “they fought wars that couldn't be won - by anybody”:

    Is that so? And in spite of that; WHY were they so eager to get kicked on their backside so frequently?

    REF: “Underestimate the USA”:

    One can NEVER underestimate the USA as the leading importer of drugs - after all, almost all of South America thrives on the Drug-Imports by the USA!

    Nov 15th, 2018 - 11:51 am 0
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