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Pro-choice groups will try again in 2019 to legalize abortion in Argentina

Wednesday, December 26th 2018 - 12:30 UTC
Full article 148 comments
It will be the eighth such an attempt. This time around promoters of the bill hope to gather a greater consensus following the 2018 experience where the initiative made its way through the House of Re It will be the eighth such an attempt. This time around promoters of the bill hope to gather a greater consensus following the 2018 experience where the initiative made its way through the House of Re

Supporters of the voluntary interruption of pregnancy (IVE) bill have announced they will make yet another try in March 2019 to get the Argentine Congress to allow women to legally seek an abortion if they so desire, it was reported.

It will be the eighth such an attempt. This time around promoters of the bill hope to gather a greater consensus following the 2018 experience where the initiative made its way through the House of Representatives but was voted against at the Senate.

The debate on safe, legal and free of charge abortion sparked a crack in Argentine society between the sky-blu handkerchief pro-lifers and the green-handkerchief pro- choice supporters. And the crack went right through the ruling Cambiemos (let's change) front.

The National Campaign for Legal, Safe and Free Abortion, a collective of more than 300 organizations, is drafting a new project that will keep the premise of the IVE in health institutions across the country, but will have changes with respect to to the one put forward in 2018, the daily Clarín reported.

Representatives from all over the country who support the free abortion campaign are expected to convene in early March to be able to submit the new bill to Congress before the month's end.

The composition of the Senate will not have changed by then from the one that has already voted 38 to 31 against legal abortion back in August. Therefore, pro- life supporters do not see a big threat in the renewed attempt.

But Cambiemos Deputy Daniel Lipovetzky, who chairs the Commission of General Legislation and is a strong defender of IVE, explained the new initiative will be backed by more than the 70 signatures behind this year's bill.

UCR Deputy Brenda Austin, also a stalwart of legal abortion, said that “we must build strategies” that allow “expanding the base of support” to reach a final approval. “There is a cultural and generational process that leads us to that,” she added.


Categories: Politics, Argentina.

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  • Chicureo

    Numerous other high courts have clearly defined abortion is murder. Most certainly when the child reaches the gestation of 20 weeks.

    “A recent study by the Lozier Institute examined gestational limits in 198 countries where abortion is legal; of those countries, only seven, including the United States, permit elective abortion after 20 weeks.”

    ”Abortions performed after 20 weeks gestation, when not done by induction of labor (which leads to fetal death due to prematurity), are most commonly performed by dilation and evacuation (D & E) procedures. These particularly gruesome surgical techniques involve crushing, dismemberment and removal of a fetal body from a woman’s uterus, mere weeks before, or even after, the fetus reaches a developmental age of potential viability outside the mother. In some cases, especially when the fetus is past the stage of viability, the abortion may involve administration of a lethal injection into the fetal heart in utero to ensure that the fetus is not pulled out alive or with the ability to survive.”

    Dec 29th, 2018 - 05:39 pm +2
  • Chicureo

    ...Laws can change...

    Terry, if you claim you're not residing in Canada, I can only assume you're one of those argumentative Québécois, but still I would point out to you that Quebec actually is a province of Canada. (Enrique Massot can better explain that to you.) Est-ce que tu comprends?

    Anyway, it's a historical precedent that there have been significant changes in both civil law and common law. Today, the law in the USA clearly allows for the termination of unborn children.

    Years ago in Quebec, women were not allowed to vote or sign contracts, and children became adults only at age 21. These might seem ridiculous today, yet this is how it was.

    The important thing to remember is that laws change over time and from place to place. This is how it should be. The world is constantly changing. Values, technology, society and the economy evolve over time, and the law must evolve with them.

    Did you by chance to read about the Kavanaugh appointment as the newest Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States? Do you know he represents a very conservative fifth swing vote of the nine justices? Do you by chance know that Ruth Ginsburg, one of the most liberal justices is 85 years old and has been recently experiencing severe health problems? Would you by chance know who will nominate her future replacement? Google the name “Amy Coney Barrett”and realize how Trump is packing the court with extremely conservative “pro-life” justices. (He now has plenty of Senate votes for an easy appointment.)

    Sorry, but perhaps too many questions, but you should know why “pro-abortion” activists are all VERY UPSET right now. It has to do with Roe v. Wade, a landmark decision issued in 1973 by the United States Supreme Court on the issue of the constitutionality of laws that criminalized or restricted access to abortions.

    The US Supreme Court can indeed radically change the law. Don't fret, you are very safe with Justin Trudeau.

    Dec 29th, 2018 - 11:00 pm +2
  • Chicureo


    Yes, from my limited English skills, that seems to be factual. Cheers!

    Terrence Hill

    You are very astute about what I wrote about in my past posts being based on assumptions.

    You are also very correct that abortion is legal in many countries, and there are currently seven countries which allow (including your homeland Canada) elective abortion after 20 weeks.

    In fact, there a few countries that allow no restriction regarding the age of the unborn child. (As I explained earlier, in the USA, there are nine states with no restriction regarding the age of the unborn child. Three states allow up until 28 weeks. Over half the states allow an abortion up to 22 to 26 states.)

    There are however many countries where abortion remains illegal. Do you know which countries I'm referring to? Yes, that's right, one of them is Argentina. Psst, it's currently ILLEGAL there.

    I also want to calmly assure you that President Donald Trump is not going to change the abortion laws of Canada, but he certainly is currently changing the US Supreme Court by appointing extreemly conservative “pro-life” justices that eventually will overturn the Roe v Wade precedent. Which indeed eventually will change the abortion laws in the United States.

    Psst, it's completely legal for the Supreme Court to do that.

    Now, I suspect you disregard the possibility of the abortion laws in the USA changing, due to your Wikipedia legal expertise, but I would suggest you do some research of what the “ pro-abortion” activists are currently franticly discussing on their forums . They are VERY WORRIED and really extremely upset because none of them ever imagined Donald Trump would win the election.

    Again, I suggest you visit the video link of the Canadian Medical Association:

    The important thing to remember is that laws change over time. This is how it should be. Some of us in the world equate abortion as the murder of an unborn child.

    Dec 30th, 2018 - 01:33 pm +2
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