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Finally, Margaret Thatcher’s statue on a 10ft plinth, to be erected in Grantham

Saturday, February 9th 2019 - 08:34 UTC
Full article 24 comments

After being rejected in London over concerns about “potential vandalism and civil disorder,” a statue of the late British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher has finally found a home in the town of her birth. Read full article


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  • Think

    Any Homedepot near Grantham...?

    Feb 10th, 2019 - 02:24 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DemonTree

    I always wondered why Nelson's column is so very tall. More determined vandals, perhaps?

    Feb 10th, 2019 - 06:48 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    Horatio's column...?
    No sweat...
    One of these Frogs and som biiig..., locally souced paintballs would do the job...

    Feb 10th, 2019 - 08:13 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DemonTree

    Not in the current climate, they'd probably get shot.

    Anyway, there's no Home Depot in Grantham - think it's an American chain - but when the statue is finished maybe I'll go down and take a picture so you can admire the woman who defeated your military government. ;)

    Feb 10th, 2019 - 09:39 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    Don't ya worry...

    I already have one on me desk...

    I much prefer the David in Florence... he who defeated you Philistine champion... ;-)

    Feb 10th, 2019 - 09:50 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DemonTree

    There's something disturbing about the size when you see it next to a person.

    But even philistines know the David statue, I think I saw it in a Simpson's episode once.

    Feb 11th, 2019 - 12:38 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    The Simpsons....., huhhhhhh?
    I highly recommend seeing the David live in Firenze...
    With a bit of luck..., you may feel a tad of Stendhal's syndrome...

    Feb 11th, 2019 - 02:12 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DemonTree

    Lol, I haven't *only* seen it on the Simpsons. And someday I will go and look at it in real life, but it would be foolish to book flights right now when they could be cancelled thanks to the f**king Brexiters and our incompetent government. Italy has so many amazing things it's impossible to see them all or really take it all in. The Cairo museum gave me the same feeling, I only had a few hours there and it would have taken days to look at everything. They had about 3 times as much stuff as they could put on display.

    Feb 11th, 2019 - 11:02 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer

    “always wondered why Nelson's column is so tall....” the real vandals : pidgeons.

    Cont of “VZ SC bans” :
    Cuban doctors : see it as a secret deal, terms of which only leaked out after Dilma was impeached. Cuba pocketed 75%. Why the secrecy ? those who remained in Brazil were unanimous in declaring they were instructed to 'praise' Dilma / ‘n that many doctors were in fact ‘agents’ (to keep an eye on them). As in VZ.

    “So doesn't a lot of the money come back to Brazil anyway?” yes.“Odebt” got paid, the bribes were paid, ‘n “provided” Lula's friends keep their side of the deal, the BNDES might 'eventually' get paid. There are strong suspicions many loans were interest-free…so, BNDES loses, taxpayers lose, PT always profits.

    Don’t know enough abt the UK’s experience w/ State-owned Cos to discuss it, but here Congress /unions are against privatization, despite the Cos producing deficits, year after yr, because they won’t have somewhere to employ friends ‘n family. Why should we pay for govt inefficiency to benefit politicians /overpaid bureaucrats ?

    Presume there are federal laws that regulates mining (‘n storing iron ore tailings), but it’s the State’s responsibility to see they are obeyed.

    “Every article in every newspaper? Including this site”…you do realize B’s election has stirred up a panicky reaction from the left, don’t you ? that most MSM is biased towards the left ? MP is no example of independent reporting - it gets all it material from the MSM.

    But ok, you tell ME what BAD our ‘far-right’ president has done, rgdng removal/ altering / reduction of civil /social / labor rights, any differently to the last 20 years ? What characterizes B as a ‘far-right’ authoritarian ? the fact he is anti-PT ? So am I.

    I know you like yr moderate socialism, ‘n it seems to work - in the UK. What I'm criticizing is the MSM's insistence that B is ‘far-right’…why ? because he's vowed to fight crime, corruption & improve govt efficiency ? Stuff the PT went easy on ?

    Feb 11th, 2019 - 09:04 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DemonTree

    “There are strong suspicions many loans were interest-free”

    Do you still not know? Why haven't the terms been released to the public?

    “Why should we pay for govt inefficiency to benefit politicians /overpaid bureaucrats ?”

    You shouldn't. But you also shouldn't give public assets away to millionaires and multinationals. I presume they are keeping some things state-owned, what's the plan with Petrobras?

    “but it’s the State’s responsibility to see they are obeyed.”

    These disasters suggest it shouldn't be, maybe it's time the federal government took over.

    Re the media, MP seems to be biased against the left and towards the 'business friendly' centre-right like Macri, but it's true it gets most news from agencies.

    “What characterizes B as a ‘far-right’ authoritarian ? the fact he is anti-PT ?”

    Hardly. It's his support for the murdering, torturing military government, past comments about wanting a coup, plan to give the police licence to kill, putting generals in positions of power, and support for the anti-civil rights evangelical agenda. Oh, and how could I forget that he announced he wanted to force his political adversaries into exile or put them in jail. I can't think why the left is worried!

    Fighting crime, corruption & improving govt efficiency aren't right-wing positions, it would depend on how you go about it.

    Feb 11th, 2019 - 10:01 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer

    “Why haven't terms (of loans) been made public ?”…don’t know ; perhaps still restricted under Dilma’s freedom of information act ? even if so, when the BNDES black box is opened, we should find out.

    Re State-owned Cos, “giving away public assets” ? Public assets that literally do not benefit the public, ‘n are maintained at taxpayers’ expense ? get real…if not essential, and/or don’t produce a surplus, why hang onto them ?
    A few ‘strategic’ companies, as I’ve already mentioned (Itaipú hydroelectric), will be kept, others, even PB, can have a majority of private shareholders…as it did, in its prime (2001 -2007) b4 Lula decided to buy control (thru a dirty accounting gimmick , in which PB didn’t receive a cent).
    When State-owned Cos are sold, proceeds (should) return to public coffers, ‘n will presumably be used on something productive. As to the notion they are being “given away” to millionaire’s/ multinationals, you are completely misguided. The business groups that buy them, or invest as partners, are from the private sector yes, but with the know-how ‘n expertise to provide a far better service.
    You insist on comparing the UK to Brazil…Don’t !

    Mining disasters, State or Federal : the law is only as good as the people who are supposed to enforce it…and don’t know which was worse, MG or the PT admins. Why should the MSM be ‘friendly’ with ‘a’ side ? stick to the strict facts, ‘n when editorializing, make it clear it’s only an opinion.
    “murdering, torturing military govt”….clear you only know one side of the story…but even IF it were “murdering etc”, why far-right ? What about the murdering far-left in the USSR ?
    The “plans” etc, are published fm a leftist view…wait to see IF they are implemented. You’re too damn sensitive abt his rhetoric…the leftist MSM prints stuff out-of-context, just to throw sh*t in the fan…but WHO has he banned into exile ? or jailed ? name ONE.
    “Fighting crime...” exactly, not right-wing. But being tough, highly recommedable.

    Feb 12th, 2019 - 04:00 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DemonTree

    I wonder why Temer didn't release the loan details? There's no love lost between the PT and PMDB, you'd think he'd want to embarrass them further. Maybe the latter were actually involved in some way?

    “Public assets that literally do not benefit the public”

    I'm not saying they shouldn't privatise them if they aren't turning a profit, but if the private sector is willing to pay money for something, that makes it an asset. If the government then sells them for less than they're worth, that's screwing the taxpayer. You say I shouldn't compare, but if this corruption happens even in the UK, then what makes you think it won't happen in Brazil?

    At least there's an advantage over nationalising companies in that they can only steal from you once.

    “Why should the MSM be ‘friendly’ with ‘a’ side ?”

    IME TV news generally tries to be impartial (but doesn't always succeed), but newspapers usually have a bias depending on the editor/owner, and everyone buys the one they prefer. As long as they're not all biased the same way (and they're not), is it really a problem?

    “What about the murdering far-left in the USSR ?”

    If B supported them he'd be called far-left, or more likely a commie, but he doesn't. The military government was a right-wing dictatorship.

    “WHO has he banned into exile ?”

    No one (yet). One of your congressmen has in fact resigned and left the country, but he said it wasn't due to B's election but because he's been receiving death threats (you can guess who from). Since he belongs to the same party as Marielle Franco, he took them seriously.

    “But being tough, highly recommedable.”

    Being tough on crime is satisfying, in a 'getting what they deserve' way, but I would rather do what is most effective. That might be 'tough on crime' policies, or it might be something different. Or a combination of things.

    Feb 13th, 2019 - 12:24 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer

    Better ask Temer. He was already up to his neck in sh*t, and what would he gain except more grief from the PT in Congress ?
    Many state-owned cos, as they are, produce private hands, they'd produce a profit...(compare PB from 2001-2007 & post 2007 - I should know, I invested in PB).
    The amount paid for them by any taker, is the “market” value...if low, it only represents it's true worth. Brazil has privatized tens of dozens of State cos, so I'm quite familiar with how it works.

    Regarding the press' 'bias', wouldn't you say that most of MSM is biased towards the left ? or do you really believe it's 50/50 ? or tilts towards the right ?
    B was part of the military, and having a military background it is obvious he would support them, but my question here is why label the military regime as right-wing, instead of simply 'authoritarian' ? (which is synonymous with 'authority' it prevails within any military).

    “WHO has he banned into exile ? yr reply, ”No one (yet)” implies you think he will...let me tell you : virtually impossible, and based on experience in Brazil, he will not.
    That Congressman that 'resigned' acted like a spoiled child...showed some really disgusting behaviour...even went as far as spitting in Bolsonaro's face while B was giving a speech. But if he wants to leave, who cares ? there are suspicions, rumors - call them what you want - that he might be behind B's stabbing in September...the would-be-murderer used to belong to the PSOL (Wilys' party) and visited Congress days before the attempt. But B has nothing to to do with his cry-baby, emotional decision. Just saying.

    “...but I would rather do what is most effective.”.....there you go again....what is, or might be effective in Glasgow, or other big UK cities, would not be in Brazil. Looks like the penny still hasn't dropped, but fighting violent crime in Brazil is similar to fighting ISIS. They have no regard for life, so appealing to their inner decency, is useless.

    Feb 13th, 2019 - 06:24 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DemonTree

    “The amount paid for them by any taker, is the “market” value”

    All well and good, if true. As long as the price is determined fairly by the market instead of being sold off cheaply to allies, and as long as the government doesn't bail out the investors if it *doesn't* turn to to be profitable.

    Re press bias, I'd say of the broadsheets the Times and Telegraph are to the right, the Guardian to the left, and the Independent centrist, but they're all nearer the centre than than the tabloids, of which the Mirror is left-wing, while the Sun, Express and Daily Mail are right-wing. There's also a free paper, the Metro, which is produced by the same people as the Daily Mail but has a much different slant - probably centrist but mostly apolitical. The Sun has the biggest circulation, followed by the Daily Mail, then the Mirror.

    In short, I think the UK press is biased to the right, and surveys suggest other people agree. Maybe it's different in Brazil, but it seems unlikely given how much press opposition there was to the left-wing governments across Latin America.

    Why label the military regime right-wing? They hated communists and had conservative policies. What did they call themselves? For that matter, does B object to being called far-right? I'm sure he wouldn't claim to be centrist.

    Re Wyllys, the way I heard it, he spat at Bolsonaro after the later dedicated his vote against Dilma to the man who tortured her. That is truly disgusting behaviour. As for his 'cry-baby, emotional decision', Marielle Franco's bravery in speaking out against the militias didn't do her or Brazil much good. If Wyllys doesn't want to spend the next 4 years of his life in armoured cars, hiding behind a bodyguard, that's his choice. Maybe his replacement, Glenn Greenwald's husband, will be made of sterner stuff.

    And those rumours sound ever so convenient. Before B's election I recall rumours were blaming the PT, but now he's won discrediting them is no longer a priority.

    Feb 13th, 2019 - 09:27 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer

    “The amount paid for them by any taker, is the “market” value”...say you've had a car for 10 years, looked after it well, know it's in fantastic condition, and you think it's worth $ 10 x, but no one will pay more than 7x...a company is worth what someone is willing to pay for it, as what matters is its financial situation and /or profit potential.

    “... government doesn't bail out the investors if it *doesn't* turn to to be profitable”. Agree, it's a risk the investor takes. Doubt it'd happen today, but decades ago the Govt bailed out a few private companies on the verge of bankruptcy...when the companies failed completely, the government took them the 90s (if not mistaken), many were shut down or sold off, as it's not the government's business to compete with the private sector.

    In Brazil the MSM used to be fairly balanced.....during the PT years most of it became more slanted to the left...there were a few centre-right, and only recently (last 5 years ?) more have appeared. Watching a lot of news on TV, and reading some on the internet, I get a view of both sides, but find it recommendable to verify stuff that sounds exaggerated.

    Ok if you want to label them right-wing because “they hated communists and had conservative policies”, I must agree, BUT, I see nothing wrong with that.
    Don't belive B is particularly concerned what his opponents might think of him. He isn't claiming anything, except that he wants to restore order to the country.

    The fact B dedicated his vote to Cel. Ustra does not give Wyllys the right to spit on him...I'd have punched the little shit in the face, but Congress let him off with a rap on the knuckles. I think his decision has more behind it than his claim he's afraid for his life. I don't believe him. But it was Bolsonaro who was stabbed, not Wyllys, or any other leftie. If I were B, I'd want to find out whether Adelio Bispo was a lone wolf or if he was just the hit man. There are too many unanswered questions.

    Feb 14th, 2019 - 07:03 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DemonTree

    “a company is worth what someone is willing to pay for it”

    I agree with that, but what happened with the Royal Mail is more like you gave your car to a trusted friend to sell, who sold it for 7x and then it appeared on Ebay for 10x the very next day. You know you've been swindled and your 'friend' probably got a kickback.

    So I hope in Brazil your companies will be sold openly, and to the highest bidder.

    “Agree, it's a risk the investor takes.”

    Again, it *should* be. Our government bailed out the banks during the financial crisis, and when they reprivatised them, the taxpayer lost billions. I remember building channel tunnel cost more than expected and the company went bust... the government bailed out the investors. Why? They chose to take the risk and the taxpayers didn't, yet it was the latter who ended up losing money.

    “during the PT years most of it became more slanted to the left”

    Suppose it was due to not wanting to piss off the people in power. But it didn't stop your media criticising Dilma's government and publishing Moro's wiretaps. My impression is they don't like Bolsonaro OR Lula, but prefer the traditional centrist parties who are more likely to continue the status quo.

    “I must agree, BUT, I see nothing wrong with that.”

    So why reject the label? If you're right-wing you're right wing; is it only the 'far'-right part you object to?

    Re Wyllys, I cheered when I heard he'd done that. IMO B getting stabbed was almost karma for celebrating other people's suffering. Anyway, Bispo is in custody so the police can investigate all they want, but he must be pretty crazy to stab someone in the middle of a crowd, where he was sure to be arrested (if not lynched). If he was a hitman or in any way rational I'd expect him to try and get away. As for Wyllys fearing for his life, why not? Besides MF, you've told me about other politicians who've been assassinated, and he's got two targets on his back.

    Feb 14th, 2019 - 09:08 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer

    ““a company is worth what someone is willing to pay for it”

    ”I agree with that, but what happened......“
    D'you want a better example of public money being wasted, stolen, take a look at the Pasadena Refinery that PB bought...under Lula, while Dilma was Chairwoman of the Board...100% of the refinery had been bought for US$ 42.5 million two years before PB paid US$ 360 million for 50%....and then was obliged to spend another US$ 100 million modernizing it. A few years later, in view of the contract terms, it had to buy the remaining 50%...for US$ 800 million....1,25 trillion dollars...for a refinery worth less than 100 ....PB has just managed to sell it, for US$ 560 million....I'd say, at one hell of a profit. But in the original deal, who lost and who won ?

    ”Suppose it was due to not wanting to piss off the people in power.”....clearly, but very convenient....aren't the people not entitled to unbiased news ? When it became clear that Dilma was lame duck (which I have already explained), the MSM obviously became more objective...a matter of survival.
    You should know by now, I am not a fan of either extreme ideology, and it's a shame that most things today are plugged as left or I've said, a healthy economy can exist without extremes, so why not just forget ideology ? Why does agreeing with certain aspects of tradition, which might label me as conservative, have to be seen as bad ?
    The MSM misrepresents what it is against...

    Don't try to justify Bs stabbing as karma....afaic, very specific interests were behind it. Bispo had someone register him as entering Congress on the same day...perhaps trying to forge an alibi if he hadn't been caught red-handed ? who signed for him ? doesn't look like a lonewolf attack to me.
    Wyllys is known for hysterical drama...seeing him speak in Congress cnfrms all worked up, drooled while speaking, 'n you got the impression he thought it was him against the world. Afaic, he isn't mentally stable.

    Feb 15th, 2019 - 07:07 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DemonTree

    “look at the Pasadena Refinery ”

    Sounds like the same trick in reverse. Buy at an inflated price so your friends (and you) can benefit.

    “are the people not entitled to unbiased news”

    Yes, they are, but... newspapers and TV channels are run to make a profit, and are owned by people who have their own ideas that they may want to push. And if the government funds the media that's just another source of bias. If B had announced he'd stop giving money to ALL the media, rather than just those who've displeased him, I'd be happy. Probably having a wide variety of news sources owned by different people is your best bet, but there's no guarantee.

    “Why does agreeing with certain aspects of tradition, which might label me as conservative, have to be seen as bad ?”

    Conflicting goals, I think. If eg person A wants to legalise divorce and person B wants it banned, then they will each see the other as bad. From B's point of view A wants to increase the number of broken families in society, and from A's point of view B wants to force people to stay in unhappy marriages.

    “Bispo had someone register him as entering Congress on the same day”

    Who? Don't they keep a record or have CCTV in Congress? Shouldn't be that hard to find out. And I'm not trying to excuse Bispo for stabbing Bolsonaro, he deserves whatever the punishment is in Brazil for attempted murder. It just strikes me as a bit of a 'live by the sword, die by the sword' sort of thing.

    I found the video of the impeachment vote, with Bolsonaro and Wyllys speaking, and they both seemed to be ranting. B got booed a couple of times, which I assume was due to his comments about the torturer. Wyllys probably wouldn't have won Big Brother if he wasn't good at drama (did you watch it?), but maybe he does think it's him against the world. Brazil is dangerous enough for anyone, but more so for him.

    Feb 16th, 2019 - 12:43 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer

    ““look at the Pasadena Refinery ”....Sounds like the same trick in reverse.....”

    Yeah, sounds like corruption at it best.... a US$ 1,2 billion overprice. Where did it go ? You may think not, but I think, to the PT and cronies. According to Palocci, Dilma's re-election campaign in 2014 cost R$ 800 million, more than 25% of the whole “Fundo Partidário”, and a damn sight more than was declared by the PT...smell fishy ?

    “Yes, they are, but... newspapers and TV channels are run to make a profit, and are owned by people who have their own ideas that they may want to push”....fully agree, but turning a profit should not mean twisting the facts.

    “And if the government funds the media that's just another source of bias”....Bolsonaro is treating all group is being spared, or favoured. It's simply a policy to reduce improductive expense.

    “Conflicting goals, I think.....” yes, people are different, and human nature can be pretty shitty.....I know it's impossible to please everyone all the time, but whatever decision prevails, should be balanced.

    Regarding Bispo, as the investigation is ongoing, not much has been divulged, but unless Bispo wants to be a martyr, he'll squeal.

    I watched parts of the 1st edition, abt 15 years ago....just a waste of time, so gave it up.
    Got glimpses of later editions here and there, when the TV channel advertised it......IMO, the participants (at least here) act like pimps and whores. As Wyllis never went to the slums in Rio to speak out against the drug dealers and the ‘militia’, as Marielle did, I doubt there were any real threats…afaic, until proved otherwise, Wyllys is involved, and his timely ‘escape’ to Uruguay, which has been reluctant on the extradition of Brazilians, makes it all the more suspicious.

    Feb 16th, 2019 - 04:47 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DemonTree

    “Where did it go ?”

    Probably most to the PT's election campaigns.

    “turning a profit should not mean twisting the facts.”

    It shouldn't, but who's to stop them when the only way to check is via the media? If two sources disagree then people just choose which to believe. And youtube videos and facebook articles are even worse; mostly created by people with an axe to grind, and nothing to stop them wildly exaggerating, misrepresenting real incidents or even making things up out of whole cloth.

    Has B ended government spending on advertising or not?

    “whatever decision prevails, should be balanced.”

    I guess it should. Seems lately people have decided those who disagree with them don't just have different beliefs but are actually evil, and ideological purity is more important than integrity and competence. But maybe that was always the case?

    “unless Bispo wants to be a martyr, he'll squeal.”

    Bispo claimed he attacked B 'at the command of God', so seems likely he *does* want to be a martyr. But we'll see when they finally finish investigating. The crime didn't need planning or special equipment; he attacked B among a crowd at a public rally with a knife he brought from home, so easy enough for Bispo to do alone. But suppose he really is crazy, and an acquaintance spent a lot of time telling him B was a terrible person, it would be disastrous for Brazil if he was elected, etc etc... but never even suggested Bispo should try to harm him. Has that acquaintance committed a crime?

    “until proved otherwise, Wyllys is involved”

    No innocent until proven guilty? I believe he got death threats, even bloggers who write about controversial issues get the most vile threats of death, torture and rape against them and their families these days, so I'm sure a politician campaigning over similar issues would not escape. Whether the threats came from 'internet tough guys', or people who represent a real danger is unknown.

    I wonder how Wyllys will support himself in Uruguay?

    Feb 17th, 2019 - 10:49 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer

    “Probably most to the PT's election campaigns” you agree ?

    MSM is complicated, but the fact tt today you need to check all yr info, stinks....a lot of news is contaminated by idelogy, when not fake. Don't follow FB except for finding friends, 'n don't post personal information.

    B's rationalizing govt advertising....spending millions to convince the public it's doing what it isn't, should be something of the past....PB for example, sponsored well known artists in cinema & theatre more it will now direct its quota for culture, to educational projects for poor children in areas it has refineries. The Rounet Law (funded by corporate income tax), to promote culture, used to loosely hand out fortunes to well-known, rich artists, who in turn, blindly supported the more, now it will only help artists starting their careers.

    “...and ideological purity is more important than integrity 'n competence”. The ideology purity shit only became an issue in the mid-90s, when the PT became a force to be reckoned with. It was the first party to act more like a cult than anything else...either you agree with me, or else...

    “Bispo claimed he attacked B at the command of God”....this “I heard voices” defence is crap... may sensitize some, but not me. God told me, so that's it ? a lot like Lula's eternal “I don't know anything about it”. Bispo had been unemployed for some time, had very little cash...yet he had enough to move around, pay for his board, had a mobile & computer, 'n a 'rich' mans' lawyer rushed to defend come ? If he was indeed a nobody, why ? I'm not so prepared to believe he's no more than a nut case, and if someone was egging him on, w/o actually 'instructing' him, still believe they could be found guilty.

    “No innocent until proven guilty?”, legally, of course innocent until proved guilty, but already under suspicion. Why were the threats unheard of until he stepped down ?
    Believe he's a journalist 'n a univ professor.

    Feb 17th, 2019 - 08:40 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DemonTree

    “so you agree ?”

    Yes. The parties all spend so much it seems impossible they could have come by the money honestly.

    “the fact tt today you need to check all yr info, stinks”

    Don't look at it that way. In the past there was no way to check and you didn't know when they were misleading you, or hiding something, but that doesn't mean they didn't do it. And I forgot that most of the fake news in Brazil is on Whatsapp, safe from oversight and checking.

    When you said government spending on advertising, I didn't think you meant arts and culture. But sounds like B hasn't stopped 'spending millions to convince the public it's doing what it isn't', only redirected the money. Is that right?

    Re ideological purity, I was thinking of America more than Brazil. The two parties throwing out members for saying the wrong thing or not being radical enough. Recently there has been a lot of fuss about 'RINO's, for example.

    “he had enough to move around, pay for his board, had a mobile & computer, 'n a 'rich' mans' lawyer rushed to defend him”

    The police must be investigating those things. But surely they know who's paying his lawyer; have none of the papers reported on that?

    If Bispo's not crazy and someone paid him to do it, why do you think he used a method where he had very little chance of escape? As for the 'egging on', don't politicians do that kind of thing often enough? Trump is always calling the press enemies of the people, and then one of his supporters attacks a BBC cameraman at his rally. Was that Trump's fault? How about the MAGA bomber?

    “Why were the threats unheard of until he stepped down ?”

    They weren't:

    And is Wyllys under suspicion anywhere except social networks? Have the police or prosecutors said anything at all?

    What did he go on Big Brother for if he was a university professor?

    Feb 17th, 2019 - 10:35 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer

    “Don't look at it that way…” Ok, you’ve got a point there. I’ve seen plenty of fake news on Whatsapp, but I usually check it out (if it interests me).

    “…sounds like B hasn't stopped 'spending millions to convince the public it's doing what it isn't', only redirected the money. Is that right?” Wrong. We no longer see federal propaganda on TV, or in papers, which is where the billions went.
    I think tt political parties, instead of solving problems, ARE the problem. Their constant bickering is the cause of ungovernableness.

    Bispo’s lawyers refuse to divulge who hired them…they allege lawyer/client confidentiality, but in this case it’s doubtful it applies, as who is paying for the lawyers should not be confidential…believe that in the US, in high-profile corruption/mafia cases, lawyers have to disclose where the fees come from…to avoid use of illicit funds.

    “why do you think he used a method where he had very little chance of escape?”
    I think you’d have to ask him, but if he’d used a gun, it could’ve been traced back to someone (?). Sure politicians 'egg on', ‘n when there's a visible link between that ‘n some crime, it’s investigated. If the investigation leads anywhere, is another story.
    Someone clearly deranged acting on an impulse, is different to some politician instigating a person with the intent to get them to commit a crime. And if a politicians openly defends it’d be a good idea to kill A,B or C , he can be held responsible for his declarations even if a crime isn’t committed.

    If they’d proved the MAGA bomber had conspired with one of Trump’s aides, then yes, I think Trump would be in trouble, but if proven to be a lone wolf ?

    Re yr link on Wyllys (Monica Bergamo) it does not even remotely refer to any “specific” threat…all very vague - could easily be invented, to create a situation, which he could take advantage of later on. The investigation is confidential.

    Big Brother ? 'cause he's a dickhead who was trying to win R$ 1.5 million.

    Feb 18th, 2019 - 07:18 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DemonTree

    “We no longer see federal propaganda on TV, or in papers, which is where the billions went.”

    Is there anything saying what they've cut? I tried googling but couldn't find anything except the original story that B was cutting spending to FdSP etc because they were opposed to him.

    “Bispo’s lawyers refuse to divulge who hired them”

    It does seem strange in this case that they're allowed to keep it secret. Even if we knew, it wouldn't definitely prove anything, though.

    ““why do you think he used a method where he had very little chance of escape?” I think you’d have to ask him”

    I'd say it's because he didn't care what happened to him as long as he got Bolsonaro. Not what a hired killer would do, but how someone with a strong conviction might act. And maybe guns are hard for ordinary people in Brazil to get hold of anonymously (are they? Don't you have one?), but then why not just hire a criminal to do it? They have no problem getting weapons and it's not like Brazil is short of killers.

    “If a politicians openly defends it’d be a good idea to kill A,B or C , he can be held responsible for his declarations even if a crime isn’t committed.”

    I don't think that's true in America because of their free speech laws, but maybe in Brazil. IMO Trump and some past Republicans are guilty of egging on the deranged, but it's not direct and probably not a crime. Besides, Trump has immunity right now, as long as the Republican senate is unwilling to impeach him.

    Re Wyllys, the police could easily check whether Congress agreed to pay for an armoured car for him, and look at what evidence he showed them, months before the attack on Bolsonaro. But for all we know they have other leads and aren't even looking in that direction. Sounds like the only suspicions are on Whatsapp.

    Will you be disappointed if it turns out the PT had nothing to do with the attack?

    “cause he's a dickhead”

    Why d'you hate him so much? You think he's guilty? Or did you already dislike him before?

    Feb 18th, 2019 - 08:50 pm - Link - Report abuse 0

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