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Bolsonaro learning the hard way: family and politics don't mix

Monday, February 18th 2019 - 09:57 UTC
Full article 96 comments

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, one of his politician sons and his ultraconservative party were embroiled in a crisis on Sunday over a campaign finance scandal threatening the leader's anti-corruption image. The 63-year-old far-right president, who is just six weeks into his mandate, spoke with top officials in his government on Friday and Saturday to try to draw a line under the affair, after key allies turned on him. Read full article


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  • DemonTree

    ”I never imagined he would be such a weak president,”

    Somehow I don't think comments like that are gonna help Bebianno save his job! Interesting plot twist for the 'Bolsonaro family soap opera', though.

    Eduardo should beware of Bannon, if the latter is truly a nationalist then by definition he's working for US interests, not Brazil's.

    Feb 18th, 2019 - 09:57 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • :o))

    REF: ”I never imagined he would be such a weak president”

    It's too early to stop dancing on the street, stop rocket launching & bursting crackers. All one needs to do is to join THE Church to become a parish of followers, believers:

    Feb 18th, 2019 - 10:17 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DemonTree

    And who's Magno Malta?

    Mind you, it's a bit unfair to call B weak when he's been in hospital with pneumonia. But he should tell his kids to STFU about things that aren't their job.

    Feb 18th, 2019 - 05:59 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • :o))


    REF: “he's been in hospital with pneumonia”:

    True - physically weak of course but historically viewing, he appears to be mentally weak - I was told. That's why he is unable to say STFU to his own [?] sons!

    Besides, man is known by the company he keeps:

    Feb 18th, 2019 - 07:29 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DemonTree

    Wow, that's quite a list of accusations. It's not a wonder Magno is keen to get back into government after losing the election. But what's in it for B to give him immunity? Pleasing the homophobic evangelical block?

    I'm amused he lost the election to a gay candidate, maybe Brazil is modernising despite their efforts.

    Feb 18th, 2019 - 09:19 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • :o))


    Well, actually, the accusations are ongoing! :o))

    You guessed right!

    He is the Voice of the Big Boss & belongs to the Omnipotent Evangelical Block which guarantees his not-too-clandestine entry through the backdoor; as he couldn't enter through the “Front-Gates”. Above all, being neck-deep in the Evangelical Sh*t; The Big Boss dare not neglect him! Now you got the whole picture! :o))

    Feb 19th, 2019 - 01:47 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DemonTree

    Amazing, isn't it, how these evangelicals (and Catholics) oppose gay marriage but are happy to support a leader who's been divorced and remarried twice. Which do you think is more damaging to the institution of marriage, society, and kids: letting two people of the same sex marry, or easy and common divorce?

    Feb 19th, 2019 - 09:42 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • :o))


    REF: how these churches oppose gay marriage but are happy to support a leader who's been divorced and remarried twice:

    Twice “officially” you mean [not counting the calves, goats, etc].

    Replying to your questions in the reverse order:

    Q: What is most damaging to the institution of marriage?

    Q: What's in it for B to give him immunity?
    A: Birds of the SAME feather..........................

    Feb 19th, 2019 - 10:13 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer

    DT (Contn of “Lula in new corruption conviction...”)

    “ “once a communist, always a communist”…don't believe that's true at all”.

    I do, a tiger doesn’t change its stripes….people may adapt to what they don’t necessarily agree with, due to circumstances, but I don’t believe they'll forget their innermost convictions.
    As they grow older they might become more pragmatic, but that does not mean they’ll change their convictions......except when perhaps, in a life/death type of situation you suddenly “see the light”.
    Of course there may be exceptions (at least apparently), but how d’you know the change wasn't only for “convenience's” sake ?…which plays a big role in Brazilian politics.
    As I’ve said b4, most politicians converge closer to centre after elected, because they know the extremes don’t work.

    Brizola, from humble parents (rural workers), worked his way up, studied engineering, became a politician (invited by the RS governor to be Secretary of “Public Works”, overseeing the construction of sanitation 'n highways…a great job if you like bribes), met Goulart, married his sister and into money, but when he fled Brazil, how much of his wife’s inherited assets - mainly land in RS - could he take with him ? There's no record of his wife owning land in Uruguay, so he had to have stolen enough to establish himself there.

    Shortly after the coup in '64, a reporter from “Veja” magazine, having ‘heard’ rumors of a large farm belonging to Brizola in Uruguay, which virtually no one knew of, decided to investigate. He went to Uruguay, found the property, but was threatened by the caretaker 'n told to get out. He submitted his story, his bosses loved it but couldn’t publish it - Brizola had called the magazine owner, threatening to sue if one word was printed. Why ? Everything points to big scale corruption while a politician in RS, which financed his cattle farming in Uruguay.
    Just another common story in Brazilian politics.

    Feb 19th, 2019 - 06:56 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    Jack Bauer aka Proof-less and Truth-less
    “There was nothing to misinterpret”
    These four are just a small example of Jack Bauer's constant lying.
    JB “There was nothing to misinterpret in Gen. Heleno's .. post..there was no journalist 'inbetween' to get things did that, all by yourself. ...then, kept on insisting you were right. ... you LIAR”
    “Mourão, together with General Augusto Heleno, were Brazil’s top military commanders in its disastrous intervention in Haiti. According to international observers and human rights organizations, they are responsible for massacring dozens of civilians in the slums of Port au Prince in 2006. Now, they stand close to the highest political office in Brazil.”
    Bolsonaro’s Most Dangerous Supporters by Aldo Cordeiro/Sauda Benjamin Fogel

    Feb 19th, 2019 - 07:15 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DemonTree

    There's a common belief that people who are radical when young get more conservative as they age. Probably partly because young people have little to lose, but once they get jobs and houses and families they no longer want to rock the boat. I remember when I was at university, the student Conservative party was nearly as small as the Socialist Workers. Yet their votes certainly don't split that way once they leave.

    I reckon most people are fairly set in their views by the time they enter politics, but the 'revolutionaries' from the 60s were young and crazy - just the sort who might end up disillusioned.

    “how much of his wife’s inherited assets - mainly land in RS - could he take with him ?”

    I daresay there was someone in the family who could sell the land in Brazil and send them the money. Did Brizola's wife go into exile with him?

    I did some googling but can't find anything one way or the other. No way to prove whether he was corrupt or just married into money and made more by farming, investing it etc.

    I wonder why the magazine backed down due to a threat from an out-of-favour, exiled politician? Would he really have got far in Brazilian courts?

    Feb 19th, 2019 - 09:15 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • :o))

    Imagine the dirt hidden under the political carpet which can NEVER be cleaned [neither will the dirt vanish]:

    Feb 19th, 2019 - 11:01 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer

    “There's a common belief that people who are radical when young get more conservative as they age”......Sounds right.
    “the 'revolutionaries' from the 60s were young 'n crazy ...”.....far from only 'young 'n crazy'....they were dangerous radicals trying to topple a government....and most of them still believe they were right.

    “I daresay there was someone in the family who could sell the land in Brazil....” nothing's impossible, but after (Jango 'n ) Brizola fled, the military opened up an investigation into how the assets were obtained - not sure how it ended. Presume Brizola's wife eventually joined him.

    Given the public jobs he held, it's very unlikely he resisted the temptation to fill his always try to find the 'good' in people, despite the chances of it being zero. Taking a realistic look at his biography, it's highly unlikely he was an 'honest John'.

    “Would he really have got far in Brazilian courts?” probably not, wouldn't have a case ; but I doubt he ever threatened to prosecute - how would he if the story was true ? - far more likely to kill the owner - which he'd have no trouble in carrying out, and far more effective.

    Just 60 secs on the useful idiot - Looks like he has had another relapse, once again insisting Mourão served in Haiti....(better increase his medication.)

    His source : “Jacobin : a socialist quarterly magazine based in N.York offering biased socialist 'n anti-capitalist perspectives on politics, economics and culture from the American left”...but he laps it up...

    Mourão spent 1 week in Haiti, on an official visit to Gen. Heleno. Besides Jacobin being left-wing, looks like they, same as the idiot, don't understand Portuguese either.

    Terry's most recent lies : 1) Mourão served in Haiti; 2) Gen Heleno referred to Mourão as his commanding officer; 3) Bolsonaro's wife was 'weak'....he still insists he didn't lie, and when he grudgingly admits he did, he blames the journalists....amazing.

    Feb 20th, 2019 - 06:29 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DemonTree

    “most of them still believe they were right”

    Right to try to topple the dictatorship, or right to use violence, rob banks etc?

    If the military investigated Jango and Brizola, I'm surprised there was no result. Wouldn't they want to discredit them in the eyes of their supporters if they could prove corruption? But maybe the new government was working with the 'bribers' and needed to keep them on side.

    “you always try to find the 'good' in people”

    Except Bolsonaro. You'd like me to try harder to find the good in him, right?

    “I doubt he ever threatened to prosecute”

    You said Brizola called up threatening to sue. Killing the owner is whole different kettle of piranhas; what makes you think he could or would?

    RE the Idiot, he believes anything he reads that confirms his beliefs, no matter who biased or unreliable the source, and ignores all the evidence that proves him wrong. He's just a crackpot, similar to creationists and flat-earthers. I wish he would adopt different views, since his 'support' can only help the opposite side in any dispute.

    Feb 20th, 2019 - 08:02 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    Jack Bauer aka Proof-less and Truth-less
    ”Besides ... (Terry's most recent lies : 1) Mourão served in Haiti; 2) Gen Heleno referred to Mourão as his commanding officer;)“ nothing you are well and truly caught with your pants down. I have now revealed four occasions where where I can prove you lied, plus this instance makes five. JB “ ... in Gen. Heleno's .. post..there was no journalist 'inbetween' to get things wrong..”
    “Haiti, Mourão, together with General Augusto Heleno, were Brazil’s top military commanders in its disastrous intervention in Haiti.”
    ”My unrestricted support for my longtime friend and respected military chief (Mourão), “wrote Augusto Heleno, on Facebook”
    By (JB)'chief', Heleno did not mean ”boss”. I'm sure that every one else world would know that chief means boss, it's not subordinate, or equal. So by deductive logic it cannot mean anything but boss. Incidentally, my thesaurus shows that chief does mean boss. chief noun boss”.
    Dictionary Version 2.2.2 (203) Copyright © 2005-2017 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.

    Feb 20th, 2019 - 09:00 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DemonTree

    Missing the point as usual. Mourão was *A* military chief, but that doesn't mean he was *Heleno's* chief. If I wrote on Facebook about my long time friend and respected CEO Bob, that doesn't mean I work for Bob. Pull your head out of a dictionary and start thinking for once.

    Feb 20th, 2019 - 11:36 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    DemonTree the slavish follower aka The Appendage
    JB “Mourão spent 1 week in Haiti, on an official visit to Gen. Heleno.” That is simply a command review by his immediate superior. Senior officers don't go off the reservation and review military areas that are not under their jurisdiction, and he certainly wasn't on a social visit. That is why professional journalists wrote “Haiti, Mourão, together with General Augusto Heleno, were Brazil’s top military commanders in its disastrous intervention in Haiti.” You forget I'm familiar with military protocol, neither of you clowns are. Try to be original and don't simply parrot someone else's pretensions.

    Feb 21st, 2019 - 05:50 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • :o))

    REF: $270 billion pension savings:

    W0W! If goes through; that'll be a hell of a lot of more public funds to steal from, within just a few years!

    Feb 21st, 2019 - 10:42 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DemonTree

    @The Liar
    So now you're claiming you are right again, despite admitting in the past the information came from a 'poorly written and ambiguous' source. You have zero integrity.

    Feb 21st, 2019 - 10:51 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    DemonTree the slavish follower aka The Appendage
    “you're claiming you are right again” I really couldn't care a less which of the possible options prevails. As its side issue in an attempt to muddy the waters concerning his deliberate fabrications.
    Jack Bauer aka Proof-less and Truth-less
    JB “Mourão served in Haiti;” Thats your invention, because I never claimed that.
    Do you ever intend too be truthful bozo? We know the answer from at your record.

    Feb 21st, 2019 - 11:36 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DemonTree

    More lies from Terry. Here's where you claimed Mourão served in Haiti:

    “Mourão,together with General Augusto Heleno, were Brazil’s top military commanders in its disastrous intervention in Haiti.”

    “I really couldn't care a less which of the possible options prevails”

    Hahahahaha, yeah right. You just can't stand admitting you're wrong, that's why you keep arguing long after it's abundantly clear to everyone that you are talking bullshit.

    Re Wyllys, I found the report on his complaint to the OAS that Brazil was not doing enough to protect him and his family. It says they were given copies of the threatening messages as well as translations such as the following:

    - “Lo voy a matar a usted y a toda su familia si usted no renuncia al cargo”.
    - Usted puede estar protegido, pero su familia no. ¿Ya pensó en ver a sus familiares violados y sin cabeza?
    [..] Ya tengo todos los datos y horarios de toda su familia. Ellos no tienen protección como usted. ¿Ya se
    detuvo para pensar en eso? Piense mejor, bixona, usted es gay, nordestino y negro, pero no es burro. No
    tengo nada que perder. Si usted me jode, mato a su familia entera y después me meto una bala en mi
    cabeza. ¡Mantente atento!
    - Voy a Río y sé dónde vives y frecuenta. Te voy a esperar.
    - Jean Wyllys, vamos a acabar con usted y su familia. Vamos a dedicarnos íntegramente a ello”.

    TBH, if he claimed he had never received threats I'd find that harder to believe. The only question is whether they were the reason (or the sole reason) for his decision to resign his seat and leave Brazil.

    Feb 21st, 2019 - 12:05 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    DemonTree the slavish follower aka The Appendage
    “Mourão,together with General Augusto Heleno, were Brazil’s top military commanders in its disastrous intervention in Haiti.”
    The only lie is you as that claim came from the Jacobin article which is cited at this link, as you already know.http://en.mercopress. com/2019/02/18/bolsonaro-learning-the-hard-way-family-and-politics-don-t-mix/comments#comment498292
    http://en.merobinmag. com/2018/10/bolsonaro-military-pt-haiti-lava-jato-lula
    “You just can't stand” that your bosom lying buddy has been exposed multiple times. While that is fait accompli you soldier on
    as accessory after the fact, nice sucking. But no surprise your cut from the same cloth as JB.

    Feb 21st, 2019 - 03:51 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer

    “Right to topple dictatorship, right to use violence, rob banks ?” All of them. Not once did any of them go public to express regret over past actions. Much to the contrary.

    “I'm surprised there was no result. Wouldn't they want to discredit them....? maybe the new govt was working with the 'bribers' 'n needed to keep them on side”.
    The military had no need to 'try to discredit' them...they were gone for good. As to not being able to prove anything - don't know, nothing was made public - back then that sort of investigation was virtually non-existent, no expertise or technology, so it would've been hard ....and v. unlikely the military would have any interest in “maintaining” ties with corrupt politicians/ businessmen in RS.

    “Except Bolsonaro. You'd like me to try harder to find the good in him, right?” Wrong. You try hard as hell to find excuses for the left, downplay their actions....and criticize the right for even a rumor of a suspicion....I respectfully suggest you interpret the facts without getting carried away.

    “You said Brizola called up threatening to sue”....yes I did....which was the “Veja's” version When you asked if it would go anywhere in court, I said I doubted it - 'n that I also doubted such version, as knowing Brizola, a death threat would be more likely...'n effective.
    “Could” : All powerful political families in the 60s had connections in the darkest places -anything could be arranged, for a price ; “Would” : Brizola had every reason under the sun to want to keep a low profile...he didn't want to become the centre of attention.

    The idiot insists I lied when I wrote “in Gen. Heleno's .. post..there was no journalist 'inbetween' to get things wrong..” : EXACTLY....Heleno posted his message on FB. He, TH, then goes on to confirm per his 'deductive logic'. Re Mourão/Haiti, his “...he certainly wasn't on a social visit”....he WAS.

    Re Wyllys, why weren't ALL these threats divulged locally, before Jan 2019 ? very strange.

    Feb 21st, 2019 - 04:04 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    Jack Bauer aka Proof-less and Truth-less
    “The ... insists I lied when I wrote in Gen. Heleno's.” Which I proved at All is revealed and you left without a thread of credibility, well deserved. Keep on lying and I'll keep on revealing the proof of them.

    Feb 21st, 2019 - 04:33 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    Jack & DemonTree

    Terrence Hill is nothing more than a “useful idiot” which was the attitude held by Lenin towards his idiot communist sympathizers. Intelligent Marxists use idiots like Terry as tools for dispensing their propaganda.

    Feb 21st, 2019 - 04:41 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    You must have a few minutes between your chores on the farm.

    Feb 21st, 2019 - 04:54 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    Comrade Terry

    It is an especially bitter cold Canadian miserable day outside your Mother's basement while you pathetically comment about your “poverty stricken” mestizo campesino who's suffering another beautiful warm Summers day in a “destroyed and failed” country without “clean drinking water”...

    Look, I've attached a picture of your idol:

    Feb 21st, 2019 - 05:35 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DemonTree

    And I suppose they all deny having killed anyone, much like Dilma?

    “The military had no need to 'try to discredit' them”

    When a junta took power in Uruguay too, Brizola had to flee to the US to avoid being handed over to Brazil. The fact the military joined in with Operation Condor shows they were still worried about their enemies. And as for maintaining ties with the corrupt, it's the easiest way to get things done in Brazil. Those big construction firms have been powerful for decades, through dictatorship and democracy and a dozen Presidents.

    “You try hard as hell to find excuses for the left”

    So do you for the right. You're convinced Flavio, who is under investigation for suspicious payments (or was, until he used his immunity to get it suspended) is innocent, while Wyllys, who has been accused of precisely nothing, must be guilty. All based on rumours about a favourite target of fake news.

    I doubt the threats were considered particularly newsworthy until Wyllys responded so dramatically. They're common for all public figures who do anything the least bit controversial, and it seems LGBT issues are *very* controversial in Brazil.

    Probably most threats are empty, but there are always a few deranged people out there, like Bispo, who will try to carry them out.

    Brizola is another example. You think he would coolly arrange the murder of an editor who crossed him? Based on what? Is he known to have done anything remotely similar?

    As for the Liar, he's trying to have it both ways by blaming the journalist for getting it wrong, and then insisting the journalist was right. What an idiot.

    Useful for you, since he makes liberals look bad by association. I wish he was into creationism or perpetual motion machines or something, rather than blundering around giving logic and debate a bad name. When posters here use logical fallacies I can't point it out for fear of sounding like him. :(

    Feb 21st, 2019 - 05:58 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    Chicureo the flamer
    “who's suffering another beautiful warm Summers day in a “destroyed and failed” country without “clean drinking water”...
    Another beautiful day on the farm, did you finish the milking?
    ”Driest June in Santiago in fifty years worsens pollution in the midst of Copa America match ... leading to unexpected headache-inducing levels of contamination“
    DemonTree the slavish follower aka The Appendage
    ”As for the Liar,” it's all right I have proved what I claim is true, and what you claim is false; while you are unable to prove the contrary. Happy sucking.

    Feb 21st, 2019 - 06:41 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    Terrence has truthfully exposed my poor pitiful nation as being one of the driest on Earth. It also is one of the wettest on the planet as well. Sometimes in Santiago we have serious days with contaminated air.

    In six minutes I can show everyone how terrible it is here:


    Feb 21st, 2019 - 07:07 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    Chicureo aka the fascista
    “who's suffering another beautiful warm Summers day in a “destroyed and failed” country without “clean drinking water”...
    Apparently your capital.
    The Chilean journal Apsi reports:
    ”The liquid that emerges from the millions of faucets in the homes and alleys of Santiago have levels of copper, iron, magnesium and lead which exceed by many times the maximum tolerable norms. [The lands that] supply the fruits and vegetables of the Metropolitan Region are irrigated with waters that exceed by 1000 times the maximum quantity of coliforms acceptable. [This is why Santiago] has levels of hepatitis, typhoid, and parasites which are not seen in any other part of the continent.”
    The problem is not limited to Santiago. Half the country has become a desert under misguided industrial and environmental policies.

    Feb 21st, 2019 - 07:11 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    Water? Who drinks water when you can irrigate vineyards instead. We rehydrate ourselves with endless goblets of wine, which has a purifying effect neutralizing our toxic habitat.

    Feb 21st, 2019 - 08:58 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    Chicureo aka the fascista
    “You can irrigate vineyards instead ... which has a purifying effect” must be a local anomaly. As ”[The lands that] supply the fruits and vegetables of the Metropolitan Region are irrigated with waters that exceed by 1000 times the maximum quantity of coliforms acceptable. [This is why Santiago] has levels of hepatitis, typhoid, and parasites which are not seen in any other part of the continent.”

    Feb 21st, 2019 - 09:14 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DemonTree

    Luckily the copper, iron, magnesium and lead kill the bacteria, that's the only reason people can survive in such a toxic location.

    Feb 21st, 2019 - 09:32 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer

    “suppose they all deny having killed anyone, much like Dilma?” None ever admitted as much, so guess I'll just have to keep on wondering who murdered their opponents in the 60s.

    “Brizola had to flee to US to avoid being handed over to Brazil. Fact the military joined in with Operation Condor shows they were still worried abt their enemies.”

    Didn't say the military weren't keeping an eye on Brizola - said they had no need to discredit him.

    Regarding Flavio B, who hasn't been formally charged of anything - yet - I'm not convinced one way or the other...until he presents proof his real-estate transactions are legitimate, or the prosecutors prove they weren't (more like it), I'm not blindly defending anyone. And just one correction : immunity only covers his current mandate, not b4...'n had nothing to do with his request to the STF.
    Also, I didn't say Wyllis was guilty - though I do think he's a piece of shit - regardless of ideology, or sexual preference - that's why I think he could have easily invented the threats ...besides, he never stuck his neck out, speaking against the militias, as Marielle did. Drama is Wyllys' thing...perhaps you should watch a few videos of him in Congress. Despite LGBT issues being contoversial here, I doubt any one would want to kill him over it.

    “...You think Brizola would coolly arrange the murder of an editor who crossed him?” YES. Politically motivated murders were/are quite common in Brazil....of course, compared to the UK....don't think it couldn't, or wouldn't have happened. Considering with whom he associated, and his nickname “old 'caudilho' ”, you can be sure he was not a man who liked to be crossed.

    The useful idiot claims I lied when I said there was no journalist mixed up in Gen.Heleno's FB post....then, he confirms there wasn' who's the liar ? He's told so many lies he can't even keep track of them...he then claims he's proved, erhh...exactly what ? and resumes his 'sucking'. 'Suck away Terry' !!

    Feb 21st, 2019 - 10:14 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo


    Absolutely correct! Plus, we mestizos eat lots of very healthy and delicious avocados that helps neutralize the numerous diseases we suffer from.

    By the way, as there is no established commercial avocado production in China, the demand for Chilean avocados in China as well as many other countries is experiencing tremendous growth.

    We are intensely removing many toxic metals from our contaminated soil and exporting them away. Sort of an enourmous enviromental cleaning project...

    Feb 21st, 2019 - 10:15 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    Jack Bauer aka Proof-less and Truth-less
    Mourão, was first referenced by me first at,
    His FB obviously doesn't involve a journalist, whereas the original post clearly does. The latter was so acknowledged as follows:
    ”My unrestricted support for my longtime friend and respected military chief (Mourão), “wrote Augusto Heleno, on Facebook”
    By (JB)“chief', Heleno did not mean ”boss”. I'm sure that every one else world would know that 'chief' does mean boss, it's not subordinate, or equal. So by deductive logic it cannot mean anything but, superior. Incidentally, my thesaurus shows that 'chief' does mean 'boss'. chief noun boss”.
    Dictionary Version 2.2.2 (203) Copyright © 2005-2017 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.

    Feb 21st, 2019 - 11:31 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    Terence Hill aka Use-less and Idiot-ful
    Mourão, was never even referenced by Terry but lied instead.
    Terrt's FB lists him as a transgender social justice warrior and doesn't involve a journalist, whereas the original post clearly does. His asinine behavior was so acknowledged as follows:
    ”My unrestricted support for my longtime friend and respected Marxist criminal incarcerated in a hell hole. confirmed by Augusto Heleno, on Facebook”
    By (JB)“chief', Lula did not mean that every one else world would know that 'theif”does mean boss, it's not subordinate, or equal. So by deductive logic it cannot mean anything but, superior. Incidentally, my thesaurus shows that 'chief' does mean 'boss'. chief noun boss”.
    Dictionary Version 2.6-2 (203) Copyright © 2005-2017 daily worker Inc. All rights reserved.

    Feb 22nd, 2019 - 01:34 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    Chicureo aka the fascista
    Your back milking again, so babble on little brook.
    “Almost all absurdity of conduct arises from the imitation of those who we cannot resemble” Samuel Johnson
    I don't know what makes you so dumb but it really works.
    I wouldn't want you to think I wasn't paying attention, but frankly I've had more interesting bowel movements.

    Feb 22nd, 2019 - 01:53 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • :o))

    REF: $270 billion pension savings:

    Feb 22nd, 2019 - 08:40 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DemonTree

    “We are intensely removing many toxic metals from our contaminated soil and exporting them away.”

    Ah yes, it's so kind of China to accept all that toxic copper, lithium and molybdenum.

    China's a big country, though. They've already started producing their own wines, I'm sure there are areas suitable for growing avocados. Maybe with global warming even Britain could join in, vineyards here have expanded dramatically over the last 20 years (it's easy when you're starting from zero).

    “immunity only covers his current mandate, not b4...'n had nothing to do with his request to the STF”

    Okay, but then why did the STF grant Falvio's request? What was it based on if not his immunity? Personally I wish he had let them investigate ASAP, then we'd have a better idea whether any wrong-doing was involved.

    Re Wyllys, no doubt crossing the militias is a lot MORE dangerous, but according to you politically motivated murders are quite common in Brazil. Given Wyllys was a favourite target of the Whatsapp fake news crew, it wouldn't even have to be triggered by anything real. Some of the threats in the report accused him of being a paedophile, and people are definitely willing to kill over that. But why d'you think he's a 'piece of shit', if it's not about ideology or any of those other reasons? Being over-dramatic in Congress might be annoying, but it's hardly a huge character flaw.

    As for Brizola, the fact he maybe could have arranged a murder, and it was common back then, isn't enough to say he would have done it. If there is any record of him threatening or actually harming someone, that would be more suggestive.

    Terry's a deluded and dishonest fool. No doubt he believes the journalist who wrote this must be General Rawat's subordinate:

    Feb 22nd, 2019 - 11:47 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    DemonTree the slavish follower aka The Appendage
    “Terry's a deluded and dishonest ... his must be General Rawat's subordinate” 'Oh dear don't shoot I'm British,' in the opinion of a well documented servile, subservient, fawning, obsequious, sycophantic, excessively deferential, toadying, ingratiating, unctuous, grovelling, cringing, toadyish, sycophantish, abject, craven, humble, Uriah Heepish, self-abasing; informal slimy, bootlicking, sucky, soapy, forelock-tugging, brown-nosing, apple-polishing, arse-licking, bum-sucking; kiss-ass, ass-kissing, suckholing, unoriginal, uninspired, unimaginative, uninventive, non-innovative, imitative, derivative person.

    Feb 22nd, 2019 - 12:50 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DemonTree

    > Copies his insults from a dictionary.
    > Calls other people unimaginative.

    But Terry, I'm sure that everyone else world would know that 'chief' does mean boss, it's not subordinate, or equal. So by deductive logic it cannot mean anything but, superior. Incidentally, you're too stupid to understand that words can have more than one meaning.

    Feb 22nd, 2019 - 01:42 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • :o))


    REF: 'chief' does mean boss

    I thought that Chief = Cacique

    Feb 22nd, 2019 - 02:13 pm - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Chicureo


    Yes! Chile has embraced the warnings about our toxic soils contaminating our soil by vigorously eliminating all that terrible copper, lithium and molybdenum. Our increased planting of avocado orchards greatly help in absorbing lots of CO2.

    I'm not that concerned about the Chinese planting vineyards and avocado orchards because their increasing internal domestic demand is astronomical.

    And although I understand that our world is experiencing climate change, I and several of many people do not accept what we're being deluded by “experts”.

    Like I said, when I was young, scientists were predicting a future ice age disaster.

    Feb 22nd, 2019 - 02:42 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    DemonTree the slavish follower aka The Appendage
    Simply whining and opining doesn't cut the mustard, even for a proven creeping Jesus like you.

    Feb 22nd, 2019 - 02:46 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DemonTree

    If you don't like trusting experts, you could do some research and learn a bit about it. Your naval training must have involved a fair bit of maths?

    Also, do you know what a creeping Jesus is? Cos I'm drawing a blank.

    @The Liar
    “Copies his insults from a dictionary” and “calls other people unimaginative” are facts. The fact they nicely illustrate your hypocrisy and you don't like it doesn't change that. And if you think repeating your bullshit argument is whining, what does that say about you? Whiner.

    @ :o))


    Feb 22nd, 2019 - 03:57 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • :o))


    Feb 22nd, 2019 - 04:19 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    DemonTree the slavish follower aka The Appendage
    “They nicely illustrate your hypocrisy” Opines the whiner, why'll I use the correct words to exactly exemplify your craven creeping Jesus behaviour.
    ”Whiner“ Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatness.”― Oscar Wilde

    Feb 22nd, 2019 - 04:56 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo


    Actually my naval experience involved a fair bit of misinformation analysis.
    I've mentioned several times that my instructors was to question everything including officially expert approved conclusions.

    May I remind you about how officially expert approved conclusions convinced your country to join your trusted cousin to invade Iraq because of confirmed weapons of mass destruction...?

    Please try to question what now the Americans seemingly are enthusiastically embracing the “New Green Deal” ...It's like watching lemmings fall of a cliff...

    The French finally woke up to their government's stupidity and I pity any country that wants to completely eliminate carbon based energy.

    Saying all the above, we've now decided to buy solar powered lamp poles to illuminate the properties because it's finally cost efficient with newly available tax credits. It has nothing to do with saving the planet however... It just makes sense...

    Feb 22nd, 2019 - 06:56 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer

    Terry, the useful idiot
    For just one second, admit you have serious language comprehension problems, 'n listen : IF Mourão had been Heleno's commanding officer in Haiti, when Heleno pledged his support to Mourão, he “would have” written “ for my longtime friend and ‘MY’ respected military chief”...Mourão was NEVER Heleno’s superior, NOR “served” in Haiti , but was indeed a 'military chief' - the ‘chief’ of the Southern Military Command ; he only paid Heleno a 4 day visit : Google “Gen Mourão no Haiti”, and open the link Haiti - Exército Brasileiro straight from the “Ministry of Defence/ Exercito Brasileiro” : 1st paragraph :- ”Porto Príncipe (Haiti) – De 17 a 21 de março, o Batalhão de Infantaria de Força de Paz do 21º Contingente Brasileiro (BRABAT 21) na Missão das Nações Unidas para a Estabilização no Haiti (MINUSTAH) recebeu a visita de uma comitiva liderada pelo Comandante de Operações Terrestres, General de Exército Araken de Albuquerque, e pelo Comandante Militar do Sul, General de Exército Antônio Hamilton Martins Mourão“.
    To see his commands :ão

    ”Okay, but then why did the STF grant Flavio's request?“.....the fact the ”STF“ granted it is not what's important - that Flavio ”went” to the STF is, as it would then have to decide whether his immunity covered past actions, which could only be decided by Marco Aurelio, after recess ended (Feb)...MA ruled ‘no immunity’.

    Political murders ARE quite common, but only when the victim poses a real threat to some criminal or political group. Wyllys threatened neither. Afaic, his dramatic attitudes, bordering on self-pity, his lies, made him despicable. “...but it's hardly a huge character flaw”. Perhaps not, but nevertheless made people dislike him. Me included. End of story.

    Brizola : “...isn't enough to say he'd have done it” didn't know the man. I say he'd be perfectly capable of ordering the hit.

    Feb 22nd, 2019 - 07:56 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    Jack Bauer aka Proof-less and Truth-less
    “IF Mourão had been Heleno's” Is your desperate attempt to evade the fact that it came from a journalist, and not me. Moreover, it is a further attempt to hide your constant lying. JB “Mourão served in Haiti;” Thats your invention, because I never claimed that. Here's your porkies
    http://en.mercopress. com/2018/04/04/brazil-s-conundrum-army-chief-twits-good-citizens-repudiate-impunity-and-respect-the-constitution/comments#comment486481

    Feb 22nd, 2019 - 09:04 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • :o))


    Feb 22nd, 2019 - 10:24 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DemonTree

    Do you question the science that lets you talk to me on the internet, that makes your mobile phone work, or the irrigation system you use on your farm? Do you use the weather forecast when planning what to do that day or week? Denialism based on prejudice is just as foolish as blind belief.

    I remember the Iraq war, it was obvious at the time that the evidence for WMDs was weak and that the allies had an ulterior motive for the invasion. With climate science it's the other way around, the denialists are driven by ideology or profit motive. I'm not talking about the GND here; the proposed responses are also ideologically driven and often unreasonable, but that does not change the science itself.

    I'm guessing your intelligence training did not tell you to ignore and discount everything you learned, but to investigate further and consider all options. So why aren't you doing so?

    Okay, so the STF decided Flavio doesn't have immunity. Last I saw they had suspended the investigation, so hopefully it's continuing now.

    Re Wyllys, what lies? You're free to dislike him, but if you believe he's a POS for such minor reasons then think how a real homophobe would react. Personally I always thought he was taking a big risk, and although fleeing is kind of cowardly, I can't blame him for wanting to have a life and wanting his family to be safe.

    As for Brizola, you didn't know him either. Just following a public figure isn't going to give you a great insight into what he might so but never did.

    Feb 23rd, 2019 - 12:28 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • :o))

    REF: “Bolsonaro learning the hard way”:

    The conversation has drifted to a completely different direction!

    Feb 23rd, 2019 - 03:09 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo


    I use technology knowing now what you do that we're all being tracked by technology with out sometimes our knowledge and permission. I learned yesterday that the USA postal service can trace traditional mail by knowing by your smartphone and where it was posted.

    We are all being manipulated and monitored. The whole globalist carbon trading tax scheme is just another way to tax people. The planet is not going to end in 20 years.

    Feb 23rd, 2019 - 01:24 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • :o))


    REF: “We are all being manipulated and monitored.”:

    There is no turning back or rather either turn back and stop using the latest gadgets, technology or succumb to THE Power!

    Feb 23rd, 2019 - 04:03 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer

    Terry the “useful idiot”
    “ “IF Mourão had been Heleno's” Is yr desperate attempt to evade the fact it came from a journalist, not me”.

    You still don't get it, do you ? Forget yr “fm a journalist, not fm a journalist”'s irrelevant to the core issue, which was that Mourão NEVER served in Haiti , 'n far less was ever Heleno's 'boss', 'chief', 'commanding officer', whatever.....You insisted 1) he served in Haiti, 'n 2) as Heleno's commanding officer... already forgotten ? (Alzheimer's ?)
    Your attempt to confuse the issue isn't working.

    “Okay, so the STF decided Flavio doesn't have immunity. Last I saw they had suspended the investigation, so hopefully it's continuing now”

    “Last I saw...” Ok, you haven't seen the latest news - the press & the opposition were apparently trying to pass off Flavio's “suspicious” movement (48 deps x R$ 2000 each, referring to the sale of his flat) as having something to do with his ex-aide's (Queiroz) unexplained financial movement.
    Queiroz never enjoyed immunity, while Flavio, without immunity for cases prior to his current mandate, wanted the investigation (by the MPRJ - Rio State-Attorney's office) to be temporarily suspended only until the end of the STF's recess...Fux granted his request. Since then, Marco Aurelio has indicated their cases would not be investigated /processed in the STF, but (separately) by 1st instance Justice.

    Have you never come across a public figure who, besides defending opposing positions to yrs, does so, 'n in a disgusting manner ? what would your reaction be ? mine is I dislike everything about him...with the benefit of having seen him speak in Congress, ...I don't need to detail why I don't like the POS, but here goes : his love for Lula, his cowardly actions, mannerisms, image, his extreme-left opinions...enough?
    You don't need to know a public figure personally to dislike them. Knowing their views, seeing them in action, is sufficient to get an idea what they're like / capable of.

    Feb 24th, 2019 - 06:19 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    Jack Bauer aka Proof-less and Truth-less
    “core issue, which was Mourão NEVER served in Haiti ”I never claimed he did and core issue it is not. This is merely an attempted diversion against your many, many, many lies revealed by me.
    http://en.mercopress. com/2018/04/04/brazil-s-conundrum-army-chief-twits-good-citizens-repudiate-impunity-and-respect-the-constitution/comments#comment486481

    Feb 24th, 2019 - 09:37 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer

    Terry, the useless idiot
    Me : “...“core issue, which was Mourão NEVER served in Haiti ””

    Read your own post Numb Nuts, under “Bolsonaro's Foreign Policy...”, on 26th Oct 2018 - 08:05 pm ....Here it is :-

    “””Terence Hill
    Let me make a simple as I can. “First you denied you'd sent the link” If that was true how come your unable to show my denial? Game, set and match.
    “That Mourão was Gen Augusto Heleno's commander in Haiti.” For the second time, well according to Heleno's he was, and he certainly knows better than you.
    ”My unrestricted support for my longtime friend and respected military chief (Mourão), “wrote Augusto Heleno, on Facebook”

    Can you read ? You insisted Mourão was Heleno's commander in Haiti, based on your childish, gross misinterpreatation of Heleno's FB insisted here, and on many other occasions....admit it you stupid idiot.

    If you have nothing intelligent to say, STFU.

    Feb 24th, 2019 - 11:01 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DemonTree

    I'm on holiday skiing this week and I've been too busy/tired to reply to anything.

    ”Since then, Marco Aurelio has indicated their cases would not be investigated /processed in the STF, but (separately) by 1st instance Justice.“

    Does that mean the MPRJ is investigating again?

    ”Have you never come across a public figure...”

    Trump is the closest I can think of with eg his making fun of a disabled person and insulting the parents of a US soldier who died in the Iraq war. I also think those conspiracy theorists who've accused the Sandy Hook parents of being crisis actors are despicable, but that's something they've done, not just their manner. Same with Ann Coulter etc, I don't dislike her manner but her ideology, what she wants to do to society/people I know. TBH, sounds like it's exactly the reasons you discounted that make you dislike Wyllys.

    But I don't believe any of us have really accurate views of public figures. We know the image they want to project, or the image the press wants to show of them. I have heard that in many cases the reality is quite different.

    And you're wasting your time on The Liar. If it would prove him wrong, he suddenly loses all ability to understand English, logic, fallacies, and what 1+1 equals.

    Feb 25th, 2019 - 12:17 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • :o))

    @Jack Bauer:

    REF: “Knowing their views, seeing them in action, is sufficient to get an idea what they're like/capable of”:

    Absolutely 100% TRUE!

    Feb 25th, 2019 - 12:34 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo


    I hope your skiing was good. It's a favorite pastime of my family.

    “Trump is the closest I can think of with eg his making fun of a disabled person and insulting the parents of a US soldier who died in the Iraq war.”

    I respect your intelligence and ideological difference, but please don't fall for liberal misinformation because you'll look foolish.


    Feb 25th, 2019 - 01:15 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    Jack Bauer aka Proof-less and Truth-less
    Once more from the top of this thread.
    Bolsonaro’s Most Dangerous Supporters by Aldo Cordeiro/Sauda Benjamin Fogel
    https://www.jacobinmag. com/2018/10/bolsonaro-military-pt-haiti-lava-jato-lula
    https://www.jaccopress. com/2019/02/18/bolsonaro-learning-the-hard-way-family-and-politics-don-t-mix/comments#comment498271
    In addition, Heleno did state ”my longtime friend and respected military chief (Mourão), “wrote Augusto Heleno, on Facebook”
    By (JB)'chief', Heleno did not mean ”boss”. I'm sure that every one else's world would know that chief means boss, it's not subordinate, or equal. So by deductive logic it cannot mean anything but boss. Incidentally, my thesaurus shows that chief does mean boss. ”chief noun boss”.
    Dictionary Version 2.2.2 (203) Copyright © 2005-2017 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
    Which is your desperate attempt to avoid your litany of lies, including your deliberate lying about toilet etiquette in Brazil.
    DemonTree the slavish follower aka The Appendage
    “And you're wasting” You're as truthful as JB, birds of a feather.. Just keep sucking it's what you do best.

    Feb 25th, 2019 - 01:33 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • :o))

    FROM: O Antagonista

    Azeredo nas mãos de Gilmar:

    REF: “Condenado no mensalão mineiro em segunda instância e preso desde maio do ano passado, o ex-governador Eduardo Azeredo aguarda desde o início deste mês uma decisão de Gilmar Mendes sobre um pedido de liberdade”


    Feb 25th, 2019 - 04:36 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DemonTree

    We're in the French Alps; it's insanely hot here, it feels like summer has come already and the snow is melting fast. Nothing like Finland where we were freezing our arses off. I've started learning Nordic skiing, which is interesting because everyone else in the group is French.

    Re yellow fever, I was thinking of a documentary I watched about the Zika virus, where the government was struggling to eliminate the mosquitos that carried it. One problem was the amount of neighbourhoods with no plumbing, as people would keep water sitting around in cisterns where mosquitos could breed. It was more about sanitation than strictly health measures, but it didn't give a great impression of competence.

    It's funny to see Dumbass switch between insisting Mourão was Heleno's superior in Haiti, and denying he ever said so. What an idiot.

    Feb 25th, 2019 - 04:38 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer

    Enjoy your skiing ....

    MPRJ continuing to investigate ? would think so, as is the normal sequence of events
    Re public figures, you don't know Trump any better than I do, yet it doesn't prevent you - or me - from forming an opinion about him.....also don't forget that the press plays an enormous role in public perception....if 100% true, distorted, or fake, is another story....but what I'm saying is that when you accompany the life 'n actions of a public person, whether in politics or any other field of activity, you get a good idea of what drives them. The image they try to project can easily be shattered, and don't forget, if you need to 'build' a public image, how reliable is it going to be ? Why don't they just project their “authentic” selves ?
    And also, you cannot try to apply the same rules of 'despicability' randomly to any public figure, as the circumstances under which they perform are usually very different

    Agree, the LIAR has lost one post, two posts, three 'n more, he insists Mourão served in Haiti, was Gen. Heleno's 'boss'....when you prove he's wrong (as per links from the “Ministério da Defesa/ Exército Brasileiro”), he denies ever having made such a then prove he did, by posting his own sh*t for him to read....and the he replies insisting, yet again, that Mourão DID serve in Haiti etc...his sources ? Jacobin, Shitabin etc..
    And I've told him to go to Curitiba....Lula says no one sucks like Terry...

    Feb 25th, 2019 - 04:51 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    DemonTree the slavish follower aka The Appendage
    “Heleno's superior in Haiti, and denying he ever said” All I did was quote professional writers, so what do you think the citations are, dipshit?

    Feb 25th, 2019 - 04:53 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo


    I'm very jealous, fair weather skiing with excellent cuisine and wine...
    ...have a great time!


    Try to go easy on our little mendacious “useful idiot” as he's clearly lost all sense of forming comprehensible posts. Terry needs to get back on his prescription meds and crawl out of his mother's dank basement where he dwells to breathe some of that sub-zero Canadian air... He probably hasn't seen the sun for more than a month... ...much less have a bath....

    Feb 25th, 2019 - 05:22 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DemonTree

    “Why don't they just project their “authentic” selves ?”

    Because they want people to vote for them, or come see their movies or whatever. And I think we the public aren't always willing to take celebrities as they are, warts and all. Would we forgive them for showing weakness or admitting they don't care about some popular issue? Or do we want them to be better than we are, and hold them to a standard that few could live up to?

    And the press, besides sometimes having an axe to grind, likes to build people up into heroes and villains. It makes a better story and gets more subscriptions.

    So yes, I have an opinion of Trump, but I wouldn't say I really know him. And you wouldn't put much stock at all in my opinion, would you?

    Re The Liar, yup he's lost it. Now he thinks General Heleno is a professional writer! That idiot would swear black is white and up is down to avoid admitting he was wrong. No one sucks like Terry

    I presume your citations are a sort of voodoo, where you copy the form of an argument without understanding the substance. Like a cargo cult, where Pacific Islanders build the shape of an aeroplane without having the least idea what makes them fly. It never works, yet for some reason you keep trying rather than learn how to do it properly.

    Thanks! It's been good so far, but very tiring.

    Feb 25th, 2019 - 05:31 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    Jack Bauer aka Proof-less and Truth-less
    “he insists Mourão served in Haiti” You can't show one instance where I have made such a claim. I have referenced sources on the issue along with their URL's, liar.
    Chicureo the flamer
    Finished your farm chores I notice. “of his mother's”!!
    You just take care of fostering that close relationship with your mother, instead of attempting to project those feelings onto others.
    “Psychological projection is a defence mechanism people subconsciously employ in order to cope with difficult feelings or emotions. Psychological projection involves projecting undesirable feelings or emotions onto someone else, rather than admitting to or dealing with the unwanted feelings.”
    “to breathe some of that sub-zero Canadian air.” I guess that's like every thing else you opine about, absolutely wrong.
    DemonTree the slavish follower aka The Appendage
    “You copy the form of an argument without understanding the substance” What else are going to do other an engage in argumentum ad hominem, when the facts clearly reveal you as a liar

    Feb 25th, 2019 - 05:47 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    A filthy scoundrel plots evil, and on their mendacious lips it is like a scorching fire. A perverse deviant person stirs up conflict, and an ignorant gossip separates truth and replaces it with fiction. A hateful person entices their neighbor and leads them down a false path that is ruinous. Whoever agrees with his thoughts are also plotting perversity; whoever purses their lips is bent on absolute evil. Proverbs 16:27-30 accurately describes our mentally challenged and seriously deranged “ useful idiot”...

    Feb 25th, 2019 - 07:39 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    Chicureo the flamer
    “Proverbs 16:27-30” does this pass as yokel philosophy? That God is on your side, chortle, chortle.
    ”Psychological projection is a defence mechanism in which the human ego defends itself against unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive and negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others. For example, a person who is habitually rude may constantly accuse other people of being rude. It incorporates blame shifting.” From Wikipedia

    Feb 25th, 2019 - 08:08 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    ...It was not a quote from the Bible...

    As I accurately thought, our “useful idiot” again took the bait
    (Sort of like waving a red cape in front of a bull, or in this case, like placing cheese before a rat)

    “The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose.
    An evil soul producing holy witness
    Is like a villain with a smiling cheek,
    A goodly apple rotten at the heart.
    O, what a goodly outside falsehood hath!”
    ― William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice

    What a complete “ useful idiot” QED

    Feb 25th, 2019 - 08:24 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    Chicureo the flamer
    “Proverbs 16:27-30. It was not a quote from the Bible...” Oh just a dab of dishonesty, and pinch of lying. So your MO is revealed, what cannot be obtained fairly then by foul will do. Not surprised in the slightest that you are ethically challenged, you just reconfirmed it.

    Feb 25th, 2019 - 10:09 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    Notice how he/she confirms the mentally challenged basement-dweller is a complete “useful idiot” ...ignorance is a sad condition... QED

    Feb 25th, 2019 - 10:46 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    Chicureo the flamer
    You have proved you don't have any valid points to make, so like all losers you attempt to win by fraud. Except this little nugget shows you don't even get up to bat, this episode just got you tossed out the ballpark.
    No one can benefit from their own fraud. Commodum Ex Injuria Sua Nemo Habere Debet Definition:
    Latin: that no man shall take advantage of his own wrong.

    Feb 26th, 2019 - 03:16 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DemonTree

    It's warm and sunny again today and the snow is melting fast. Some of my friends are skiing in t-shirts and I think I've got burnt even though I've been wearing factor 50. :(  Someone nicked my friend's skis yesterday while he was having lunch, and then when he brought them back he blamed my friend for taking the wrong pair! After my friend had been sitting there waiting with no skis for an hour and a half. What a tosser.

    What's the skiing like in Chile? Can you go very high in the Andes?

    Feb 26th, 2019 - 10:53 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • :o))

    Who cares?

    Feb 26th, 2019 - 01:00 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo


    I'm very pleased to hear you're having a great time. Definitely be careful about sunburn... Although we have year round snow in the Andes, mid-June to early October is our typical ski season.

    Several ski resorts are only about 90 minutes away from Santiago (With clear roads) and we will often ski at our favorite, Valle Nevado 4 or 6 days total during the season.

    We have had some memorable family week long ski vacations in the Las Leñas iski resort in Argentina, located close to Mendoza because it's far more economical and have the same level of quality as here. Perhaps the most beautiful ski area is located in Bariloche, Argentina.

    BTW Are you aware of the new GPS tracking chips that some people are using embedded in their equipment?

    I'll raise a glass of wine to you this afternoon, as you are and hope you are enjoying après-ski as well.

    As they say in your part of the Alps, à votre santé!

    To the “useful idiot” I sincerely reply: Potes meos suaviari clunes, future te ipsum!

    Feb 26th, 2019 - 01:10 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DemonTree

    I've been attempting to learn Nordic skiing, it's quite tiring and the skis have no grip at all. Several people in my group just fell over while standing still. Now I'm aching all over, it's hard on the shoulders too. But it's nice seeing the quieter parts of the slopes, I went round a snow-covered lake and there was no one else in sight most of the time.

    It must be so convenient having ski resorts that close, I'm very jealous of your giant mountains. You can ski in Scotland if the weather cooperates, but that's still hundreds of miles away from where I live. When you only go once a year you forget how to do it and don't exercise the muscles enough.

    Re GPS, you can get an app for your phone that tracks your speed, location etc; it's really nice to see where you've been at the end of the day and compare top speeds. I forgot to put it on today, sadly, and anyway I went very slowly. I'm scared to go fast when I don't have the control yet.

    Feb 26th, 2019 - 04:49 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    Chicureo the flamer
    “ede faecam”

    Feb 26th, 2019 - 05:33 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer

    TH the UI
    “All I did was quote professional writers” ...So, you believe any old sh*t, as long as written by a “professional writer”....which can be anyone who earns their living from it, even if they write fake news 'n sh* Jacobin...and all yr preferred sources....anyway, the original source of Heleno's words was his FB, not a prof-writer.
    But ok, I get it are obtuse 'n don't understand what they, or even you yourself write...if only you didn't forget your lies, you might not contradict yourself all the time.
    NB: “No one can benefit from their own fraud”...You try all the time.

    Terry, for once 'n for all, your true vocation is dropping to yr knees in front of a reward for your relevant services to the PT, he will be only too pleased to pulll out his sword 'n knight you “Sir Terry, the Sucker”.

    While trying to imagine the LIAR crawling around his mother's basement, the image of Gollum immediately comes to mind...a slimy, albino cockroach, scavenging for food in the garbage his mother throws the chute.

    ““Why don't they just project their “authentic” selves ?” That's exactly my point.....most project false images of themselves, in order to fool people, to be liked....a big hoax, and most politicians are exactly the same. It's about trying to see what's behind the image, that counts.

    ”And the press, besides .....heroes and villains...makes a better story and gets more subscriptions“. Again, my point....not uncommon to twist facts to make them suit their narrative.

    ”...but I wouldn't say I 'really know' him (Trump)”....yes, you're right.....but when you have seen a politician in action (in public 'n private life) for 30/40 years, you get to “know” them as well as anybody on the outside, can...which enables most to form a fairly accurate opinion of them, based on facts...and of course, their political preferences.

    “Now he thinks Gen Heleno's a professional writer!”...Exactly what I thought when I saw his bs...

    Feb 26th, 2019 - 07:11 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    Jack Bauer aka Proof-less and Truth-less
    “you believe any old sh*t, as long as written by a “professional writer”..” In contrast to you? you got Pontiac.
    “if only you didn't forget your lies” If only you could prove that, like this.
    JB “the only reason for receptacles - in 'public' bathrooms - is to throw the bulkier paper hand-towels ....”
    http://en.mercopress. com/2017/07/12/brazil-former-president-lula-da-silva-found-guilty-of-corruption/comments#comment470703
    “Living in Brazil: Electric showers, toilet litter and other oddities ..that nasty plastic basket with everyone´s used toilet paper in it. I hate being gross in my blog, but it´s a gross thing, believe me. For some unexplained reason, Brazilian piping and sewage is not compatible with toilet paper so people never flush the toilet paper down their toilets. Instead, they provide little baskets, sometimes with lids and sometimes without, beside the toilet for the toilet paper.“
    ”Now he thinks ...” So you've changed your argument that I personally claimed anything about Heleno.

    Feb 26th, 2019 - 07:31 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo


    My girlfriend (and later bride,) introduced me into cross country skiing as her family had a vacation cabin in Pucón and she taught me how to make a Telemark turn on the slopes of the Villarrica volcano. She and my daughter still CC ski, but I gave it up ages ago. My skiing skills have greatly declined and I avoid any black diamond pistes. Have you tried snow boarding? I never have.

    Again, à votre santé!


    We had ceviche today for lunch with another bottle of Tabali Reserva Viognier (Limari Valley) that is just outstanding. You know I'm a red drinker, but this Viognier has become my favorite white.

    Regarding Trump, whether you like him or not, but what he's accomplished the first two years of his term is remarkable. Strong economic growth, low inflation, record low unemployment. (Lowest historical unemployment for minorities) It looks like he may have success in his negotiations with China an North Korea. It will be remarkable if the US manages the Venezuela crisis decently.

    Regarding the UI LIAR, you have brilliantly found the perfect name for him! GOLLUM fits perfectly! (Let us all use the moniker.)

    Feb 26th, 2019 - 07:46 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer

    TH aka Gollumão

    Hey stupid, open the link, read about Mourão's'll see them on the right-hand side of the page....oops, no mention of Haiti.....wonder why ? (did the Brazilian Ministry of Defence deliberately lie ? I think you should contact them, to correct this horrible mistake).

    In case you haven't noticed, no one was talking about “Living in Brazil : Electric showers, toilet litter and other oddities ...I hate being gross in my blog, but it´s a gross thing, believe me....”
    Sure is, but I've never had either in the houses I lived in.....perhaps you did, when you used to live here (i.e., IF you ever did ?) in some shitty construction, not up to code.
    In the houses I lived in, there were electric boilers for hot water, and “Hydra” toilet flushing turds (or paper), including you, would survive.

    Listen Gollum, if you want to prove you're right and I'm wrong (about anything I have ever posted on here), please quote my “exact” lie (not the whole friggin' thread), with the truth - your truth - beside it......Let's see, here's an example :- first, you post my lie...e.g., : “Lula has 10 fingers”....then you write the truth : “Lula has 9 fingers”....proving I told a “porky” .....savvy ? Get your mother to explain it to you, if she ever ventures down into your smelly basement.

    Ceviche with a nice chilled Tabalí Viognier.....stop making my mouth water !

    Regardless of Trump's lack of diplomacy (usually known as the plain truth, uncontaminated by political correctness) or not knowing when to keep his mouth shut, the net result of his presidency has been positive for the economy. On the other hand, considering the alternative ...Crooked Hillary....he was the only option.

    Feb 26th, 2019 - 09:28 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    Jack Bauer aka Proof-less and Truth-less
    “if you keep on posting that Mourão served in Haiti.” I, NOR ANYONE ELSE HAVE EVER SAID THIS. IT'S YOUR INVENTION. “In case you haven't noticed” Your lies, oh yes I have, thats why I'm showing them in spite of your frantic efforts to hijack the thread. You're the one who raised this issue in an attempt to the mask your revealed lies.
    “Living in Brazil: Electric showers, toilet litter and other oddities ..that nasty plastic basket with everyone´s used toilet paper in it. I hate being gross in my blog, but its a gross thing, believe me. For some unexplained reason, Brazilian piping and sewage is not compatible with toilet paper so people never flush the toilet paper down their toilets. Instead, they provide little baskets, sometimes with lids and sometimes without, beside the toilet for the toilet paper.”

    Feb 26th, 2019 - 09:57 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo


    Poor neighborhoods in Brazil have small sewer pipes and clog easily with toilet paper. In middle class homes the plumbing is normal to European/North America standards.

    In Petrolina, due to the heat, I often took a couple of showers a day. The electric heated shower heads worked perfectly because hot water is not necessary.

    GOLLUM exists in the demented fantasy of a sewer, the inhabited a slimy, albino cockroach, scavenging for food in the garbage his mother throws the chute. QED

    Feb 26th, 2019 - 10:17 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • :o))


    From The Irish Times:
    “Brazil feeling the bite from Bolsonaro’s teething troubles”:

    Feb 27th, 2019 - 12:01 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    Chicureo the flamer
    “In middle class homes the plumbing is normal to European/North America standards.” That is not true as I know from experience. ”The burden of proof lies upon him who affirms, not on him who denies, (since by the nature of things, he who denies a fact cannot produce any proof). Soma's Dictionary of Latin Quotations, Maxims and Phrases: ”Thoughts(words) are either true or false in an absolute sense, never both or neither.” Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
    So you are also revealed as a liar. “That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.” Christopher Hitchens
    The most interesting discovery I've made on these forums, without exception every 'wingnut' like yourself is an unmitigated liar.

    Feb 27th, 2019 - 02:16 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    Jack, DemonTree & :o))

    I can accurately conclude that GOLLUM is the filthy odorous “merda” that sewers are made for his miserable mendacious slimy existence.

    It has already been confirmed that GOLLUM is slimy, albino cockroach, dwelling deep inside a frigid snow bound basement scavenging for food in the garbage his mother throws the chute.

    Changing to something more pleasant:

    Avocados are good for your health and happiness and here are some great avocado recipies. The avocado tuna tartare I highly recommend, with a glass of chilled delicious dry Chilean white wine.


    Feb 27th, 2019 - 04:36 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer

    “Poor neighborhoods in Brazil have small sewer pipes and clog easily with toilet paper. In middle class homes the plumbing is normal to European/North America standards”.

    I confess, I wouldn't know about poor neighborhoods, the sort Gollum lived in (as he has said “..I know from experience..”)

    In MY experience I never had difficulty in flushing turds 'n Terrys down the toilet. As for public bogs, the bins are necessary because the ignorant twats even put plastic bottles in the toilets. But I'd go one further, “poor” neighbourhoods probably don't even have sewer systems at all, the crap just leaks out on to the streets.
    But I'm confident that Terry's bad experience with bogs in Brazil is more than compensated for by his wonderful experience as chief lavatory cleaner in the RAF.

    He calls everyone an 'unmitigated' liar.....well, obviously no use insisting on the Mourão/Haiti /Gen Heleno stuff, because Gollum can't even remember what he ate for breakfast yesterday....let's see, maybe I can help him....garbage ?

    Your calling Gollum (aka Terry) ”filthy odorous “merda”, is an insult to 'merda'...he has to improve a lot before he can claim such a title.

    Changing to something FAR more pleasant : on our land, we have two avocado trees, which I planted about 10, 15 years ago...during the avocado season (October, down here), the trees get so loaded you can hear branches snap under the weight. Used to take the pears to distribute amongst my office colleagues.

    My wife follows the Food Network on TV, some of the recipes look good !

    Feb 27th, 2019 - 06:33 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo


    ANY foreign VISITOR to your country will experience modern pluming. Some might be confused by the occasional presence of bidets and the unusual electric shower heads, but GOLLUM relies on communist rags deriding Brazil and refusing to admit reality.

    GOLLUM also believes Chile is a desert toxic heavily polluted hellhole with its inhabitants are suffering... Somehow we are struggling away and find ourselves to enjoy one of the best living conditions in Latin America.

    To make you jealous, take a look what you can buy for a case of Viña Tabalí Pedregoso Cabernet Sauvignon Gran Reserva rated 93 points...


    Feb 27th, 2019 - 07:43 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    Chicureo the flamer
    “I can accurately conclude” HaHaHa, opining is the least accurate inconclusive act.
    “The fewer the facts, the stronger the opinion” Arnold H. Glasow
    “People do not seem to realize that their opinion of the world is also a confession of character” Ralph Waldo Emerson
    “There are in fact two things, science and opinion; the former begets knowledge, the later ignorance Hippocrates
    Jack Bauer aka Proof-less and Truth-less
    ”calls everyone an 'unmitigated' liar“ Not without proof I don't. ”Heleno“ is a totally evasive act you use, to try and cover your lying like. ”soon you'll be denying” You mean like you.
    JB ”the only reason for receptacles - in 'public' bathrooms - is to throw the bulkier paper hand-towels

    Feb 27th, 2019 - 07:43 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DemonTree

    Your wife is evidently a woman of many talents. No idea what a telemark turn is, though. I'm still struggling to go in a straight line without falling over. We were talking about our worst holidays, have you had any bad ones?

    Re Trump, I don't see anything impressive in continuing a trend. Probably would be much the same if Hillary had won, only without the incipient trade war. Have you seen what his lawyer is saying about him? “A liar, conman and cheat”. Lol, he's really putting the boot in.

    I remember what really annoys me about Trump. Whenever he talks or tweets, it sounds like he's addressing a class of three-year-olds. Uber patronising, I don't know how his supporters can stand being treated like idiots.

    “That's exactly my point...”

    But that's why I think we don't really know what politicians or celebrities are ready capable of. We only see one or a few aspects of them. Supposing Brizola was known to have threatened people, I'd be more inclined to believe it, but presume you would have mentioned it if he had.

    As for the Liar, best to flush and forget, he's never gonna have anything useful to say.

    Feb 27th, 2019 - 09:31 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo


    There are several videos on the technique to make a turn:

    You know, some of the most miserable vacations I've endured have actually turned out to be highly memorable. The old adage of “Attitude is Everything” really helps in coping with disasters.

    It also helps that I've vacationed with Madame Defarge where ...a jug of wine, a loaf of bread, and thou... has always made the difference.

    Feb 27th, 2019 - 10:05 pm - Link - Report abuse 0

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