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Brazilian evangelical pastor and husband of a lawmaker killed by two of 51 adopted children

Saturday, June 22nd 2019 - 08:56 UTC
Full article 11 comments

Anderson do Carmo, 42, was shot 30 times, many of the bullets hitting him in his pelvic region, around dawn on Sunday in the garage of his house in Niteroi 
Anderson do Carmo, 42, was shot 30 times, many of the bullets hitting him in his pelvic region, around dawn on Sunday in the garage of his house in Niteroi
Two days later, one of the 51 children he had adopted with Flordelis dos Santos Souza, a lawmaker from Rio state, confessed to carrying out the hit. Two days later, one of the 51 children he had adopted with Flordelis dos Santos Souza, a lawmaker from Rio state, confessed to carrying out the hit.

Police in Brazil suspects an evangelical pastor, the husband of a prominent federal lawmaker, was shot dead this week by two of their 55 children following an extramarital “betrayal,” according to news reports on Friday.

Anderson do Carmo, 42, was shot 30 times, many of the bullets hitting him in his pelvic region, around dawn on Sunday in the garage of his house in Niteroi, in the greater Rio de Janeiro area.

Two days later, one of the 51 children he had adopted with Flordelis dos Santos Souza, a lawmaker from Rio state, confessed to carrying out the hit.

The adopted son said he had acted on the orders of one of dos Santos Souza's four biological children. Both men have been detained.

Lurid media reports have been circulating about a family drama which could include three sisters and even the 58-year-old deputy herself, allegedly motivated by an extramarital “betrayal” by the pastor.

News sites quoted an unnamed son of the couple as saying that police suspected three of the sisters and the lawmaker of involvement in the killing.

Prosecutor Barbara Lomba, who is leading the investigation, declined to comment on the reports on Friday, but did not dismiss them.

”It is not clear if it was carried out in the manner described or if they (the two brothers) were the only people involved, so there is still much to be discovered. There are many possible motivations, and it could be more than one of them,” she told reporters.

There was no evidence of an extramarital affair, Lomba added.

Dos Santos Souza is a member of the conservative Social Democrat Party (PSD) and garnered 197,000 votes in the 2018 election, the most votes won by a woman in the state of Rio.

Born in the favela, or shanty town, of Jacarezinho in the north of the city, she is described in the state assembly registry as a “pastor and musician” who was educated in media studies.

She met her husband in 1994 and together they founded what they called the Community of the Evangelical Ministry Flordelis.

In 2015 she said that “one morning I woke up to a great uproar in my house in Jacarezinho. When my husband and I opened the door, we were astounded: there were 37 kids and teenagers fleeing a killing at the Central de Brazil,” one of Rio's main train stations.

“That is how my story of adoptions started,” she said.

Categories: Politics, Brazil.

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  • DemonTree

    Adopted 51 children! How could any couple possibly raise so many? This is a pretty bizarre story.

    Are these the sort of kids you are always telling Think to adopt?

    Jun 22nd, 2019 - 06:51 pm 0
  • Jack Bauer

    Yes, these nice 'kiddies' would be fine for Stink to adopt.

    Cont “Bolso complies...”
    “Protestors here prefer throwing milkshakes”…ok...funny - but it wasn’t a ‘protestor’ in the street, here, ‘n happened during a Congressional session. MdoR would never apologise.
    Saw a video of her walking thru a group of Congressmen (weeks ago)…she deliberately barges into two of them, then turns to complain…they laughed it off.

    “Exactly my point. Lula didn't do any of those things”…that is exactly why I think you’re naïve…he only didn’t because his plan failed. Was easy to see he wanted an all-mighty PT ‘n a submissive Congress. But if you believe you are as informed as I am, okay.

    Read the Statutes of the FdSP…they're clear. If their objective wasn’t for the left-wing parties to eventually take over, install socialist dictatorships, then why even exist, why meet up every year to discuss progress/plans? It’s hard to believe you can’t see it.
    Lula’s first objective was to dominate Congress ; then the Judiciary - he tried (Mensalão, Petrolão) ‘n failed both times…if Dilma hadn’t fucked up, if Haddad had been elected, he’d be well on the way to success. Using the stolen billions to finance it all.

    “And yet again, the right has got ahead”…silly remark…after 22 yrs of govt’s with leftist orientation, B got in…are you against alternating power ?
    The Govt did NOT put Lula in jail ! it was the legal system - which B has nothing to do with - confirmed by 15 judges in 4 courts…but of course, Lula is innocent, all judges were in cahoots since march 2014 (when the L J was announced). You are TOO trusting in believing all the whining from the Brzln left.

    “…who are they, if not the military?”…What ? the military was in power over 30 years ago, since then, the civilians have been in power…and still are.

    “You said before she didn't cut enough ?” pls don’t twist my words: Dilma ('n Lula) made big cuts in 'Education' ‘n other ‘investments’- not in ‘privileges’…that's my point.

    Jun 25th, 2019 - 06:31 pm 0
  • DemonTree

    “it wasn’t a ‘protestor’ in the street”

    True, it's a bit different when it happens in Congress. Wonder what MdoR was trying to achieve by bumping people? It's not like she was in a bar trying to start a fight.

    “If their objective wasn’t for the left-wing parties to eventually take over, install socialist dictatorships, then why even exist, why meet up every year to discuss progress/plans?”

    They can plan to promote the left without trying to install dictatorships. It's not exactly strange for leftist parties from different countries to support each other, especially when as they see it there are enemies on every side. Latin America has a long history of coups to keep the left out of power.

    “after 22 yrs of govt’s with leftist orientation”

    13 years. Lula was the first truely leftist president since Jango 40 years earlier. Now that was a time that could have used some alternation.

    I'm not against alternating power, but only if it's due to fair elections and not a decision in the hands of a small number of judges. And I'd rather it not alternate to such extremes as B, but the mainstream candidates (including the PT), had largely discredited themselves.

    “…who are they, if not the military?”

    I believe I was asking who were the right people to be in power.

    ”Dilma ('n Lula) made big cuts in 'Education' ‘n other ‘investments’- not in ‘privileges’…that's my point.”

    And Temer made bigger ones. But what privileges did he cut? Do you know what percentage of the budget is spent on different areas? No point cutting something that won't even make a difference.

    Jun 26th, 2019 - 08:56 pm 0
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