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Solá confirms end of fisheries info exchange with Falklands: on this, they decided how many licenses to award

Tuesday, June 16th 2020 - 10:30 UTC
Full article 26 comments

Higher fines to those illegally fishing in Argentine waters, including around the Malvinas Islands, is directed to discourage poachers, indicated Argentine foreign minister Felipe Solá who also defended the decision to interrupt the exchange of fisheries information on the South Atlantic bio-mass with the United Kingdom and the Falklands. Read full article


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  • Pugol-H

    “squid which circulates freely in the South Atlantic”,

    Yes and only by monitoring stocks/catches across both territorial zones can you know what the TAC (total allowable catch) is and therefore what can be sustainably caught, across both zones.

    Back to environmental warfare, with the Argys trying to catch all the squid before they get to Falklands waters.

    Never mind that much fewer squid will then be passing through Argy waters next year.

    And in a few years none.

    No wonder they can’t run an economy.

    Jun 16th, 2020 - 11:59 am - Link - Report abuse +7
  • Guillote

    I do not know that the Argentine fishing industry requests this exchange of information with the UK.
    there must be a reason

    Jun 16th, 2020 - 11:30 pm - Link - Report abuse -3
  • Roger Lorton

    Gullible, you really need to do some research. The joint Fisheries Commission and its checkered history, goes back to the 1989/90 agreements. The reason was, and is, quite simple. The collation of data assists both sides in reaching decisions on what fishing to allow, and where. The islanders see it as science. Argentina sees it as politics.

    The old 'un will be along right soon I suspect ;-)

    Jun 17th, 2020 - 12:50 am - Link - Report abuse +6
  • Guillote

    Autoproclamado historiador tahialndes yo digo

    “I do not know that the Argentine fishing industry requests this exchange of information with the UK.”

    there must be a reason

    te da la cabeza para entender lo que te digo?
    no hay nada que le sirva a argentina con este intercambio
    por eso se termino, claro si vivis en thailandia y opinas tonterias no te das cuenta
    no e una cuestion de investigar es una cuestion de pensar.....claramente no es lo tuyo.

    Jun 17th, 2020 - 03:24 am - Link - Report abuse -3
  • Chicureo

    Roger Lorton

    I must protest your intentional misspelling of “Guillible” — as he should be addressed “Güeón”

    His country doesn't give a damn about it's fisheries:

    Jun 17th, 2020 - 04:32 am - Link - Report abuse +3
  • Roger Lorton

    Gullible, only the Peronists fail to see the advantages of exchanging scientific data. Only the Peronistas are sufficiently daft. I can only assume that you voted for Fernandez ;-)

    And for the record, I am a self-proclaimed 'researcher'. I deal in facts.

    Chicuero, I must protest your misspelling of Gullible ..... too many eyes ;-)

    Jun 17th, 2020 - 05:11 am - Link - Report abuse +5
  • Guillote

    claramente a vos te entreno pinochet un cagon y corrupto
    por suerte en chile va a cambiar la constitucion para que gente tan basica como vos no cobren fortunas de jubilacion solo por ser entrenados por pinochet.
    ahora salame fijate la fecha de lo que posteas y sos muy boludo esta claro.pero por lo menos lee lo que envias para no quedar tan como un pelotudo.
    te queda claro salame?

    Jun 17th, 2020 - 05:13 am - Link - Report abuse -5
  • Swede

    Sr. Solá talks about “Argentine waters, including around the Malvinas Islands”. If they really believe that, they could soon be sending in their Prefectura Naval. Time for the F.I. create a Coast Guard of its own, to protect its waters not only against fish poachers, but also against trespassing Argentine government ships.

    Jun 17th, 2020 - 01:04 pm - Link - Report abuse +4
  • Roger Lorton

    Gullible, what's with the Chile fixation? Are you taking your tablets. That you do not understand the advantages of sharing fisheries data does not mean that they do not exist. It's not a huge problem. The islanders have been here before. They are used to Argentina's game playing.

    Swede, I believe that that the FIG already have fisheries protections vessels. And the Royal Navy, of course.

    Jun 17th, 2020 - 01:27 pm - Link - Report abuse +5
  • pgerman

    Sharing information on fisheries and resources is part of the Madrid Agreement (Tratado de Madrid) signed between Argentina and the United Kingdom during the presidency of Carlos Menem. The irony of all this is that Felipe Sola (a makeshift in foreign relations) was Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries at the time of the signing of the agreement and, at that time, did not question the collaboration with the United Kingdom in the control of ocean natural resources.


    Sharing information is important and beneficial to monitor and know the state of the fishing resource and, thus, be able to determine the fishing quotas in the coming years. Basically, it is important to take care of OUR natural resources

    Jun 17th, 2020 - 02:35 pm - Link - Report abuse +6
  • Pugol-H

    Oh, they really believe they SHOULD be Argentinian controlled waters, however they know that if they try and exercise control of the zone with naval/fisheries protection vessels, the British would regard this as an act of war and respond accordingly.

    That is basically why the British military are there in the S. Atlantic, to keep the Argys at bay and out of British territories/territorial waters/EEZs in the S. Atlantic/Antarctic.

    Jun 17th, 2020 - 02:49 pm - Link - Report abuse +4
  • Don Alberto

    “End of fisheries info exchange with Falklands”

    Born idiots, or have they intensely studied idiocy at a certified university?

    Jun 17th, 2020 - 03:08 pm - Link - Report abuse +3
  • Chicureo

    Don Alberto

    Top Google search results of the universities specializing in idiocy studies, are the University of Buenos Aires, National University La Plata, National University of Cordoba, National University of Rosario, University Nacional Cuyo Mendoza and the National University of Mar del Plata.

    (Güeón needs to post in English, the official and native language of the Falklands.)

    Jun 17th, 2020 - 05:34 pm - Link - Report abuse +5
  • Guillote

    todo lo que tenes para decir es eso? NO HAY NADA IDIOTA EN ESTUDIAR espero que no tengas ni hijos ni nietos a los que les digas esto. Pero bueno..pinochoto seguramente busco estar cerca de gente bruta sin estudios como vos, para generar gente bruta y sin estudios.
    no veo que le sirve a argentina esta supuesta “cooperacion” solo los supuestos british hablan de lo bueno.
    RL autoproclamado historiador no tengo problemas con los chilenos pero si con los entrenados por un dictador y claramente no es muy inteligente.
    Y no soy peronista voto las opciones que tengo y para ser historiador/investigador/periodista necesitas ser creible y objetivo. no es tu caso.
    El FCO conoce los acuerdos de madrid pero no se queja del supuesto incumplimiento de los horribles argies.porque?
    de ese acuerdo solo queda lo que le sirve a argentina y UK.hay alguna duda?
    segui soñando brexiter thailandes

    Jun 18th, 2020 - 03:03 am - Link - Report abuse -2
  • Roger Lorton

    No comprendo de Hespanole ;-)

    Jun 18th, 2020 - 06:01 am - Link - Report abuse +2
  • Chicureo


    I apologise to you, because obviously you are mentally challenged and it's cruel to taunt your handicap.

    When we went to our schools, we were indoctrinated with our government's version of history. Later in life, we were confronted with the truth. Many times, we rediscover what we earlier learned was lies

    Jun 18th, 2020 - 04:52 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Guillote

    No tengo problemas mentales......creo
    Por otro lado esto que contas es muy bueno y seguro le paso a muchos en argentina. ( yo era muy chico en esa epoca ) y mi opinion personal es que los que iniciaron todo lo que paso en los 70s en argentina nunca pagaron, por ejemplo Mario Firmenich.
    No soy de izquierda ni kirchnerista claramente.
    Pero bueno vos saltas a atacar a los argentinos en cada nota de mercopress supongo que parte de tu intruccion militar y tu odio a los argentinos sigue.
    que lastima

    Jun 19th, 2020 - 01:12 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    Sr. Guillote...

    Mirá pebete..., sin ánimo de ofender ní tu juventud ní tu...: “No Izquierdismo/Kirchnerismo”..., me parece in poco desinformado opinar que...:
    - ***“Los que INICIARON TODO lo que paso en los 70s en Argentina NUNCA PAGARON..., por ejemplo Mario Firmenich...”***

    Primeramente..., SOLO DEL Colegio Nacional Buenos Aires (del cuál Firmenich también es ex-alumno) fueron desaparecidos... (O sea...: “ALGO PAGARON”)... 105 pibes y pibas durante los 70's...
    El número exacto de los profes del Nacional que “ALGO PAGARON” no se sabe...
    El número exacto de todos los que “ALGO PAGARON” en toda la Argentina tampoco...
    En mi humilde opinión... muchos pagaron muchísimo durante los malditos años setenta...

    Los que INICIARON TODO lo que paso en los 50s en Argentina verdaderamente NUNCA PAGARON...:

    En tercer lugar...:
    Los que INICIARON TODO lo que paso en los 20s en Argentina..., fusilando sumariamente acá en mi Patagonia a Facon Grande y unos 1.500 laburantes más (la mayoría Shilenos como el milico de Shicuréo)..., solo por pedir 2 (dos) pesos de aumento mensual y un paquete de velas tampoco PAGARON NUNCA...


    Jun 19th, 2020 - 12:19 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Guillote

    No tengo dudas quien es Chicureo y el sabia que pasaba en el planeta y recuerdo que incluso en algun momento era un especialista de lo que pasaba en el 82 con espias rusos en peru y demas tonterias. Y nunca se entero de lo que pasaba en chile...porque creo que dijo este cagon que era banderillero en esa epoca.Si cambia la contitucion a este se le acaba el curro.

    no te enojes lo que digo que es mi opinion de lo que paso en los 70s
    Firmenich y Gorrian merlo para mi mandaron al muere a muchos pibes y nunca pusieron el cuerpo.
    Cuando tenias un presidente democratico votado con un porcentaje historico.
    pero ellos nos metieron en el quilombo de ser cuba y les salio mal.

    Jun 20th, 2020 - 04:10 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    Estimado Guillote...
    No estoy enojado..., estoy decepcionado...

    Decepcionado de que grán parte de nuestra juventud sea..., demasiadas veces... tan facilista de tragarse “anzuelos” como...:
    - ***”Firmenich y Gorria(rá)n Merlo para mi MANDARON AL MUERE a muchos pibes y NUNCA PUSIERON EL CUERPO.“***

    Pebete..., te recomiendo que tratés de leér la historia de vida de esos dos y luego definas para vos que significa ”PONER EL CUERPO”..

    Demasiado facil prender la tele y mirar (y creerle) a Majul despotricando durante cinco (5) años contra la yegua chorra puta montonera que se robó dos PBI..

    Me explico...?

    Jun 20th, 2020 - 07:24 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pugol-H

    “en mi Patagonia”


    Jun 20th, 2020 - 03:24 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Guillote

    No soy tan pebete que digamos y preferiria que estes enojado y no decepcionado, eso si me duele porque no veo el porque.
    pero mi objetivo se cumplio Chicureo cerrro el okote y el historiador tambien.
    despues aca hay forma de intercambiar email?
    si te interesa y te alcaro yo no sigo majul.

    Jun 21st, 2020 - 03:29 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DemonTree

    The point of sharing information is to avoid overfishing by either side, which harms everyone. Whether this worked I have no idea, but the Peronists are ending it for ideological reasons, not practical.

    “voto las opciones que tengo”

    I know the feeling. :(

    Jun 21st, 2020 - 05:22 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    A couple of facts about ***“OVERFISHING”*** and “”“*SUSTAINABILITY”***in the South Atlantic...

    Argentina is extracting yearly about 800,000 tonnes of biomass from the South Atlantic...
    Argentina has a population of about 45,000,000 souls...
    - 800,000 tonnes divided by 45,000,000 Argies gives about ***“18 kgs of biomass”*** per head...

    The Malvinas/Falklands are extracting yearly about 400,000 tonnes of biomass from the South Atlantic...
    The Malvinas/Falklands have a population of about 3,000 souls...
    400,000 tonnes divided by 3,000 Kelpers gives about ***“134,000 kgs. biomass”*** per head...

    In short...:
    - 1 Argie = 18 kgs.
    - 1 Kelper = 134,000 kgs.

    Who is.............: ***“OVERFISHING”***...???
    Who is being...: ***“SUSTAINABLE”***...???

    Jun 21st, 2020 - 07:58 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • DemonTree

    Think, uh, you do understand that the squid don't know or care how many people live in Argentina, right? The number of people splitting the licence money doesn't change how fast the fish reproduce.

    PS. Iceland caught over 1m tonnes of fish last year - nearly 3 tonnes per person. That's a lot of hákarl to get through!

    Jun 21st, 2020 - 11:05 pm - Link - Report abuse +2
  • Zaphod Beeblebrox


    “Top Google search results of the universities specializing in idiocy studies, are the University of Buenos Aires, National University La Plata, National University of Cordoba, National University of Rosario, University Nacional Cuyo Mendoza and the National University of Mar del Plata.”

    How about the Universidad de Morón?

    Jun 25th, 2020 - 05:22 pm - Link - Report abuse 0

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