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“The first time a vice president candidate names her presidential candidate”

Monday, May 20th 2019 - 10:33 UTC
Full article 4 comments

“It's the first time I've seen an aspiring vice-presidential candidate name here choice to head the presidential ticket”, said rather ironically Jaime Durán Barba, the main political advisor of Argentine president Mauricio Macri in reference to the surprise announcement of the Alberto Fernandez-Cristina Fernandez ticket for the coming October election. Read full article


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  • DemonTree

    “It's the first time I've seen an aspiring vice-presidential candidate name her choice to head the presidential ticket”

    It's not the first time the expected presidential candidate named someone else, though. Nestor had Cristina stand instead of going for a second term himself. Was he similarly regarded as the power behind the throne?

    May 20th, 2019 - 11:45 am - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Enrique Massot

    Unsettled by the unexpected change, Cambiemos marketing guru attempts to second guess the new and generally welcomed Alberto Fernandez-Cristina Kirchner's ticket.

    The Equatorian had reportedly built the whole Cambiemos electoral strategy around polarizing against Cristina, until recently believed to be running as president. The new equation throws in the air most assumptions he had made, therefore the consultant now promotes the idea that Cristina remains the boss.

    And off course such is not the case. AF is his own man -- at some point he parted ways with Cristina and remained away for 10 years. Not as charismatic as CFK, Fernandez is a patient negotiator, a quality needed today in the quest to form a wide front ensuring not only an election victory but the ability to govern Argentina in the difficult road ahead.

    Let the doggies yap!

    May 20th, 2019 - 10:05 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • :o))

    REF: “The first time a vice president candidate names her presidential candidate”: It's like a ventriloquist's doll - masses BELIEVE that the doll speaks on its own! Hats Off to The Strategy! Trust in The Argies to swallow the bait - hook, line AND the s[t]inker!

    May 26th, 2019 - 03:50 pm - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Enrique Massot

    No. Cristina made a great move by having Alberto Fernandez head the FF ticket. Fernandez is a consensus-builder, a born negotiator capable of creating the wide front needed to win the election in the first place, and also to govern a country and pull it from the verge of default.

    At the same time, Cristina secures the vote of her many followers and brings to the ticket the punch that the future government will also need.

    May 27th, 2019 - 04:20 pm - Link - Report abuse -1

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