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Falklands remembers freedom of Goose Green residents locked up by Argentine forces

Friday, May 31st 2019 - 09:59 UTC
Full article 65 comments
The crowd gathered at the ceremony. All Photos: BFSAI Media Ops The crowd gathered at the ceremony. All Photos: BFSAI Media Ops

A very emotional ceremony took place last Wednesday at Goose Green in the Falkland Islands in remembrance of those who gave their lives for the freedom of the small community which had been locked up by the invading Argentine forces in 1982.

An estimated 100 residents, including women and children, from Goose Green and Darwin had to endure under appalling crowded conditions for almost seven weeks, at the Social Club, as prisoners of the Argentine military.

Thus every year on the 29th May, since 1982, when they were liberated by the 2nd Battalion the Parachute Regiment from captivity at the hands of the Argentine forces, the people of Goose Green and others who were locked up with them in the Social Club, gathered with serving members of the British Armed Forces in remembrance of those who liberated them from captivity and gave their lives for their freedom.

This year was no exception, despite very chilly conditions on Wednesday, the service of remembrance at the 2 Para Memorial at Darwin, overlooking Goose Green, was conducted by the Rev Ian Faulds and wreaths were laid by HE the Governor, MLA Ian Hansen, and a representative of the Commander British Forces South Atlantic Islands.

Back in 1982 when news came of the landing of the Task Force in San Carlos, Argentine forces in Goose Green dug into well defended positions. After two days of fierce fighting and threats of massive British air support and naval artillery, Argentine forces turned in their arms and surrendered.

According to military reports from the time 2Para suffered 15 dead including Colonel H Jones, and thirty wounded. Argentines lost 55 men and close to a hundred were wounded. (PN)

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  • Mike Summers

    This was an illegal act, as was the imprisonment of civilians at Douglas, Fox Bay, Pebble and Port Howard. A apology wouldn't go amiss.

    May 31st, 2019 - 02:35 pm +5
  • Roger Lorton

    Many a Kelper thanked them? Can you name names Think?

    I doubt any Falklander was grateful for being invaded.

    May 31st, 2019 - 11:04 pm +3
  • Islander1

    Yes the 2 Arg officers you mentioned did indeed do a fair amount to keep the worst side of Arg Nazis away from some very upset Islanders. Indeed I heard one of those 2 was invited to return here as an FIG guest for the 25th anniv, but declined because of fears for his family,s subsequent safety from your then President,s gangs of thugs.

    But you are in your dream cups if you believe the civilian roundup at GooseGreen was all for civilian safety! The Task Force were accuraltley targeting your air Force positions over half a mile from the nearest houses. So for their “safety” elderly women and young children were held with armed guards on the doors in a building with no food in the clothes they stood up in for a coupe of days before anyone was allowed out to go and get just a few biscuits and tinned meat to bring back to eat?
    Those there(and the other locations)- including the young children who are today,s adults, will simply NEVER forgive your country for those events - and who can blame them. A public apology by your country might help.

    Jun 01st, 2019 - 10:39 am +3
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